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/lit/ - Literature

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11038670 No.11038670 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder your average person doesn't read books.
>steam friend goes to same college as me
>I've given up gaming completely
>but occasionally we'll see each other on campus in line at Chik-Fil-A or Panda Express and eat together
>I'm an autistic socially retarded shit so I can't converse well
>He asks me what I've been doing in my free time
>say I've been mostly reading
>"Ah, I don't read at all. But I've wanted to get into it. What books do you read?"
>ummm I've recently been reading Nabokov and McCarthy
>"Never heard of them."
>I go on to explain how I recently spent over a hundred dollars on books and still wanted to buy more, but had to stop myself because I would run up a $300 dollar tab
>talk to him about my class on American Crime fiction

>Mom bought me books for Christmas
>Grandma or Dad says "What books did you get?"
>Mom interjects saying, "I don't really know. But he reads REAL LITERATURE. Not anything I'd read. He reads that important heady stuff."
>Mom keeps telling me I should be a Literature professor just because I read all these books
>try to explain to her that to be a Literature professor takes more than reading books
>try to also explain to her that I'm about to graduate as a math major and in order to do that I would have to go back to college to get a degree in literature
>"Oh honey, we'll pay for it :)"
Well bros, I guess I got that off my chest.

>> No.11038684

What about this is sad

>> No.11038697

People don't read books. And I have no future. Also I'm drunk.

>> No.11038700

your mom sounds cool

>> No.11038706

you sound mentally deficient, buy a kindle and stop wasting money and space on paper books

>> No.11038708

Also reminder that your girlfriend doesn't read books

>> No.11038712

Mom is very supportive and a strong woman. She take care of Nanny (our name for Grandma) when she get Alzheimers.
I'd believe it.

>> No.11038721

Sounds like you got a good family breh

>> No.11038748

I do, but I isolate myself and am a bad person because of this. I wish I could do better socially but I'm scared. Heard my roommate say today to someone else (I guess he didn't know I could hear) that I am a recluse. Which is true. I don't really like being around people. I much prefer living in my own head. At least my family loves me. But I'm so separated from my brother. A great divide exists between us. I wish I could be a social butterfly.

>> No.11038754

>Got comfy wagey job in a nice hotel where at least 1 hour everyday I just get paid to sit around because nothing goes on at 3 am
>Start bringing an Amazon Kindle with a bunch of pirated books, read whatever interests me
>”Wow Anon you’re so smart I just go on Facebook during downtime” - coworker who does the alternate shift

The internet was the final nail in the coffin for books and Ray Bradbury pretty much called the future. If it wasn’t essential for socializing I’d urge everyone to get rid of every secondary app on their cell phones and only use them to make calls, texts, and take photos.

>> No.11038759

>new glaurus

also wow you have a good mom.

>> No.11038772

Only a small population of the civilised world read books in the past too. It was usually just intellectuals and up until about 150 years ago you still had rampant illiteracy.

>> No.11038801

I have an englishe professor. In a meetin about my final paper he said that [paraphrasing] "people used to read alot more in the early 20th century and late 19th century. This explains the influx of pulp novels and westerns". But I believe you.
wat is glaurus?
I agree. I don't use phone very much. Only for browsing /lit/. But I even feel guilty about that because I could be reading instead.

>> No.11038805

>talk to him about my class on American Crime fiction
what authors do you read in this?

>> No.11038816

she married a guy who beat her up and gave her a miscarriage, then she killed herself so who cares lamo

>> No.11038828

Oh, I see what New Glaurus is now. I googled. NO, I odn't drink them (sorrythat was capitlaized I'm am pished). But I hope they are good beer.
We read in chronological order to see how the genre developed:
The Maltese Falcon
The Postman Always Rings Twice
The Big Sleep
The Little Sister
A Stranger In My Grave
The Zebra Striped Hearse
The Underground Man
Miami Blue
Indemnity Only
Devil in a Blue Dress
Down the River Unto the Sea
And we also watched the movies, Double Indemnity, Night Moves, Gone Baby Gone.
>inb4 someone recognizes me because of our syllabi (I'm talking about your Bryce or teacher who teaches our class). But it's a good class. Can't wait to read the rest of the authors we've read ouvres and to read some James Ellroy.
wat r u talking about? I'm OP stop pretending to be me for memes

>> No.11038847

You shouldn’t spend money on books. Just get them from your university library, barely anyone even checks any classics out at my school.

>> No.11038850

Is your mom hot?

>> No.11038856

Before the internet, the television, and the radio, reading, talking, playing music, going outside, fucking, plays, and drinking were the only forms of entertainment.

Mass entertainment was as bad as it is now, there was just a lot more of it in mediums we have then. Now it has moved mostly to the contemporary mediums because they are passive and better suited to entertainment because of it.

>> No.11038858

I will lose access to my uni libary once I graduate. I alos prefer to have my own hardcopy for future readings. But I see your point. I have made use of the uni library in the past. I remember one time that I checked out "Heart of a Dog" some Russian major/teacher/speaker had made marginal notes about the veracity of the enlgish translation. Oh well. Bit libraries are always a good option.I just like owning my own book. Call me a pseud I don't care.

>> No.11038885

>But I even feel guilty about that because I could be reading instead.
Nothing wrong with 4chan if you’re using it to communicate with others, it’s healthy to communicate with others.

The absolute cancer is just mindlessly browsing the Home Feed of Facebook, or Reddit’s Popular tab. Those things are more cancerous than television could ever dream to be.

>> No.11039960

No you don't, you're unconsciously angry that society doesn't accommodate people like you and have internalised it as wanting to be something you're not.

Protip: Be completely and utterly honest with yourself. Open up a Word document then rant about fucking everyhing you hate about society. Rant about roasties and liberals and Trumptards and global warming and whatever else. Rant until your head feels sore and you're emotionally spent.

Then read everything you wrote, digest it, delete the document, and go about actually being honest in life.

>> No.11039970

>Daily reminder your average person doesn't read books.
thank god, can you imagine a nation of /lit/ pseuds? they'd all die of starvation after 3 weeks

>> No.11039980

You write like a math major, christ all mighty.

>> No.11039981

Most people can choose between having sex or reading a book, the choice is obvious.

>> No.11039988

>We read in chronological order to see how the genre developed:
>The Maltese Falcon
>The Postman Always Rings Twice
>The Big Sleep
>The Little Sister
>A Stranger In My Grave
>The Zebra Striped Hearse
>The Underground Man
>Miami Blue
>Indemnity Only
>Devil in a Blue Dress
>Down the River Unto the Sea

2 Ross Macd's is at least 1 too many. Not a Paretsky fan either, really all the derivatives of Chandler aren't much good, aside from James Crumley.
Nice to see two Willefords there.
I've read a lot of crime fiction but never heard of A Stranger In My Grave. From looking it up, it's a Margaret Millar novel. I guess they wanted another female writer. Should have just gone for In a Lonely Place or Laura.

>> No.11040021

Stay the fuck out of Wisconsin, fib

>> No.11040041

>implying thats a bad thing

>> No.11040425

>She take care of Nanny (our name for Grandma)
Do Americans actually do this?

>> No.11040443

It's a losers on a new caledonian tin crafting forum psyhoanalyze one another episode

>> No.11040457

I don't mind if people don't read books for fun, it's their life, but what really saddens me is when seemingly normal people have a reading age of about 12. Maybe it's because i grew up working class and know too many ill educated people but most people seem dogshit at reading

>> No.11040473

I work graveyard shift concierge too. I have a library by me with all the “Great Books”.

Shit is /lit/

>> No.11040475

It is, pussy can wait

>> No.11040486




A bloo bloo bloo I have friends with whom I can discuss my interests even if they aren't shared, I still have friends. I also have family who support me in my education and endeavors and who respect my education and even play it up among themselves, a bloo bloo bloo. I have a social support base oh woe is me they haven't read Virgil's minor works

>> No.11040504

Your conversation with your mom reminds me of mine. She always tries to push me towards getting a law degree and making it as a lawyer because "I love to argue so much." Really I just love over-analyzing everything and I couldn't have been happier with my sociology degree. It's funny that even the supportive parents are kind of shit in their own way. All parents are kind of shit aren't they, huh anon?

>> No.11040512

You have a great life, you fucker. Stop complaining.

>> No.11040641
File: 24 KB, 229x343, 1433805921468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the brew crew ever win the world series OP

>> No.11040697


This is your personal reminder that the Crew held the lead at the middle of the sixth in G7 and promptly lost it, never to regain the game lead, nor to win the series.

I'd need to check, but among teams that have never popped their series-cherry yet got oh-so close, the Brewers are right up there. You fingered her for like thirty seconds and then your bros broke in and dragged you off to some bar for no reason. LOOSAHS

>> No.11040740

>I've spent 1500$ dollars worth on book every year since I've finished highschool

>> No.11040976

>We read in chronological order to see how the genre developed:

It got more simplistic is how it developed. Chandler was the zenith of the genre. People like to shit on crime/hardboiled/roman noir authors as being genre autist hacks, but Chandler really was something special. I'm sure he could have been just as successful writing literary fiction.

>> No.11041000

There are plenty of names for family members, often differs between each family. I'm Australian and my family always uses 'Nanna'. My friend's family uses 'Oma'.

>> No.11041008

Wait, you meant filial piety. Discard my post.

>> No.11041028


>still don't know which side le money sign goes on

back to school faggot

>> No.11041036

you're not superior to people just because you read books

>> No.11041079

Well, you can buy books at least.

>> No.11041087

>"Oh honey, we'll pay for it :)"
Fuck you bub

>> No.11041095

I feel you OP. I only read to help escape how monotonous lower middle class is.

>> No.11041103

>Nothing wrong with 4chan if you’re using it to communicate with others, it’s healthy to communicate with others.
>The absolute cancer is just mindlessly browsing the Home Feed of Facebook, or Reddit’s Popular tab. Those things are more cancerous than television could ever dream to be.

You know what, you're absolutely right
Even 4chan or other forums are good if you engage in conversations, in opposition to just lurking, which prevents from a critical analysis of what you read
I know I'm guilty of this

>> No.11041128
File: 45 KB, 488x654, 1523029672227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't read books, I read texts which are to be received in classical Latin form. Get on my level plebeian.

>> No.11041141

stay away from my nabokov frogposter

>> No.11041149
File: 102 KB, 1300x880, gun cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard reddit spacing and posting

>> No.11041169

but people that don't read are inferior as they don't develop their linguistic skills

>> No.11041188

The point of buying paper books is showing of that you're well read, learn to virtue signal. You're just another moron playing with an "ipad" otherwise.

>> No.11041299

They totally do, they just read authors who have some sort of a stigma and renown behind them, which are acknowledged classics and which are extremely popular as well. So pomo wankers like McCarthy/Pynchon/DeLillo fall behind but I assure you everybody has read Tolstoyevsky, Dickens or Cervantes
>never heard of Nabokov
he must be an exception, literally every 14 yo tumblrina has read Lolita by this point

>> No.11041578

do you want to know how I can tell you're a female?

>> No.11041593

Your family sounds great.

>> No.11041601

You should check out Faulkner’s “Old Man” (or the novel it comes from, The Wild Palms). It does something different with the convict character.

>> No.11041608

yes it's true, the average person, even the average "educated" person, is rather stunningly culturally illiterate, knows hardly anything, doesn't really think about things.

but, that's fine. people do what they enjoy. most people don't enjoy reading or learning about things or trying to understand things. those who do aren't necessarily any better, it's not like reading brings you any real benefits other than the enjoyment you get out of doing it.

>> No.11041614

>Tfw I bring a book on my lunch break someone inevitably talks to me
>"What's that book anon?"
>"Is it good?"
>"Is it your favorite"
>"Have you heard of Ready Player One?"
>"I haven't read a book since high school!"

>> No.11041619

>tfw a uni dude I talked to didnt even know who Orwell was or 1984 is.

Dude. I ain't even talking about the book quality, but never hearding of 1984 is amoust as being completely alien to modern-day pop culture.

>> No.11041726

>Blowing hundreds on books that you won't read
>Parents paying for your college

You are so brave

>> No.11042024

>attending formal education
priviligezed shitlordd