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/lit/ - Literature

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11032724 No.11032724 [Reply] [Original]

>Studying English literature
>I'm the only man in my classes

Should I worry?

>> No.11032730

is the first term old english and its origins and poetry? if it's not, you should be more than worried, you should feel ripped off.

>> No.11032733

par for the course in undergrad

in grad school it's 50/50
in PhD programs it's mostly men

>> No.11032743
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hoo boy, too bad this is a SFW board, 'cause i got a mouthful of things to say about the fat one

>> No.11032754

depends what modules you're doing man. i found that any seminar for a module that looked at post-1700s literature was nothing but an excuse for a political circle jerk, everyone jumping on texts that explicitly dealt with social issues and appropriating the texts' concerns to the modern day. Trump was brought up in every romanticism and 20th century literature seminar i ever had, and honestly i don't remember how the people in my seminars managed to do this. a lot of this political wankery tended to come from female students (and it goes without saying that a lot of this wankery came in the form of endless wittering about gender inequality and how texts do/do not address such matters), but maybe that's just because the seminars were predominantly women. everyone's capable of derailing seminars, regardless of their gender or agenda.
with this in mind, i will say that you ought to mind what you say in seminars. don't completely abstain from talking, obviously, otherwise what would be the point in going, but be wary that if you're drastically outnumbered, and you say something that could be misconstrued, you WILL be ganged up on relentlessly and it'll just be a pain in the arse.

>> No.11032755

which fat one?

>> No.11032757

No. And you better find a literary qt TT

>> No.11032776

How might a man seduce a girl who loves the Canterbury Tales?

>> No.11032782

take her to Canterbury

>> No.11032783

grab her by the queint

>> No.11032785

get her to fart on you through a window and clasp it to

>> No.11032795

man i've got a great idea for you, just go hide in this bath tub i've tied to the rafters and i'll sort it out for you, no worries

>> No.11032800

Dude just seduce and breed all of them. No doubt it'll inspire great literatura.

>> No.11032814

Not unless you're gay. This is a chance for you to get a gf you lonely bastard.

>> No.11032821

High test

>> No.11032851

>that leftist female hegemony in every MFA department across the country
just take me in my sleep already, Lord

>> No.11032857



>> No.11032862


>> No.11032895
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>That feel when the digital humanities gang bullies you

>> No.11032913

>just trying to get an overview over norse literature in class
>female students start going on a tangent about how children don't really need a father figure
God damn it /lit/

>> No.11032917

Bring up how boys raised by single moms are more likely to commit crime and go to jail.

>> No.11032933
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What's the easiest way to test an English grad student for mental illness? I want to protect myself.

>> No.11033075

Get yo fuckin dicc wett

>> No.11033090

>being /lit/ without mental illness
no such thing male or female anon

>> No.11033096

There is no such thing as mental illness.

>> No.11033100
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>> No.11033105

go for the crazy /lit/ sex, also is she in your class? she cute

>> No.11033108

let's hear it anon

>> No.11033118

>Canadian Gay Archives
What else would you expect from women

>> No.11033119

>medievalist and woodland enthusiast working the northern museum scene. i write about old english environmental literature and tweet about dogs.
a cute

>> No.11033123


She looks batshit insane tbqh senpai

>> No.11033125

What is the gender ratio like in classics departments?

>> No.11033127
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>> No.11033131

>this morning i found out that in september i’m off to manchester to start my PhD. i’m in a state of shock and also feel a bit scared but mainly i’m chuffed to bits (symptoms include screwed up nose and a grin so wide it’s visible from space: see picture below.)
She is doing her PhD
What is /lit/ doing?

>> No.11033137

Female classics students are down to fuck, but they are Rabelaisian monsters who will rape you with radishes out of historical inquiry.

>> No.11033144
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>> No.11033149

well you can call it having visions or whatever, but it's pretty much synonymous with lit whatever you call it.

>> No.11033150

jesus h.... some dumb fuck is gonna impregnate that and end up hanging himself due to the hellish wrath she brings down upon him

>> No.11033154


Mine was almost perfectly 50/50 somehow.
Made it the most masculine humanities major at my university!

>> No.11033171

look through her twitter it is clear is as cute as a button
>is twee
>likes history
>works in a museum
>enjoys classic britannia
>enjoys the country side

>> No.11033177

>uses the word "twee"
she's all yours anon, you're two peas in a pod

>> No.11033181

I'd go the Clerk's Tale route, tormenting her with years of psychological torture before finally revealing that it was all just a test and that you loved her all along. If she stays obedient and loving she's a keeper

>> No.11033183


>> No.11033198

her face is unironically terrifying, the kind of woman who eats her own placenta before giving birth

>> No.11033202


>> No.11033204

Bang them all. How is this a problem? Are you gay?

>> No.11033216
File: 1.15 MB, 822x889, cutecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck does that even mean

>> No.11033217


>> No.11033220


>> No.11033221

you daft, cunt?

prepartum autocannibalization

>> No.11033223
File: 1.44 MB, 886x891, acquiredoggomeetcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you're just making things up
>you will never ever explore oxford with a cute girl and meet doggos

>> No.11033226

Tell her that you will submit to her when you get married.

>> No.11033228

have a look at OP girls twitter, its full of a love of medieval manuscripts and their art

>> No.11033236

No. If you have interacted with feminist females you will have realised how willing they are to listen to men, to let them 'mansplain', to give in to the authority of the male voice even if the male is a moron.
Just don't be a moron and make use of your manhood. The feminist utopia/dystopia is far from our/their reach.

>> No.11033256

Is this the female version of the Soyboy grin?

>> No.11033331

> Wizzywig
What a let-down of a comic...

>> No.11033364

ehhh... people may think you're smart or gay. possibly both. play your cards right.