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/lit/ - Literature

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11052837 No.11052837 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet here. What would you recommend to a person who hasn’t read a book in 10 years. Seriously im not kidding. I have no idea what might intrest me. Im doing this because I want to get out my comfort zone and enjoy life again.

Also sorry for bad grammar.

>> No.11052844


>> No.11052851


>> No.11052855

>I have no idea what might intrest me.
Did you also spend 10 years not playing videogames, watching movies/tv or talking to people?

>> No.11052856
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>> No.11052862
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>> No.11052866

just read moby dick, blood meridian and then play new vegas its what l did

>> No.11052909

I spent my whole child
hood and adolescence playing video games because following my brothers foot steps because it was safe and easy rhing to do. Playing viseogamea does not bring me any joy anymore. Now I spent everyday on lying on my bed and going to work.

Also I realized that haven’t watched tv for 5 years either. I rarely watch movies or talk to anyone either. I seriously need help. Recommend me something that is new and refreshing. For some strange reason I cannot find my own will to do anything.

>> No.11052914

Also posting on a phone sucks ass.

>> No.11052918

bruh that sounds horrible. unironically read harry potter. the first book really is written for children so the prose might be annoying at first but they're comfy stories and if you haven't read them you're missing out on a cultural event. also try some stephen king. or george rr martin if you like rape and medieval platters. easy to digest stuff. page turners. just to get your brain back in reading shape.

>inb4 brainlets call these picks moronic

>> No.11052933

a book's not going to work you need professional mental help

>> No.11052952
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read one hundred years of solitude

>> No.11052956

>and going to work
ah you're one of those
this thread was very misleading

>> No.11054480
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>> No.11054542
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>> No.11054551

start with poetry my friend

>> No.11054553


Start small. Read Of Mice and Men. And a couple of Edgar Allan Poe's more famous short stories. That's what got me hooked.

>> No.11054572
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I barely read but i would recommend john steinbeck(of mice and men is a good choice) and catcher in the rye since both have a straightforward prose.

>> No.11054617

Fuck books your life is shit, fix it first then read books, you'll only become more embittered the more you postpone it

>> No.11054622

Don't even bother with contemporary fiction. Go straight to psychology, self-help and philosophie. Also any science you might be interested in.
My advice for you is honestly. Start with Jordan Peterson's 12Rules for life

>> No.11054627

12 Rules for Life :DDD

>> No.11054638

How do i distract myself from my thoughts while reading? Usually i immerse myself into the book just fine, but yesterday i had to stop reading after 2 pages, after i realized i couldn't concentrate at all, all i was thinking about is that cute girl in a bus who sat right next to me.

>> No.11054875

missing out on a cultural event. really?? Do you know how i can tell you're either female or really boring or 19?

>> No.11055412

when that happens, I just give up reading for that moment, if I'm not immersed and I struggle to finish one page then there is no point. I do something else and then I try again

>> No.11055434

The catcher in the Rye is one of the easiest books I have ever read and it was what got me back into reading I always recommend it to people who haven't read in a while.
Are you a native speaker ? If not what's your mother tongue ?

>> No.11055632

Op on a computer now. Sorry for replying so late.

My room mate is sort of a book worm (in my oppinion). Gotta ask her to lend me her Harry Potter books later today. Thank you for the recommendations btw.


Is "The Catcher in the rye" a good place to start reading as a hobby? I'm not a native speaker (Finnish actually) but I wan't to read in english in order to get my brain activated or something like that. I feel like i need some sort of stimulus from preventing myself going crazy. My other intention enriching my english vocabulary because I feel so shit if im not able to communicate with people. I understand english quite well but I have this condition in addition of dyslexia that I forgot Finnish and foreing words easily when I have to talk.


Gonna take a list of everything that you guys recommended in this thread and hopefully if I manage to read everything you told me to read I'm going to make a thread about it in future. Really appriciate all the replies.

>> No.11055742

you keep reading until it goes away