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File: 75 KB, 700x1080, Nineteen eighty four.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11048675 No.11048675 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this recently, it was enjoyable. Anyone else skim the part where Winston reads the book?

>> No.11048756

No that's one of the most important parts of the book, next to the part where the book is revealed to be meaningless

>> No.11048766
File: 327 KB, 400x340, horrified_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11048782

what this book about guys, never read it? i really wish they had some kind of program for high school students that made them read these important books

>> No.11048804

>le everyone is from Anglo countries smug post

>> No.11049955

>nineteen eighty four
Why would you do this?

>> No.11049970


If you are not paranoic right now you didn't read it well.

>> No.11050369

It was terrifying. And no, that was my favorite part.

>> No.11050422

1984 = if the Left Wins
Brave New World = if the Right Wins

>> No.11050433

Brave New World is infinitely more chilling.

>> No.11050451

>le smug anglo can't fathom the existence of other literary traditions

>> No.11050630

it's a great novel but i found it more terrifying than enjoyable

>> No.11050636

Fahrenheit 451 = Current Year -5
>mfw nobody ever remembers the most prescient dystopian novel

>> No.11050684

Most schools do, my class was given Animal Farm to read but not 1984 in particular, it is a fictional story about a distopian world, it serves as a warning to us, that the distopia in that world is actually very real and replicable in our world and was once alive in some form or another.

Take Saddam hussien's rise to power for example, how he had party member tortured so much, so much to the point where he became broken and obedient willing to admit in front of the entire senate that he was guilty for so and so crime, but he did not just do that, he was made to read a list of names of every political enemy of Sadam in the senate room where all members were gathered, these names, these people were to be immediately executed... by those whose names were not chosen or else they too would befall that same fate. There exists a video of this event, you can see the outrage at first by the members, quickly followed by the terror, where some members yell, scream and profess their love for the leader in hope it saves them, yet to no avail.

We see the policing of language, the changing definition of words to make them meaningless and unusable and so on.

In the world of 1984, the place is a Totalitarian and Authoritarian place, with no freedoms. It is a must read along side the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

>> No.11050715

Was Julia a butterface?
Part 3 was heartbreaking especially when Winston looks in the mirror. Body damage always gets to me. So degrading

>> No.11050944

I loved how they integrated their romance. I wasn't expecting one at all, and it was so well-done.

The part where Winston talks about how he hasn't betrayed his love to Julia always gets to me.

>> No.11050973
File: 45 KB, 468x600, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Brother never exist and was just an idea?

>> No.11050988

The single most interesting(and underrated) idea in 1984 is the idea is that upper classes will unconscious work to maintain inequality, even if it means a lower standard of living for them. They value their sense of superiority more than the material comfort of their lives. It's an amazingly interesting idea,

>> No.11051622

Reading it reminded me of being in grad school where I constantly have to keep my opinions to myself, language is essentially policed, and dissenting opinions are silenced.

>> No.11051630

It’s hilarious that leftists went out en masse to buy this book after Trump’s election but are too stupid to realize it’s about a leftist government.

>> No.11051636


>> No.11051644

Did anyone actually do that though?

>> No.11051778

>brave new world = if the right wins
Please explain

>> No.11051817

I think this book might have actually ruined my life. I am so paranoid now and I don't think I was this paranoid before high school (when I read it)

>> No.11051822

The breed to be a certain class by birth is probably the most terrifying idea I've ever read in a novel. Sure they can escape their society and run of to the islands or to fuck around with the savages, but you can't escape your breeding.

>> No.11051827

People don't want to burn books just because they would rather watch TV. Although the masses for sure don't read any more

>> No.11051830

most likely

>> No.11051831

supposedly it sold like hotcakes during and after the election.

>> No.11051836

Free speech not applying to college campuses is probably the stupidest thing Americans have ever done.

>> No.11051860

why does it not apply universally? Is it private property?

>> No.11051869

I almost did but
>>11048756 is right.
Fucking dragged though

>> No.11051875

Essentially. There are reasons for it, but for the most part I would say it is not a good idea to limit free speech in an area that is supposed to be a free flow of ideas.

>> No.11051878

I want to be O'brein when I grow up. He knows his shit.

>> No.11051890

yes, public and private schools have different limits. however the final straw will always be money. last year UC berkeley wanted to bring a series of conservative guest speakers, but they estimated that the cost of security would run $100k for that week.

>> No.11051985

People who value power will always defeat people who value comfort

>> No.11052018

Wasn't Obama all about intrusion of privacy?

>> No.11052174

It spikes in sales after every american election regardless of who won.
But faggots like you see everything as "us vs them" and try to hide that you are equally retarded and doing the same idiotic thing as the people you oppose.

>> No.11052218

Fucking hilarious isnt it. Ideologues serve the best lulz