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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 99 KB, 800x600, 33FE87CA-D020-44E0-AFC7-BD500B7F0F49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11019329 No.11019329 [Reply] [Original]

Acts that triggers /lit/

**Pic definitely related**

>> No.11019347

that pic triggers half of /lit/ and gets the other half rock-hard.

>> No.11019361
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Reminder that they are burning Magnus Hirschfeld's child porn collection from his institute for pedophilia that he was allowed to openly operate in Weimar Germany.

>> No.11019364

Let's be fair, we'd all burn copies of Harry Potter and Hate U Give if we had the spare cash.

>> No.11019374
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>> No.11019379

They're burning much more than just that but in fairness most literature (probably about 95%) should be banned.

>> No.11019382
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Me right now.....

>> No.11019383
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>child porn collection from his institute for pedophilia

>> No.11019388
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>> No.11019401
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>> No.11019403

Wow I haven’t seen this in a while lmao!!!

>> No.11019637
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>> No.11019729

What scientific evidence?
Post link.

>> No.11020034

Cleaning your room

>> No.11020481

> Having a higher IQ means you follow politics, understand politics, will make a choice after doing a lot of research and being very critical.


I went to America once and talked to some middle class white liberals and I wish I never had. These people are out of touch with reality

>> No.11021010
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What are you even talking about?

>> No.11021017
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>> No.11021030

I don't disagree with the picture, OP. If they're burning degenerate literature, then who cares? Only other degenerates, and we'll have already gassed them. We should be burning books like the Hunger Games, Twilight series, 50 Shades of Gray, any books promoting degeneracy, etc. And kill anyone who likes them. You're a fool for assuming we'd be triggered by this. Mass publication of degenerate literature is what triggers us. Literature has been whored out by jews to the lowest common denominator and it's time to make literature a meritocracy again.

>> No.11021055

post peer-reviewed study, I want it in my arsenal

>> No.11021057
File: 56 KB, 632x960, E6D76526-6675-4498-82D4-6D8D5D8EEB7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob Dylan getting the nobel peace prize for literature
All books deserve to exist, whether we like it or not.

>> No.11021070

Holy fuck, that is so terribly trash.. the gesture and the writing picked out.

>> No.11021083
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>> No.11021094

>Not only German-speaking authors were burned, but also French authors like Henri Barbusse, André Gide, Victor Hugo and Romain Rolland, American writers such as John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Ernest Hemingway, Helen Keller, Jack London and Upton Sinclair as well as English authors Joseph Conrad, Aldous Huxley, D.H. Lawrence and H.G. Wells, Irish writer James Joyce and Russian authors including Isaac Babel, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ilya Ehrenburg, Maxim Gorki, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Vladimir Nabokov, Leo Tolstoy and Leon Trotsky
So this is the fabled national socialist intellect I've heard so much about...

>> No.11021098

Agreed, booktoobers should be imprisoned.
Not Sadler though, he's a good.

>> No.11021110

>George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Romain Rolland, André Gide
kremlin tourists who unironically called lenin the modern caesar and stalin the next augustus, well deserved ban

>> No.11021150

Almost all of those are trash, keep Dosto and Tolstoy though.
Why burn D.H. Lawrence is what I don't understand?? He was a fascist. lol

>> No.11021154

Meh I'd rather have nazis burn degenerate books than managerial shitlib NYT white guilt trannies burn the whole of the western cannon over alleged 'microagressions'. I'm beginning to think fascism is just a natural immune reaction that kicks in whenever things get too degenerate

>> No.11021187

>managerial shitlib NYT white guilt trannies burn the whole of the western cannon over alleged 'microagressions'
this isn't happening
>I'm beginning to think fascism is just a natural immune reaction that kicks in whenever things get too degenerate
that's because you are very retarded, and probably mentally ill

>> No.11021191
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>this isn't happening
low effort gaslighting

>> No.11021208
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>> No.11021224

the futurists were considered degenerate. fascism is not a coherent system, it’s irrational and as such allows for arbitrary inclusion and exclusion.

>> No.11021233

>Almost all of those are trash
So this is the power of the supposers defenders of western civilization...

>> No.11021437
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Holy shit, someone ruined a book for this terrible marriage stunt!

>> No.11021488

He is having a stroke after being confronted with the truth.

>> No.11021492
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Frankly my one desire is to create and be Grand Cultural Censor for my nation. It is not so much matter ideology or setting moral standard in which I crave for such but that we are bequeathing all the future with exponentially growing cultural wasteground; few gems we as civilization produce buried beneath the consumer products, the fluff culture, the trash. I probably would not be best suited but someone needs to start the ovens and begin the sorting for the cultural holocaust.

>> No.11021600

I don't think John Green wrote it as a marriage stunt.

>> No.11021613
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i have to do a presentation about heideggers basic problems of phenomenology in one of my philosophy course coming up in a few weeks and if a literal natsoc antisemite that didn´t even openly resent his former believes is still being read i highly doubt that "white guilt trannies" burn anything over microagressions
but /pol/yps wouldn´t know since they never went to university

>> No.11021618

That comic is a total non sequitur. If someone points to legitimate studies demonstrating racial differences in intelligence, then that person being dumb is completely irrelevant as to whether or not the studies he points to are sound.

>> No.11021636

wtf i love the cathedral now

>> No.11021651

This is beautiful, I'm sexually aroused now.

It didn't even bother me when I spotted the greys anatomy book.

>> No.11021686

>All books deserve to exist

Either you're stupid, or a perverse degenerate.

>> No.11021689

university turns anyone who has even a small amount intellectual integrity into some variety of pol

>> No.11021700
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>> No.11021702


>> No.11021730

Lolita is about pedophilia yet is a classic
Moby Dick has homo erotica scene and is one of the greatest books to exist
Every Greek mythology has hints of bisexuality
Degeneracy is a stupid word for “I don’t like this thing because it makes me uncomfortable”, and it hinders true art from being created

>> No.11021734

when your side relies on censorship and abuse honest people start to think you're lying. sorry m8

>> No.11021739
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Greek mythology having "hints" of bisexuality is the understatement of the century
other than that i completely agree with your post

>> No.11021740

yeah, just keep the blinders on, goy

nice strawman at the end btw

>> No.11021768

gross covers
total wank

>> No.11021778


>> No.11021794

can someone like the video of this. Wtf is going on

>> No.11021825

nigger antics

>> No.11021847

i think its just a meme picture man

>> No.11022098

those are benchmarks, not a general permission for lowbrow libertinage.

>> No.11022110

>Importantly, scientists have measured intelligence in a variety of ways, and the main conclusion always holds up. In one study of white children, for example, some were less able to see that a short wide glass holds the same amount of water as a taller skinnier glass. This ability is known as “conservation” in the jargon of the field, and it’s widely considered an important mental ability. In this study, the kids who lacked this ability also held more negative views of black children

This has got to be satire. They realize that using this same study black children are on average dumber than white children?

Literally validating the people they're calling dumb LMAO

>> No.11022136
File: 426 KB, 600x699, 0B92A6D2-2792-4CE9-B20B-E5F616512F17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I benchmark my foot into your dumb fucking skull?
Anyone can write whatever they want, even if it isn’t critically acclaimed. American psycho is pretty fucked up and it hasn’t won any awards but it’s still a good book
Titus andronicus is one of Shakespeare’s worst plays yet it’s still in print
Fuck even the most shameful of fanfics can exist because to the author they mean something, and any criticism he/she recives will help him/her improve in the future
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist, learn to live with the fact that not everything is here to please you

>> No.11022140

Titus Andronicus shouldn't exist tho

>> No.11022143
File: 595 KB, 1600x2780, anti bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like I´m arguing with children

>> No.11022145

Please post the evidence. I want to BTFO some trumptards

>> No.11022154

>The Fault in our Stars
Nothing of value was lost

>> No.11022206

Try harder

>> No.11022305

Yes because burning books is not censorship.


>> No.11022319

>ignores everything he wrote in favor of muh joos
>complains about a short fallacious jab at the end
You guys are over the top parodies of yourselves.

>> No.11022331

It most certainly should
Showing an author's worst makes them more human, and then you learn to appreciate their best even more

>> No.11022353


>> No.11022368

Wow you are so right.

>> No.11022379

gud comments upboat this *one word hive affirmation, i matter, bros, lads m*

>> No.11022394

But all those studies about muh implicit bias and stereotype threats and micro aggressions are totally legit tho and free from any methodological flaws whatsoever amirite?. Egalitarianism is not desirable because it would require total control by the state and corporate entities, your every thought monitored by licensed blue hairs for instances of wrongthink and implicit bias. The whole culture industry redirected towards ethnomasochism ( its only going to get worse). Progs have effectively deconstructed the bases of liberalism and democracy in the autonomous individual in the family and in western culture. When people point this out, the shitlib can only screech racest and resort to lukewarm john Stewart snark ™

>> No.11022439

Is it really that related? Sure it's barbaric and falls under the 'don't treat books poorly' meme, but the effects of taking some books and setting them on fire aren't significant nowadays. It's not like there isn't a thousand bookstores and libraries that still have a copy.
On the other hand, the increasing amount of garbage you have to go through before finding something worth reading is worrying.
TL;DR: burning good books might be bad, but writing trash is the real trigger.

>> No.11022526

goethe wrote dick elegies which he self-censored and put into his archive.
you think your tranny liberation novel is more important?
if you're not a cheap attention whore you should leave society alone and hide you stash of dionysian satanism in a dark place so your texts become the new nag hammadi scrolls in 2000 years.

>> No.11022549

yeah, no shit, but someone misused it

>> No.11022556

>talks about how 'true art' is created
>actually means fanfics
don't worry anon, nobody is taking your porn away
this is just a discussion about some books doing more harm than good

>> No.11022570
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>> No.11022577

i´m not a liberal
also true leftism isn´t about egalitarism, neither marxism nor postmodernism is
it´s just that both liberal and right wingers only care about identity politics, just for different skin colours which is in both cases idiotic

>> No.11022603
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That was like 1 part of my argument
just like >>11021094 shows the nazis were burning great literary works over hubris.

>> No.11022637
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It really depends on what is being burnt. If its all the books except those in Harold Bloom's Western Canon then burn away.

>> No.11022644
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So the conclusion is that Jewish people living in densely populated areas are smartest. Gee, who would have guessed that one.

>> No.11022657
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>Nobel PEACE Prize


>> No.11022658

Bloom talks about something like 16 authors in that book and they forced him to write the list which he regrets doing because it's incomplete.

>> No.11022669
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Where the fuck did jews come from? If you want to be like that then jews in rural areas are the dumbest.

>> No.11022680
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>Where the fuck did jews come from

>> No.11022689
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Oh shit my bad fampai

>> No.11022692

Insults aren't even strawmen. That's just not what the word means. I guess anon was right, pol just looks up logical fallacies on wikipedia without really understanding hard phil.

>> No.11022703

Jews in general are just the smartest, but since they're smarter than white people it's a "conspiracy" even though anyone who falls below the white average just "lacks merit"

>> No.11022778
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You seem to be operating under the delusion that politics is a spectrum.

>> No.11023060

>Burning Jewish degenerate subversive books

>> No.11023078

>implying they were burning only "jewish degenerate books"
imagine being this stupid

>> No.11023091

the Jewish overrepresentation is out of proportion to their IQ advantage though. they concentrate in particular fields and help one another succeed in them

>> No.11023095

god I wish that were me

>> No.11023121

Will coasties ever get the fuck over themselves?

>> No.11023140

The people who say the "conservatives have a low iq meme" need to know that while it is kind of true it leaves out a lot of important information.

The main one is that "conservative" is an odd political label, different people have different interpolations of what it means. When they do these studies that show that conservatives have lower iq what they do is they ask questions about social problems not economic (are you in favor of legalizing gay marriage ect...) and because of this libertarians get put in the Liberal camp which is obviously ridiculous and low iq blacks who want gibs but hate fags are put in the Conservative camp.

Dozens of studies have shown that Republicans are more informed and more intelligent. I'm not quite sure who is higher iq white republican or white Democrats but I imagine this it is quite close with the Demarcates being slightly higher.

>> No.11023142


>> No.11023346
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Super underrated