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/lit/ - Literature

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11058812 No.11058812 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a thread on Nietzsche, Dostoievski, Tolstoi, Pessoa, Joyce, Peterson, Freud, Stirner, Marx, Pynchon, DFW, Bolaño, Nabokov, Bloom, Mishima, Tolkien, Lovecraft,Camus, Rand, Houllebecq, Celine, Evola, Borges, Hemingway, or Delillo.

Diversify your tastes you morons. Visiting this board is like being stuck in groundhog day.

>> No.11058816

what a weak, shameful bait.

>> No.11058818

k, bring something new to the table then.

>> No.11058821
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>tfw the Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Cicero, Alfarabi, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Scheler, Lacan, Benajamin and Sloterdijk threads are all me
Feels good

>> No.11058829

How could this be bait? This board is painfully entry-level.

>> No.11058836

Bolaño doesn’t get talked about enough

>> No.11058839

Maybe because he is so shallow

>> No.11058843

What about Land and Kaczynski?

>> No.11058847

>can only discuss philosophy because otherwise they need real analysis
>can't even discuss philosophy

>> No.11058858

Musbodijk and Alfonse Lo Bello are disappointedly not spoken about enough on this board. Only proves that it's just a bunch of pseuds who post here

>> No.11058873

there are 30 good books, and all are present up there. you can always go redditcred for alt. so kys.

>> No.11058922

>there are 30 good books
Way to out yourself as an illiterate retard

>> No.11058977

There's actually no point in being here if you don't want to discuss philosophy. The board is really bloated and try-hard too.

>> No.11059003

Everyone here reads other shit. The problem is that each person reads something different. If a thread is made about a more obscure book there will only be the OP and maybe 1 or 2 (or zero) others that have read it recently enough to discuss it.

A place like this is doomed to discus the "entry-level" books that everyone has read, to recommend books and to discuss philosophical ideas.

>> No.11059069

most people here are not willing to talk about less known authors, specially if those authors are from countries with smaller literary tradition, and if they are not willing to discuss it, imagine if they are willing to read books by those authors...
I think there are people here with very diversified taste but due to bad experience refrain from posting threads about them, but I've had very good "offtopic" conversations in some threads in which I was recommended some less known authors.

>> No.11059115

Be thankful this board isn't a Young Adult fiction cesspool. Pynchon, Joyce, etc, may be entry level but they're quality literature. Go to /tv/ for a few minutes to see how tasteless this board could've turned out.

>> No.11059140

He's talked about too much here for my taste. He's great but I want the pseuds here to keep him out of their mouth.

>> No.11059147

joke's on you, i only come here for the charts ever since i started pretending to be a christian

>> No.11059153

>threads about any postmodernists are derailed
>threads about any jewish author/philosophers are derailed
>threads about any left leaning theorists bar chomsky are derailed
so much wasted potential

>> No.11059158

>what are trends
start a thread about whatever you want you retard, do we have to make your job for you?

>> No.11059165

the left can't argue for shit, we have pandered to them for the last 50 years, if they can't take some minimal pushback maybe it's time to start writing some actual theory again instead of making everything about meme-sexuality and catastrophic economic models

>> No.11059166

Who the fuck reads Nietzsche without reading Plato, Aristotle, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger?

>> No.11059174

I'm very, very confident that you're a poor arguer and not well-versed in the past 100 years of literary criticism.

>> No.11059194

we weren't speaking about me though, your deflection is a weak and cheap

>> No.11059215

My point wasn't to deflect from your criticism of academic discourse, rather to point out that you opinion is uninformed and bears no resemblance to the reality of the situation.

>> No.11059231

this.. it’s always the same shit being debated endlessly.
and when threads about other topics are created, they get 5-10 replies if lucky, then disappear.
E.g. Rumi/sufi threads.

>> No.11059257

if the left is so productive, effective and vibrant why don't you create a thread about it so i can learn about the left's thoughtful analysis of our current predicament? i'd be happy to be proven wrong and learn something but every single leftist thread i see is the same unreflexive shit that doesn't stand any minimal pushback

>> No.11059266

Capeshit > faggy art films

>> No.11059270
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I feel like we should try to at least read one recently released book a year
Also we’ve been having a lot of talk about McCarthy lately

>> No.11059274

films are a shit medium either way

>> No.11059277

>I feel like we should try to at least read one recently released book a year
which one this year? make it something that isn't too shit please

>> No.11059282

Who reads Heidegger before Nietzsche?

>> No.11059306

Nobody here reads literary criticism, that's why you only see the same 50 threads circulated and recycled day in and day out. I could start a thread about Judith Butler, but it would get few replies. I could also start a thread on a more conservative literary theory like the New Criticism, and we'd be in the same boat.

But at the end of the day, liberal thinkers have contributed enormously over the past 50 years. Personally I'm partial to Sontag's position in Against Interpretation, as well as reader-response theory, which are both liberal perspective on literature and art.

>> No.11059311

Didn't intend to imply an order, only that if you're well-read in one then you're probably gonna avail yourself of the others too.

>> No.11059330
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Thinking about reading the great alone, seems pretty cozy but I’m not expecting it to be revolutionary
But I guess McCarthy’s books are pretty recent compared to other /lit/ core books

>> No.11059332

But anything else isn't high brow literature. I want to flex my knowledge of the common consensus, not talk about new releases or weird finds.

I bet you plebs still read books written beneath a ninth grade reading level.

>> No.11059350

Joke: thinking capeshit and art films are the antithesis of each other and picking a favorite
Woke: watching both because both highbrow and lowbrow film can be entertaining

>> No.11059365

>posts a very diverse list of literary figures
>diversify your tastes

Really makes you think huh

>> No.11059397

It should be Plato, Arisotle, Schopenhauer.

Heidegger came after Nietzsche even basing a lot of his philosophy of Neetch. As for Kierkegaard, although similar to Nietzsche, can be read independently as Nietzsche never read his philosophy and wasnt aware of him until after most of his work was done (if i remember correctly)

>> No.11059408

Why dont you make the threads you want yourself?

Oh you just did. And its just some whiney moaning.

>> No.11059494

You forgot McCarthy

>> No.11059524

you wouldn’t read Heidegger before N and Kierkegaard is totally unnecessary and adds basically nothing relevant to N. N never read any of Kierkegaard’s work

>> No.11059542

somebody make a Virgil thread, a Marlowe thread, a tragedian thread, a Trakl thread

there you go

>> No.11059632

>less than 30 (thirty) authors
>very diverse

The absolute status of western intellectuals

>> No.11059676

>watching films because they are "entertaining"
pleb alert

>> No.11059698
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To be fair, the postmodernists and left leaners derail themselves in fear of compromise.