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11058493 No.11058493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Josef Stalin personally murdered 280 billion people with his bare hands and Josef Stalin was a Marxist. Jack Dearida was also a Marxist therefore vis a vis a la Jungian analysis within a Christian context when Jack Deeryda wrote his works on literary interpretation he did it with the intention of personally strangling 320 billion babies to death with famine. P.S. Michelle Fucalt was a sex pervert. SORT YOURSELF OUT AND SLAY YOUR EDIBLE TYRANT BY READING SHOES'N'SCHNITZEL, BUCKO!"

On a serious note, has Peterson ever actually discussed the content of Derrida's or Foucault's arguments? Every video of him talking about them that I've seen has basically been him calling them evil Marxists that are trying to destroy reality and murder everyone.

>> No.11058509


I've heard him praise the infinite interpretations stuff but otherwise the only time he rebutted it was when he said Foucault/Derrida were damn near impossible to comprehend and that their method of deconstruction destroys everything.

>> No.11058521
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>On a serious note, has Peterson ever actually discussed the content of Derrida's or Foucault's arguments?
I belive he said in an interview that Foucault is the only post-modernist he's read because he tried the others but couldn't understand it.

Don't expect anything from Peterson. Hes popularity is merely the result of weak men with daddy issues wanting someone to tell the clean their room. Its just rudimentary self help packaged as something academic and politically charged. He is the resurrection of Tai Lopez.

>> No.11058524

It's ironic because Peterson would most likely agree with some of Focault's criticism of Marxist thought if he'd ever bothered to read it.

>> No.11058549


You see reality in a very strange way.

>> No.11058568

>Hes popularity is merely the result of weak men with daddy issues wanting someone to tell the clean their room.

It completely blows my mind how an effeminate guy can gain a following by so frequently opining that men today don't want to grow up while at the same time telling them to clean their rooms.

It's like a satire.

>> No.11058576

Petersen is pop psychology , just like Neetch,Land, Molyneoux, Zizek et al are pop philosophers
and then we have alex jones, sargon, and varg which are pop political scientists
then we have all the other people bitching about pop economics

and compared to previous "pop psychologists" like "Dr." Phil, and Dr. Ruth, which only focused on sex. Petersen I think is making a good start of putting pop psychology back into "academia" instead of on daytime television.

>> No.11058586

>Foucault/Derrida were damn near impossible to comprehend

Unsurprising considering he is a fucking retard


>> No.11058587
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>Josef Stalin personally murdered 280 billion people with his bare hands

Why do tankies think that repeating the same fallacies as Nazis and Holocaust deniers somehow makes them more likeable and credible?

>> No.11058608
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>putting Nietzche in the same category as Land and Zizek
>putting any of these legitemate philosophers (whether or not you agree with them or dislike them or think theyre lacking they at least have the credentials and have put in the work) in the same category as Youtube celebrity cult leader who couldnt read a book even if you promised to kill your parents after he finished

>> No.11058611

I think Varg is actually an interesting character via the gaze of the early Norwegian Black Metal scene and I don't think anybody actually takes his political opinions very seriously.
It's a joke, retard.

>> No.11058612

he said he read Focault but that most of what he wrote was just self-evident stuff that was known in psychology from day 1

>> No.11058615

>Petersen is pop psychology , just like Neetch,Land, Molyneoux, Zizek et al are pop philosophers
molyneux is a 'pop philosopher' but the rest are just (relatively) popular philsophers

>instead of on daytime television.
pop psychology should be on daytime tv and in shitty magazines for idiots.

>> No.11058621
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i mean he is a meme, but how can you dislike Varg? i mean come on, he is just so likable


>> No.11058681

>It's a joke, retard.
Yeah sure, and "muh 6 gorillion" is also a joke.

>> No.11058701

Yes, it is and both of those jokes are funny because the historical metanarratives that they are criticizing are cartoonishly black and white propaganda.

>> No.11058709


>> No.11058714


>> No.11058728

Varg is adorable desu. He recently discovered orc migrant memes.


>> No.11058729

varg has serial killer charisma. If he had been a few notches more evil than he already is he could have been the Norwegian ted bundy

>> No.11058763

I mean, hes not wrong about Derrida. He's only wrong about the 280 billion people Stalin killed. Was a little less

>> No.11058772

this guy is a piece of shit. once a murderer always a murderer. wouldnt surprise me if he's done it a few times more since gettng out of that pathetic Norwegian "prison" system

>> No.11058963

there's literally nothing wrong with moderate murder though

>> No.11058982

Post-anti-neo-modern structural Leninists REEEEEEEEE

>> No.11058986

anglos are terrible judges of character, varg is inoffensive

>> No.11059009

>if it's popular it must be bad

Seriously what the fuck is it with /lit/ thinking popularity discredits your views? Philosophy/psychology/political science aren't supposed to be esoteric doctrines which only a few people can understand. I think it's a good thing these subjects are becoming more accessible to people.

>> No.11059018

That's true.
Murdering all the time - Murdering sometimes - Never murdering

Sometimes using violence is the moderate solution.

>> No.11059019

What a scamp

>> No.11059022

>Philosophy/psychology/political science aren't supposed to be esoteric doctrines which only a few people can understand.
except they are, except psychology which is a meme discipline

>> No.11059034

Often he comes across a bit simpleminded.
Anyway does anyone has the source of that Polydorus quote he uses?It seems to have been made up and no one that wrote about Sparta mentions it.

>> No.11059035


I kek'd.

>> No.11059056

Neetch >>>> Zizek >>>>>>>>> Land >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Molyneux
Not even two of these guys belong on the same tier.

>> No.11059068

I unironically agree.

>> No.11059070

if he didn't come from a shitty country, spoke like a meme, and was so likable, Zizek would have been purged from the left decades ago, his luck may be finished in the current years

>> No.11059135

Zizek is a smart guy and chooses his homeground well. He was part of the Liberal Capitalists during Yugoslavia and only """became""" a Communist after the landscape shifted
If the Left purged him he would have found a place somewhere else

>> No.11059144

would be fun to see a NRx Zizek memeing with Land

>> No.11059196

Peterson's whole shtick is keeping the middle class Protestant ethic of capitalism on life support. I just don't think its possible to go back to an idealized mid century middle class America(which is the expressed goal of Peterson, Elizabeth Warren and the identity politics crowd). anglosphere is in the same place the USSR was in back in the Brezhnev/ Gorbachev era.

>> No.11059265

You can't go back to an idealized place. Jesus Christ. The fantasy land of the magical 50th without any problems is just retartedly wrong and a political meme gone wrong.

>> No.11059284

There shouldn't be tv during the day time

>> No.11059298

The problem is that there isn't much to comprehend. The popularity of theory is one of the reasons for our cultural poverty.

>> No.11059324
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>t. reductivist
what completely blows my mind is the inability of this board to understand that his popularity is not due to him simply telling people to clean their room.

>> No.11059325

>I belive he said in an interview that Foucault is the only post-modernist he's read because he tried the others but couldn't understand it.

Source or btfo

>> No.11059329

post war society peaked in the 60s, same time it started being ripped apart by its own internal contradictions. the middle class republic is inherently unstable and innevitably degenerates into oligarchy. Just like the republics of antiquity, it ultimately depends on the existence of an underclass. The golden age of fordism and the Jeffersonian yeoman farmer ideal were brief exceptions rather than the rule.

>> No.11059336

> Philosophy/psychology/political science aren't supposed to be esoteric doctrines which only a few people can understand.

Technically they are, though I understand your sentiment. Esoteric topics that involve the human condition SHOULD be made more accessible to the general population; it would make the world a better, kinder place to live in.

>> No.11059341

i could only find 7-10 minute videos and i won't watch that shit, if it were 30s-2min i would try to find it, sorry, you'll have to watch them yourself

>> No.11059343

t. Never read derrida.
If anything it is trickle down theory

>> No.11059369

I dunno, it seems to me that he’s just a surrogate dad for conservative white boys.

>> No.11059378

have you read either of his books or watched any of his lecture series

>> No.11059379

Foucault,Lyotard and Deleuze were edgy Nietzscheans dealing with the chaotic aftermath and the disillusions of post 68 France. Derrida on the other hand had a background in literary criticism, Paul denMan, Heidegger and Plotinus. Conservatives assume capitalism and technology are utterly unproblematic and any imperfections are due to outside subversion. Leftists such as The Frankfurt School and Christopher Lasch are unironically better conservatives than you

>> No.11059383

Sorry don’t wanna listen to Kermit the Frog tell me about how I’m part of primordial Chaos because I got two X chromosomes.

>> No.11059387

i rest my case

>> No.11059389

>Conservatives assume capitalism and technology are utterly unproblematic and any imperfections are due to outside subversion.
t. has never read a conservative writer

>> No.11059411

To this day, I thank the Turks for their attempts to liberate Europe from Christianity and give us a non-Semetic religion.

>> No.11059414


just about 32 keks.

>> No.11059415

Such great conservative writers such as:
Count Dracula
The principal from the Back to the Future movies

>> No.11059416


Men today don't want to grow up because they see no reason or reward to societal engagement as self-reliant individual actors. And the fact that 1 in 3 white children and 3 out of 4 black children grow up fatherless in America is a gigantic problem, in terms of stable familial environment and healthy development of citizens. Peterson, for all his faults, fills a void for many young men as a voice of masculine reason they are not used to or maybe even never have heard.

You can disagree with him all you want, but that shouldn't blind you as to why he has become relevant. I swear, people on /lit/ think that swapping empathetic discernment for dispassionate condescension makes them gods. Are you above a world and a people just because you actively choose not to understand them?

>> No.11059445

Sure, it sucks that anomie has claimed many young men. But I feel like Peterson is ultimately doing them a disservice by driving them into the arms of conservative/neoliberal thought, which is the source of their woes. You can’t have a sense of family and community in an increasingly capitalistic society which demands all that can work should work to the detriment of their personal lives and development. It’s impossible to reconcile a belief in tradition and community with a system that views both as impediments to economic growth that benefits the upper echelons only.

>> No.11059449


How do you feel he is driving them into the neolib/con mindset?

>> No.11059471
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based varg

>> No.11059474

>killed a communist degenerate in self defense
>piece of shit

its obvious Varg is a pretty nice fellow. Try to not be such poor judges of character.

>> No.11059480

>go to work
>get married
>move to the suburbs
>take anti-depressants
>go to church
>don't think for yourself, let me think for you

>> No.11059481

Not him but he's spot on.

>You can’t have a sense of family and community in an increasingly capitalistic society which demands all that can work should work to the detriment of their personal lives and development. It’s impossible to reconcile a belief in tradition and community with a system that views both as impediments to economic growth that benefits the upper echelons only.

Peterson identifies the correct symptoms but diagnoses the problem as cultural Marxism. Peterson has completely fallen for the capitalist realism meme that Mark Fisher explains

>> No.11059483

by unthinkingly encouraging submission to a work hierarchy and a work world that’s inhumane and trying to reify and excuse all the evils of dominance harky’s especially at qork. his whole philosophy is oriented around being a shifty snake who does whatever is expected of them (but is hapoy about it and quick to do the thing before its actually expected of them). He does not fathom what kind of hell most of the corporate world is nor how unlikely it is that a small business won’t fail or become exploitative itself

he doesn’t care about incels really, if he did he’d talk about lookism in detail, he doesn’t care about poorfags, if he did he’d talk about systematic perpetuation of poverty, he doesn’t care about depressed people, if he did he wouldn’t push them towards therapists who will drug them up nor waste their time with religions that are obviously fake

>> No.11059489

This, both capitalism and communism have failed us
Good thing there is a Third Position

>> No.11059509

>be a communist
>spend an entire century undermining every single traditional value and doing everything you can to sow discord and destroy social cohesion
>haha why do you alt right losers blame us for alienization we dindu nuffin it was all the (((one percent)))
capitalism is cancer but you people are literally just as responsible, if not even more

>> No.11059525

>anyone who criticizes capitalism is a genocidal communist
Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.11059532

>accuses the person who said capitalism is cancer to believe anyone who criticizes capitalism is a communist
I'm not saying you're a commie because you're shittalking capitalism, I'm saying you're a commie pretending commies are innocent victims in all this

>> No.11059536

>destroy social cohesion
profoundly ironic that the much-vaunted "golden age" of traditional american society just so happens to coincide with the lowest income inequality in its history

>> No.11059537
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forgot to attach muh graph

>> No.11059539

>I'm saying you're a commie pretending commies are innocent victims in all this
Nobody has said this in this entire thread. You need to get your life together.

>> No.11059541

This is why anglos have zero intellectual worth. They physically can't understand marxism. It goes for both left and right wingers.

>> No.11059583
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I'm pretty divided on Peterson personally. On one hand I hate pop philosophers/intellectuals (Zizek is pretty entertaining though and I'm not a leftist) and find his analysis of postmodernism and Foucault, Derrida and others cringeworthy while on the other hand I find his reading of Jung interesting and well communicated, appreciate his contributions to psychology as a field and like how he is pushing back against the social justice campus politics and school of resentment in the academy that he erroneously misconstrues with "postmodernism." But to answer your question OP he doesn't have much worthwhile to say about those thinkers, and he abuses the terms "Marxism" and "postmodernism" heavily in his critique of social justice ideology.

>> No.11059588
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>> No.11059604

I've listened to his lectures and they are basically academic hodgepodges about accepting authority and the mundanity of traditional values. It's all very sneaky, and all very boring.

>> No.11059617

Conservatives are people like Ben Shapiro.

>> No.11059692

campus conservative shock jocks take advantage of resentment towards muh sjws to promote blatantly unpopular agendas such as free market ideology and israeli foreign policy.

>> No.11059708

Yes. I would never call someone like Ted Kaczynski conservative unless it is in the vaguely defined not-liberal, which is an equally vague term.

>> No.11059741

and the diaper cartel