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/lit/ - Literature

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11044875 No.11044875 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit./. Is it kosher to discus writing ideas here?

>> No.11044900

nothing about /lit/ is kosher

>> No.11044903

Of course. What are your ideas?

>> No.11044905

kosher? really its cool to. i wouldn't worry too much about /lit/s opinions, as long as its not a sci fi/fantasy type thing.

>> No.11044912

Well, fantasy in the sense that it isn't our world, but I'm going to try and play with the tropes of a fantasy world in a mid 20th century setting.

>> No.11044935

youre in luck. /lit/ loves the mid 20th century. check their favourite authors.

>> No.11044967

You can. Just expect harsh honesty. I've come to realize that it's much more helpful than other websites' input.

>> No.11045022

Okay. So the Y'know how elves in most Tolkein-butcherings are flawless, tall, blue eyed, blonde haired Übermensch? Well, my Idea is they'd see themselves as rightful rulers of all "Lesser" races, and establish and Austria-Hungary type clusterfuck of an empire comprising mostly of elves and Cat-people. The aforementioned Catfolk are treated as expendable labor and cannon fodder, and the breaking point comes when the empire enters into war with a neighboring republic, and Males and Females are sent to die off in the trenches for a nation they despise. Revolutionaries pop up in the foothills, and after some not-so subtle support from the empire's enemy, the Cat-people are given a homeland along the coast. But all is not well for the fledgling nation. Droves of people come home mentally and physically wrecked from the war,and infrastructure is a mess.


As it stands, I've got two ideas for how I'd like the plot to work out. One'd follow a returning veteran, left mentally crippled and embittered by the war. She spends most of her time back as a drunk bum, wandering around her destroyed town and being a general nuisance. She finds hope, however, in a new radical political party, comprised of bitter veterans like herself. She'd watch as the party comes to power in the weak new nation, through bloodshed and violence, as she slowly becomes more and more radicalized, eventually abandoning reasoned debate for violence.

My other idea is a lot less developed, but interesting. The protagonist would be a child, born some time after the conflict. They would be told by their peers that all of the destruction and damaged was caused by "A great, terrible beast." The rest of the story would be slice of life-ish, as the child figures out, slowly but surely, what actually had happened.

>> No.11045124


>> No.11045211

Go to scifi fantasy general or a critique thread and ask them

>> No.11045223

Thinking gives you wrinkles

>> No.11045228

my dick is tbf

>> No.11045237
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jews not welcome

>> No.11045796

as long as it isn't pork