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/lit/ - Literature

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11037196 No.11037196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Open sister's room
>See this
Should I burn it?

>> No.11037202

no you just put some books who debunks this... and she could had conclude comunisim its bad reading red books dosent make you red

>> No.11037206

no just sneak some murder statistics and some human rights in and maybe add some books with counter arguments like stirner and chomsky

>> No.11037212

I bet shes got a big fat hairy muff.

>> No.11037222

You should be more like your sister

>> No.11037225

No, just give me her phone number. I always wanted a qt commie gf. It's my dream to be able to snuggle one and try to calm her down by holding her close to me and stroking her inner thighs while she talks about the bourgeoisie and Drumpf in an increasingly agitated state.

>> No.11037233

nah girls notice when you use their candles and bath shit.

>> No.11037238

t. mentally unstable arsonist

>> No.11037240

Hmm, hard to say without some more information and context... can you post a pic of her without a bra on?

>> No.11037248

Thats the commie gateway

>> No.11037249

Just sneak in The Black Book of Communism or something like that.

>> No.11037255

Those books should be redistributed.

>> No.11037260

>Should I burn it?
no OP, that is someone else's property. presumably your sister exists in a capitalist society and paid for its exclusive use. you should instead tell your sister that the family isn't doing so well financially and in the interest of the people's struggle you will be seizing the means of reproduction and putting the labor of her sturdy wet vagoo towards alleviating family debt and easing the social tensions of the community

>> No.11037271
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How tf do u even open a room i mean like 4 real

>> No.11037283

Just take them and say to her that they've been dismantled and the material have been distributed amongst the workers.

>> No.11037284

It took me a couple of seconds to realize that wasn't a wall

>> No.11037289

>burning books
>in any situation whatsoever
please leave and never return

>> No.11037303

>i'm freezing and all i have to burn are these books
>better freeze to death

>> No.11037306

fuck yum. tfw no communist hairy muff sister
This. Let's see your bureau OP
>inb4 peterson

>> No.11037310

If you wouldn't rather freeze to death, leave this board immediatly

>> No.11037319


>> No.11037411
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>> No.11037486

Maybe let her form her own literary opinion like a respectfulbperson would?

>> No.11037492

gib number of sister

>> No.11037496

Kek I bet she even bought this shit with money too.

>> No.11037498

Beat her and tell her to actually read Marx, more specifically the Capital, after she has genuinely read Adam Smith and Ricardo. Then, introduce her to criticism of marx, such as Baudrillard, on the social side, and various economists.

>> No.11037512

>Hates capitalism
>Buys shit from amazon


>> No.11037517

no a contradiction

>> No.11037554

just burn your sister

>> No.11037559

Yeah or you can pirate it and not post on le commie twitter how much of a dumb consumer you are.

>> No.11037564

Burn the entire house down.

>> No.11037592

throw her out of a helicopter

>> No.11037599

do you mean red as in communism or red as in the color of the cover

>> No.11037602

Not in how western communists perceive communism because they think everyone with have the same stuff but at their present level of material worth (sometimes greater). What they don’t understand is that to make things ‘fair’ you’d need to lower everyone’s quality of life to the lowest common denominator. If they were a true communist they’d live on as little as possible a donate the rest

>> No.11037603

Im wondering how many of you have read any of the books in question

>> No.11037604

through her out then burn the helicopter

>> No.11037606

I wish I had some fat hairy pike place market smelling commie muff rn.

>> No.11037614

>Im wondering how many of you have read books

that's a good way to catch communism anon, i only read memos from my boss to know when to bring my wife and kids to work so he can fuck them on a pile of money

>> No.11037618

>/lit/: helicopters and muff
/pol/'s never going to understand why we hang out with them.

>> No.11037619

don't burn her candle

>> No.11037621

fuck you're stupid

>> No.11037627

can i date your sister anon? we'll read caliban and the witch together

>> No.11037639

I read the Communist Manifesto and became a gay little teenage communist for a while. Then I read Homage to Catalonia and I was cured of my disease.

>> No.11037661

We can read things without co-opting all the ideas as our own, such that a book can be significant if only we put a ~ in front of it. Das Kapital is a good critique of society, and it doesn't exactly suggest communism as a solution, just that it will happen in response to Capitalism. Marx was clearly wrong about a lot, but that does not mean there is no reason to read him. Imagine Capitalism as a stream of piss as it falls into the toilet, the bubbles in result is Communist revolutions. It does not mean that Communism is a solution or will overtake Capitalism, just that it is an interminable result of Capitalism.

>> No.11037663

Depends. What flavour is the candle?

>> No.11037666

>implying 90% of modern day communists aren’t from wealthy backgrounds, full of white guilt and complaining about how system is the only reason for poor people.

>> No.11037673

This is a Catholic board, Satan.

>> No.11037675

>Imagine Capitalism as a stream of piss as it falls into the toilet
A niggas gotta drink tho

>> No.11037678
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>> No.11037693
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They are obviously yours comrade

>> No.11037694

Are we doing imaginary statistics now? I'm 98% sure you're inbred and angry that your sister won't blow you.

>> No.11037698

But wheres the actual argument. All I see is a silly time traveling man

>> No.11037699

Just like how cancer is a part of the human body

>> No.11037707
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>Open sisters room
That's your room you dip. Your sister probably has a restraining order on your ass

>> No.11037711

That’s such a strawman, the top two panels have nothing to do with the bottom two. Judging by the women’s clothes and the fact that she has an iPhone means she has the means (and thanks the capitalism) the choice to pick a more socially conscious brand.

>> No.11037717

>Comparing socialistic revolutions to safety standards in cars
Blows my mind how bad this strawman is

>> No.11037718

The argument is that you are allowed to criticize things even if you are a part of it.

>> No.11037722

I’m yet to hear actual argument for you.

>> No.11037724

Yes, and Marx diagnoses the issue with clarity. Why not read a text on cancer, and why it happens? For fear that cancer leads unto death?

>> No.11037727

Picking a socially conscious brand is still supporting capitalism you retard

>> No.11037728
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>in possession: triple-wicked candle
>status: pie of apple confiding with condors

>> No.11037730

>one of these exaples is not like the others

>> No.11037737

>Buys books from barnes and nobles

What a fucking hypocrite

>> No.11037738

>Not understanding that the point of calling out someone too stupid to buy a different brand of phone out of all the other ones on the market when they say their brand is unfair is to laugh at their hypocrisy

No really, we aren't talking a out government we are talking about basic consumeristic choices. Like if you're such a revolutionary why has the term "boycott" never crossed your mind?

>> No.11037739

But it’s comparing a situation in which the actor has a choice to one it which it doesn’t.

>> No.11037746

This, pretty sure libcom and various other left wing sites have these world for free on a PDF

>> No.11037752

No you would need to lower the uber rich and raise the uber poor to a good quality of life. It is science that after a certain point the amount of stuff and things you have doesn't affect your happiness.

>> No.11037760

Where’s the contradiction?

>> No.11037761

>they don’t pay taxes or decent wages to their Chinese factory workers
That’s quite a jump you made there unless you’ve got a nihilistic view on the world in which case why even complain if it’s all the same. Just live a hedonistic lifestyle or kill your self.

>> No.11037762

You should scold your sister for supporting the deaths of millions, tell her to grow the fuck up.

>> No.11037766

She's beyond saving.

>> No.11037767

All society is capitalism. Even china

>> No.11037773

“Communism is when you don’t buy stuff, and the less stuff you buy, the communister you are” - famous quote by Karl Marx

>> No.11037778
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Throw out those trash books and show her this if she asks why.

>> No.11037781

Not all communists are Marxist-Leninists.

>> No.11037783

You aren't allowed to enjoy the products of capitalism otherwise you are a stupid hypocrite.

>> No.11037786

Yes but even ignoring the impractical of it and the economic backlash, your idea of a happy middle is way below western standards. There are people in the world living on $1/day, the cost of bringing their quality of life up to say the average American is unthinkable, particularly when you consider how many people live like this in Africa, etc. So the median lifestyle would be at a hopeful best the poorest of Americans.

>> No.11037792

I don’t disagree, I’m arguing the point the cartoon was making if you’re able to read it.

>> No.11037796

>too stupid to buy a different brand of phone
>we can fix society by being picky about brands!

this is your mind on capitalism

>> No.11037797

All of these countries had alienated labour and generalized commodity production. Therefore, they weren’t communist by definition.

>> No.11037806

The point is that you can hate capitalism and still be allowed to criticize it from your apple iphone

>> No.11037809

why are you in your sister's room you fucking prevert???

>> No.11037811

Printing press is the product of feudalism. If you criticize feudalism while reading printed book, you are a hypocrite.

>> No.11037820

add the cement garden to her stack

>> No.11037824

Is english your 2nd language?

>> No.11037835

Is this how communists really think? I thought the whole basics of economics was a meme as well but this is literally how we’ve mad such progress over the past century. Take the iPhone for example, it wasn’t the first ‘smart phone’ but it was the first good one which made people convert form other brands this drove innovation in the field to the point where we are now that they’ve become so cheap to produce that 3rd world countries have been able to skip over expensive computers and get access to the internet at an afforable cost. Which leads to spread of information, social mobility, etc, all the things a ‘progressive’ should want.

>> No.11037838

Then i guess you cant use a buglar alarm without being a communist

>> No.11037839

Yeah? Are commies so retarded they can't see how dumb they are. Go ahead and break off from society and make your own shit. If you hate capitalism that much then stop consuming so much of it.

>> No.11037850

>If you hate capitalism that much then stop consuming so much of it.

Who are you talking to?

>> No.11037851
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Give her a hands on learning experience of Foucault's Discipline and Punish

>> No.11037859

The person I replied you you moron, stop pretending to be retarded. He used the example of feudalism but on topic we are talking about capitalism and the morons ITT who hate it yet are hypocritical enough to be using things that only exist because of it.

>> No.11037868

You can criticise beastiality whilst being balls deep in an pig but it doesn’t mean it’s right for someone who’s meant to be intellectual, principled and progressive. The fact is that unlike in previous points of history this actor has a choice (largely due to capitalism but that’s too easy of a win to leave it there), there are plenty of other phones on the market from more socially and enviromentally conscious companies but they choose not to buy it from them, thus furthering their cause and instead support a company that stands for everything they hate. You could argue that this is due to apathy or social pressure but these are hardly qualities that lend themselves to a true communist.

>> No.11037870

Get your own candle, faggot.

>> No.11037871

>things that only exist because of it.

Like what? Phones? Tell me, did the soviets not have phones? I oresume you hate communism, are you informed on the number of things you use daily invented by Soviets? Have you ever used a bugler alarm?

>> No.11037874

It's true. We should try to de-consumerize as much as we can at this point.

>> No.11037877

Nah mate commies are the most apathetic people to exist. Many genuinely think their ideology is an "inevitability" really not worth wasting words on.

>> No.11037886

Communists aren't known to be able to accept rationality either. You are right, its just wasting words, I'd rather talk to a tree.

>> No.11037891

Fuck off commie sympathizer.

>> No.11037892

>dude you can’t criticize a society while participating in it because I said so

>> No.11037895

Soviet prosperity had more to do with the huge loans they received from the US than it did to with being communist.

>> No.11037896

the question here is whether one can improve the world and consume "ethically" by picking brands that claim to be "green", give to charity, have a minority ceo and so on, which is the utopian model advertised by neoliberals. the answer is, of course, that there can be no ethical consumption under capitalism.

>> No.11037897

Yes. I speak for objectivity. I speak for facts. Something your puny communist brains can't reason with.

>> No.11037899

Yeah, people who disagree with us just hate LOGIC and FACTS haha they hate REASON they hate SCIENCE

>> No.11037908

Is this the intellect of self-proclaimed capitalists?

Yeah, nice facts to back that up. I can just as easily say that US’ success is attributed to the fact they were an ocean away from a paradigm changing war more than it had to do with “superior capitalist policies”.

>> No.11037911

I'm not talking about any one in particular, in fact a large part of science is admitting other people got things wrongs and trying to improve on them. But when we are talking about commies reason and science doesn't exist to them. Its all wishing upon a star that no one ever had to work and that we can just walk into other peoples houses because "lol no property"

>> No.11037914

World’s first satellite was launched by the USSR. Does this mean that anti-communists shouldn’t use satellites?

>> No.11037917

The USSR was never communist. Are you so stupid that you can't comprehend the definition you are trying to defend?

>> No.11037929

>Go ahead and break off from society and make your own shit.

the problem with that is that rich people have violently seized the entire planet so that there is no "outside" to relocate to without someone being legally allowed to shoot you in the face for trespassing. that is in fact the crux of the problem, that we are all born into a trap in which work is coerced out of us under conditions no sane man would agree too if it wasn't for the fact that all alternatives have been taken away.

>> No.11037943


>> No.11037949

Apple products are literally luxury products that sell on brand name. The comic would be right if the time traveling strawman was making fun of a commie for owning any kind of smart phone at all, but since it's specifically a luxurious brand name, he is 100% correct in calling you a consumerist hypocritical whore.

>> No.11037953

I wasn't assuming we would create a single communist world state.

>> No.11037954

No, OP
You should burn her

>> No.11037956

That Capitalism guy surely is a smart cookie, he invented so much stuff. How come no one has ever given him a Noble Prize or something?

>> No.11037963

Concience is self- eliminating dweeb

>> No.11037965
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>> No.11037972

>there are plenty of other phones on the market from more socially and enviromentally conscious companies

the fucking liberal naivete dripping from this post is unreal. you could have just bought the other phone from the other company with different pr! their chink slaves hang themselves instead of jumping off a roof. as a proud consumer you're free to do ANYTHING as long as by "anything" you mean picking between identical products with different branding. i'm a pepsi man myself.

>> No.11037973

I know you perceive that we can just jump to luxury gay space communism but you’re ignoring centuries of improvements in quality of life (for every one too, not just the wealthy). Even simply looking at our diets, food is cheap and in the West stravation is almost non existant. That’s thanks to our ancestors picking socially conscious brands (though they were more concerned with price) and now we’re reaping the rewards. The same will happen with electric cars, renewable energy, etc. All thanks to consicous purchasing under capitalism.

If you’ve really got such a nilistic attitude as their being no ethical consumption so it doesn’t matter what I do then I suggest you realise complaining isn’t going to help either and be quiet.

>> No.11037983

Communism is a hyper-consumerist ideology. If anything, it would hypocritical for a communist NOT to buy luxury products.

>> No.11037997

If you haven't read a book, don't comment on it

>> No.11037998

Yeah than you can complain about the conditions it takes to create your phone than a time traveling man in cargo shorts will call you a hypocrite. Being a commie is hard man.

>> No.11038004

The US was wealthy long before WW2 but you’re correct (in part) a big benefit to them was post WW1 they’re land and infrusture hadn’t been touched like the other countries and thus clever capitalist tactics (ie lending money to everyone) helped contribute to their wealth.

Discounting the billions (in 1940s money) they got during the war is just stupid. Even the war itself which lead to many Nazi scientists being captured by the Soviet’s aided their advancement massively.

>> No.11038017
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>it’s another thread about politics disguised as a thread about literature

>> No.11038033

Just burn your clothes!

>> No.11038036

That’s literally Marx’s wish “workers of the world unite”.

But if you don’t believe in that then you obviously don’t care about the 3rd world at all. Again for your benefit I’m going to ignore capital flight but if say just America went communist, wouldn’t they favour other American businesses for their suppliers? I’d imagine so, even if it were more expensive. So now that you’ve cut off all that money flowing to the 3rd world what are they going to do? I’d imagine they’re going to be in a much worse place then under a capitalist US. If you value American lives over starving kids in other countries than that’s fair enough and I’ll concede my point.

>> No.11038037

>Even simply looking at our diets, food is cheap and in the West stravation is almost non existant. That’s thanks to our ancestors picking socially conscious brands

oh yes, thanks to generations of americans analyzing the ethics of food production and picking mcdonalds as by fat the ethicest, you can now live in a country in which 15% of households don't have secure access to nutrition even as rich anorectic cunts throw full plates of expensive food into the trash and countless people suffer from obesity and other food-related health issues that were unimaginable before the 20th century because you now have to be reasonably well-off to afford any food that's not fucking poison shat out of a machine. thank god your ancestors were diligent enough to recognize the superior ethics of eating chunks of fat and washing it down with sugar water.

>> No.11038038

calm down percy

>> No.11038044


>> No.11038051

>the muh healthy food is to expensive meme

Nigga go somewhere other than whole foods. What youre complaining about is just people who are lazy and or retarded. Making the country communist isnt gonna make everyone a genius or care more.

>> No.11038055

>we can fix society by being picky about brands
>Not being aware that most leftust movements idealized forming cooperatives of people existing outside of the capitalist status quo by choosing not to take part in it


>> No.11038071

Ah yes the libertarian strawman of communists I hear so much about, fantastic

>> No.11038074

>When you're literally too stupid to recognize obvious hypocrisy and missing the point of leftist anti-capitalistic thought

Nice brocialism my dude

>> No.11038075

>my version of forming a commune in the forest is picking pepsi instead of coke

did you come from a political cartoon explaining the difference between leftists and liberals

>> No.11038088

Quality food isn’t expensive at all. You’re talking more about people being too lazy to cook but at least they have the options. Go back 200 years and people diets in some parts of the world were just bread and tea, if they were lucky enough to eat that day. Today we are lucky that nutrition (as in quality foods, correct macros, etc) is an issue at all.

Also places other than America are able to handle the terror of capitalism and eat healthy on a daily basis.

>> No.11038090

>He is still to stupid to understand the hypocrisy
Jesus Christ dude this is so pathetic. It's making fun of your agency
>Haha yeah man I'm going to change the whole economic structure of society haha
>*Can't even be bothered to have enough agency as a consumer go not buy brands of consumer items that he is unknowingly funding his own opposition*

Like ffs dude, being aware of yourself as a worker and consumer is step 1, yet you are constantly calling for muh workers revolution already.

>> No.11038091


and he's right

>> No.11038097

Regardless of the cause of the obesity epidemic, it does exist. You can't say "capitalism made us all healthy and prosperous and happy" while ignoring the fact that enormous portions of the country are not, partially due to the problems that other anon listed. You also ignore our dependence on keeping third world countries in even more abject poverty than our poorest here - that's a consequence of capitalism, and they are its victims as much as anyone who died of famines in Ukraine was a victim of communism.

>> No.11038103

“Workers of the world, unite!” simply means that workers should put aside conflicts between nations and focus on the conflict between classes. Marx viewed the state as an instrument of class domination, so I doubt he would support one world government.

>> No.11038104

>Instead of starvation you get obesity due to the inherently sedentary nature of modern living (technology)
>this is a problem

>> No.11038105

>depoliticizing economic issues into individual "personality flaws"
>the poor are just lazy

what does it feel like to live your life as a whore?

>> No.11038111

It is a problem. 74% of a country being overweight is horrifying. It kills people every day.

>> No.11038114

picking brands is a distraction, not a step towards anything else. do you think the ability to pick channels leads to better television?

>> No.11038118

Healthy food isn't expensive, it just takes more time to prepare, and it doesn't release an instant dopamine rush like junk food does which is why a lot of poor people just pick the unhealthy option.

>> No.11038122

So you would rather people starve in the streets rather than die of heart attacks in an already overpopulated and urbanized world? Why?

It's not like socialism inherently gives people the motivation to go to gym. It's a byproduct of technological progress regardless of economic structure

>> No.11038128
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>healthy food isn't expensive

>> No.11038129

my brain exploded from the entitlement and white privilege in this post

>> No.11038130
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>Boycotting goods and choosing industries for the workers and unions to focus on is a waste of time
You really have no idea how an economy is meant to transition into socialism do you?

>> No.11038131

Tell your sister that brother sister relationship is just a social construct and that you should bang.

>> No.11038132

Sorry, Henry. He seemed like a smaller engine.

>> No.11038134
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Rice and beans are expensive

>> No.11038135

it's not. a whole chicken is approx $1/lb at a supermarket. bulk vegetables are fucking cheap. stores throw them away they have so much.

>> No.11038137

It's not and never has been? It's just not as filling as unhealthy food. Peanut Butter is not an unhealthy food and it's insanely cheap

>> No.11038143

oh, i thought you were making a harry potter reference. percy, ron's older brother iirc, was a prefect and hall monitor. ergo, thread policing = percy. we good doe.

>> No.11038146

I didn't fucking say that, I was arguing against someone that was trying to imply capitalism made the entire country healthy and happy when that isn't the case. Not once did I say socialism or communism would solve the problem, only that you can't say capitalism has solved it when 400,000 people die of obesity-related illness in the US per YEAR.

>> No.11038150
File: 56 KB, 621x702, 0AA332B6-4810-4E1D-8B98-5DE6393CB0DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you think that widespread obesity is a problem? haha i bet you think that starvation is a good thing

>> No.11038153

>we good
No we're not, you don't know anything about trains, we're no longer friends.

>> No.11038155

>open sister's womb

>> No.11038159

If you can’t see the obvious flaw in that line of thinking from Marx (everyone should have the same things but i don’t believe there should be anything to regulate it) then I can’t help you.

>> No.11038160
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why does this always happen to me : (

>> No.11038165

Ay if she wants to be slave then more for us.

>> No.11038166

Rice and beans are not healthy

>> No.11038167

You misspent your childhood.

>> No.11038169

I like how much of a non answer that is. Techology created obesity, and replaced starvation. Is starvation a good thing? No. Is obesity a good thing? Better than starvation.

Obesity is a byproduct of modern living. Get used it because unless you have state mandated fitness programs which people are fined for not meeting it's not going away.

>> No.11038172
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>low calorie foods are cheap you just have to eat sixteen pounds of them to get energy for the day making them not cheap

>> No.11038176

you haven't fucking noticed that the notion of "ethical" choice has been long co-opted as a marketing strategy in which you're absolved of social responsibility by picking the box with more green stickers on it? the product is the same, it's made in the same way, you're just buying an idea of yourself as socially responsible.

>> No.11038177
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i'm not doing so hot with my adulthood either. i could be out golfing or building a house or working. nope, just chillin' with the homies on /lit/.

rice and beans are a complete protein. throw some veggies and spices in there, it's enough to keep you alive and healthy. if you're really fancy cook the rice with chicken stock. or better yet just make your own from a whole chicken. seriously i don't know how people can't feed themselves anymore, or go broke buying packaged food.

>> No.11038178

>not eating 6kg of fruit a day in honour of our patron, nietzsche

>> No.11038185

>everyone should have the same things

Marx has never said anything like that

>> No.11038189

go play golf, anon. it's almost as /lit/ as pool. wear the plus sixes jeeves would never approve.

>> No.11038194

>"low calorie foods" are cheap
>e.g. squash, corn, carrots, greens
>implying calorie and nutrient rich foods like chicken, peppers, potatoes, and salt pork are not also cheap

Big Junkfood shills pls go

>> No.11038195

Except that East Asia have very low levels of obesity despite being just as economically developed as the West

>> No.11038197

>Obesity is a byproduct of modern living.
>i can defend capitalism by replacing it by vague apolitical terms like "modern living"

another whore

>> No.11038202

>you haven't fucking noticed that the notion of "ethical" choice has been long co-opted as a marketing strategy in which you're absolved of social responsibility by picking the box with more green stickers on it?
I have and was not stupid enough to think that this means boycotting certain products is just trendy? Lmao, I mean this is even furthering the stereotype of iPhone socialists just being contrarian liberals wanting to be edgier than their surroundings while not actually understanding the ideology they like to identify with.

Holy shit, you support left leaning industries that are actually left leaning and co-opt industries to become pro working class via direct action. This is basic shit here dude

>> No.11038204

Give us an example of healthy food then.
Learn to fucking look up nutritional data, it's not fucking hard to live on oats, rice, beans, frozen vegetables, peanut butter and some fruit and some lean meat. Visit /fit/ to educate yourself. I don't go there anymore but it certainly learned me to properly feed myself.

>> No.11038210

>Except East Asia
Is actually very impoverished still? Obesity in Eastern Asia is also less likely just based on their mean diets being more based around seafood

>> No.11038211

i don't like golf, and don't have clubs anyway. i was just using the idea to intimate that's something successful adults do. they don't really, it's something former frat guys do.

pool is patrician though. but really i'll just stay in my room and think about building a bookcase or clean some firearms or something. maybe go outside to work out now that i'm over the soreness from last time. i need to get my burpees up.

>> No.11038217

There are ways to attempt to curb it, and to say "lol it's just gonna happen" is such a useless statement that I'm tempted to believe you're fat yourself.
You could say that the obesity of a young child is considered legally child abuse (which it should be) and punish parents for allowing it to happen, as lowered rates of childhood obesity would certainly correspond to lower rates in that generation as it ages. You could severely limit the advertisement of sugary garbage targeting kids or even adults the same way that smoking was brought down. Or you could just have a cultural shift that stops tolerating "body acceptance" tumblr shit.

>> No.11038220

>Capitalism is modern living
>I said nowhere
Lol, no I said modern living was technogicsl progress

>> No.11038222
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>dislikes vague terms like "modern living"
>rails against "late capitalism"
marxists, everyone

>> No.11038230

>is such a useless statement that I'm tempted to believe you're fat yourself.

Yeah no, I'm just more realistic about the issue.
>Maybe if they stopped advertising for cheap garbage food and treated it like smoking or child abuse
Or just have a state mandated fitness program.

>> No.11038238

I went from communist to nat soc to monarchism to christian anarcho primitivism, so maybe start with some mein kampf and work your way from there.

>> No.11038240

>Levels of autists that shouldn't even be possible
Oh boy

>> No.11038241

You should make sure she is eating enough

>> No.11038243

>you support left leaning industries that are actually left leaning

oh yes i'm just going to pick a left leaning smartphone manufacturer and boycott the rest. let's see

>> No.11038244

>state mandated fitness program.
can you really call it labor if the thing you produce benefits you directly and is something no one can take from you? is fitness, a measure of the production capacity of the worker, a secondary means of production that must be seized?

why doesn't anyone read orwell anymore we need him the bloody postmodernists are takin' over eh

>> No.11038253

order her to read The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.11038256

>Not realizing most of tech is extremely skewed to the left
Fucking educate yourself ffs and even then you could not support companies you know are going directly against your ideology ffs

>> No.11038259

>doesn't like golf
anon, we're already not friends, don't make me start a fight with you

>> No.11038261

Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to have some kind of state mandated fitness program, but it would be derided as totalitarianism immediately no matter what government tried to put it in place. Nobody would care that it would objectively make the country a better place to live in.
I also don't know how you'd go about it, because most adults are far too set in their ways. You'd essentially have to start with a generation of kids and have the program steadily grow up with them. Interesting to consider, but I don't think this country would ever allow it to happen, especially with the unimaginable size of companies like Coke that would feel threatened by a healthier populace.

>> No.11038263

you really can't tell the difference between an economic system an an apolitical euphemism?

>> No.11038281
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you really can't tell the difference between your property and labor and someone else's?

>a wild frat boy appears!
two hits. me hittin' you, you hittin' the floor. come at me brooooooooo

>> No.11038313
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>murder statistics and some human rights

>> No.11038330


>complaining about low calorie foods being expensive
>during an obesity pandemic

>life at milquetoast IQ

>> No.11038348

>>a wild frat boy appears!
i hope you get stabbed in a pool hall

>> No.11038360

Dude just tax sugar lmao just like have state mandated excersise lmao. Its so ez

>> No.11038370

Breed with her and take over the world.

>> No.11038380

Capitalism isn’t a finite thing, it’s simply a word that used to refer to a multitude of economic systems that differ greatly so we can broadly make comparisons. You can compare Scandinavian capitalism to America’s or even Russians and a China. They all have a different idea of what capitalism is.

>> No.11038424

>be in communist state
>want to make art
>can't because I've been designated to be a plumber for the rest of my life

>> No.11038436
File: 9 KB, 199x253, orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i warned you bro

i warned you about communism bro

>> No.11038447

>be in a capitalist state
>want to make art
>can't because i have to flip burgers to not die
>meanwhile capitalism is corroding culture to the point when "art" means drawing pictures of your favorite marvel tm superheroes to express your love for the marvel brand

>> No.11038462

You sayin black panther doesnt represent THE CULTURE... baka whiteboi

>> No.11038471

>be artist in communist state
>have to make commissioned art for my entire life
>be artist in capitalist state
>have to make art that will get sold
>get to make all the art I want when I'm older and rich

>> No.11038492

>meanwhile capitalism has fooled once radical blacks into thinking that having escapist fiction targeted at them is a victory for their cause as if dignity could be found in consumption

>> No.11038504

>live in capitalist state
>have your entire life structured around the fantasy of "being rich one day"
>only get deeper and deeper into debt
>meanwhile the rich are simply the children of the previous rich

>> No.11038505
File: 702 KB, 2560x1707, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do the mods let this thread exist, but shut down threads asking for help finding works on spirituality?

you know why.

>> No.11038518

>no one has risen from poverty in a capitalist system
imagine being so deluded

Also, please explain how you think the communist system is better in this regard. Because so far you've just been saying "nuh-uh your system is ever worse!"

>> No.11038567

>it's not impossible to get rich in a casino
>i will therefore base my entire life plans on the off chance that i will get rich in a casino
>and you will never get me to admit that anything could be preferable to knowingly playing a rigged game

>> No.11038573

>success in capitalism is entirely random

>> No.11038600

>egotist who believed all governments are spooks
>"commie gateway"
He's the anarchist gateway.

>> No.11038604

Not entirely random, but luck is absolutely an enormous prerequisite to truly get rich in capitalism. If everyone who was smart or a hard worker was guaranteed success we would see a very different world.

>> No.11038608

All governmental/societal/economical structures are designed to oppress the individual in order to establish order for the collective

>> No.11038612

except democracy. democracy's sacred mission is the realization of the individual.

>> No.11038613

>ignoring the tyranny of the majority
>ignoring manipulation of the masses
>ignoring corruption

>> No.11038626
File: 75 KB, 371x563, sort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the rights of the individual
>ignoring the sovereignty of the people
>ignoring that it is the best system available
the bloody marxists will tear it all down because they don't know what else to do!

>> No.11038649

>implying democracy respects the individual
>implying it isn't a slave of the collective

>> No.11038653

>the worst example of tribalist shit-flinging, the general susceptibility of morons en masse to manipulation, and the powerlessness of citizens in the face of capital the world has ever seen
>the realization of the individual

>> No.11038669

Not really, smart and hard working is incredibly subjective. Even people like Stephen Hawking, a genius but the reason he’s not as rich Bezos (even though hes no where near as smart) is that he provides much less value to the world. Sure black hole theory is interesting but who’s life has it benefited, nothing compared to Amazon which made various books more accessible than ever before. Actually, I’d go as far to say that a society that solely rewarded intelligence would be wholely inefficient and leave many starving.

>> No.11038671

Your sister a has really good taste on books, but yes you should burn it to antagonize and radicalize her even more.

>> No.11038677
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well nancies it's been fruitless. if you are all that's left, and you are completely unable to articulate a useful criticism of or replacement for capitalism, they I reckon this thread has run out of steam. good day.

>> No.11038687

wow your sister is probably smarter than you

>> No.11038689

Democracy is the best thing we have ever had. The beuty of it (and capitalism) is that we as individual actors can influence the situation, granted this is much easier with capital.

With communism (at least in how it has been in practice) what the people at the top says goes and there’s nothing you can do about it. This is great when you like in the fantasy world that your perception of communism is that one that we be but what happens when you disagree?

>> No.11038690

>implying i'm anti-capitalist
I was >>11038608 There is no good system, but I do hate communism more than capitalism. I don't think an individual should be concerned with matters that exist solely to oppress them, that is: any form of governing system.

>> No.11038728

Yes burn it. Leftism is a disease

>> No.11038732

If you think that you can personally influence democracy in America today, you haven't been paying attention.
What the people at the top say is what goes here too. There's nothing you can do to prevent corporate lobbyists and rich donors from deciding what happens here.

>> No.11038743

She will eventually grow out of it.

>> No.11038778

Light the candle, get high, fall asleep in mound of her panties, get discovered, and thereby convert her to fascism and the oppression of unnatural urges.

>> No.11038794

Jeff Bezos uses his thousands of employees like cattle and is injecting himself into homes in a pretty off-putting and probably malevolent way with his Alexa shit. He is not making the world a better place.
>Sure black hole theory is interesting but who's life has it benefited, nothing
You don't really know how science works, do you? The same statement could've been used to say that people like James Clerk Maxwell were wasting their time trying to figure out how some random useless bullshit called electricity worked - the applications were so far off and unheard of that the layman would assume they don't exist. You can't call scientific progress useless because it might be another generation before it's applied in a useful way.
Black holes are a good example because people know almost nothing about them. Did you know that the accretion disk of a black hole can convert about 47% of an object's mass into energy, then expel that energy? For comparison, perfectly efficient nuclear fission could get that number up to 0.1%. Fusion is slightly better at 0.3%, if all of your fuel reacts absolutely perfectly. These also require a specific type of fuel and produce waste, neither of which are relevant to a black hole.
If, many generations from now, humans could harness that kind of energy, the world would be unbelievably different. Imagine throwing a dumpster full of trash into a generator and powering New York City for days - that's the kind of power you're dismissing here.

>> No.11038798

Yeah I was referring to European countries because Americans can’t do anything right but even still people like Gates, Musk and Jobs have been able to shake things up whilst coming from relatively modest beginnings.

Also if the people at the top really got their way Hilary would be President right now. Hopefully ((they)) will learn to put up better presidential candidates next time.

>> No.11038803

This thread is just fucking autistic who gives a fuck.

>> No.11038808

Tell her to move to Cuba. Why do Communists not move to a state that aligns with their preferences? They'd love to have defectors for propagandizing purposes. Why WHY WHY WHY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11038811

>burn it?
It looks like a shitty vanilla/unscented candle. See if she has any in jars with "Yankee" written on them. Burn those instead.

>> No.11038815

>Why do Communists not move to a state

>> No.11038821

Almost all Communist purists defended state-socialism when it was sufficiently powerful, though. Now that it's basically dead they're back to claiming that it wasn't real Communism and we need to try again after analyzing the failures of the last attempt. Repeat ad nauseam.

>> No.11038824
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best post of this awful thread

>> No.11038826

I'm really more interested in if OP has sniffed the candle yet, tbph.

>> No.11038831

Probably not, he was busy posting this thread on /biz/ earlier today, he still has to hit /pol/ and /r9k/ i imagine

>> No.11038841

I’m talking about how Bezos originally got rich. Amazon started of as an online book store with a huge catalog in a time which you previously had to trust in your local stores choice or go to a book dealer to track things down for you. As a society here that is so picky about translations and obsecure books we’re indebted to him, not to mention the benefit to society that comes with that greater access to information. I don’t agree with his current tactics but I could argue value there if needed.

I’m not saying it isn’t valuable but you said it yourself, it may make a huge difference far off in the future but it may not, it might be completely wrong. If we structured a society around this it would just be a circle jerk for all the new fad theories and people wasting billions and projects that go no where. Like to some degree academia is today.

Using a market place to quantify value does have its flaws but it’s far better than say a body to award money (magnifying the risk of human error) or for pure effort like in LTV.

>> No.11039054

>be in communist state
“Communist state” is an oxymoron.

>I've been designated to be a plumber for the rest of my life
There can be no division of labour under communism.

>> No.11039073

Not all communists are Marxist-Leninists. Anarcho-communists and left communists, for example, would strongly oppose Cuba’s economic and political system.

>> No.11039086

Dude wtf I love living in a commie block now

>> No.11039096

why are you in your sister's room you creep

put those panties back

and get the fuck outta there

>> No.11039097

Meh, they would still defend it against the US. Ancoms can move to Rojava.

>> No.11039113

Countries within the Soviet Bloc were not communist in any sense of the term.

>> No.11039118

I steal my books from libgen and faithful anons on public trackers and i could have purchased every single book i physically own from rare book dealers and barnes & noble. Amazon has stolen hundreds of dollars from me in the last two years and sold my personal information to at least two wholesalers, i know this because i got ads on random sites for kant and hegel books right after buying Phenomenology of Spirit and for just LOOKING at books on Heidegger. You have nothing to say, and you go out of your way to champion or a predatory oligarch because your faith in the system is so absolute that to suggest its foundational components are not simply a threat to our way of life but are Evil, is unbearable for you.

>> No.11039129

Thats great but your shit idea of having no division of labor probably would lead to shit tier housing

>> No.11039140
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The only sensible answer.

>> No.11039143

>243 posts
>nobody's asked what's in the box
What the fuck is in the fucking box and why are we not talking about it?

>> No.11039147
File: 857 KB, 1200x1200, f717e0e7-c528-48a0-b078-beb08e3a4f5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's in the box op

>> No.11039224

Fuck, I'd hate to see what'd happen under real Communism.