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11058360 No.11058360 [Reply] [Original]

>got a mother? yeah you want to fuck her
>probs want to kill your father as well
>scared of spiders? heh must wanna fuck them
>yeah you only walked down the street because you wanted to fuck something
>if your parents taught you to shit in a toilet you have a complex
>you were admiring the beauty of the landscape? WRONG! you only want to fuck it somehow
>yeah uhhh MUH DICK nuttin else matters

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.11058364

I've not read him but I feel like you're misrepresenting him anyway.

>> No.11058370

I can confirm it's 100% accurate

>> No.11058381

>Freud regarded the monotheistic God as an illusion based upon the infantile emotional need for a powerful, supernatural pater familias. He maintained that religion – once necessary to restrain man's violent nature in the early stages of civilization – in modern times, can be set aside in favor of reason and science.

Nevermind this guy was a faggot.

>> No.11058382

No. This is real.

>> No.11058385

>nuttin else matters

a freudian slip perhaps? ;)

>> No.11058388
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>> No.11058407

Actually, this is one of the few things that he was right about.

>> No.11058414

sure he was, droopy shoes.

>> No.11058418

how could one man be so right about everything? the man was a genius

>> No.11058419
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>religion can be set aside in favor of reason and science.

>> No.11058440

>droopy shoes
Peak biblefag intelligence

>> No.11058449

vagenius more like


>> No.11058456

you're going to wish religion restrained my violent nature when im done with u

>> No.11058460

>The Interpretation of Dreams: Everything is Bepis XDXD

>> No.11058496

>le epig fedora mem XD

>> No.11058564

It's a Freudian slit all right.

>> No.11058570

>God as an illusion based upon the infantile emotional need for a powerful, supernatural pater familias
A fact that is face-smackingly obvious to anyone who can tie their own shoelaces.

>> No.11058575

What does it mean when if my mother wants to fuck me?

>> No.11058580

>a farce
FTFY Fedora

Freud is very obsessed with sexuality. ‘‘Tis a shame, interpreting the dreams God gives us is one of the most important things we can do.

>> No.11058589

prove it then, or its no fact.

>> No.11058605
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>> No.11058616

lol XDD

>> No.11058642


>2018 and people are still thinking atheism is viable.

You ever wonder why so many atheists are miserable and why so many people that have had experiences with God have built relationships with Him to keep their lives fulfilling despite their suffering?

>"B-but it's just an imagianry friend you use to comfort yourself"

Right, ok, I guess this thing that has been addressed and interpreted for centuries by different cultures, made itself known to humans through symbols and other means of communication, and profoundly effecting people's lives since the beginning of our species is just "imaginary". Don't get me wrong, I know this doesn't "prove" anything to atheists. I know it's the whole "well how can I believe in what I can't see or prove with science" thing or whatever. But we have intuition for a reason. Our intuition leads us directly towards God and we are meant to listen to its guidance in order to have spiritual fulfillment. If you want to ignore this fact so you can meddle in philosophies based in arrogance and lack of understanding I guess you can. I don't encourage it though. The first step to understanding any of this stuff is being open to it. At least think about that. Logic is a great tool but it's not our only means of understanding the universe.

>> No.11058667

t. mommy ties their shoelaces

>> No.11058698

>so many atheists are miserable and so many religious people are happy.
Mostly because a big chunk of religious people is comprised of ignorants who barely understand the world they live in.
When it comes to the intelligent ones, both atheists and religious people are happy and miserable in equal measure.
>symbols, signs and cryptic messages
God could have avoided millenia of bloodshed by just giving us a clear proof of his existence and will.
Until that happens, agnosticism remains the best position, with atheism necessary to counter religious fanaticism and abuse.

>> No.11058715

he was a top tier memer who used confirmation bias against his patients and fans
it worked wonders back in those days

>> No.11058736

All right
So what's the right one?

>> No.11058856


>God could've given us a clear sign

He gives us plenty of clear signs its just a matter of whether or not you choose to recognize the. The sun is a sign. Trees are a sign. Night and day are signs. Rain growing life is a sign. But people refuse to acknowledge this and they say "why won't he send us a sign". The Quran speaks in length about how many times God has tried to give us clear signs and people constantly refuse to accept them and demand something else. He sends us human prophets and we say "no why couldn't you send an angel". He explains that we would be too terrified and it is easier to use humans and we don't accept it. This is why I said you must be open to it. It's not that the signs aren't there you are just choosing to not understand them. The Ka'Ba is also a sign.

And no I don't think the atheist is as fulfilled as someone with true spiritual well being. Of course an atheist can lead a happy life and create beautiful things and be a beautiful person. The point is that beauty is accentuated tremendously when one accepts a spiritual path. Of course it doesn't need to be Islam or Judaism or Buddhism or what have you. But anyone who understands how to be spirituality fulfilled can achieve greater heights than someone who does not. Refusing to accept this just seems like stubbornness to me / fear of being wrong. Which is completely reasonable, I didn't understand any of this stuff until I started practicing Magick last year and reading about exactly what I was doing so it made sense on a logical level. Again, the key is to be open to it. If you just decide "Nope God isn't real Magick isn't real" of course you won't connect with it. But the universe is Mental and you need to distance yourself from your ego just a bit to understand what that means and understand that you need to be open to the idea of spiritual phenomenon existing in order to experience it. People will say "it's just confirmation bias" but when you actually experience these things yourself you'll understand exactly why they're wrong and why you cannot explain it to anyone who is not open to understanding it.


Don't think of it that way. People get turned off from spirituality because they think one is right and everything else is wrong. I suggest looking into hermeticism, gnosticism, general New Age occult theory to get a somewhat logical grasp of things before moving on to a religious devotion. Now of course everything that will be explained by these schools of thought still requires you to be open to the idea of it being true but they put it into a lot more tangible terms than exoteric religions do. I recommend reading "the Kybalion" for a start.

>> No.11058860


Trust me you guys, I know it all sounds like make believe bullshit but that's the point. Humans have understood the Truth for centuries and only recently have we swayed from it. We've been convincing ourselves that logic is the key to understanding everything but neglecting the fact that logic in conjunction with intuition allows for the true harmony necessary to understand the world around us. Keep an open mind and an open heart. You won't understand this stuff any other way. There is so much more to life than the physical plane and the immense amount of suffering that comes with being stuck on it.

>> No.11058862

>requires you to be open to the idea of it being true
That's not how it works you stupid fuck. Worthy knowledge is worthy exactly because it manifest itself as true DESPITE people being close to accept it. If I have to do half the work, than it's really poor theology

>> No.11058874


Alright man you can think that if you want but like I said, I just don't encourage it. If you want to rely solely on logic to understand the universe you will only have half of an understanding. You can say that this is bullshit but you'll just end up living a life only half understanding things. And thats not fun!

>> No.11058965
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> tfw you will never find this poster and commit jihad unto him

>> No.11058975
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>> No.11058989

Clearly you just want to fuck OP

>> No.11059016

>the immense amount of suffering that comes with being stuck on it
If that describes your life, you're in no position to give advice. Who'd want to be like you?

>> No.11059031

>scared of spiders? heh must wanna fuck them
Shit, I think he might be right. I just wanted to make love to a giant spider all along.

>> No.11059063

>MUH DICK nuttin
Truly genius.

>> No.11059267

I don't rely exclusively on logic. I also rely heavily on the emotional impact of every piece of work, but if to appreciate something I have to already appreciate it (believe in it) then it has no merits.
I can appreciate stoicism as a way of life, but I'm not approaching it by KNOWING that I have to appreciate citate it.
And since religion heavily relies on belief, the notion that I have to believe in something BEFORE that something can persuade me, it's ludicrous

Because that's what you say when you say I have to be open to the idea of it being true

>> No.11059269

what should I read to get started with freud and jung?

>> No.11059276

Read some Jung if you want to understand the importance of religion. You don't even need to believe in magic man in the sky, you can project these religious elements onto logical philosophies or even political systems....as fascism did.

>> No.11059285

Well yeah. My dick is to be accepted, not ignored. Also, your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you respond to this post with "Thank you Mr. Dicklord"

>> No.11059294

>Why does a Jew act like a Jew?

>> No.11059393

>Freud was this reddit
and on top of being a subversive kike too. How does anyone still care what this guy said lmao

>> No.11059930

What if she's already dead, Mr. Dicklord?

>> No.11059971


>> No.11059989

>What the fuck was his problem?


>> No.11060039

>Beyond the Pleasure Principle
a book absolutely no one in this thread would seem to know about, or to have much less read. Add most all that comes after including The New Introductory Lectures to the list. Not surprising, really..
>like most of the threads on this board, all this one *really* wants to do is die..
>in b4 kys
Polite sage.

>> No.11060053

such a stupid reply

>> No.11060063
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"sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

Suuure, Freud. It just happens that the phallic shaped object you are always sucking on just has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.11060065

>yfw not only has no one in this thread cited a single excerpt (unrelated to triggering christfags) nor made a substantive reply
>this is /lit/
>psueds using text message diction and the level of discourse you find in metro cafes among telecom workers chattering about politics
>no one realizes that these used to be designed to trigger discussion
>the users are so braindead, lazy and devoid of elan or intuition that they can’t dispute or expand on the OP
>a simping christfaggot autist ruined the shit thread
>this is /lit/
lol you should all die

>> No.11060074

kek suck more freud dick faggot

>> No.11060373

he's not wrong though

>> No.11060376


Lol you sound like a nerd

>> No.11060384
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*unblocks your Self*

>> No.11060385

Actually his God hypothesis about humans is correct, just slightly wrong.
The idea of God forms in the womb, through a spiritual connection to the Mother.
For faith of birth, means to have face in the eternal of after life.

>> No.11060393


I was just asking you to humble your preconceived notions and accept a different possibility. You're basically saying "if I have to acknowledge that my system of interpreting information and determining the validity of something may not be 100% correct, then I won't do it". It seems like a pointless self limitation. You're neglecting an entire aspect of life simply because it doesn't fit some code of logic you've set up to determine what's worth considering? I mean, I suppose that's rational but I guess that's just my point isnt it. I'm asking you to humble yourself to something and use less logic and you're basically just saying "no why would I do that". Ironically, whilst claiming that you don't rely solely on logic.

>> No.11060436

no, wtf is your problem?

>> No.11060485

but was it as obvious when freud wrote? maybe not? almost as if he propagated this theory to such a great degree it is now common sense

>> No.11060554

>god gives us plenty of clear sings
>people just don't accept them
does that not mean they're not clear?
>I don't believe someone with different ideas than me can ever be as happy as me
isn't that convenient
>so what's the right religion
>no man you're asking the wrong question

>> No.11060624
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This is literally how the jewish mind works. Very fucked up people, jews. Whites made the mistake, knowing little about jews, of thinking there was some universal message within it when it was simply about jews projecting their neuroses onto them to sexualize and subvert their society. That's pretty much all you need to know about Freud.

>> No.11060803

Throughout my life I've often had very dramatic dreams that culminate in me being shot -- what does this mean? Obviously that I have a deep need to be penetrated.

>> No.11060845

I have wanted to fuck my mother at certain times, like when I saw her in lingerie years ago, it's in isolated insidents. Am I a woke Freudian or am I more fucked up than normal?

>> No.11060867

Are you jewish or have you done a 23andme to determine whether you have any jewish blood?

>> No.11060885


back to /pol ;)

>> No.11060896

his 100% jew dna

>> No.11060902

>I feel like you're misrepresenting him anyway.
>I've not read him
we notice

>> No.11060919


back to r*ddit


>> No.11060936

This is why
Freud was right about a lot but this is my main problem with him - he took darwin too far

>> No.11060997

The scary thing is he absolutely isn't and even scarier is that some people still take Freud seriously despite this.

>> No.11061031

He was insane and I don't understand why people read him and admire his insanity as some kind of wisdom.

>> No.11061041

Because it shows a critical way of thinking

>> No.11061057

No, it shows a jewish way of thinking.

>> No.11061060

>Freud was right about a lot
>he took darwin too far
HHAHAAH. What the fuck are you saying?
how? Saying horoscope tier pronostics? God, kys faggot

>> No.11061063

>jewish people arent critical thinkers
Bro it takes a lot of brain power to run the world.

>> No.11061073

You are to naive. Just because he got some things wrong does NOT mean all of it is.

>> No.11061089

Jews are a parasitical people, they can't run anything. Any time they've acquired power they've been removed from it quickly as well. Critical thinking isn't something jews engage in either, since their only objective is to shape whatever the thing is into something that's good for jews.

>> No.11061093
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>> No.11061097

Now post that again and change
"Jews" to

Now tell me why your entire life sucks because of 'jews/females'.

Be a man, grow up.

>> No.11061117

What are you talking about? If you aren't up to speed on the JQ you shouldn't be posting here. That's a basic entry-level thing here on /lit/ so if you aren't ready take a hike to redditville until you are, ace.

>> No.11061127

Bud I passed those ideas a long time ago, it leads to the wrong path. Yes, jews control most shit, but it's literally a natural order, read the Bible. Yes Jews cause massige tragedy, like I said get over it.

>> No.11061138

Kys shabbos goy. If jews running shit was natural they wouldn't have gotten the boot a couple hundred times.

>> No.11061176

>Freud was right about a lot
Freud was right about a lot of things you take for given now.
>he took darwin too far
"Huh everything is about reproduction Duh"

>> No.11061188

I'm literally Aryan, not an ounce of Jewish blood.
They got the Boot because it's part of their inevitable cycle. (also shown in the Christian bible)

It is there "World Karma"

>> No.11061211
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>> No.11061239


Expand on this please, I'm interested. What are your sources? Can you cite verses that prove this?

>> No.11062194

Yes and their karma will come back to bite them in the ass. You can't just go around causing misery and destruction while also spreading pernicious and quite frankly cancerous ideas and expect bad things not to happen to you. The forces of light and nature will triumph over the dark forces of international Jewry. Jews are inherently anti nature, they hate anything that's beautiful. They have to abstract and keep abstracting until there's nothing left. They deracinate the very foundations of society until we're lift with a depraved, animalistic, mass of unthinking herds that are possessed and driven by their materialistic and hedonistic desires. The Jew tears at the basis of moral life. Think about what the so called great Jewish minds have given us - Freud gave us infantile sexuality, Marx gave us communism, Einstein gave us relativity and consequently the atom bomb. Like I said before, karma will one day have it's redemption on this evil pestilence of mankind. You cannot defy nature's laws, her retribution will be swift.

>> No.11062590

>capitalizing "Truth"
red flag honestly

>Humans have understood the Truth for centuries
seems like an empty appeal to tradition

>> No.11062793

>heh you know what this reminds me of? A fucking picture I saved to my computer. Hah hah hah. Let me just post that and make no argument.

>> No.11062873

His "findings" tells you a lot about himself

He fucked

>> No.11062943

I think that was supposed to just be a funny picture and not an argument

>> No.11062949
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>Actually, this is one of the few things that he was right about.

>> No.11062968

like dummies who had interpreted nietzsche as a nazi :^)

>> No.11062976

>You ever wonder why so many atheists are miserable
And religious persons are not? It's because of the society we live in, it affect religious and atheists alike. The problem is the lack of philosophy.

>> No.11063256


That's valid. I'm well aware it's hard to make a logical argument to appeal for spirituality which is why I constantly reference the fact that at the end of the day people will only understand if they're open to it. I guess the point is that it is in a sense, "illogical" to believe in it but if you did experience what I and many have you would understand what I'm saying and why it's so hard to convey in logical terms. Again, I understand I don't sound very convincing to a lot of you guys but I don't say this stuff just to make person feel bad or something I genuinely just want people to understand. That's why I recommend books about it to put it into better terms than I can. Not to mention it's extremely difficult to communicate this stuff over the internet to a mass of anonymous people. But talking about it irl is a lot easier. But yeah I understand where you're coming from. I do hope you consider what I'm saying though.


Sorry if that's a confusing sentiment, the point wasn't "every religious person is happy every atheist is miserable". It was more so that a healthy spiritual life will bring one the zenith of contentment / satisfaction whereas atheists can only be so satisfied within their lives and are often not very much anyway. It's a hard example to use and as I've mentioned I know all this stuff sounds crazy but yeah. Again, its very hard to communicate this over the internet. I guess it just makes me sad when people reject this stuff and they arguments they use against it are not actually as strong as they think but i can't even explain why that's true because talking one post at a time on a message board is a lot more difficult than a one on one conversation. But every atheist I've been able to talk to one on one has actually understood what I'm saying because it really does make sense if you come into it from an occult and psycholoical perspective but again I know I sound crazy. Anyway, if you guys ever do change your mind like I said I recommend the Kyablion for an intro.

>> No.11063302

Religion is basically philosophy without the bs though.

>> No.11063329


Yes actually this. Mysticism > Philosophy 100% of the time for me. My issue with philsophy is that so many people just come to the wrong conclusion about life and it's silly. Of course people are allowed to take it and run with it if they want but once you experience spiritual Truth it becomes so obvious how many people are just talking out of their ass for pages on pages. I've never liked Philosophy kids, they always go deep into things that just straight up aren't true. But naturally, they'll just say that the mysticist perspective is just one of the many subjective points of view we can have on reality. And while that may be true to an extent, when one does take on the mystical philosophy and spiritually fulfilling life, they understand why such relativist ideologies are foolish.

>> No.11064076

Seems to me he wanted to fuck so bad

>> No.11064136

>Freud was right about a lot of things you take for given now.
such as...
>"Huh everything is about reproduction Duh"
Freud is talking about pursuit of sex, not reproduction. Nothing to do with darwin. He never even said anything about evolution. Lol

>> No.11064146

I am not saying he got some thing wrong. I am saying all that he wrote is bullshit. He is not critical (except to scientific method) and 0% perfect.

>> No.11064151

Was he projecting his jewish desire to murder God?

>> No.11064154

>Yes, jews control most shit, but it's literally a natural order, read the Bible
Yes goy, red the shitty fairy tale i wrote. That is the absolute thuth
> Yes Jews cause massige tragedy, like I said get over it.
Yes goy, do nothing about us fucking you. Stay cucked

>> No.11064155
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>> No.11064159

>missing my point

>> No.11064164

>saves thumbnail
>does not give any argument
>thinks he is smarter

>> No.11064166

>does that not mean they're not clear?
No. You can intentionally misunderstand everything.

>> No.11064171

What is your point then? Stay cucked because some fairy tale says muh misterious forces will make them pay back with karma? God...

>> No.11064176

Its ironicly saved

No, I'm saying you can't change the standing in the world with that negative mind set. Hitler proved it.

>> No.11064183

>No, I'm saying you can't change the standing in the world with that negative mind set. Hitler proved it.
"Muh good and bad vibes". Kill yourself. Hitler proved nothing, retard. Jews have been expulsed 100s of times with success.
>Its ironicly saved
Yeah, still not ana argument

>> No.11064193

Lol jews drive technology.
I've never said they are good, but the point is it is impossible to stop.

Have fun focusing your entire being on pointless hatred.
Its like hating fire for being hot.

>> No.11064205

mmm no. I is like trying to avoid your hose for keeping burning no hate to fire, just to fire burning YOU. It is not imposible to stop. Not that you would know without trying.

>> No.11064219

He was unironically right about absolutely everything.

>> No.11064230

HAHAHA you again?

>> No.11064242

Slow it down and type it in english

>> No.11064254

Well he was the guy who popularized the idea of the unconscious which is something people literally take for granted these days.

>> No.11064458

>jews drive technology.

Jews don't drive anything but destruction. They are a race that has never built a prosperous society or anything else on their own because they are purely parasitic.

>> No.11064468
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>this is what brainlets actually believe

>> No.11064503


He's definitely jewish

>> No.11064510

That's the truth. Jews are a race that cannot build. Furthermore, jews are directly involved in the destruction of technology in the policies they promote. Nearly 100% of all technological innovation has come at the hands of white men, and jews are the greatest drivers of policies that exclude white men in tech and hire overseas pajeets to stifle innovation and drive down wages. Because jews don't care about any of that stuff, they are operating on a lizard brain level where destruction of the host race, the Other, is all that matters.

>> No.11064520

Tell us more, please. Source???

>> No.11064521

This is completely wrong, sorry bud.
They cause destruction of individuality, not technology.

>> No.11064535

Nearly all innovation historically has come at the hands of European hyper-individualist thinkers.

>> No.11064541

And these European thinkers have roots in jewish circles. Are you this dense and oblivious to the truth?

>> No.11064596

You must be trolling. Stop disrupting conversation with bullshit.

>> No.11065718

start with Civilization and its Discontents

>> No.11065749
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>every person is driven by sexual instincts
Lmao nice try Schlomo

>> No.11066224

It is like trying to avoid your house keeping on burning. It is no hate to fire, just to fire burning YOU. It is not imposible to stop, you would never know without trying anyways.

>> No.11066227

>open up lit
>what do we have here today, oh thread about-
>And these European thinkers have roots in jewish circles. Are you this dense and oblivious to the truth?

Every time

>> No.11066235

lmao I felt the same way reading his dream interpretations.

The funniest part is he actually convinced the guy he wanted to fuck his mom from what I read

>> No.11066245
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>> No.11066251


>> No.11066252
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Do girls want to fuck their mothers too?

>> No.11066348

no they hate them for being married to the father, who they have penis envy for

>> No.11066486

He was wrong about a lot of things, but I think he made the original freudian slip, putting a little too much of himself and his own neurosis into his theories. That said, his work is still important as a critical self-examination of the different manifestations of desire, but the prohibited horror of oedipus is enough for people to flat out dismiss him as a lunatic. Oedipus is really just a codified expression of our tenuous and self-interested relationship with society: the entitlement to conquer, and the impulse to pillage.

>> No.11066807

funny how everytime someone mentions cultural marxism is easily dismissed in this board but when they´re talking about something completely unrelated they bring on the whole jewish conspiracy, retards everywhere

>> No.11066839 [DELETED] 

What's funnier is how you can't write coherent sentences or use correct punctuation, yet are for some reason under the impression that you hold some intellectual high ground over posters notifying other whites of the jewish problem.

>> No.11066866

In erotica sites, incest is the biggest fetish after anal. My personal favorite is anal incest ofc.

>> No.11066888

Why does Freud rustle so many jimmies on here? Is it because this website is infested with rightwing morons?

>> No.11066891

>erotica sites
You mean jewish-run porn sites.

>> No.11066907

how lit has fallen

>> No.11066927

No. Op is actually being sincere.
Heres a funny irl example. Freuds daughter or niece or some shit worked in advertising with Edward Bernays, they were being paid to come up with solutions to open up the cigarette market to women, so they interpreted and asked Freud about it, then used his work to come up with advertising on the grounds that a cigarette is a phallic object, and having a representation of a dick sets you free. Sound familiar? It's how advertisers have been targeting women for the last 70 odd years.

>> No.11066932

I also forgot to mention that Edward Bernays is also the nephew of Freud.

>> No.11066947
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>everything that freud said is bullshit!
>but it works!

>> No.11066953
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While this isn’t wrong it is a misconstrued look
>Id, Ego, and Superego
>lying on a couch during therapy
>free association
>dream analysis

Also the Elektra complex exists for because we all know some women wanna fuck their dads.

>> No.11067090

>Edward Bernays
Another one of these sick arch-kikes that better be burning in someone's hell.

>> No.11067245

Who let /pol/ in and shouldn’t you be reading the Elder Protocols of Zion or something?

>> No.11067249

I can't speak for others, but his legacy certainly makes me despise him. Can't fucking stand all the professors out there who have made Freudian analyses of everything under the sun.

>> No.11068063

>leads us directly towards God and we are meant to listen to its guidance
>If you want to ignore this fact
stop it

>> No.11068071
File: 42 KB, 500x633, nabokovi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11068097

le joos xDDD

>> No.11068107

>forced to learn about this pervert in every psych class I ever had
>smelled like bullshit then
>years later finally gets debunked
>it's still in all the textbooks because laziness and intellectual dishonesty
>still have to hear about this shit from every retard who has taken psych 101 and thinks they're a certified psychologist now
>find out later he's literally a jew
Where you have jews you have perversion. Don't ask me why, but better or worse that's how it is. The jewish mind sees sexual deviancy in every benign situation.
Other bullshit that's still in the books:
>left brain vs right brain
>left handed people are speshul sneauxflakes and super talented artists
>you only use 10% of your brain and if you could unlock the rest you'd be like a super genius xDDDD
>learned helplessness from psychiatric designation
>80% of pathological psychology

>> No.11068114

>got a mother? yeah you want to fuck her
>probs want to kill your father as well
I'm pretty sure i do want this though.

>> No.11068405

Inbred detected

>> No.11068419

This tbqh

>> No.11068447 [DELETED] 

broke: Freud was just a transparent iconoclast
woke: Jung was the real subversive mind cancer

>> No.11068468

I remember there was a story of a little boy that was afraid of horses after he saw a horse drawn carriage crash and was afraid of the loud bang, and Freud said the reason he was afraid was that he had seen the horse's penis, and its immense size reminded the boy that his father's penis was much larger than his own and could more sufficiently please his mother.

It couldn't possibly be that the loud noise scared him at an impressionable age, it must have to do with penises and wanting to fuck your mother

>> No.11068473
File: 120 KB, 675x1200, 95b173d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an old pervert, nuff said.

>Yeah never mind Freud advocatong for having sex with your children. How dare he insult my retarded Jew pedophile God!
The absolute state of Chris*ians and other organized religion cucks

>> No.11068523

> not being racist is mainstream
>implying jewishness in inherently bad
>4chan is only for alpha males who know how to keep enemies in their place

>> No.11068783

Doesn't have any evidence for his theory

>> No.11068846

Dr. Freud, please help. I woke up from a dream this morning of a blissfully pure and romantic rendezvous with a good friend of mine, and now I'm worried that I'm in love with her. Tell me it was all just dicks

>> No.11069026

They are indeed the problem, m8.

>> No.11069033

when did freud advocate pedo incest?

>> No.11069115

it means that she needs cock.

>> No.11069427

Not even a thing

>> No.11070444

>when the thread is so awful that the Jew bashing is the most interesting and relevant part of it
Didn't expect anything else from a thread about Fraud.

>> No.11070457

Wasted quads

>> No.11070459

Fucking things that scare you like monsters is a good way to not be afraid of them anymore.

>> No.11070468

>Jew bashing
All jewish culture is is non-jew bashing, don't reverse the issue.

>> No.11070609

Didn't you read OP?

>> No.11070627

>there is no such thing as hating jews
>there is no such thing as anti-semitism
>there is no such thing as white supremacy
>we are just asking questions and sharing information kike
>how dare you ask us to prove our arguments
>how dare you point out that what we’re saying hateful and intended to incite a pogrom or genocide
>how dare you connect our rhetoric with a regime that explicitly went out of its way to murder you
>listen your talmud and zohar are mean and you guys are psychotic so fuck you you can’t tell me nuthin nigga
>nuh you started it

>> No.11070663

Remind us again who the outsider is pushing degeneracy, lies, and anti-white propaganda on others.

>> No.11070708

Nice meme text maymay. So you asume you are a beta redditor? Fine. Leave.

>> No.11072169

Lacan >

>> No.11072180

god i wish that were me

>> No.11072184

>tfw milf boss made annotations on some graphs I'd printed out for her
>wrote "flecking" (as in the little marks between grid lines in graphs) but it came out as "fucking" in her handwriting
I hope to god those are real and not just Freuds perverse mind.

>> No.11072191

you're schizophrenic. especially if your grandfather is dead.

>> No.11072193

I don't know how you'd even disagree that 4chan is ideally more masculine than Reddit, if not always in practice. Femeninity is liquid and requires external structures to maintain itself, hence it finds a place in reddit and it's moderation system. Less so for 4chan and anonymity, which is why it's masculine dominant.

>> No.11072197

it means you successfully challenged your father and are mentally ubermench