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/lit/ - Literature

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11021530 No.11021530 [Reply] [Original]

Post brown pill lit

>> No.11021637
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brown pill gang comin thru

>> No.11021663

Rosicrucian Manifestos.

>> No.11021673
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unironically and unequivocally everything by ernst jünger

>> No.11021679

Rare Guenon

>> No.11021733
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Literally me.

Yes, and Rolf Schilling.

>> No.11021749
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>> No.11021763

I know this isn’t brown pill...but is Eliade worth getting into? If you could only own Eliade book what would it be? Sacred and profane? None is an ok answer. Sorry but no one has done a qttdtot lately and I’m phoneposting like a pseud.

>> No.11021775

Sacred and Profane is good.

>> No.11021805
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>> No.11021819

that list is an incoherent mish mash and has nothing to do with "brown pill".

>> No.11021833

Define brown pill literature then.

>> No.11021859

Esoteric, occult, spiritual, apolitical, religious but emphasis on the "inner" dimension of religion, hermetic, ascetic, cynical and/or pessimistic regarding politics, fatalism not activism etc

>> No.11022079

>brown pill
>green pill
there are other pills other than "red pill"?

>> No.11022264

Any recs then ? I'd like anything (fiction and non-fiction).

>> No.11022282


>> No.11022288

eliade is great

>> No.11022296

the blue pill
the "red" pill
the red pill
the black pill
the green pill
the purple pill
the brown pill
the iron pill
you can do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.11022490
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>> No.11022505

iron pill is obviously best

fucker can do one armed pull ups

>> No.11022522

Which book to you recommend?

>> No.11022542

Rolf Schilling, I think.

>> No.11022551

Is there a larger version of this?

>> No.11022557

how brownpilled is hegel?

>> No.11022564

>the sacred and the profane
>history of religious ideas vol I
>history of religious ideas vol II
>history of religious ideas vol III
>book on shamanism

then later, you can get into his yoga, etc. stuff. meanwhile, take a look at bataille's non fiction, guenon (an anon made a decent chart), and bakhtin's stuff about time in genre. i'd mix it all up and not get too particular about order—it'll slowly come together like a net. it'll be immensely helpful if you're at least familiar with history of philosophy beforehand

>> No.11022572

when i google him, its a real estate agent. says there's an author named rolf, but cant find any info—rec some shit

>> No.11022576

>>11022572 follow up
You know you can google search pictures, right?

>> No.11022582

not at all, he is an optimist politically, brownpill is apolitical anywhere from basically indifferent to somewhat pessimistic but too pessimistic (blackpill)

>> No.11022592

yeah man, just thought you might feel like being helpful since you responded to this thread—his wiki is in german

>> No.11022600
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for fiction read gustav meyrink

>> No.11022699

Meditations, The Ego and Its Own and free pick among various spiritual texts.

>> No.11022744

German poet and essayist, who was friends with Jünger. He is very influential in neofolk circles. His work can be considered apolitical but culturally conservative. It's all very mystic and symbolic and inwardly directed. Reading him has been somewhat of a religious experience for me.
Find his work on arnshaugk.de, none of it has been translated though.
Fire + Ice set one of his poems to music:

>>11022576 is not me

>> No.11022864

>>11022576 here

Sorry mate, didn't mean to be unhelpful, just thought you would be able to google it yourself.

>> No.11022947

hegel and the hermetic tradition - anyone who have read this?

>> No.11023034

Thanks ! Are you aware of any philosophical or spiritual work which would be more fitting in the brown pill category than the green pill one ?

>> No.11023042
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>> No.11023053

Any non-fiction book which would fir this category ? I'd like to learn about meditation and spiritual enlightenment from a knowledgeable source (most stuff I find through google seem like vulgarisation of the traditions).

>> No.11023096

Read some of the Traditionalists, e.g. Lings, Coomaraswamy, Guenon, Schuon, Nasr, Burckhardt etc

>> No.11023113

The Doors of Perception and The Joyous Cosmology.

>> No.11023179

Any link ?

>> No.11023216

Oswald Spengler - Decline of the West

>> No.11023291
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my diary desu

>> No.11023305

Ahoy mateys. Sir Reginald....

>> No.11023366
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based indigo pill

>> No.11023526


>> No.11023665

Spiritually it's definitely more eastern. Hinduism should be the center of brown-pill philosophy, but other Eastern Traditions are more than welcome. Western Philosophy, religions, and mystery schools are also welcomed, but I don't see brown-pill types actively calling themselves a "Neo-Pythagorean." Traditionalists like Guénon are good, but be careful with Shuon, Coomaraswamy, and Nasser. Only get into people like Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, and Miguel Serrano if you're /pol/ enough or /x/ enough to handle it. Avoid most mainstream forms of Christianity; unless you're a hermit or monk or something then you're not going to be exposed to anything worthwhile.

Politically this is a harder question. Both Marxism and Libertarianism tend to have a philosophical belief that the natural action of humans will make the world better, so I don't think those will work. If you took the /pol/ route I described earlier then a third position ideology would fit well. Decline of the West, the Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, Mein Kampf, Feder, Sorel, and Nietzsche would fit in well here. If you're not /pol/ then I'd imagine a very apathetic neoliberal/neoconservative. In general you should be avoiding the entire modern political dialectic altogether though. It might be best to just not call yourself anything and handle it on a case by case basis.

Some others I might recommend are: Schopenhaur, Plato, Nietzsche, Jung, Edward Bernays, Cervantes, Henry David Thoreau, Goethe, and Hermann Hesse. Stuff like Graham Hancock would be good to really nail down the /x/ elements of the brown-pill, but I really don't want to lump him in with the rest of those writers, despite enjoying his books.

>> No.11023772

Have read, can confirm worth reading. Frankly masterful book.

Plenty. Or to say it outside the framework of silly 4chan memes, there is good reason to believe he had an interest in occult topics and that it influenced his philosophy strongly.

>> No.11023787

Is reading the PoS required before reading HatHT, or is a wikipedia understanding good enough?

>> No.11023802

I haven't read hegel myself - is he worth reading even if you are not a politicsfag?

>> No.11023807

>Pick your team and LARP
Our grandsons will look at us in disgust

>> No.11024086

I'd say wikipedia understanding is good enough, but having read PoS or the Lesser Logic (I'm not going to tell you to read the Science of Logic/Greater L. because I'm not that mean) will definitely increase how much sense it makes.
I would say so. Even ignoring his political legacy (Marx and so on), he's a fantastic philosopher as philosopher. Definitely changed my view of the world and gave me philosophical insight into stuff I hadn't before.

(inb4 Anal Water shows up and shits this thread to pieces because someone mentioned Hegel)

>> No.11024271

I have no idea what you're talking about. This is my first time on this board and every thread seems to be full of arrogant people who will attack you like you just insulted their mother; they never give any good arguments though. It looks like everyone is automatically assuming they're correct, and then putting the least effort possible into trying to attack some random target.

I presume there's a lot of /leftypol/ influence because of the use of Stirner. But even /leftypol/ with its homosexual penis gobbling board owner isn't as dumb as a lot of the posters here.

>> No.11024280

>This is my first time on this board and

>> No.11024282

Literally me except for that I'M not wise/smart.
I do have visions of angels I'M debating seeing a doctor about though

>> No.11024483
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>Seeing a (((psychiatrist))) so you can take pills that will seal off your third eye and make you more susceptible to the jewish programming

>> No.11024557

Have also seen angels, along with demons. Signs are a good thing, it means the universe is guiding you towards the next layer of truth.

>> No.11024559

I don't know what else to do.

>> No.11024587

Well, sometimes I get "daydreams", thoughts that posess my full attention and I just stop and think them through. My last one was that my body crumpled to the ground and an angle rose out of my corpse, explaining to those who witnessed and knew my existence that I was a mere doll, that existed to allow this "angel" to work me subconsciously achieve it's goal.
It also said that I didn't have a soul and that I never truly existed, I was only a mask to allow the angel to work on earth.

It fucked me up for a few days, even though I'm trying to write it off as that I'M inventing reasons why I'm so emotionally incompetant and my lack of a sex drive.

>> No.11024602

Lack of sex drive goes hand in hand with the influence of lowered sex drive and higher value of life. Don't doubt in this angel, angels are forces of goodness and God. The best thing a man can do in his life is live for God.

>> No.11024605


How do I take the green pill?

>> No.11024614

Value life

>> No.11024617


But what if life has no value?

>> No.11024622
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>> No.11024626
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>> No.11024630

Once I was 16 and thought the same thing

>> No.11024632
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unironically you could be the new doctor suess if you just drew dumb meme animals and talked like this and got it marketed as children's books

>> No.11024648
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>> No.11024653
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>> No.11024654

This blue pill would like to be distracted by an MMO in which these are classes

>> No.11024658
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>> No.11024686
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These should get you going, but I'd also recommend travelling by foot for long periods during readings so as to have ample time to have the works do what is needed in the background of your consciousness. It takes some time and this will require some money, but the rewards are many. Expect to be challenged and thwarted, expect chaos and mischief. Try to dance with Loki if he gets persistent, but don't drink with him whatever you do.

Here's a soundtrack.

>> No.11024694


>> No.11024930

what the hell is brown pill

>> No.11025072

Kek. 8/10 old timer.

>> No.11025138

hildegaard von bingen is essential brownpillcore music

>> No.11025172

>I presume there's a lot of /leftypol/ influence because of the use of Stirner.

Common misconception. Stirner memes on /lit/ predates all of /leftypol/.

>> No.11025174

I'm not even sure how old /leftypol/ sonce i dont post there, but ive been here since 2007 and i think stirner memes have been a thing since atleast 2011 if not somewhat earlier. can anyone confirm?

>> No.11025175

read eumeswil
or peruse this collection of excerpts if you can't be bothered https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_ScNs9yPyTkb0w5TDJJeHRrd1U/edit
putting aside all the meme-canon gewgawgery in OP's pic related, the figure of the anarch for junger is the one who stands within the order of things while remaining spiritually distinct from it. the anarch could be described as a kind of stoic, but one that does not countenance necessity, but absolute inner freedom.

>> No.11025177

/leftypol/ is since*

>> No.11025419

/lit/ is mostly arrogant socialist teenagers. Don't mind them, I liked your post.

>> No.11025905


>> No.11027479

Samuel Beckett

>> No.11027883
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>> No.11027971

This man looks identical to Gerry Adams

>> No.11027985


>> No.11028011

never try that again, dumbo

>> No.11028170

I started reading Storm of Steel and I'm enthralled, to say the least.

>> No.11028285

>not being blackpilled
Pathetic at this point honestly.

>> No.11028326

No matter how much you tell yourself that life has no value you will still ultimately believe otherwise - our nature informs us that life has value, even how illusory it may be.

>> No.11028403

>instincts are actual value rather than just the operating system that runs the copy machine


>> No.11028463

I'm just saying that you cannot avoid those instincts, and i think it's for the better...
I'm not talking about numeral value, which you cannot really attain knowledge of in your current state.

>> No.11028469

Going for iron pill myself. Slowly integrating Benedictine prayer cycles combined with fitness routines.

>> No.11028491

you can acknowledge that you are an organism with instincts and drives and preferences just like a mosquito and still not assign value to your wants and preferences beyond that though.

people don't stop being nihilists because they have a favourite flavour of ice cream.

>> No.11028514

>Not realizing personal values are the only absolute values
Top pleb

>> No.11028524

>being too scared to accept that personal values aren't absolute

top normie

>> No.11028529

>Thus sang Zarathustra. But when the dance was over and the maidens had gone away, he became sad.
>‘The sun has long since gone down,’ he said at last. ‘The meadow is damp, and a coolness comes from the forests.
>Something unknown is about me and is looking thoughtfully. What! You are still living, Zarathustra?
>Why? What for? Whereby? Where to? Where? How? Is it not folly to go on living?–
>Ah, my friends, it is the evening that questions thus from within me. Forgive me my sadness!
>Evening has come: forgive me that it has become evening!’
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.11028558

>there are actually people who think this terribly disguised poetry blog is nietzsche's magnum opus

>> No.11028562

>people don't stop being nihilists because they have a favourite flavour of ice cream

they kinda do actually because they value something above something else and take this value judgement serious.

Ultimately your actions talk for themselves, you put value into something and less into something else - to believe that you can avoid this by being absurd and all coool smoking french fags and hanging on a street corner with jazz melancholy raining down between the city roofs like dust mildly kissing the graffiti and piss stained buildings when blown in the wind but this is just a brain fart. You could become a buddha but that's another story.

>> No.11028580

I do.

>> No.11028589

this is not me

>> No.11028606

meta-ethical positions are not undermined by personal preference. making personal value judgements in your day to day life does not mean that you have to assign great philosophical value to them.

it's like determinism, you can be a determinist and still act as if you have free will in your daily life, even though you realise that this is an illusion on a higher level.

there is no hypocrisy in this, the idea that there is comes from cartoonish misrepresentations of what those positions actually entail.

>> No.11028614

wow so deep

dumb buddhist

>> No.11028642

Congratulations you have a surface level understanding of nihilism

>> No.11028757


>> No.11028758

I kinda agree with you on this i just want to investigate so please answer my question and maybe we will not agree with this anymore.

So you are arguing for disassociation between action and idea? What value does an abstract idea have if it's never embodied? "Oh your life is meaningless" ok what can i do with this knowledge? there is no use for it even if it's true. If this information has no real use it's just a brainfart - hell, a streetname from hong kong is more usefull.

But should we judge information by it's utility and what utility should this be? - here i mean meta-utility what informs this utility? Is it hedonism?
>Stuff you do not have to answer that i just wrote and feel bad deleting: Look even here i act like there is an underlying answer/meaning to this question but maybe there is not - then nihilism would have one utility namely determining the value of information

yeah you are the smart one here i get you

>> No.11028767

Late Evola is brownpilled. Early Evola is too political.

>> No.11029212

late evola books you can recommend?

>> No.11029277

Ride the Tiger, Meditations on the Peaks, The Path of Cinnabar, Metaphysics of Sex, the Bow and the Club, The Recognitions

>> No.11030580

Made this list. Mostly for an academic understandinf of the subject. Expect to jump into primary texts for praxis.
I also made this list. This list is pretty good for praxis. I am a christian mystic myself. But more of a >>11023291 than a brownpill.

>> No.11030606

You know the guy from X-Files? That minus the job and partner.

>> No.11030688
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Nice. Fellow Omniists must spread the message to only those who have struggled as we have so that the infinite meanings can be born anew.

Pragmatism, learned judgement, Scepticism.

>> No.11031206

The idea is quite consequential if you view it in the context of the alternative ideas when nihilism gained ground. I think you may be personally be already too nihilistic to feel the weight of it fully. Compare it to a Christian or Islamic worldview for example, the difference between that and 'life is ultimately meaningless' is tremendous. The reason that nihilism seems so inconsequential to most of us is because it is the norm in Western society now.

The 'use' or at least the effect of the idea is that you no longer live like a religious person who feels he lives in a teleological cosmos. This can be both liberating and terrible, depending on how you look at it. Epicurus thought that not fearing the Gods was a great source of peace of mind for example, while a lot of moderns mourn the loss of greater meaning to life.

The nihilism that has swept over the secular world is not 'nothing feels like it matters on any level to anyone' (which is an absurd statement because we all obviously assign some personal value to things) but 'nothing matters beyond personal or human evaluation'. That was an extremely dangerous and taboo idea once and would get you killed and tortured, but now it's commonplace.

>> No.11031263
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Surprised nobody's mentioned Carlos Castaneda's work.

>> No.11031312

stopped here

>> No.11031600

"Avoids GMO's and Toxins"

How the fuck is that enlightened?

>> No.11031620

only the sick need pills

>> No.11031848

>merging Plato with all those retards like Graham Hamcock
kys faggot

>> No.11031888
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>> No.11032263

>Implying the black pill isn't the most pathetic belief of all

>> No.11032866
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No such thing.
To designate oneself as apolitical is one of the most politically impactful actions one can take

>> No.11032870
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>> No.11033313
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The best path lies afront.

>> No.11033350

The red, green and blue were the original, the others were lazy attempts. The "iron pill" were poltards trying to look like they were right at the end and the "brown pill" are just cowards.

>> No.11033786

So ultimately you still agree with the existence of meaning on one level - you just argue against it on an external level? Not trying to straw-man you here. It seems like you are not an ultimate nihilist and something more like an existentialist - this is not the black pill i would say.

>> No.11033806

I don't think that what you call ultimate nihilism is an actual position anyone can reasonably hold, and what you might feel is nihilism light is what has traditionally been called nihilism.

>> No.11034128

>what you call ultimate nihilism is an actual position anyone can reasonably hold
see >>11028326

>> No.11034285

Ellen Chen's commentary on the Tao Te Ching

>> No.11034423

Yeah but you're attacking a strawman there friend, you're saying that anyone with some sort of preference is not really a nihilist, but nihilism never meant being free of preference or personal evaluations.

You need some new word for that position that no one holds if you want to rally against it.

>> No.11034598

Post your stick

>> No.11034615
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>> No.11034851

This is a man of the highest degree.

>> No.11034903

I have read most of this list and am deeply confused why you would go down the esoteric autism devil path instead of following christ, instead of being an Origen you decided to be a Marcion, alot of the list is good but I think you are just being a pseud for the fun of being counter-good. Shit entry tier purple pill.

>> No.11035051

Dude is a fraud, but the best kind of fraud.

>> No.11035500
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I made my own version too. Left out the beard, because it's God-given, not required.

>> No.11035525

>H. D. Thoreau
Just his name puts a smile on my face.
Avoid most mainstream forms of Christianity; unless you're a hermit or monk or something then you're not going to be exposed to anything worthwhile.
I'm Non-Practicing Catholic. Pure ideology, bad practices by the Church for a very long time, but they pay for my local churches and hand out rosaries with prayer cards while I enjoy veneration of saints. Yes, even Krishna could be a saint. Don't judge a book by its cover.
>Politically this is a harder question.
Leave whats Ceasars unto Ceasar, and whats Gods unto God. I have my right to vote and exercise it thusly. Am becoming more politically involved in the sense that I want to defend the party whose ideology I support while calling them out for bullsh*t too.

>> No.11035540

I hugged Christ in jail and looked into Satans eyes there too.
You'll be just fine brother. I overcame schizophrenia through faith and help from others.

>> No.11035544

Why would one want to be "brownpilled"? What is the endgame?

>> No.11035715

happy-think, m8

>> No.11035740

Nice improvement but the base is bad, you are better off starting from zero.

/pol/acks tried to counter the greenpill meme and came out with a way to divide greenpill, thus born brownpill. If you want to know the true origin then look for greenpill, it has slightly less Hegel in the reading list but you'll get what is all about.

>> No.11035764
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That's what I was thinking while editing, but gosh some of those things glared so hurtfully.
But, just meme-ing good sir *tips cloak and taps staff* have an HD Thoreau

>> No.11035768

A good example of why man shouldn't try so hard while taming his mane.
Have you seen the pictures full bush, Owo

>> No.11035934

Reading him as someone curious on the subject matter but inexperienced (can't investigate his claims for health reasons), I have no real way of verifying Carlos' alleged finds myself.
I assume that you agree that Juan Matus is a pseudonym but by your favourable response that Carlos did actually explore mescaline, peyote etc based on your own experience?

>> No.11036143

I seriously took indigo pill

>> No.11036239

hey, if you got magick powers 'n' shit can you make a single pickle appear on my doorstep today?

>> No.11036276
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>> No.11036278
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>> No.11036377
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heraclitus is essential brownpill

>> No.11036413

The iron pill is obviously/fit/

>> No.11036514

be careful in what you wish for (^:

>> No.11036520

Thanks for keeping threads /lit/ book pics and quotes

>> No.11036574

That's just the purple pill.

>> No.11036592

A simple pickle will prove your powers and be harmless

>> No.11037685


>> No.11038474 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11038484
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saved pill best pill

>> No.11039614

Is better than the scam the iron pill is.

>> No.11041397


>> No.11041402

>150 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.

absolute underagers

>> No.11041420

Is there a rec chart for black pill?

>> No.11041556

Yes, but the individual can be apolitical. Hermits, for example. Live off the grid, disappear. Then you won't have to bother with others, and you live by yourself; apolitical.

>> No.11041560

Ebenezer Scrooge.

>> No.11041564

What the fuck do Bakhtin and Bataille have to do with Guenon and Eliade?

>> No.11041627
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nice try semite

>> No.11041676

Bye /pol/.

>> No.11041696

Haha, I haven't been on pol in over 2 years. They just keep sucking Trumps cock. I've been reading too much for pol, and many authors in the middle ages hated jews too

>> No.11041713

Ok, bye.

>> No.11041714
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see you later, I'm staying here

>> No.11041721

Where do I get a good stick

>> No.11041723

inna woods

>> No.11041738

the bottom is just crowleyfaggory

>> No.11041746

is this the true power of autism?

>> No.11041747
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i know the perfect cure for that

>> No.11041751

No I am just tired of people conflating /pol/ with actual right wing or nazi thought. I don't know anybody who goes on pol anymore, it's such a shitfest

>> No.11041868
File: 139 KB, 653x852, richardwaltherdarre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the darre pill

>> No.11042383

I'm not white.

>> No.11042388

Spoken like a truly fearful soul.

>> No.11042895
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>le poop pill

>> No.11042926

you don’t need to read anything to do with Christianity for hermeticism, the corpus comes from alexandrian greece, it predates the bible and gnostic sects

i don’t think the tarot is mentioned in the corpus at all either lol

the bottom texts are garbage
incoherent lifestylism

>> No.11042945

pedophile, didn’t serve in the war, ugly,
manlet, balding, disgusting midface, believed he wa sin contact with a dead east germanic king, raped lots of little kids, basically a brigand schizophrenic secret police master, tortured and murdered people, afraid of his own violence and the sight of blood, confirmed took part in Black Forest blood sacrifices of children, especially Jewish children, confirmed in contact with British and American banking elite through slush fund, you keep pictures of him, cattle slave nigger

>> No.11043097

Nice saving this

>> No.11043409
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Also I enjoyed William Walker Atkinsons Arcane Teachings and Arcane Formulas from this specific recommendation.

>> No.11043411

man i miss this meme

>> No.11043431
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>> No.11043451
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I recommend you NOFAP.
Also the books call out for you.
And I recommend SIGIL MAGICK in general. ["... in the best way possible for all."]

>> No.11043457

Anyone know a good introduction to Zoroastrianism?

>> No.11043543

I was considering studying the esoteric autism devil path academically hence why I read a lot of those books. I have chosen Christ, and find his mystics superior to any occultist, but I think people should be exposed to as much material as possible before choosing their path.

>> No.11043561
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>Latent spiritual powers
>powerful aura shield blocks out all mind control
I'm just checking to make sure this is a joke. there aren't actually people here who seriously believe this shit, right.

>> No.11043569

have you ever tried?

>> No.11043712

mysticism is good as well...
i am more of an alchemist (INNER alchemy) myself.
but i know the mystics are extremely powerful.
mysticism is also common in india.
as i found out about the taqqia i can not support islam in total any longer; but also they do have good ideas. islam means to believe in god. soo... to be more clear in what i mean with islam: "Mohammedanism". This man literally says it is okay to lie if it suits the situation.
Always try to tell the truth. Or be more silent to begin with. Telling the truth makes you and others learn a lot faster from each others interactions. Fucking around (lieing), on the other hand, only leads to mistrust and hate. Which is why Mohammedanism is divided in many fractions. This is at least one of the reasons. Also every fraction hates those who does not follow their specific ideology. Also internally. Whilst christianity is currently healing together. Even Orthodox and Catholics. There are meetings they do in order to bring them back together. Which is, also from a cybernetical point of view, a good thing to do. Mankind should live as one, together and free and in truth and harmony. And not tyranically where any "wrong" idea is punished by death. Being allowed to have "wrong" ideas is part of freedom. No masters no slaves.

>> No.11044614

people try a lot of shit and they all claim it's true even when they're mutually exclusive to each other

>> No.11044625

>there aren't actually people here who seriously believe this shit
there are
this board is full of /x/tards

>> No.11045634

oriental and greco-pagan mysticism and occultism has been condemned by the very earliest christians and the apostles.

there was plenty of debate and purifying of canonical scripture for this very reason. Exposing yourself to that is just setting yourself up for temptations.

There is only one true path, the rest lead to hell. Why are you trying to lead the sheep away from the Shepard. We aren't tasting flavours of icecream, we are following truth and goodness into heaven.

>> No.11045846
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Black Pill isn't about nihilism, its recognizing that a great deal of people in the world don't matter and can't be saved.

>> No.11045870
File: 1.93 MB, 440x233, 1523464062340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pill business is getting out of hand

>> No.11045900

But wot about purgatory, m8?

>> No.11046069

The Hermeticum doesn't mention alchemy either, yet it's associated with Hermeticism.

>> No.11046081

it actually does non, wat do u think tat and hermes are doing on that mountain??

>> No.11046271
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>> No.11046474

Where does it mention alchemy? All they are doing is shooting the shit about God.

>> No.11046501

I can tell you what gives you scizophrenia:
Purple Pill.
The rest is pretty based. I advice you Blue Pill, by the way.

>> No.11046548
File: 492 KB, 3644x932, d2acYo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or the orange pill...

>> No.11046592

what about it?

>> No.11046609

>he hasn't taken the pill pill

>> No.11046661


Prometheus rising was fucking 70 IQ plebshit. Whenever I see it recommended on a list I disregard the whole thing.

>> No.11046673
File: 500 KB, 500x375, fresh-prince-drum-juke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to consider myself a mix between gray and iron but that sounds too pretentious

>> No.11046993

Junger is greenpill

>> No.11047141

This reminds me a lot of green lantern's color spectrum.

>> No.11047460

Iron Pill is best, white pill is essentially Iron Pill for people who can't afford a gym membership.
I've been friends with Green Pillers, one of them recently went on a 6 month trip around South Asia, and decided that he was never coming back. He sold all of his shit and now walks barefoot to temporary jobs around Vietnam to pay for his weed addiction.
He looks and sound really happy, and i'm gutted I'm too coward to abandon my career and join him.