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/lit/ - Literature

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11035204 No.11035204 [Reply] [Original]

ummmmmm what, now?

so i get it's supposed to be the closest prose literature will ever get to an accurate recreation of hallucination, but to what end? it's totally incoherent

>> No.11035214

read Finnegan's wake first, than it makes sense.

>> No.11035258

Bought the ticket that exploded at a used book store because the synopsis sounded interesting (it’s the 2nd book in this trilogy) and I got about halfway before losing interest because it’s nonsensical.

That being said I treated it as a very sensual experience. I simply read and received the images and tried not to fixate on any one thing. This helped me enjoy. Like poetry I guess.

>> No.11035270

>prose literature is similar to poetry


>> No.11035280

Why would you make this post?

>> No.11035288

>That being said I treated it as a very sensual experience. I simply read and received the images and tried not to fixate on any one thing. This helped me enjoy. Like poetry I guess.

>> No.11035290

Are you gonna cry, dude?

>> No.11035301

>Like poetry I guess
What a sin, huh?

>> No.11035314

have fun in your faggot-villa faggot faggots

>> No.11035320

you this pantie pinched pal?

>> No.11035329
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Just a lil PYNCH'D is all

>> No.11035336

pynchon at least understands that prose and poetry are no different at the highest levels.

>> No.11035346


>> No.11035416


>> No.11036649

>totally incoherent
"The Mayan Caper" chapter explains almost everything

>> No.11036679
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I thought The Wild Boys was better; had a more cohesive story about a violent revolution led by teen boys (and fueled by gay sex, drugs and anti-religion, but hey, consider the source).
I read Naked Lunch and didn't like it nearly as much as The Wild Boys.

>> No.11036693

your mums completely inchoherent

>> No.11037363

You didn't like the anthropological quest to find a village controlled by crustaceans?

>> No.11037446
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>> No.11037506

>so i get it's supposed to be the closest prose literature will ever get to an accurate recreation of hallucination
i don't think it is or is even supposed to be this. do you hallucinate in jammed semiotics? you might have brain damage.

>> No.11037525

how would you write in a hallucinatory style? protip: if it directly makes sense, you're doing it wrong

>> No.11037558

>how would you write in a hallucinatory style
I don't know I'm not the moron who suggested it

>> No.11037608

Anyone else read the Red Night trilogy? It perfectly encapsulates all of his work into 3 distinct novels that are thinly interconnected by perpendicular narratives.