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/lit/ - Literature

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11035772 No.11035772 [Reply] [Original]

Name your top ten philosophical favorites that have useful life advice and other anons rate. Ill go first:
>1. Maps of meaning
>2. the ego and HIS own
>3. the motor cycle and zen guy
>4. art of the argument
>5. the lauren southern book
>6. culture of critique
>7. gödel escher bach
>8. Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.11035801
File: 106 KB, 566x700, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oпaвшиe лиcтья
>Диaлeктикa мифa
>Cвeт нeвeчepний
>O coпpoтивлeнии злy cилoю

>> No.11036089

These posts always make me feel better about myself. They remind me that I'm not that far gone after all, at least in comparison.

>> No.11036234


>> No.11036243

Thanks for posting an image that perfectly encapsulates my reaction to your post, OP.

>> No.11036701

Syntactic Structures
Semantic Analysis: Essays Dedicated to Stig Kanger on His Fiftieth Birthday
Naming and Necessity
Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics
Set Theory and Its Logic
Word and Object
The Roots of Reference
Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?
Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God

>> No.11036727

1. The Bible

>> No.11036735

exquisitely bad, well done anon

>> No.11036928

> Faith and rationality
> Reason and belief

>> No.11036993

I still can't tell if it's bait or not. Hegel being number 7(being lower than the rest) gives it away

>> No.11037012

>yfw 70-80% of all threads are bait
how do u people live with yourselves? such tedium

>> No.11037060

while it could be bait there are plenty of retards who post here

>> No.11037440

i only read my own writing because nothing can compete

>> No.11037667

1. the god delusion
That's it really. Dawkins ended philosophy.

>> No.11037705
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>> No.11038003
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>> No.11038387

anon i...