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/lit/ - Literature

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11063917 No.11063917 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.
The other thread already has 300+ replies.

>> No.11063921

A lot of public people have in the last few months become unpersons.

>> No.11063923

Doo doo and pee pee mixed together should have it's own name. Like DooPee or or Shipiss.

>> No.11063929

My boss has a nice butt. I am recently out of a relationship. I am 27, which feels old to be single. I may quit my job. I don’t care what happens, in the general sense. I enjoy sex but not that much, there are other pleasures. I’ve stopped dreaming. I don’t sleep well. Fond, but not in love with anyone or anything. I like rain more than sunlight. Sugar is poison. The jews did nothing wrong. My boss just walked by again. She still has a nice butt. It’s friday and I want to sleep.

>> No.11063940

Slap it

>> No.11063956 [DELETED] 

There is a Plague approaching. A Black Death. Don your beaky masks for protection, for financial security. Hug your little ones if you have them. Say hello goodbye to your neighbors. It will be airborne, the plague, and death comes with the summer breeze. Nothing comes from nothing. Nobody’s fault. The Arabs will blame Israel, the Americans the Arabs, the Russians the Americans. None of the above. Hug your little ones, if you’ve got them. Call who you need to call, reconcile, confess, confess, reconcile. Do what you must before you are swallowed by nothing and become the nothing again, but this time for keeps. Yes, hello? Yes.

>> No.11063961

Ok. I will let you know what happens to me.

>> No.11063966

aieee that hurt

>> No.11063971

Thats rats grow bigger in our Garden, while their parasites grow fuller. I saw one the other night, 10 legs and 4 tails, he also had a crown, a white frilled bone along the dome on his head.

>> No.11063980

i dont understand how to write quicksort in c++, i dont understand recursion

>> No.11063987 [DELETED] 

There is a woman in a sculpture garden reading a play, taking her time with each line, running her finger-fingering-the paper, licking her lips, presumably breathing, squinting in the orange sunlight and not noticing me, not at all. I cough and sneeze and make furtive movements but she doesn’t look up. I’d like to penetrate her world, somehow someway no way José. At this moment in time is where I’m at. Here. In the garden at sundown, soon the sherbert sky will go orange and blue, the clouds dissolved by the stage, all the men and women wandering home through bustling streets of young folk posturing. I will wait here in the garden, forever if need be, hanging onto my skin, waiting for her to notice.

>> No.11064003

There is a grand conspiracy, yes, but it isn’t lizards or builderburg or the CIA. The conspiracy is that all is linked through chaos, not of the abstract sense, but a material thread connecting all of us like a road, on whos roadways shuttle back and forth utter randomness, arbitrariness, disorder and indifference. Often I spend 20-30 minutes wiping my ass after a shit. Sometimes there’s blood. It causes me great anxiety. I avoid shitting consciously. This makes my breath stink like shit. Do you understand what I’m going through?

>> No.11064016
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I really want to write my Post-Apocalyptic/CyberPunk Story with a few fantasy elements sprinkle here and there. But I believe people will be out off by my first novel.

>> No.11064018

Premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation has defined my life more than any other phenomenon or incident. i read books because I prematurely ejaculate. Do you understand me?

>> No.11064031


I couldn't care less about the suffering of animals. I love my meat and I don't care where it comes from.

>> No.11064039

Is there any point to lit beyondcollecting book recommendations? I need someone to convince me to stop wasting my time here.

>> No.11064040
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Not much.
There's been an improvement in my lifestyle but it didn't last long.
>I've been reading 200+ pages a day in the past 4~ days.
>took more seriously the study of German
>Run 2 Km and did some really intense exercise.
>Didn't feel the need to masturbate.
>Made an effort to become more sociable.
>I even accepted to go out for a drink with this old friend of mine.

Now I'm just falling back in my old bad habits and overall I feel nothing, even shame relinquished me.

>> No.11064138


>> No.11064161

Getting a girlfriend seems literally impossible to me. I couldn't even imagine it.

>> No.11064167

Do you exercise? Are you in shape?
Do you enjoy life? Do you have hobbies?

>> No.11064179

Same, how people actually get into relationships is a huge mystery to me i don't know how it works at all

>> No.11064187

>not anymore
>in as good of shape as someone who used to exercise and still eats a perfect diet

>> No.11064196

I'm really curious who the two other Poles on /lit/ are and whether their tastes are patrician

>> No.11064233

How many times do you try with a new girl? I find it takes me anywhere from 1-5 separate attempts with a new girl before I don't cum within a minute or two (or less)

>> No.11064247

I got good sleep last night but I still feel like going to bed. What do I do?

>> No.11064257
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It's interesting to compare the Spengler's ideas with Kaczynski's, and how they both think our civilization will be fucked eventually, but have completely different responses to that fact. Spengler saying we should fight to preserve civilization despite the fact its fucked is completely contradictory goes in complete contrast with Kaczynski advocating assisting in the destruction of industrial society. Where Spengler upholds concepts like nobility and destiny, Kaczynski doesn't really give a shit and is more concerned with the physical and material. Spengler wants the collapse to be a long and glorious last stand, while Kaczynski just wants to rip of the band-aid. Both, however, have a fondness for a time long past, while still looking forward and preparing for the future. To borrow a phrase from Evola, we must "ride the tiger" of modernity until it collapses, so that we can build anew.

>> No.11064258

What should I get for lunch?

>> No.11064268

I'm depressed about the semester almost being over. I made a few friends who I enjoy seeing in school, and we have fun, but I'm not sure they're the kind of friendships that will be all that lasting outside of school, and that makes me kind of sad

>> No.11064271

Not him
>Do you exercise?
Yes, a lot
>Are you in shape?
>Do you enjoy life?
>Do you have hobbies?
Yes. A lot.
Now, what does any of that shit have to do with getting a girlfriend?

>> No.11064307


Put the effort in to make them work. There's nothing complex about friendships about from making the time for other people.

>> No.11064326
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>Is it better to speak or die?
I do not know. To speak is the biggest risk, my relationship could be damaged and deteriorate into nothing, or the best possible outcome could happen. To die would be to continue as it is now, my dreams constantly filled with visions of her. My mind constantly elsewhere wondering about her, reminiscing about her.\
And if I am to speak where do I find the courage to do so? I'm scared to risk it for the fear of losing her entirely, but at the same time I'm unsure how much longer I can go on like this

>> No.11064328

I agree but sometimes that doesn't always work. Sometimes friendships arise out of convenience. e.g., seeing someone every day at work, or school, etc. But maybe there's not quite enough of a connection where one or all parties want to make the effort to get together on a regular basis. I think that'll be the case for most of the friendships in this case. I'll make a good faith effort to try, but I'm not expecting much to come out of most of them.

>> No.11064337

Don't be a fag, just talk to her. If you lose her, it was meant to be. If you don't, you'll be happy for a time

>> No.11064340

Then find true friends? It sounds like you already know the problem

>you'll know them when you see them

>> No.11064343

When are mods going to crack down on these threads?

>> No.11064349

The accusation of purple prose on this board is too often used as an excuse and deflection to providing actual critique, and, more than that, is a scapegoat incorrectly assigned to a number of writing techniques. For example:

"White shirt against dark skin to blood dripping crimson flowers, flowing petals carried away o’er and onward the chilled breeze. Tendrils then to creep sickle cell snowflake, black as soot dilapidated asphalt redrag; back-alley brick and bits strewn about crunch to stained wallside, liver struck oozing gin scented vice and sin. Lazed eye, bend knee and grasp the frigid embrace, falling with life to flourish old soil; compost which decomposes among the discarded things and dumpster sog."

To what end might one find meaning in this snippet of prose? Is it simply the inclusion of overblown and dramatic language for the sake of it? No. Rather, it is a mood setter-- to invoke a certain sense of disorganized dread in the reader, that they feel a taddest bit of bile rise to the back of their throat. To extradite the language something more streamlined is not only an unnecessary numbing, but a disservice to the soul of meaning: that it would loose punch and bruise within your psyche. I have a severe disdain for those that would advocate the plain and boring, and this is no exception.

In other words: fuck that one guy on the last critique thread. You're a hack psued faggot and need to be dropped off a bridge feet-first.

>> No.11064365

I know; I was just making an observation. It just feels kind of weird, you know? Like how people can have a lot of fun together but when things are slightly less convenient, they probably won't see each other again intentionally, or if they do it'll only be a couple times here and there.

>> No.11064381

you need to learn to breath properly and control your nervous system better

>> No.11064388

your writing sucks and you're a pseud faggot, fuck off

>> No.11064400

just see it as opening a bunch registers opening up inside of eachother, once it reaches your limit it collapses on itself.

>> No.11064410

got some cialis because ever since i was about to lose my virginity ive been on a downward spiral of peformance anxiety and obsession of dick function. i hope these pills help.

>> No.11064433

Confidence, compared to competition

>> No.11064450
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People give me the freedom to be whomever they want me to be

Sorry not sorry for being reddit/ Tumblr Tier

>> No.11064454

Get a grip on what you want. Are your intentions long term? Then speak to her, to evaluate potential. Are your intentions short term, looking for joy, but not for fulfillment? Speak to her, so you know if she can give that, or move on for the next fleeting emotions catching your eye. Both of those things are reality.
Or are you happy the way it is? Not knowing, but hoping. Not doing, but dreaming. But beware for this state will end. The one or other way. From yours, or from her side. And depending on the way it ends, it will either not have mattered or be everything that matters for a time. This is fantasy.
So the question is reality or fantasy. I encourage you to choose reality for fantasy does not bring real joy. But beware, reality is in most cases worse than your fantasy.
Also this. Don't be a faggot

>> No.11064460
File: 87 KB, 600x558, 1501996426882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do we keep having these threads? It's just bitching and moaning about spilled milk and retarded shit like "oh i'm so lonely" and "oh i can't do my work" like shut up damn. Nothing helpful comes out of these threads.

>> No.11064469

My intentions are long term definitely. I know she has something in herself for me, she practically told me once. But to cut a long story short it's still a confusing circumstance
But thank you for your words. I feel too much of my life is spent in the fantasy world, because reality has never often gone my way, that the fantasies are usually more comfortable to a certain point. Though I think that point has been passed with my constant dreams (literally every night for the past two weeks or so) and anxiety

>> No.11064473
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>this post

>> No.11064479
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>and control your nervous system better

>> No.11064487

Aww, is the brainlet shitkicker mad that he got called out on being a little bitch-boy? Eat the underside of my scrot, you smega-chuck cumstain.

>> No.11064492
File: 32 KB, 384x313, FA068BD8-76F4-4B2E-AEDD-FA28EF34D994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came into work late, worked for two hours, and have spent the last three hours shitposting on Lit.
Do I deserve to be fired?

>> No.11064504

Arguably the most /lit/ song of the 90s

>> No.11064505

Are you actually responding to some schizophrenic rambling from a previous thread with LITERAL purple prose? God, are you gay.


>> No.11064509
File: 56 KB, 607x607, 1523827542597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she liked you, you'd know with certainty by now. Either change and stop being a little faggot, or just continue as is and endure.

>> No.11064514

Yeah for real. That’s top cringe

>> No.11064536

>she practically

Why would you have long-term plans with someone who doesn't feel the same? Reality will only be worse

>> No.11064552
File: 56 KB, 621x702, brainiac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically reading Evola
>Thinking industrial society is set for collapse despite virtually rising from the ashes twice after two near-apocalyptic global wars into ever greater prosperity
This is not ancient Rome or Imperial China faggot, you can't compare an ancient, road-building, wheat-harvesting society with contemporary industrial-digital civilization.

>> No.11064554
File: 76 KB, 500x450, paula-dean-riding-a-bacon-wrapped-hot-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning in life is derived from suffering and maturity from it. There are moments that destroy you, but the hero must rise above failure, hardship, and oppression otherwise he is not a hero but a villain to his own personal story. When your world burns, build castles out of the ashes, be as Napoleon who escaped from exile on Elba. Failure is fuel to keep fighting, learning, and growing. If you die without struggle, you never lived and if you cannot weather a storm it is because your soul is too light.

>> No.11064556

Wow, I wrote what was on my mind in a "write what's on your mind" thread? Fucking insanity. Bleed your worthless life away.

>> No.11064580
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Nothing, because the guy is clueless and his questions only partially cover the bases.
A better roster would be:
1. How physically attractive you are (face as well as body)?
2. How socially adept are you and how high is your social status?
3. What is your economic situation? Education? Work? Material Wealth?

>> No.11064591

If fantasy is not working out, and in the end it never does, do something! I don't know how old you are or the exact situation but generally: Be direct! Don't be a faggot for years and then complain about the friend zone. The way I understand it, that might already be the case. So be direct and do something aggressive, show her you are actually interested. Directly target her and start an all out total war.
Worst case:
Those faggot are right and she'll demiss you. You'll have a depressed phase but eventually get over it. If that's the case you can use the time by training being with girls, because females will make it easier for you if they pity you, and you might conquer your target the next time.
Best case: You get the princess and stop being a faggot. Seriously, becoming active strenghtens your confidence for the future

>> No.11064592

Well while drunk a few weekends ago she said we're in love and should be together and get married, we then slept together that night.
While that makes it sound pretty blatant and cut and dry, we haven't seen each other since then. We were acting all lovey dovey soon after that but then it faded and now we're kinda back to how we were. And have even had days where we don't talk at all (which hadn't happened for months until after we got together)
She's also hard to get together with, and I often hold back asking her to hangout because I'm a pussy and don't like getting rejected

>> No.11064597
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Im going to begin writing a book, its for practice not publishing, and I want to put all my effort into it. I have one particular idea that I would love to follow up on, the problem is its based on personal themes and inspirations. Its not a direct rip off of my life, but it could easily slip into wish fullfillment and self insert characters, I considered maybe trying to use a less personal idea, but I dont know where Id find one and it could hurt my motivation.
Is personal inspiration just a gateway into absoloutely shit writing?

>> No.11064598

Being a NEET is hell on earth, i knew it was going to come to this 10 years ago but now that its happened its pretty stunning at how fucked it really is.

There is literally nothing to get up for but I have to, I work out for no reason, I read for no reason. I try to produce things but nobody ever sees them and they just rot as files on my computer for months. Everything feels like a waste of time.

>> No.11064636
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Dude, I don't know if it's the new cultural conditioning that is trying to redefine masculinity/femininity or something else, but you have to understand that the general case on the ground level is:
The guy initiates and leads, the girl either reciprocates or rejects.
She seems to be waiting for you to make moves but you seem to be an uncertain spineless faggot.
The absolute state of men today, no wonder there's so many angry NEETs running around. I swear there's some unexamined environmental factor that is leading to a mental/physical degradation of a significant segment of the population.

>> No.11064639

You can use it as a basis and for one or two characters. But if you write a whole book the way you perceive the world and people, it'll be terribly stale and boring.
I'm not saying you shouldn't follow up on your idea, but try to get as far away as possible from it during the book. And don't let it be wish fulfillment or something alike. Because that's the easiest way to write one sided. Just put different perspectives in it and try not to self identify with a character too much and it should be fine for practice

>> No.11064641

Anyway to improve social skills or are we fucked? I asked a guy how he was doing today and I'm sincerely proud of the 4 sentences we exchanged.

I know what you mean. But I'm quite optimistic today.

>> No.11064648

I had a nice poop. It was liberating.

>> No.11064654

This isn't /lit/, no one is treating this as a prose excessive. confessionals belong on

>> No.11064659

Congrats anon. About how much did you have to wipe?

>> No.11064664

I'm impatiently awaiting mine

>> No.11064667

Came out clean too. Incredibile innit?

>> No.11064670

Let me get something straight, I came to post in a "speak your mind thread" and you're angry that I'm speaking my mind? At least I didn't come here with unrealistic expectations.... Were you hoping to be congratulated for "exposing a repugnant pseud"? Sad.

>how very

>> No.11064672

the pseud is out

>> No.11064687
File: 122 KB, 438x503, 1523682652779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many christian on this site now? Didn't we used to be fedora central? Now we have people going around calling each other degenerate in the same website as loli futa or some shit
Can we at least try to be consistent with how we present ourselves?

>> No.11064692

Yeah, truly. I made one today and ended up wiping about 20-25 wipes. Awful.

>> No.11064700

>Christians are the reason for the usage of the word "degenerate" on this board and beyond
>This is not consistent with this site at all


>> No.11064705

I was hoping for nothing-- whether of praise or vitriol is an inconsequential matter; I don't need praise to know I'm right. Rather, I'd have enjoyed more a discussion on the meaning "purple," or at the very least a more in-depth analysis of our continuous misuse of the term. Elegant, flowery prose should only be considered purple when it is an unnecessary addition, not when it has a greater intent.

Then again, I'm on 4chan: I'm probably the pseud myself in-that I expected /lit/ to be better than the dullards. Discussion? Real critique of ideas? No, it would figure I instead get the most uninspired, half-assed insults instead. I should've know better.

>> No.11064713

No such thing on 4chan. There are many individuals and not one body of many people. It's the same thing I see on /pol/ when people call the board out for being incoherent. 4chan has a massive population with different ideologies. And demographics change

>> No.11064714
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Calling the kettle black over and over gets annoying. Jesusfags need to learn that when in rome do as the romans did and that tugging to weird shit is fine

>> No.11064720
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That's true i guess, but you have to admit it's a little absurd at how much they advertise their Christianity

>> No.11064734

This is often the most common misconception of 4chan: that /b/ and /pol/ represents the majority of the site, when even in those subcultures there are massive divides in ideology. We're a loose conglomerate of individuals who only share commonality in our mutual affinity for shitposting and faggotry.

>> No.11064746

>"Eat the underside of my scrot, you smega-chuck cumstain"

Not very becoming of a princess, I might add.

>> No.11064754

It's not only Christianity but (conservative) ideas in general. Might be /pol/acks swapping over to other boards due to the shit state of the board. And those people are used to being aggressive in their ideologies. Also newfags. More people coming here due to media coverage and spreading their bullshit.
Ffs I've been lurking on /pol/ myself for the last five years and just now regularly visit other boards. I'm just not shoving my massively erect, throbbing ideology in your throats

>> No.11064766

So the use of the word "degenerate" is the result of a christian conspiracy plaguing /lit/, our board?

>> No.11064799
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Science fiction idea: an alternate Earth where the majority of plants are carrion plants, and flies became the main source of pollination in the ecosystem rather than bees. So just the stink of decay everywhere.

>> No.11064821

No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. The word degenerate was first used when the American jew Ismael Degene Ratestein, son of rabbi Ratestein invested in bitcoin in late 2017, before it crashed, thus making a negative deal. Degene was outlawed by Judaism and degenerate became a term describing behaviour which is not acceptable by society and would be seen as a shame by the persons ancestors.
So It's actually the Jews

>> No.11064846

Even if thats true, why be angry about it? Who cares if the word was created by a jew in 2017? Jew = Christfag now? Why are you mad?

>> No.11064868

This isn't me
probably, but it's like if someone came into your house and started saying how your walls are a shitty color. You would be kinda offended

>> No.11064898

A christian conspiracy invading a mongolian turtle-swapping board to spam "degenerate" seems likely to you? Why?

>> No.11064914
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I'm saying if anything it's a Jewish conspiracy. Or it's a natural occurrence of other boards becoming bigger and swapping over.
Or it's the Jews. You never know

>> No.11064951
File: 724 KB, 1024x1024, brief_hiatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain to me how this has anything to do with the Jews

>> No.11064974


>> No.11065015

Bro, the word "degenerate" is from latin and dates a couple centuries before 2017

>> No.11065032

Who said I was intending to be a princess? Intellectual discussion and vulgarity aren't mutually exclusive, and I often find it enjoyable to incorporate thier antagonistic dichotomy as a means of entertainment. It's fun to see how I can make people squirm.

>> No.11065034

Face and lms

>> No.11065039

Nice copypasta.

>> No.11065078

Oy, mate. I've put some serious effort into this

>> No.11065096

Sounds like a blast bro. Very "intellectually stimulating"

>> No.11065102

>what is a joke
honestly i think people are seeing the progressiveness of today's society and deciding to go christian because now it's less popular in pop culture

>> No.11065143
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Step into a wood chipper.

>> No.11065152
File: 894 KB, 600x900, doesn'treadxbizenoughtopostonlit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having people you know show up in porn ads and porn picture feeds, imagine having your recommendations always set to masochism when you preference is against company ideals. Imagine targeted ads on facebook trying to address a psychological problem in your life. Imagine being targeted by your own government from various factions that are disgusted by you or feel compassion for you. Imagine a group of idiots who believe that no matter what you do or say that it all can be viewed through a frame that they have seen you from since they began seeing you. Imagine having to live your life as an experiment for various factions to witness and discuss so as to feel in control, that predictions can be made and their ideologies can remain constant. Imagine a world where the Them is just as close to you in your day to day life as it is in the background to all that you do. Imagine freedom of person, but not of privacy because that's a privilege of the rich. Imagine that future person as successful, and how much shit he eats in order to keep his needs in check. Imagine a domesticated bull pretending to be an ox because he needs to work and no one likes a breeder.


Fuck you, and fuck the scum that oppose you, and fuck anarchists, and fuck your beliefs you stupid pieces of shit.

This is fiction. This is fiction. This is fiction.

>> No.11065163

Go to the ass doctor you dumbfuck

That's not even purple prose, it's an incoherent word salad

I like to read them because they make me feel intelligent, confident, and fulfilled by comparison.

>> No.11065186

>It's the reader's fault
>I was pretending to be retarded for fun

Let's start with 1. "to" that lacks a verb. 2."Petals" "carried o'er [sic] and onward the chilled breeze" - what is doing what to what here? Are the petals carrying the breeze or vice versa? Because your syntax destroys the possibility of knowing which. 3. "Tendrils ... creep...snowflake" - this isn't "prose" it's word salad. It creates no effect at all because it doesn't make any sense. Every clause in your passage breaks a basic rule of comprehension. Disregard for the basic rules of grammar is not edgy authorial intent nor is it stylization. It's lazy incompetence. Even your anal ached justification is eating its own fedora - "To extradite the language something more streamlined" - maybe this makes sense in whatever moon rune language you learned first, but in English that is called a non sequitor. What is clear is that you are artless, jejeune, unread, and way too fond of your own farts.

>> No.11065208
File: 326 KB, 700x416, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine you're the guy who doesn't talk to strangers because they might be incoherent or say things you don't want to hear. The fact is Engalash is in flux and no fucks will aerate from an arse a wind of change without stinking up the place moron. Break your rules before you learn anymore how to restrict who you can and cannot speak to, because that is how we get along. Pigeon me shit up bitch.

>> No.11065236

They came through with a stick and you heard it
They came through in this bitch and they were swerving
I can't believe the blood ain't on my shirt
Because he got hit close-range
We be talking stick talk, we be talking bricks too
We be talking lick talk, and I'ma fuck your bitch too
I ain't got no manners for no sluts
I'ma put my thumb in her butt

>> No.11065240

The plaque that marks the house where John Keats died in Italy names him "Giovanni Keats."

I once read a Phillip Dacey poem at a public reading for "dead poets" but he was alive then it was just the narrator of the poem who was dead so I was granted an exception on principle, but now he's really dead and he'll never tell us what happened to those fudgsicles, and no one who was with him at the end has had the temerity to say whether there was a deathbed Playboy in the room with him or not.

Mark Strand is dead too. And John Ashbery. I never got to find out if it's true that you should never meet your heroes.

The Grammy-nominated rock instrumental YYZ is structurally based on the identification transponder signal at Pearson International Airport which transmits the airport's IATA designation in Morse code.

Neil Peart is still alive but he's retired and he hates strangers, so that one is out too.

Lemmy. Hawking. Feynman. I wonder if I wrote Alan Guth a postcard that said, "Read Invisible Cities" if he'd get the joke. Somehow I doubt it.

There is someone living on this beach.

>> No.11065257

>I surrender again

That on a day this hende Nicholas
Fil with this yonge wyfe to rage and pleye
Whil that hir housbonde was at Oseneye,
As clerkes been ful subtile and ful queynte,
And prively he caught hire by the queynte
And sayde, "Ywis, but if ich have my wille
For deerne love of thee, lemman, I spille,"

Rage on, kid. You're a parody. It's great.

>> No.11065259

How the fuck does Brian Wilson get away with exclusively using identical rhymes in "God Only Knows"? It fucking works, somehow. Lyrics, for reference.

I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on, believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would livin' do me
God only knows what I'd be without you

I'm curious what someone who hasn't heard the song thinks, does it sound as awful as it should without the music?

>> No.11065266

such as?

>> No.11065286

Author of this post has written what a 4chan post from David Markson might look like. He's the one guy i can think of who might actually have answered the door and accepted a jigger of whiskey if I had ever found myself in the East Village and dropped in, but he's dead now too and the shadows are getting pretty long here.

>> No.11065289

It also manages to twine together "you" and "me" an equal number of times. Which is kind of a graceful and self-aware and considerate thing to do, in a love song.

>> No.11065292
File: 2.42 MB, 360x264, BRIOCHE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo discord gg ZRXwcPD :sunglasses:

>> No.11065303


>> No.11065310
File: 1.28 MB, 358x200, where'sthatbottle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak English you toffer.

>> No.11065313

1&2. It follows as such, if I were to write plainly: "Blood blossomed beneath the shirt like some ethereal flower petal, specks and sparks of sludge crimson blown about in the nightly winds." He was shot. This is the description of him getting shot. It does not, however, flow well, nor lend itself to the greater lyric of the narrative. It is needlessly elongated by the inclusion of these basic "rules." Through some slight language manipulation, you provide stark, clean sentences that leave themselves unmuddled by excess, save for the excess emotion of the prose itself. The style is intentional: I want it to be more a stanch canter than some faggot-fueled bore. Everyone dies by attempting to imitate McCarthy, and I'm trying to distance myself from the corpses.

3. "The snowfall provides a light and airy crispness, nipping at the skin, sending tendrils of discomfort up the spine." What word salad, then? If you couldn't gleam this simple meaning, then I find it hard to believe that you are not the object of your own scorn: unread, artless, and jejune.

4. "To make the language plain and simple for the benefit of the simple-minded." And my goodness, haven't you proven yourself such. As I stated prior, I need no confirmation of the quality of my prose: I have had more than enough experience to differentiate from the quality and the farcical. Your criticism ring as hollow as your intellect, being barren and arid; insipid and uninspired.

>> No.11065325

All the big guns who tackle Kafka always have to sum up Gregor, and they always absorb then disregard all the previous summings up so they can notch their belt that they handled the Big One. But in all the hubbub, no one ever points out the essential genius of describing what it would feel like to die as a bug, with the nervous system of a bug and the sensations of the bug body shutting down. That's an achievement of empathy on a pedestal one mile high. Working in the insurance company had to have helped him with that one.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that the word "squeak" appears in the first chapter of Infinite Jest, so Hal having turned into an "unclean animal unfit for sacrifice" is just one more thing he ripped off from someone else. I also distinctly remember an account from one of his students at Pasadena or Fresno or San Luis Opisbo or wherever it was, that the worst dress down you could get from him in class is if you say something uninformed about Kafka. Dave, of course, also being dead. So my graph above is safe, on pomo dress-down terms.

>> No.11065338

I'm crippling insecure and am only just now realizing it fully this year.

>> No.11065339

I have the box set of that, and one time my kid brought one of her friends over and the friend walked through the living room and broke out in uncontrolled giggle fits and ran upstairs. After a minute mine came down and grabbed the box set and took it upstairs, from which the giggle fit promptly ceased. The friend thought it said "Black Boobs."

>> No.11065344

I'm crushed. You still suck.

>> No.11065349
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And I'm out. What a wasted day.

>> No.11065365

change your major asap

>> No.11065376
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get eem

>> No.11065377

I like to think of Markson as the Forest Gump of twentieth century literature. At one time or another, he met everyone, influenced those both older and younger, more famous and more obscure, and everyone who knew him liked him though in his lifetime almost no one outside of NYC circles had heard of him. Mistress being one of those blown-back-hair experiences that the cool-kid creative set always try to keep their own personal secret. Like when REM had only done the EP and Chronic Town.

>> No.11065387

As everyone knows I quit my job that I was absolutely miserable in. Got my last paycheck today and have just been sitting around for the week and slightly puttering about this week as a way to relax but also get some things done without it feeling too much like any kind of work.

Ready for pizza tonight, too.

Not sure what I'm going to do next week.

>> No.11065388

You can literally point to the exact moment when literature in English fell out of bed by arranging the Dalkey Archive interviews in chronological order.

>> No.11065419

Maupassant ate lunch under the Eiffel tower every day because it was the only place in the city from which the tower, which he hated with a hard blue flame, could not be seen. The newspaper reporter who elicited this piece of literary trivia was not cool kid enough to realize or extract from Guy that Guy was suffering from syphilis in a bad way.

Several native born Russians have confirmed to me personally that "Sologub" sounds exactly as silly in Russian as it does to native speakers of English.

If Markson had ever knocked on my door and offered me a jigger of whiskey I can assure you before God as my witness that I would have dropped everything and matched his bottle with one of my own for as many hours as we could stay conscious. So on a golden rule basis, my day dream about the East Village seems reasonable. Except that, as covered, he's already dead.

>> No.11065461
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Anybody else catch themselves staring at the sky on a nice day? The bigness of a bright blue sky with pure white clouds slowly floating by like mountains, contrasted by greenish yellows and blues of the treeline in the foreground. The feeling I get is almost overwhelming, but for such a strong feeling, it is the most alien. I don't understand it at all, so communicating it in its wholeness seems impossible. It is the "deepest" feeling I feel, as in the origin of it seems to come from the deepest part of my being. I wonder if anyone can relate.

>> No.11065465

I am one of about 1900 or so people who can say they got to study the short story with Lee K Abbott. Who is not dead, but who lost his wife three years ago. He's one of those Chad for life type guys though, so his grief was best left private. Plus he is already remarried, which, good for you Lee K. You will always be remembered.

>> No.11065484

i dont know. what type of job was it? do you think you made the right decision?
read some walt whitman and emerson. it's my opinion that contemplating the heavens by ourselves is one of the few honest moments we have in this life.

>> No.11065562
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>that one guy who looks like a lowlife ends up being the nicest and most down to earth person at work

>> No.11065568

I've not read anything in two weeks.

>> No.11065594
File: 136 KB, 768x1024, 1518224258102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish to post some edgy reactionary white boi poetry on the art school's faggy poetry mural, but I'm afraid people would immediately know it was me

>> No.11065620

Look at it this way. You could be this guy.

>> No.11065633
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>new guy either hung like an elephant seal, or he's glad to see me
>what's good anon

>> No.11065713

This, desu
t. >>11065594

>> No.11065765
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My best friend forgot my birthday. I always do something nice for theirs. Why does no one care about me as much as I care about them?
Why does no one need me as much as I need them?

>> No.11065836
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>walking down the street
>two qts are walking their dog
>qts ignore me
>dog ignores me

>> No.11065844


It was a Sisyphean job in every way. Absolutely miserable to me in so many ways. I made the right choice, but I am unsure of where to go from here, really. I will probably just do multiple things instead of focusing on one, as is my way. Doesn't really make me entirely employable though, as today everyone focuses on specialisation.

>> No.11065866

the most beautiful things in the world are the things those untouched by civilization.

>> No.11065920
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let me know if you need help understanding the implications of this

>> No.11066099


>I swear there's some unexamined environmental factor that is leading to a mental/physical degradation of a significant segment of the population.

It's being examined. Endocrine disrupting chemicals: substances (primarily industrial, though there's such thing as plant-based endocrine disruptors, e.g. phytoestrogens) that interact with the endocrine system in animals.

They have their greatest impact during periods of development, e.g. during the perinatal period (from conception to ~1 year of age), at which time the endocrine system is used as a communication pathway to ensure proper development of the body's organs (e.g. brain, reproductive organs, lymph nodes etc.).

When the endocrine system is disrupted in its natural role, organs can fail to form properly.

It's hard to associate 'endocrine disruptors' with the increase in gender dysphoria (which I use here as a broader category including the decrease in traditional masculinity, as you mention) because 1) it's easy to explain the increase through other factors (such as increased awareness & thus increased diagnosis), 2) there's such a huge number of endocrine disruptors that people are routinely exposed to (and their combined effects are not strictly additive, many don't have established detection methods in the body, etc.) that it is impossible to do any large-scale study, and 3) I don't think there are any ways to test for gender dysphoria in lab animals.

However, there are certain analogous conditions that can be empirically tested, the most obvious of which is the decline in sperm count in men over the last 50 years (or longer, depending on who you ask). Certain endocrine disruptors, at environmentally relevant (e.g. realistic) concentrations, have been demonstrated to decrease sperm count in mice:



We've also seen increased incidences of reproductive organ malformations (e.g. undescended testes, hypospadias, infertility in men & women), all of which are conditions that have been associated with endocrine disruptors in rats.

Endocrine disruptors also effect the thyroid; some've been associated with obesity in mice.

When it gets to brain structures, it of course becomes more hazy. I personally believe that the increased incidence of adhd & its ilk and gender dysphorias stem from increased disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system in utero, itself stemming from increased exposure to endocrine disruptors due to their ubiquity in the environment and in everyday products.

While the science has advanced, the most approachable book on the subject is still "Our Stolen Future." I highly recommend it.

I'm happy to answer questions/point to more info if anyone's interested.

[Is there any way to use a legacy captcha? I'm dying over here]

>> No.11066355

Why do girls at the liberal arts college near my house never match with me on tinder? How do I make contact with them? Should I just go to the campus and sit outside and read a book? Then it'll be incredibly weird if I do talk to someone and she asks what year I am and I say "oh I don't go here."

>> No.11066360

You should delete the adbox known as Tinder

>> No.11066382

Do what I did for 6 years: lie and say you're a PhD student.

I fucked so many girls.

>> No.11066394

>Why do girls at the liberal arts college near my house never match with me on tinder?
A question that answers itself if I have ever read one

>> No.11066400

Are you saying they are all lesbians?

>> No.11066437

I'm saying that they, as liberal arts college students, are necessarily oblivious to what goes on outside of their scholastic bubble and as a consequence of this have no interest in or awareness of the people or things in general that exist in the world exterior to their university. Most liberal arts students, and college students in general, are the worst kind of ironic opinions-for-sale trash, anyway. I've had more enlightening conversations with actual garbage men.

>> No.11066440

>Be me
>Want to get into the philosophy meme but every time I try to read what /lit/tards recommend I fall asleep after 15 minutes
>Tfw its not as fun as reading normal fiction

Is there anyway to fix this or am I just retarded? I've been thinking on getting the Brother Karamazov audiobook and force myself to go through it but Im not sure if I will get the general idea

>> No.11066444
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>> No.11066446

Just skim the shit, you'll understand enough

>> No.11066455

This person >>11066446 only posts ironically and you should not listen to him. If you don't like philosophy, don't read it. We don't need anymore Wikipedia pseuds further debasing a field that has degenerated into professional validation of its own abstruse and onanistic dogmas.

>> No.11066460

Marriage stains the holy name of Love.

>> No.11066483

I'm trying to stay away from alcohol and other drugs because I've come to the conclusion (after 8 years of attempting to moderate) that I'm a junkie and incapable of moderation. 11 days sober. Impulse to use is especially bad in the evenings. The nights are long and quiet and there's too much time to reflect on all my past fuck ups. I know life won't magically get better overnight. Each day is a little more tolerable and each morning I wake up a little more grateful. I'm thinking about how good I'll feel waking up tomorrow morning, well rested, and how good it will feel to be sober at 7am on a Saturday to go fishing with a buddy.

>> No.11066493

yeah the worst part of /lit/ is having to pretend religion isn't retarded

>> No.11066711

I do lsd

Think about life, then start tripping again.
It's real trippy. I can't keep a thought for over 3 muinutes now. But its not a problem, because its a part of nature.

>> No.11066740

Wow so profound bro.

>> No.11066758

>Can we at least try to be consistent with how we present ourselves?
Half the users here are Marxists and the other half are Nazis, so no.

>> No.11066781

gf is perfectly thicc but has a history of anorexia
I'm afraid to compliment her juicy thighs and send her sliding back down into mental illness
regret falling for the 3D meme right now

>> No.11067087

i would prefer to be a shaman, telling a story around a dim campifre

social media was a mistake
the internet was not a mistake
the car was a mistake
agriculture was not a mistake
writing was a mistake
language was not a mistake

>> No.11067106
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children's poetry is the only real poetry

>> No.11067108

Thanks. When you once RE-live your life as an acid head w/ the grateful dead and everyone you notice thats its society's fault that you're abnormal. You're what nature wanted and humans have been so caught up in this idea they made up called time and how they need to spend it and how much they have left, they don't know how to live in the present anymore even though they thought they were. And by the time they noticing that they all are retired and no one wants to talk to them or they are dead because society wanted them to growup brainwashed in their >"social"social"social"social "norm"social"social"social"
If you know what I mean. You may not be able to hold on to a thought for more than a muinute or two, but the eutopia is always in the shadows of the un-eutopia if you know what I mean, people think its strange to acctually really be enjoying yourself. Thats whats strange to me. When people see people enjoying themselfs and they don't start doing what they want too, but as if they were stopping the fuse of a great revolution, they just look at them amazed.

>> No.11067159

Comment on how you like her body instead of "nice thic thighs girl, so plump and juicy baby"

>> No.11067176

You see that on shrooms or LSD and it'll make you rethink life and give you a whole different perspective of the world

>> No.11067179

holy shit did u hear that new kanye track? dude, kanye is a fucking beast, goat of all time, i used to think he couldnt top tupac but he did it with this one, just when u expect him to come with some drumpf bashing blm, he comes from the right tryna unify "when you demanding to be equal, you making the other side feel evil" bro he's woke to the plight of the whites, also "obama was heaven sent, but trump showed i can be president" woke af, everyone with power and influence hated trump and he still won, shows democracy is alive, so fucking good, kanye fucking goatest

>dbr.ee slash A7r6

yo man FUCK this spam filter

>> No.11067188

Exactly bro. Nature + shrooms / acid is the best thing

>> No.11067225

dude this new kanye shit giving me goosebumps soooo fucking good

>> No.11067227

Friend you are assuming this perspective wasn't already shaped by the mind-altering impact of psychedelics. I just don't like to inject my drug experiences into the (usually unrelated) subject obscuring my main points and ideas I want to actually convey.

Look at your posts. You are just adding nothing besides implying psychedelics and nature are good for whatever reason; completely unrelated. This is the obfuscation I am talking about. The original point I made completely missed to add an irrelevant point because the post reminded you of one time you took a psychedelic and had fun. We get it, you recently learned a lot because of some hallucinogens, but being unable to assimilate those new ideas into your own perspective without referring to the drugs themselves is not a good thing.

Think out the ideas until you are able to actually articulate them instead of alluding to some "different perspective" which makes one "rethink life" which can mean literally anything.

>> No.11067228

>i feel an obligation to give people new ideas
>here go two right here

oh shit

>> No.11067237

You right. You right.
>rethink life can mean literally anything
What you make it into is whats important. Anyone can just say that. If it can mean literaly anything thats where originality and personality overflow

>> No.11067271

Most people live their lives on momentum of the past preparing for distance assumed pleasure in the future. That's why they are surprised when they find themselves old and they feel like it all happened so fast. This happens because they finally slow down; pushing back against the momentum of the past, they can step back and see things for what they are, and realize they could have been in this state of control all along.

Younger persons in the middle of this process won't even attempt to understand others pursuing different life goals than them as it would destroy their motivations in life. The reality is, material is just material as it is now as it will be when you retire. What really represents a fulfillment of personhood is an appreciation of the mind and its huge potential.

>> No.11067278

I sometimes try to induce hypnogagic state by sleep deprived myself or by fasting.

>> No.11067287
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I'm tierd of life and sleep isn't fixing it

>> No.11067291


>> No.11067295

instead of beta uprising you guys should try beta mass suicide

>> No.11067304

No, that shouldn't be the norm. If you won't even attempt to understand someones life perspecive without it ripping your own life apart, sounds like you're moving too fast brother.

>> No.11067306

This but unironically

>> No.11067317

I don't get the deal with Kanye. He seems to be one of those celebrity artists that are liked by both a lot of plebs and patricians. He's a fine rapper but he's just not a musical god in any way. It's just a certain group of musicians to me - David Bowie, Ian Curtis, and Kurt Cobain included - they have this high artistic status when the product itself is just decent. I get that they can embody a certain temporal zeitgeist well, and all have powerful images, but since when is that ground to be taken seriously by the more elitest fags?

>> No.11067414
File: 7 KB, 205x246, shouldIgotravel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking for a month or driving for a month, maybe just easy car camping and mountain climbing. Swimming in lakes and oceans, cooking small speckled trout in a pan until all the bones are tender enough to eat without spitting out. Coffee and a book by a fire, a hundred km away from this life. An earned struggle that is easy to get through and enjoyable. A bed of moss to lay on in the middle of the day and listen to the wind in the trees and the bugs, oh the bugs.

I miss the woods and streams. I envy those that don't feel this intense spite and hatred, that live like birds and fish. I'm tired of having no outlet for anger, knowing how useless anger is in your everyday life. And getting even is more draining. I want to select the group I want to evaluate me and there find happiness, and I hate that each faction is now a part of the whole, that we're all interconnected - this world interwoven. I miss the sense of community I had when I was young, and I can't ever get it back now that the internet is here. I need to go alone into the woods to feel it momentarily, feel that I'm one and not a part defined by the whole. I know I'm wrong about that old life, that it was just as imposing and fake as this one, but I can't help but feel that if the internet hadn't of been around I'd have made it to the top in some little town and felt like king shit, that I'd been a great man for doing what he's done. Yet I only feel like I've done what many others have done by not settling down, not focusing my exploration of knowledge and sex and drugs and food and friendship. I feel like I should have earned my right to be narcissistic and blab all day about my adventures, but really I know that it's better to be silent, to be unknown, to be left in peace, and to find your riches so other way. So I'll go play the forest songs like I did as teen. I'll go play the fool looking for an aesthetic forest bath to relieve myself of these longings and to instil the old fear that I am less than the potential of my potential children. All follows this in a position such as mine, and those who say otherwise are fools.

The death of an individual will never be so cosy as it will be friends. Don't misunderstand me either, I have always been many and many shall I become again, but this must die somehow, by some alchemy. I go to dream and listen and see what I am told, and I suppose you think this is play, that this is silly. But those who don't will know what it is and what can not be said.

Don't always listen to me, friends. My hands are not so heavy though I carry a large load.

>> No.11067611

God bless Kanye West

>> No.11067698

Quality post.

>> No.11067703

Almost 1 year unemployed. Sent countless applications, get almost no replies, get a handful of interviews, never hear back. Will probably an hero if I still get nothing a few months from now.

>> No.11067704

I fear that I'm a complete pleb.

I've never really read a book seriously in years, but the two recently I have bought but not opened were The Silmarillion and Sun Tzu's The Art of War. I'll read them anyway despite the answer I get but I just want opinions.

>> No.11067730

I need a shite but dad's just gone into the toilet and he's gonna be in there for ages

>> No.11067742


He's out, I'm pooing

>> No.11067752

I wish I wasn't so fucking neurotic.
Which in itself is neurotic.
And the awareness of that is also neurotic.
And the awareness of that awareness is once again neurotic.

Consciousness was a mistake.

>> No.11067756

I'm lost in thought, daydreaming like an adolescent. Someone needs to net me back down from the clouds, but everyone is just beyond arms reach. Everyone is just grazing my toes with their fingertips.
Here I go off on the breeze.

>> No.11067991

I suspect this is bait, but
>lost the vote
>still became president
democracy was a meme to begin with but it's hardly alive.

>> No.11068026

Fell in love with a girl on the other side of the ocean, but I have no experience whatsoever. My plan is to fuck this ugly virgin girl that is in love with me for a month, ditch her and try to meet the other one until september. All during my final exams.

>> No.11068368

Men shoul all be drawn and quartered, desu

>> No.11068553

weekends bring me existential despair. monday through friday i am capable of keeping myself occupied with routine, but once the weekend hits i find my mind preoccupied with thoughts of the type i can easily dispel on any other given day. these thoughts prevent me from finding pleasure in reading and writing -- i get thrown out of whack and begin to reflect on my failures.

ugh. only 9 more hours until the day is over

>> No.11068770

why the fuck am I on /lit/ instead of writing?

>> No.11068777
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>lost the vote

>> No.11068779

lol die in a ditch you stupid fucking whore

>> No.11068796


>> No.11068825

I'm not sure what you're implying, but I think it's safe to say that wojak is a self portrait.

It's a republic yes, but we pretend it's a democracy most of the time, my point still stands.

>> No.11068870
File: 225 KB, 800x600, rxnvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look like a loss friendo

>> No.11068882

I said he lost the _vote_. You have poor reading comprehension for someone posting on a literature board.
The point is his election was hardly an affirmation of American democracy, it was a reminder that the country is a federated republic if anything.

>> No.11068887
File: 904 KB, 500x335, 1522697028591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what I tell myself I can't go for more than a few weeks without fapping to porn. It's not the masturbation itself, though that is obviously a part of it, it's the sensory overload of hours of porn surfing that I really crave. Lately the aftermath moments have been hitting me with shame levels that I've never experienced before. I legitimately feel like my soul is at risk and it's horrifying. It's really horrible. The emotional experience of this terror isn't like anything I've encountered. I know some Stirner anon would say "le spooked" to this and I don't care. This terror is trying to clue me to something that is fuckin real and of dire importance and I know it.. I KNOW it. Yet no matter how hard I crash after a hedonist orgy of endless porn and self-hatred I always manage to find a way to subtly convince myself to get right back at it a few weeks later. I hate myself so much that I have a defiant compulsion to completely crash and burn and deny myself any hope of spiritual redemption. I hope this is a phase and I can find the strength within me to move past all of this cruelty and pain into a brighter life. But it really doesn't feel like it today. This degenerate life is such a meme. I want out.

>> No.11068893
File: 209 KB, 1200x675, JamesMadison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a republic yes, but we pretend it's a democracy most of the time, my point still stand
No, we don't. The only people who "pretend" we are a democracy (they actually believe that lie) are simply uneducated or lied to or are liars themselves. If you watched the video, it's explained accurately. This new shift in language happened in order to subvert the ideals of our constitutional republic, and encourage a democracy which is easily controlled and easily falls into dictatorship. More details in the video (which is more relevant today than ever).

To give an example, why do you think "we" (as the US but more specifically its government) want to inject "democracy" into states of the Middle East? It is because democracies are easily controlled, and the US military-industrial complex wants that control. Arabs in the Middle East don't hate the US presence in their home nation because they hate "freedom" or "democracy" (as emphasized in US propaganda), they hate living under the authoritarian regime that is democracy.

Don't pretend you weren't completely wrong to protect your ego by saying "my point still stands", it doesn't stand. How can democracy be "hardly alive" when there never was a democracy to begin with? You have no point. No one "pretends" we have live in a democracy as stated above. Don't fret though, this is a very, very common mistake (somehow? our country is literally referred to directly as a republic in the pledge of allegiance which grade school students recite everyday, how do people not know this? they must not pay attention at all) made these days so you are not alone unfortunately.

>> No.11068898

>hardly an affirmation of American democracy
obviously, since American "democracy" never existed.

>> No.11068900

When the founding fathers were calling it a republic initially, it was a democracy.

You're putting too much emphasis on the terms, they are the same thing.

>> No.11068906

I've been posturing most of my life, and I hate myself now for not staying true to who I truly am. This is why I want to kill myself, because I'm a pathological phony.

>> No.11068918

Buck up, Holden. Phoebe will forgive you one day.

>> No.11068921

Holy fuck you're being obtuse anon, especially considering we're not even disagreeing on very much. Why don't you go respond to the moron I was originally replying to who claimed that democracy had been reaffirmed? I'm not going to bother responding to your other junk, because as I've said before WE FUCKING AGREE. Stop being a cunt who argues semantics.

>> No.11068925
File: 74 KB, 1250x820, RepublicDemocracyDiagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you aren't a liar, you fall into the category of uneducated or lied to. The words "democracy" and "republic" mean far from the same thing, I don't think you even bother to watch the whole videos or read the entire replies, as you are missing (or ignoring) the point. The US government was never (emphasis on NEVER) a democracy. Refer to related pic (very simplified grade school venn diagram) if you are still confused. Seriously, you don't have to pretend you weren't wrong to save face, this is anonymous image board, I (and I assume other anons) do not care.

>> No.11068929

That is a map of the vote. The vote that Trump won.

>> No.11068934

thanks, I should read Catcher

>> No.11068936

There is no semantics about it. Obviously that initial post is bait copy pasted, the author of it is probably long gone, so why reply to it? I'd rather reply to someone participating in the thread,

>> No.11068953

In Cryptonomicon, Stephenson includes an entire chapter describing in detail the relationship between the ability to concentrate on the complex mathematical process of code breaking, and intervals between masturbation, as experienced by one of the characters, a code breaker in WWII. The chapter includes a step by step statistical analysis complete with frequency charts published as black and white labeled figures.

>> No.11068954

Because your whole "argument" relies on the fact that I said democracy was "hardly alive" in response to the claim that it "was alive" instead of saying that it was "never alive". That's semantics, and irrelevant to the initial argument.
It's fine that you wanted to discuss that the US was actually a republic, and your post was pretty good. But you're arguing with the wrong people.

>> No.11068956

There is also a detailed passage describing the proper way to eat Capn Crunch breakfast cereal.

>> No.11068961
File: 199 KB, 1217x1233, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the most retarded chart I've ever seen in my life.

There are three systems of governments, bar none: Democracies, Aristocracies, and Monarchies.

Democracies are historically good for smaller nations, which is why you see this system failing for us right now. We need more centralization of power, through an intellectual, and morally good/divine, elite.

Let me ask you a question, why does 'representative democracy' and 'representative republic' academically mean the same thing if they aren't the same. Protip: they are the same thing and that is honestly the stupidest chart I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.11068969

Jack London originally wrote To Build A Fire for a boy's magazine. In that version, the character is named Vincent, loses part of his nose, never tries to kill the dog, and lives at the end.

>> No.11068976

go baq

>> No.11068977

>I said democracy was "hardly alive" in response to the claim that it "was alive" instead of saying that it was "never alive". That's semantics
You are right on this, I made an error. I misinterpreted what you said and thought you were referring to the distinction between "democracy" and "republic" as semantics, which I obviously (from the content of my posts) disagree with. I'm aware we agree on many things, but the details are where the fun is, and they are worth stating in themselves.

>> No.11069005

>representative democracy
If you refer to the top of that chart, do you see the word "representative" before "democracy"? If not, then your question is irrelevant (and retarded) as those two terms mean very different things though they share the word "democracy".

>> No.11069017
File: 92 KB, 600x600, b36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a democracy is not representative, how is it a democracy?

Give me an example of a non-representative democracy. I'm waiting.

>> No.11069032

Have you really never heard of a direct democracy?

>> No.11069052

Look I will concede this point, but you should concede the next.

>In American English, the definition of a republic refers specifically to a form of government in which elected individuals represent the citizen body and exercise power according to the rule of law under a constitution, including separation of powers with an elected head of state, referred to as a Constitutional republic or representative democracy.

>> No.11069062

Recently I've realized how much I just want to drop off the face of the earth and have 99% of people I know forget about me. I don't know how anybody is able to deal with things like modern politics or the media, it's all so disgusting and forced. I feel like I'm going insane.

>> No.11069067

What do you do when you have outlines for 15-20 stories, but don't have the energy to do anything with them? Can you sell your ideas? Are ghost writers expensive?

>> No.11069072

you need to read a book you insufferable fat autist

>> No.11069077

This >>11069072 is not me. Obviously I agree with that passage. The US (as I have explained in my posts) is a constitutional republic (AKA a constitutional representative democracy) so yes I "concede" to that point.

>> No.11069369

Having a huge fucked up mess of different people is the best part of this site desu.

>> No.11069441

Are you me? By now I've deleted all my social media and moved across the country to live in isolation. I often wonder if people from my home town even remember that I once occupied some sort of space in their lives. Feels good, though.

>> No.11069484

All I want to do is live a private life, work on my own projects and have a few close friends. Good on you for managing to do it, I'm very jealous

>> No.11069976

Just got back from Infinity War. Now in the mood to get back into reading comics. Don't have the money for Marvel Unlimited right now though.

>> No.11070353
File: 56 KB, 940x525, ohmylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so much dumber than me though

>> No.11070392

i am thin i like being thin
>enjoy life

so what?

>> No.11070562

I'm a permasperg autist with a developmental disability that never got resolved and which makes me come across as an absolute retard despite being of above/average intelligence. Hopefully I get over myself one day but I'll never not come across as "that weird guy". You don't just return from 20 years of social retardation unscathed.

>> No.11070579

I have 6 threads in my Thread Watcher right now and they're all /r9k/-tier, but none of them are actual /r9k/ threads.

>> No.11070583

Infinity War was such a great spectacle to me. Makes me wonder whether I'm a normie at heart or whether it was truly great. My favorite film is Synecdoche, NY.

>> No.11070594

I notice threads like that have been happening alot recently, did anything big happen? I've only been gone for a month.

>> No.11070605

I don't know really. I just like to complain about my life, and I've been on this board for 8 years. Haven't really noticed any major changes all too recently.

>> No.11070650

Should the Tower be completed, nothing would be withheld from them: that was God's promise to a united humanity.

Not even the intrusive thought of wanting oblivion.

As the Tower crumbles, each of the leaders of that humanity look back on the powers they received from God and question who to blame for giving life to that thought. Was it the fault of one, or all?

>> No.11070722

>tfw you ctrl-f'd this thread because you gotta vent

i work a job that is way too stressful for the pay. Especially now that it's only $1 more than minimum wage since the recent increase. I am plagued by emails/calls after hours and on weekends -- things that can't wait. The stress is insane and it's all for someone else: by boss who is also a close relative.

Clients treat me like crap, they are aggressive and demeaning, and I always worry one of these fucks is going attack me one day. I get verbally abused regularly in large part because part of my job is to ensure we get paid and I am quite good at it. I've reduced outstanding payments by thousands and thousands of dollars on a per month basis. They are roughly 1/3rd of what they were when I first started a year ago. I can't get a raise because my boss (relative) can't pay me anymore. And he's not lying because I see the accounts -- and his mismanagement. He doesn't appreciate what I do, and fails to see his own part in the messes he creates for himself. His business would absolutely flounder without me and my coworker who is even more overworked and stressed out than me. We are both paid less than the two old ladies, who didn't know what a spreadsheet was, that preceded us.

If it were anyone else I would have up and quit already.

>> No.11070873

do yourself a favor and quit now.

>> No.11070937

Synecdoche, NY also teeters right on the edge of being normie. So I think you are a normie.

>> No.11070941

Say you need a raise. Just say you're going to leave if you don't get a raise. Either you get a raise or you leave.

>> No.11070945

That's completely wrong, I think you just said that because you felt like you needed to.

>> No.11070952

I know basic college bitches who think Synecdoche, NY is soooo deep. It's a normie movie in the way that Donnie Darko is a normie movie. Sorry, man.

>> No.11070960

I feel like I need to move to somewhere like New York in order to make up for all the years I've lived in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.11070977

4chan's skewed your perception of what a normie is. I get what you're saying though.

>> No.11070981


>been on 4chan for 8 years
>says their life sucks

Gee I wonder if there's a correlation. I've been on this site for eight days and already can't stand it lol get off here and notice an immediate improvement.

>> No.11070990

Shut the fuck up you insect I couldn't care less what you have to say

>> No.11071005

shut teh fcuk up inssssecttt...

>> No.11071022

These were difficult times for the children of Ipswich, when the candy cane famine cursed their pleasant village.

>> No.11071036

The sort of person I admire most is the analytical type that sees the world in a logical framework and places a sort of gap between their feelings and action to process things before they act. It's easy to confuse this with the stereotypical STEM major, but that sort of character is often hyper focused on their hobbies and may lack self-awareness, while the people I idolize take interest in many things and spend their lives in a state of constant self-improvement. I'm not like that by nature, but I find those people very interesting, so perhaps it's something to aspire to.

>> No.11071072

How bad an idea is it to look for an editor when I'm already aware of significant structural changes that I need to make?

To be blunt, the strategy I used for making progress writing doesn't really seem to work for editing and I think external input and structure would improve my workflow

>> No.11071085

such as little nicaraguan billy whom you've never seen or heard of or stephen hawking which you've seen or heard of. just alot of unpersons

>> No.11071093
File: 947 KB, 499x477, ruins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a job that let me post on /lit/. I work in service and it's slowly killing me. I don't even know how to use excel, so I'm assured a place at the bottom of the food chain. I want to do something creative with my life on the internet, but my biggest fear is that no one will care.

Sometimes it's okay. Sometimes I feel really bad. Sometimes I'm lonely. Sometimes I treasure my solitude. I suspect things wouldn't be much different if I had the things I allegedly want.

>> No.11071095

>a pair of disease vectors, one physiological, one memetic.

My heart bleeds.

>> No.11071215

saturday night, roommates all out getting laid, time to FAP!

>> No.11071229
File: 27 KB, 673x586, 1524695532166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know what the point of achieving my goals is anymore if I'm still miserable after attaining them. Depression sucks

>> No.11071242

maybe u shud set better goals then turbopleb

>> No.11071281

whenever i do kettlebells my left arm is always stronger than my right i dont get it, but like i cant tell if its actually strong or if i just have better form somehow

>> No.11071326

ahm tahrd

>> No.11071353

I used to be so hot wtf, why did I always think I was ugly? I'm fat and ugly now, but damn if I looked like I did 3 years ago with my current brain I would be doing to much better. When I was in good shape I had bad oneitis and never even talked to girls.

>> No.11071412

You know, I think everyone is just waiting on something to die for. They want some cause, some force to sacrafice themselves for and they willing drive themeselves to depression and malice to find it. Maybe I'm projecting, but I know I feel that way. I feel like my entire life has been trying to find something like that, but the time and the need are never there.
I would sacrifice so much for a a good reason to die.

>> No.11071448

I don't want to die I want to have a gf

>> No.11071452

meant for >>11071412

>> No.11071473

Is she worth dying for?

>> No.11071482

how could your looks fall apart that bad in three years?

>> No.11071495

Gained 50 pounds. Also I have some weird dry skin problem on my face that I need to see a dermatologist about.

>> No.11071499

same with me, chicks would hint that i'm attractive and i would never believe them, gay guys would hit on me cuz i looked good but never had a gf so they thought i was gay, my friends who used to make fun of me i now realize where ugly as hell, one was a fucking manlet, the other had a face like a pug, and the other had a downsy look, compared to them i was fine as hell, i think they were hatin, people would make fun of me for being a "pretty boy" and im like wtf r u talkin about im ugly af, but now i'm like oh fuck i just wasted my whole life, i mean i still look p gud i stay in shape but like i never developed any social skills so its a little late in the game to learn a this advanced age what i should have learned as a teen/college kid

>> No.11071519

oh ya, my sister has exzema or whatever and i was always paranoid i'd get it and be totally fucked, but my skin is still clear, girls always tell me i have nice skin and shit, although sometimes when its really really hot in the high summer i get a rash but its never on exposed skin and not nearly as bad as my sister luckily, also i thought for sure i'd be bezos bald by now but unlike my dad my hair is almost totally intact, although my hairline a bit farther back then a decade ago but like i dont have a bald spot or anything, i could still probably get gf but i'm just not smart enough to figure out how

>> No.11071529
File: 289 KB, 500x382, 1488238022794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm falling for a female friend, and I damn well know she does not reciprocate my feelings. I don't know whether to stop talking to her now or just ride the whole thing through, knowing it will end with lots of sadness on my end.

>> No.11071530

die in a ditch thoughtless narcissist animal

>> No.11071538

>having self-esteem makes u a narcissist

kys ressintimentman

>> No.11071549

I have to stop looking at erotic art and fiction. I've gone a long way towards stopping, and subsequently stopping my masturbation habit, but I still have a long way to go.

>> No.11071581

>erotic art and fiction

lol are u a chick or something

>> No.11071588

speaking like a hyena is degrading to witness, i have a right to cut down anything that is an affront to being

end yourself

>> No.11071597

If your goal is to share an erotic experience with a flesh and blood girl, then I can report that going cold turkey doesn't make a difference.

>> No.11071604

No, I'm just a Catholic who's trying to avoid sin. I was a serial masturbator for a while, and I've made a lot of progress cutting it out of my life. But there's more to do.

>> No.11071607

if u stop fappin and try to get laid for real all thats gonna happen is ur gonna get awkward boners when trying to flirt with chicks, its better to fap to tranny porn until cis girls dont even get u aroused, then youll be able to safely get them back to your lair without pitching any inopportune tents

>> No.11071613

>feeling guilty for masturbating

man how spooked can u be lmao

>> No.11071728

How do you do the deed with them if they don't arouse you anymore, though?

>> No.11071795

I have a pretty bad masturbation habit, too, although I find porn, nudity, rule 34, etc, physically painful.

>> No.11071819

well if a chick is naked in front of my ill be rockhard, but im not gonna have a big bulge in my crotch while we're walking up the block to my place at least this way

>> No.11071830

Talking to a girl rn who grew up 3 miles from my house, went to the same HS as me, went to the same college as me, has the same interests as me, and who I've never talked to before. I had no idea she really existed, it's so weird. I remember seeing her around, but never thought anything of her. We've been so close geographically our entire lives, we even rode the same bus as little kids. But our circles of friends never crossed, we somehow never had classes together in school. We've lived the past 24 years of our lives within reach of each other yet isolated. I don't know whether to be angry that we could have been close in the past and those years are now just wasted, or happy that we didn't go forever without discovering each other.

We haven't met up yet though so I'm probably just psyching myself out. I'm worried we'll meet up and instantly be like "oh yeah that's why we never spoke to each other."

>> No.11071843

I have felt like a creature for the past 24 hours. Maybe it's caffeine.

>> No.11071875

It was a gorgeous day. We sat on a park bench and talked through the afternoon. Our faces were inches apart. She has a boyfriend.

>> No.11071882

if she likes you then having a bf doesnt matter, they'll only use the bf as an excuse if they're not into u

>> No.11071937

She doesn't use him as an excuse, but she talks about him frequently. And I never take the initiative because I figure she'll do that if she's interested.

>> No.11071957

depends on how she talks about him, a lot of shady chicks will try out a new man on the side and if the dee is good and you are willing to do some chores for her like drive her around or take her to crap in the city etc. then she might dump the other guy and switch to you, its like a trial run, but just be warned, if u get gf by this method u will lose gf by this method later, so dont get mad when karma comes back around

>> No.11071966

My first ever gf in college had a bf when I met her. A week later she was in my dorm room and broke up with him over the phone. I'm not even good with girls, I just told her "you know the conversations we have are better than the ones you have with your bf."

She tried to kill herself when I broke up with her a few months later.

>> No.11071978

i'm suprised she didnt try to get back with her old bf, usually if the new and improved man doesnt take, she'll work to get the old cuck back

>> No.11071983

Is there a technique to editing?

>> No.11072006

Life is boring

>> No.11072093

I've been really nostalgic for the past 2 days, and I don't know why. I just keep finding myself looking back, and then feeling sad.

>> No.11072095

its weird how that happens, one day that hit me hard, but then like a day later it was gone

>> No.11072132

She's kind of a strange one. I'm pretty sure she's on the spectrum. I am too, so I know one when I see one. She's very pure seeming - we hung out at the mall playing demos at GameStop and making fun of greeting cards at Hallmark. I kinda get the impression that she lacks a lot of confidence and her bf dug his claws in when she was young and vulnerable.

>> No.11072783

nothing matters, religion is bullshit how do people live on when they come to this realization

>> No.11072962

I just endure the drudgery of existence. I'm like a husk of a man now.

>> No.11073042

You should read 'the evenings', by Gerard Reve. The main character has a similar problem.

>> No.11073436
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, 1518760103086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lacking motiovation to write anything long form or to improve my ability to set a scene(which I essentially can't do since all my writing looks like it was a first draft. It is, but only cause I never take it further than that).

>> No.11073465

It's close to 11pm now in my country.
I'm planning to do all my stuff all night because during the day I felt totally uninspired and repelled by the sunlight. Lovecraft also loved to write at night if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.11073476
File: 124 KB, 609x609, IMG_98x0hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking miss Breaking Bad. I wish I start fresh again. Better Call Saul is good, but it isn't doing the same for me. It's morality angle seems like a washed up version of Breaking Bad, but at least it's almost as clever.

>> No.11073724

Woah... that's like-- so deep dudes.

>> No.11073736

who husk here?

>> No.11073891

People who find their niche and meaning in spirituality are generally happier and less bitter than people like you. They also find motivation to do things, effortlessly exercise will to power, where (I assume) you cannot. Are you jealous, is that it? Or is it this "phony man in the sky, you people are mindless sheep" mentality? In the latter case, your line of thinking is barely founded and poorly contemplated. It seems you have very little empathy and are probably a narcissist. "Why is everybody dumb except me?" I hear you asking.

>> No.11073900

>religious people are less bitter

yeah right, just watch one of these religious permavirgins rail on and on about sluts and faggots and materialists and whatever else, there is no one more bitter on earth

>> No.11073913

holy shit why does firefox have such terrible performance at playing pornos, is it because it got taken over by sjw? shouldnt sjw be sex positive and optimize their browser for xhamster? i hate it when i start browsing porn in ff and have to cut and paste all my tabs over to chrome because the performance goes to shit, really kills my bone

>> No.11073990

I'll never be anything, and I think I'm about okay with that. It upsets me that schools are teaching that naive optimism "You can do anything " mentality. because you can't be anything, only what you are

>> No.11073993

How old

>> No.11073998

It’s fine you enjoy it. we as humans have to make a better deal for them animals.

>> No.11074000

if they tell everyone the truth that they will never be anything but a worker like everyone else they will be susceptible to communist brainwashing and we cant have that, better to have everyone believe they will be a billionaire some day in the future so they dont get crazy ideas like unionizing with their fellow plebs

>> No.11074076

How many Mexas in /lit/ if any

>> No.11074083

I’m living now with my mom for reasons and she never shuts up and feel like I don’t like her at all.

>> No.11074113

I was secretly in love with this friend for years, I talked and had the best 2 years passionate relationship. Aleeady finish but I regret nothing.
Speak, whatever the outcome you don’t owe no one what you feel for her.

>> No.11074212

i'm trying to figure out how my roommate can see into my room... sometimes i think i might just be paranoid but if i whip my dick out to fap they will start making noise. of course i consider they might be sniffing my packets, and yeah they can sniff the domains, but the traffic is encrypted so they can't tell what i'm watching and moreover they wouldnt be able to know when i switch to the porno tab, any ideas? what am i missing?

>> No.11074221

Absolutely not.
I'd say a promotion is due.

>> No.11074581

ok i think my roomates left but its probably a ruse as soon as i grab my dick someone will cough or drop something on the floor etc.

>> No.11074902

>decide to break contact with my crush so I can finally be over her
>figure it will be pretty easy, our (platonic) relationship was fizzling out anyway
>a couple weeks go by smoothly
>suddenly she starts texting me daily
>keeps it up even though I haven't replied to any of them
>can already feel my resolve wavering
Please either stop ignoring my feelings or stop talking to me. The middle road is nothing but suffering.

>> No.11075052


>> No.11075267

there's a tree that grows in my tummy.
it eats with me,
it grows with me.

my hands are branches,
and my nails are leaves.

no one looks at me,
because of the tree in my tummy.

i'm sorry mama,
i'm the tree in my tummy.

>> No.11075393

This feeling is called the sublime

>> No.11075434



>> No.11075443

Yes but it is too reductive to simplify the entire feeling into one word. There are many implications which need to be addressed. What is awe? where does it come from? Why do we happen to recognize it as a sensation? Sublime describes the feeling as interpretation (usually done after the experience), but the word does not at all capture the experience itself. Too simple and vague to understand the sensation itself and what brought it fourth.

>> No.11075486

Thanks anon, I will continue ignoring her.

>> No.11075501

How to motivate myself? Do I need an extraordinary event to happen to me so it can invoke in me a strong emotion, be it anger, jealousy, sadness, or even happines and pull me out of this slumbering state that is destroying me? But even then I am not sure if it will happen, it feels like everytime I see a bit of emotion inside of me, it disappears into the storm inside my chest and bit by bit it disperses.
I can't neither kill myself, neither live.
That is destroying me.
But what's really destroying me is that this single simple state that happens to even people with as much self-awareness as a rabbit, is destroying me.
I don't know how to get out of this man-made insulting never-ending state and I feel like I am going to be like this throughout my entire life.
I don't know what to do, is this depression?

>> No.11075656

>I can't neither kill myself, neither live.
I can neither kill myself, nor live.*

Related to the substance of your post, refer to a post like >>11065461 and understand that you do not know enough to be neurotic. Those feelings, labelled with arbitrary cultural names like "anger, jealousy, sadness," etc, do not capture the whole picture. Personally, I find motivation in understanding the mechanism which brought these "feelings" fourth into existence by mind in the first place. "Depression", another name introduced through culture, is as nuanced and complicated (or as simple) as you come to understand it. The point is, don't look within words to find meaning (words are but parodies of the depth of mind arbitrarily defined by cultural habits), look within the thing which brought those articulations into being.

>> No.11075890

Was this Tao Lin?

>> No.11076286

will it become grating if my MC keeps on stanning the villain in the face of his abuse right up until she sees actual physical proof that he's a psychopath who murdered his own wife?

Part of the arc is about the fact that all the actions we're seeing depicted as tough but fair parenting are actually indoctrination techniques to keep her under control