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/lit/ - Literature

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11040522 No.11040522 [Reply] [Original]

I can't agree enough.

>> No.11040524

Why do people love the hunger games so much?

>> No.11040526

Man I love the hungers games, it's scary how reality with trump parallels its dark history..

>> No.11040534

Le stronk female protag meme

>> No.11040533

Narnia is good

>> No.11040543

>No philosophy

Plato was right and this is why modern society is both suffering and collapsing.

When are we getting a true philosopher king /lit/?

>> No.11040561

How can they make a top list with literally no good books? You seriously have to do it on purpose at this point.

>> No.11040580
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>> No.11040584
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>> No.11040588

Narnia, Animal Farm, and Pride and Prejudice are all good books for what they are, albeit nowhere near the top ten greatest of all time.

>> No.11040598
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It gets better though

>> No.11040601

Because battle royale was really entertaining and hunger games is almost a direct rip-off.

>> No.11040606

Bingo. Lord of the Rings isn’t bad.

But the giving tree? Seriously?

>> No.11040627 [DELETED] 
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>the fault in our stars

Yep, that's the best of this decade.

>> No.11040732

Obama had to be so pissed that day lmao

>> No.11040754
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Underrated meme.

>> No.11040939

i hope Russia and America start nuking each other bcs of the syria conflict and that will be the end of this retarded species

> Hunger games
> harry potter

cant make this shit up

>> No.11041010

Goodreads is social media for books. The people who do all the ratings are autists, and women. Idk why anyone expects anything but YA, and high school curriculum shit at the top.

>> No.11041043

>Narnia is good
It's distractingly transparent propaganda, and the narrator is obnoxiously chatty, but I'm forced to admit that the writing is technically great.

>> No.11041045


>> No.11041072

That's what you get when your algorithm over-values number of votes. See Twilight for example.

>> No.11041345
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>> No.11041413

im sure there were no bad books and everyone read a lot back in the ancient times

>> No.11041423

>this is a look inside a mind of an average person

>> No.11041425

Animal Farm is a masterpiece of modern allegory.

>> No.11041428

Goodreads really is the worst of the media social sites

>> No.11041446

What happens when only kids vote in such things, or when persons who know very little about books register what the best books are. The Nobel Committee clearly knew very little about literature when they detetmined the recipient of their litrrary prize over a year ago. This is nothing new. Shit like this happens all the time.

>> No.11041470
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My goodreads experience, based on recommendations based on my cultivated reading choices based on Amazon's AI based on the entirety of their catalog, is nothing like this. Their recommendation engine is pretty robust.


>> No.11041635

That's how the list works, though, people vote on books and they get arranged by the number of votes. There's no algorithm like on RYM or IMDb.

>> No.11041710

Goodreads is for kids and people who only read easy trash or what school makes them read, so this is to be expected.

>> No.11041729

>Goodreads is for kids and people who only read easy trash or what school makes them read, so this is to be expected.

Except for the hundreds of /lit/izens reading philosophy and experimental literature and doing anything to break away from the meme-tier shit thats been posted her since 2010

>> No.11041760

You've been born in the wrong generation, clearly you know true /lit/ culture unlike the rest of these fags.

>> No.11042035

Pretty obvious it's just women/girls voting.

>> No.11042047
File: 321 KB, 668x1661, goodreads worst books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the right here?

>> No.11042158

>Bill O'Reilly (Goodreads Author)
lol, what?

>> No.11042211

ranked 19 through 21...
>Les Miserable
>Romeo and Juliet
plebs must burn

>> No.11043548
File: 193 KB, 1277x853, elezioni-francia-macron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When are we getting a true philosopher king /lit/?
can't wait for him to crown himself tbqh senpai

>> No.11043575

What? Why is animal farm even on there, I haven't read many of the rest so I won't comment but animal farm just shouldn't be there.

I love animal farm, it's a good book but it just doesn't stand up to any big name.

>> No.11043594

>When are we getting a true philosopher king /lit/?
When technology allows the few to finally eradicate the need for the masses.

>> No.11043611

unironically macron. if he declared himself king i would move to france in a heartbeat and help cleanse the inner cities

>> No.11043636
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What makes you say that?

>> No.11044314
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>> No.11044330

god these are all so bad

>> No.11044331

imdb >>>>>>>> rym >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goodreads

>> No.11044338

this tbqp100%hwunbs

>> No.11044339

Eh, at least people on rym don't give high scores to bad albums in the vast majority of cases

>> No.11044583

at least imdb is watchable

>> No.11044592

Women can't tell what a bad/good book is, so they put it in both categories 'cause.

>> No.11044594

enjoy your brain cancer

>> No.11044599
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>> No.11044610

wtf i love rym now

>> No.11044624

When I was younger I used to follow whatever this list told me and I felt really bad because when I finished the books I though they were utter shit, so I re-read them because maybe people could see something I couldn't.

Thanks Gaia I grew up.

>> No.11044628

only VU is worth a mentioning

>> No.11044655

dad rock is worse


>> No.11044664
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At first I was going to say that's above-average taste for a teenage girl but then I noticed this list was voted by the Goodreads community. Absolutely disgusting. Any top 10 that has Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or Twilight on it should be instantly discarded.

>> No.11044672

>bunch of shit
>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.11044674

Battle Royale was a shit movie but Hunger Games only stole the premise, the author didn't have any idea what to do with it either and dropped it for the last book,

>> No.11044681

Add the MAL list.

>> No.11044682

all of those are good besides radiohead and the beatles

>> No.11044687

>le wrong generation
The vast majority of people who were alive before the last few hundred years didn't read anything, and most of what most could read was definitely not philosophy.

>> No.11044689

It's number 15. Honestly the only reason it isn't top 10 is counter-hipster hipsters.

>> No.11044690

Kill yourself

>> No.11044693

>Stealing the premise means it doesn't count as copyright infringement

>> No.11044698

i listened to ITAOTS all the way through for the first time ever like a week ago
and it's actually bretty gud, shame about the memeness

>> No.11044702

My kindle decided to sign me up for this bullshit when I bought it. How to i turn off this retarded social media for books?

>> No.11044704

it's not pretty gud, it's an average album
pop music for people who don't want to listen to pop music

>> No.11044709

le tips

>> No.11044714


>> No.11044719
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>Dark Saga is the best Iced Earth album

>> No.11044727

It's a shitty site most of the time, but at least they still discuss books more than most of the pseuds on this board.

>> No.11044729

Why is Twilight so popular to hate? I mean, how exactly does someone who won't like it come to read it in the first place, never mind get to book four?

>> No.11044740

>readers are the biggest plebs

>> No.11044744


popular + audience of teenage girls = bandwagon hate

not that they're great books but 90% of the people hating on it didn't even read one page of the damned books

>> No.11044749

plus still some good book recs to be found if you search long enough

>> No.11044751

please expand on this opinion in any meaningful way

>> No.11044752

dude vacuum cleaners lmao

>> No.11044761


>> No.11044763

honestly hating twilight is basically the same 2010-tier hatred of things like justin bieber
yeah it's shit, but it's so clear that it is singled out because the girls at your middle school like it

>> No.11045609

this is also wrong. Surely there have been worse books written than the twilight saga

>> No.11045625

That the number of people that read increased didn't really help, man. That list is utter shit. We have great authors in the last 100 years to pick and choose from.

>> No.11045926

The Running Man did the whole "murdersport for the sake of pacifying the masses" thing first

>> No.11045931

NMH is most definitely a pop band, a lo-fi psych folk indie pop band like the rest of the Elephant 6 collective (e.g., Apples In Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, Beulah, etc.)

>> No.11046716
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Also the Running Man book was way better and the kitsch of Arnold's performance in the movie is worth the watch

>> No.11046733

>kitsch Arnold performance
outside of Commando and Kindergarten Cop, it's my favorite (tho it doesn't have a one liner as ridiculous as Total Recall's "See you at the party, Richter")

>> No.11046747

The Goodreads community IS teenage girls

>> No.11046764

is pride and prejudice any good?

>> No.11047373

ok so you can't defend this position
i understand

>> No.11047516

the teenage girls are more likeable than the beta males

>> No.11047883

I've only read Pride and Prejudice, Animal Farm and Narnia out of those. Is any of the others worth it?

I enjoyed some of the stories, especially The Horse and his Boy.

>> No.11047984

>pop is only bubblegum top 40 radio trash

>> No.11048018

That's only because you want to fuck them

>> No.11048234

Seriously, at any point if you'd like to provide a definition for pop music and then actually qualify how it is pop music, be my guest.

>> No.11048309

You mean women?

>> No.11048390

Ow fuck, I like Animal Farm.