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11046732 No.11046732 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on law?

>> No.11046742

Anything specific you're interested in? Like philosophy of law, or law in respect to politics, or something?

>> No.11046743


>> No.11046752
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philosophy of law sounds good, but anything that has to do with law will do

>> No.11046753
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>tfw studying law at one of the most recognized faculties and it fucking sucks ass

>> No.11046763
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oh fuck, i wanted to see if i should get into law. What's bad about it?

>> No.11046784

Some of the names I remember from my philosophy of criminal law course:
Joel Feinberg
H.L.A Hart
Ronald Dworkin
Gerald Dworkin
Douglas Husak
Patrick Devlin
Joseph Raz

>> No.11046793

>time management that is just fucking laughable and basically leads to you being stressed out to infinity, not knowing which topic to tackle first
>lectures are mind-numbing and lethargic, basically a professor will only give you their extremely biased and distorted point of view of the topic which you can't use in exams
>law students are basically completely vapid and anti-intellectual, not in that Bret Easton Ellis way, smug overachievers
>Prepare to write 50+ pages of papers in 4 weeks only to get massively fucked over

>> No.11046835

The Law by Frédéric Bastiat.
The Republic by Plato.
Laws by Plato.
The Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu.
Utopia by Thomas More.
The Laws of Manu.
The Code of Hammurabi.

Also read Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Proudhon.

>> No.11047205

Funny how we probably don’t even go to university on the same continent but that is my exact experience after studying law for years. Hmmm

>> No.11047251

I wish I could say I share your experience, bros. I study law in a country in Yuropoor, but I'm a shit student who doesn't actually attend lectures or read material. Now there's only 30 days until my exam, and I'm starting to sweat. I have wasted 3,5 months. Is there any hope for me?

>> No.11047255
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Law is a spook

>> No.11047284

Which country senpai, I also study laws in Europe

>> No.11047291
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Norway, my man

>> No.11047306
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