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11049218 No.11049218 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best cookbooks /lit/?

>> No.11050166

The Redwall Cookbook

>> No.11050176
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>> No.11050260

>most useful:
mccall's new cookbook 1964 ed.

>least useful but most lit:
nero wolfe cookbook
futurist cookbook

>> No.11050279

not strictly a cookbook, but if anyone has "the essential Rumi" that is in a few charts here, the translator has a few recipes in the back of the book for curries that are really fucking good and easy to make.

>> No.11051041

Sounds good

>> No.11051046

what about cockbooks

>> No.11051072
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>what are the best cookbooks /lit/?
pic related.

>> No.11051298
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>ctrl + f brillat-savarin
>0 results

what in the actual fuck

>> No.11051371

/lit/ meme. OP asked for best, not worst.

>> No.11051702

Afield has narratives on hunting, instructions on how to dress various game, and a few recipes afterwards for each

>> No.11051805

>Bouquet de france
Sounds interesting, is it good?

>> No.11051811

That futurist cookbook is cool as fuck.
My ex's mom had one.

>> No.11051821
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I'm in no way a gourmet, but I've gotten a lot out of this book. Taught me how to make bouillabaisse and crème brûlée.

>> No.11051839
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It's by far my favorite of the bunch, a travelogue of an American visiting France just after WWII. Chamberlain visits a lot of scenic spots and tiny hotels and cafes, and sometimes the local cook shares their recipe. Those are reprinted in the book. It's legit, highly recommended for anyone who loves cooking regular food and not molecular gastronomy bullshit. Pic is a random sampling of pages.

>> No.11051841
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A must read even if you consider yourself an amateur.

You don't need to do sous vide or anything fancy from this book, but the techniques and concepts will prove invaluable in many different areas.

>> No.11051843

It kind of goes without saying a lot of those places don't exist anymore, but just like when reading Pausanias the goal is to be transported.

>> No.11051844

You're a fag

>> No.11051904

Read the book.

>> No.11052191


>> No.11052446

It said best cookbook, not best cheese

>> No.11052462

Can't you faggots stop trying to seem smart for one second and actually post books a neet with no cooking skills would find useful?

>> No.11052471

Seriously the McCall's one has a basic cooking school at the start, explains terms throughout, and will even tell you wine pairings in a chart for fruits and cheeses. It'll take you from complete amateur through to dinner parties, so it's basically your encyclopedia for the next few decades if you want.

>> No.11052490

If you want something easier to find new for a slightly lower price, you could also get one of Jamie Oliver's books for beginners. He'll explain things like how to pack a cupboard and hold a knife, but there are far less recipes and it remains basic thoroughout. It does take into account budgeting, but also doesn't provide the same value for money a larger cookbook would (365 meals cookbooks are often cheaper). The friendly pictures of jars of stuff and a smiling man with a knife making cooking unimposing are his main selling points.

>> No.11052510
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What are you talking about, the Escoffier cookbook was literally made for simpletons. The Larousse as well. Pure Beef has all the directions you need for preparing beef, including how to cut what to keep and what to throw away, how to season, general rules etc. Here, look at pic related and see how simple it is.

It's not going to be as simple as directions on the side of a unit of Kraft Easy Mac, but it's easy enough if you focus and think. Don't get frustrated my man.

>> No.11052524

incidentally old cookbooks like these are fucking CHEAP. I picked up the old escoffier, printed in the 50s I think, for $6. Larousse was about $10. Any kind of glossy new bullshit is going to be twice that, and if its a hipster chef like Sean Brock it's going to be $30.

>> No.11052536

he might be looking at a new reprint price or something. even then most of them are around the price of a tv chef book, and have more recipes.

>> No.11052606
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>> No.11052772
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*slow claps* bravo bravo, well done, yes...however!

>> No.11053779
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What is this noob shit?
please put up real cookbooks fellows.