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11011468 No.11011468 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Burke's description of an atheist society
>It is exactly describing our current society
>He predicts that a group of thinkers which he calls the egoists will drive society to nihilism
>He wrote this in 1790
How could this nigga be so fucking smart?

>> No.11011503

burke's fucking based. he calls out the left and the right and makes both sides use his arguments from then on. pity everyone can quote him and nobody reads him. good choice OP

>> No.11011517

What book?

>> No.11011524

>He predicts that a group of thinkers which he calls the egoists will drive society to nihilism
Not even trying to start something, but what group are you referring to?

>> No.11011532

The young Hegelians

>> No.11011649

Burke had a big brain my man

>> No.11011666

>He wrote this in 1790
you are like a little baby watch this

>> No.11011675

this, pls gib book title

>> No.11011683

platos discussion on the democratic soul is pretty spot on aswell.

>> No.11011690

>He wrote this in 1790
>How could this nigga be so fucking smart?
Under the presupposition that time progresses infinetly we had to deal with this specific historic situation sooner or later

>> No.11011692

Ol' brainy Burke
Big Brain Burke
Burke the Brain

>> No.11011694
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his discussion on the tyranical soul makes me shudder

>> No.11011716

its hard to imagine someone like that. i wonder if tyrannical people hide it well when not in a position of power.

>> No.11011727

Burke also predicted the terror ,Napoleon,the invasion of the French of Europe and the Bourbon restauration. The lad was basically a prophet

>> No.11011744

There were lots of people who did that. They said that the loss of faith in western society would drive people to nihilism which would lead to mass devastation (ww1, ww2)

>> No.11011758

>Avarice and wrath will be common. >Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central recreation of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs
This covers literally every single point in human history. Well spotted Satan

>> No.11011766

But what is scary is Burke's precission. He is not saying abstract stuff he casually describes our society in 1790

>> No.11011776

plato says tyrannical people act really servile and groveling when not in power

>> No.11011779

the kali yuga will end in 2025.
Then comes the transitional period that will last 300 years and destroy most of humanity.
Then there will appear variouse learned men like Buddha, jesus, zoraster, who will rebuild society


>> No.11011780


What book? Can we get a link?

>> No.11011786

>(((((((((n0t evEn tRyInG To sTaRt sOmetHing, bUt WhAt gRoUp aRe yoU rEfeRrinG t0?)))))))))

>> No.11011807

Reflections on the revolution in France

>> No.11011812

discussion on the tyrannical soul being referred to is from plato's republic, not burke. i have no idea what book op is referring to

>> No.11011821

>the kali yuga will end in 2025
where did you get that number from? pretty sure there's 100,000+ years left to the kali yuga

>> No.11011822

SHUT the fuck up

>> No.11011827

are you a mental cripple?

>> No.11011833
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>people sincerely think they actually grasp the speculative situation of current society

>> No.11011856

I am actually ashamed that I know what you are refering to with this shitty post.

>> No.11011865

Meant for >>11011786

>> No.11011870

>be 18th/19th century thinker
>make vague and broad statement
>centuries later retards call you "prophetic"
every single time

>> No.11011897
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>loss of faith led to WWI and WWII

>> No.11011919
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>when you prima facie reject the possibility, even hypothetically, that someone could ever make correct predictions about the future, especially if you disagree with their political outlook, but you uncritically accept the points of view of historicism, materialism, and scientism, but it's ok because muh progress

>> No.11011923
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>> No.11011936

That's an interesting projection

>> No.11011940

"crime steadily drops every year in western nations as atheism rises*

>> No.11011948
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>things which used to be considered crimes like adultery are no longer registered as crimes
>drug laws no longer enforced
>usury widespread

>> No.11011958

do you have any idea what this means, and if so kindly point out the projection in that post

>> No.11011969

Drug laws are just as modern as usury and sexual liberation.

>> No.11011977

>drug laws no longer enforced
I see you don't live in the US.

>> No.11011983

>Implying crime isn't steadily dropping in all areas, every year
>Being such a retard that you think that this is due to legislation

>> No.11011988

Sorry it's not to your taste, Muhammad.

>> No.11011990

>things which were once considered criminal like adultery, profanity, immodest dress, pornography, fornication, usury, etc no longer considered criminal
>crime rate magically goes down

>> No.11011991

>if so kindly point out the projection in that post
the part where you extrapolated my political beliefs and my personality out of a three lines of greentext, gaylord

>> No.11011995

yeah, that's not what projection means

>> No.11011996

>Crime goes down every year

>> No.11012000

are you illiterate? post some statistics let's see how many years are included in these "studies"

>> No.11012013

There you go

>> No.11012022
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It's more that disgruntled conservatives always have the same impression of their respective society. Burke was talking about his contemporaries in France, not the future.

>> No.11012026
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holy shit, they only go back to 2002, i thought for a second you might have a half way decent case for yourself, i severely overestimated you. leave this board and never come back, brainlet

>> No.11012041

>he think 15 years is not enough

>> No.11012043

>drug laws
>18th century
Im sure Burke was real worried about Cannabis, Heroin Meth and Cocaine in the 18th century.

>> No.11012044
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>thread about the degradation of a society over the last 250 years
>post crime statistics for the last 15

>> No.11012057

Please show us a compiled study and statistics on crime in 1790.

>> No.11012071

I'm not the guy who made the claim that crime has been going down steadily for the past 250 years, it was a stupid thing for him to claim and I'm not going to try to defend it.

>> No.11012075
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wtf...how is this much brainlet even possible

>> No.11012077

>Clear trend in all western societies, natives commit less and less crimes everywhere
>It's not enough evidence because it hurts my feelings, fugging atheist will do what they want without God

>> No.11012079

There probably are many if you know where to look. Not statistics, there was no such concept in 1790 yet I'd imagine. Or at least it was too new.

But in any case that this is all that is available means you should suspend judgement rather than present it as evidence of the decay of society.

>> No.11012089

Christian conservatives are inconsistent.

>we should follow the teachings of Jesus christ our savior
>Jesus stops the stoning of a prostitute and says to forgive her of her sins
>christians proceed to burn women for promiscuity for centuries

>> No.11012094

THIS is projection, in case you wanted a clear example

>> No.11012119

>a trend so clear I can't prove it
>everyone who disagrees with me is a dang dumb christian wingnut! *tip*
Don't get all pissy just because people are asking you to actually back up your claim. If it's such a "clear trend" then it shouldn't be hard to do.

>> No.11012147

If there is God, anything is permitted for his sake.

>> No.11012148

I already posted a link that covers it well enough, but here's another. https://www.brennancenter.org/publication/crime-trends1990-2016

>> No.11012362

I don't see any other links here recently that cover anything well enough. Some idiot posted a link about the last 15 years then proceeded to sperg out about religion, but that's probably not you. This link isn't really much better, it's only 10 years longer than the last guy's link, which is hardly enough to back the claim made. If anything this report contradicts the claim that crime has been steadily falling for the past 250 years; it acknowledges that 1991 was a historical peak matched only by 1980 in the last 50 years. It concludes that Americans are safe now than anytime in the past 25 years, which is pretty fucking useless within the greater historical context we're looking at considering that 25 years ago crime was at historically record highs.

>> No.11012773

you're absolutely right, like >99% of "christians" are not christians at all. If I were to convert then it would have to be my personal version
that would deny me one of the great perks of religion which is the community
and fedora tippers would never understand and just link me the no true scotsman article from rationalwiki or some shit

maybe it would actually be bearable now that I think about it

>> No.11013027
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So what's your excuse for being a repressed little cuck? There is nothing inherently better about modifying your behavior to get a worse outcome to pretend that you have virtue or moral high ground and that you're a "good person". You're not a good person, you're a fucking fraud. You are literally "a-atheists don't believe in ANYTHING!" and "i was born in le wrong generation xd" tier retarded.

My personal experience has shown me that every time I ignored my real animal instincts when it comes to what I TRULY want to do and tried to fit into a crab-barrel society I became just like the other crabs. There is no reward to humility. Saying "humility is its own reward" is a crab-barrel mentality where your own existence is justified by your belonging to a group of people as retarded as you who cheer you on, instead of following your dreams.

I should have never listened to anyone, and never will again. I'm not alive to please other people's insecurities and ego problems.

To even fucking judge someone for believing in something diferent than you is an indicator of what these people are like on the inside. Being inside your own head and rationalizing your inferior actions with little virtue social points or "can i go to heaven now?" points is mental masturbation. You are your own worst enemy.

This is why women, often condidered feeble minded whores, always come out on top, because nobody judges them at such a high standard. They only see as far as their own happiness and take the path of least resistance, which involves them wearing make-up and skimpy clothes and doing little chores around the house to justify their "value" and you buy it hook, line and sinker. They are the real kings of society. They can fuck anytime and pretend to be a good girl anytime (and you will either believe them like a naive cuck or judge them like a repressed faggot), take money from you anytime, with zero effort, and you're just a slave, bombarded with programming from religion and society and movies and advertising. You'll always be a slave, ready to be told what to do and what to believe and what to buy and what being "good" and "doing the right thing" is and letting bullshit like politics seem like it affects you, because apparently achieving REAL value like having a good face and a strong good body and the means to be free to do what you want is too hard.

>> No.11013163

For one who's stopped listening, (you) sure have alot to say, anon.

>> No.11013185

>basket case
>on to something
>typical repressed beta cuck

>> No.11013193

Times of chaos have been described extensively by many philosophers, oral historians and religious traditions.We are living in a tumultuous time and therefore it will match older descriptions to one extent or another. This has happened thousands of times before. Nothing new or sp00ky going on.

>> No.11013210

for most people that would be a good criticism. considering that Burke changed the Tory party so radically (and consequently all conservatism), spoke on imperialism before there was any empire to speak of, and is cited as the reason for implementing a lot of the policies the modern world operates under, including the libertarians you only recently heard about, it's more likely that Burke brought the future we now live into being, rather than he was just lucky. It's still not spooky, unless you find arguing your way into shaping history spooky, but it's also more than coincidence.

>> No.11013262
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This is a reminder that the counter-revolutionaries were skeptics. Their enemies thought they had all the answers. They knew they didn't.

>> No.11013286

imagine actually believing atheism is lowering crime rates

>> No.11013338

Burke was a shitposting Sophist. There are some things he may have hit on but since he uses rhetoric instead of argumentation it's really more of a broken clock sort of deal when he's right.

>> No.11013532

I can't tell how far you're taking this philosophy, anon. How do you feel about something like this?


>> No.11013558

>rhetoric instead of argumentation
He quotes primary sources all the time wtf are you talking about nigga?

>> No.11013599

violent crime is going down too dumb nigger

>> No.11013621

burke is a fucking gaylord. the downward trend of society has been recognized by every half-wit since antiquity. even in Homer and Hesiod, everyone recognizes that their ancestors were better than themselves.

everyone stays inside and would-be criminals are addicted to downers

>> No.11013628

>burke never had a disagreement with anyone
is this ambition creeping?

>> No.11013711

well I'm sorry to learn that you've been hurt

>> No.11013725
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wait this sounds familiar

>> No.11013742

>egoists will drive society to nihilism

The fuck does that even mean? Everyone acts according to their ego and nihilism is far from being a common position.

>> No.11013745

Crime rate has absolutely gone down massively over the last 250 years and is still on a worldwide decline how fucking unaware of this subject are you cretins.
>It must have been atheism or legalizing of shit that was once criminal
No it's because criminal behavior is now far easier to punish and the rewards it gives are far less than what you can get through society now without criminal behavior. Of course you're going to be a criminal if your alternative is starving to death and you can get away with pretty much anything if you're not caught on the scene of the crime.

>> No.11013749

Jews obv.

>> No.11013751

Burke and Hume said everything that ever needed to be said tbqh paterfamilias

>> No.11013753

That's not what he implied

>> No.11013773

>Burke and Hume said everything that ever needed to be said

>> No.11013828

why did crime skyrocket from the 30's to the 70's if survival/living conditions was the issue?

Nobody is happy with raw survival b/c material relation to hapiness is zero sum. The motivation for things like theft is one of two things. Either it's part of the culture you're living in, or you're poorer relative to others and feel the pressure.

>> No.11013855

woke af

>> No.11013950

>I should have never listened to anyone, and never will again.
And now you're trying to play the role of person to be listened to with this proselytizing. If you weren't so young and emotional you'd be able to see the immediate hypocrisy of this. But I get that this is probably more of a rage vent than anything.

Don't let these hoes get to you and turn you into a lil hurt fag. Humility is important. Inner peace is important. There are women out there worth your time and effort; I'm sure you'll find one in time. Meanwhile go and pursue the things that make you feel accomplished and focused until you get past this phase.

>> No.11013959

The French and their post modern phil.

>> No.11014011


>> No.11014103

You're right, anon. It is a vent and I am an emotional person in general, but my blogpost was just that. I tend to absorb and adapt my own ideas better if I share them.

I didn't wanna make it seem like I was bitter because of a girl or whatever. I envy the perception of women in society. I hate the things that are expected of me as a male. I hate that people tell me that I need to cater to anyone, be it as a model citizen in society, or a boyfriend or a "man", all concepts created to make you feel insecure and prone to manipulation.

Reading about Edward Bernays and red pill theory and power plays didn't make me bitter, it just made me angry at myself, like a child throwing a little tantrum. I already knew the truth in my heart but tried to convince myself otherwise because I was naive. No hard feelings desu

>> No.11014155

but anon true masculinity is about taking care of yourself and realizing you should work hard for your dreams cause you're worth it gurl and you meet grillz and take care of family cause it feels good

>> No.11014169

>red pill theory
the absolute state of this board

>> No.11014188
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You're able to get to a very equitable and self-aware place shortly after a rage, which is rare for a lot of guys. Normally they have to cool off for a far longer period before they get there. Admirable stuff.
>No hard feelings desu
We've all been there, mate. Don't worry about it. But I have to say that I wasn't expecting such a lucid response. It says a lot about you.

>> No.11014209

Well, I disagree with this idea completely. I've seen many different male figures talk about being a provider, but I hate any form of responsibility, even the female type of responsibility of chores around the house.

I could just be a lazy fuck, but the only thing I have read pertaining to this is that there are 2 types of alpha males- providers and nomads. In my head providers are essentially betas, they have that farmer mindset of owning land to become a valuable sex partner, all while thinking they are "righteous leaders of men" as if that is a prerequisite to being alpha.

In my head, I just need to show up, like a nomad. I think early humans had different communities, some similar to bonobos and some like hunter-gatherers. We all became sedentary at some point, but to me being a nomad just makes more sense. I'm as much a sex object as a woman, not a walking wallet that women can give pussy to as a reward. My fucking big cock is a reward. There are no prerequisites, only being attractive. I think that not having your appearance on point is like being handicapped, but society, in another crab-barrel effort, says it doesn't matter, or can be improved by buying their designer underwear or hair products.

>> No.11014261

>"man is, by his nature, a religious animal"
what the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.11014330

what kind of undies do you use, pal?

>> No.11014339

His dick is obviously too big for undies.

>> No.11014357

I literally don't wear underwear. If I do for a social event it's Calvin Klein and girls literally comment every time.

I realize clothing is related to the appeal of the body. Girls always wear revealing clothes, but there is no such thing for guys- only items of status. That's why I walk around topless in the summer, or use a wife beater or super tight S size shirt and shorts.

>> No.11014368

the global capitalist elite

>> No.11014381

Crime rates have gone down because the vast majority of the populace has become a complacent, oversocialised diabetic mass that will refuse to break any sort of minor offence so long as they have their Netflix and delivery pizza to satiate them.

>> No.11014383

How many atheist cavemen societies were there?

>> No.11014391

because in the absence of god as the ideology there will be a vacuum filled by often worse ideologies and self-serving shortsighted heuristics.

>> No.11014410


>> No.11014439

You wanna know why?

Because God is *fucking real.* Call it what you like, God, the Tao, a "Higher Power", the Force, it doesn't matter.

There is very obviously a higher principle to this universe, which anyone who has spent even a modicum of time in still contemplation and devotion has noticed. It forces one to go out of one's mundane concerns and be faced with the broader picture of reality.

Atheists (more correctly "anti-theists") reject this not out of any sort of solid logical reasoning but out of a refusal to perceive that there are elements to reality beyond their own limited sense-perception. The result of this is, of course, an inability to see their mundane concerns with more objective eyes, and as a result become more fanatical when trying to deal/"solve" them.

It's why the atheistic USSR had no problem killing both elderly and infant bourgeois, despite the obvious evil of these actions, because without any sort of conception of the Higher Divinity of reality, suddenly it becomes OK to kill/rape/abuse anything that's standing in the way of achieving the "goals" your own limited intellect and sense-perception has deemed desirable.

"We can kill this 8 year old girl because she's part of [arbitrary social distinction here] and [arbitrary social distinction] are the cause of all of [my] ills, ergo they need to die", so the logic goes.

>> No.11014442

A trait being older does not make it "more human".

If that were the case, were human beings more human before they developed tool use? Medicine? Writing?

>> No.11014455

>atheists are more prone to fanaticism and less objective than theists

how did you end up like this man

>> No.11014475

A bunch. Religion is so abstract anyway. You see the sun and think "wtf is that" and then imagine its some powerful entity. Personally I still wonder about different dimensions and consciousness and energy and "higher beings" aka aliens or some manifestation from higher dimensions but I wouldn't call that religion.

>> No.11014478

Religious fanaticism is actually largely atheist in outlook, since it denies the inherent Divinity in all of reality and instead supposes a bunch of arbitrary rules and regulations concerning "God", of course none of which exist.

Your average ISIS fighter has more in common with a communist commissar than they do with a saint or mystic, since both have rejected inherent Divinity and instead supposed their own ego as the highest truth - one just happens to use religious language in doing so.

>> No.11014479

I am not sure he's wrong. Look at the anti-vaccine people. They're not a bad proof of Chesterton's old maxim: "When a man ceases to believe in God, he does not believe in nothing. He believes in everything."

>> No.11014484

Antivaccine people are all religious conspiratards here where I live

>> No.11014493

There are secrets to the universe and energy, but it doesn't mean any act is evil or good. In fact, it means they're all equal in the eyes of the universe. Manifestation of energy in these beings. If we were able to visit different dimensions or, hell, even different galaxies or times, this would be even more apparent.

>> No.11014499

Where im from most of the hardcore vegans and anti-vaxxers are Seventh Day Adventists

>> No.11014512

OP said it was written in 1790 so all you have to do is find out what Burke wrote back then.

To spoonfeed it's called the Reflections on the Revolution in France.

>> No.11014516

they went down because of abortion and ridiculous policing/sentencing practices, and because black people commit less crime than they used to, due to less opportunity to do so, and assimilating slowly, vaguely becoming domesticated, they still commit freakishly disproportionate amounts of all crimes as do hispanics, but less than they used to

>> No.11015442

>understanding a reference to Stirner
>on /lit/
Wew lad, next you're going to tell us about that obscure Neetshee fellow

>> No.11015449

You're trying to conflate the idea of some vast cosmic force with the stupid worship of deities that have been used as handy excuses for endless atrocities throughout human history. Unless you're ten, I have no idea how you wrote this with a straight face. Now, since you have no fucking idea what atheism means, let's start simple.
Virtually all atheists are actually agnostic atheists, which is to say that they await proof. If a deity manifested and started dropping buildings on people, they'd believe in him because it would be reasonable to do so. Virtually all theists actively disbelieve in 99.99% of worshiped deities, so the difference is fairly slight: there is one deity or pantheon that you decided to believe in that we didn't. Since that decision was usually made as the result of very early indoctrination by family and community, it should reasonably be suspect, especially in the absence of any evidence that isn't so fucking vague that it has to try conflating a specific deity with vague philosophical concepts and cosmic forces to have any argument at all.

>> No.11015466

So, atheism isn't "nihilism." Being an agnostic atheist just means I don't see enough proof that any deities exist, and choose not to believe in them. Period.
It doesn't necessarily mean I believe in evolution, Big Bang, or any other theory. It doesn't mean I read Dawkins, worship science or even think the world is round. I can believe in ghosts, UFOs, elves, the Loch Ness Monster, and Atlantis. The only fucking requirement is that I don't believe in any supernatural beings that I consider holy or sacred. I don't have to explain the fossil record or the history of the universe. It doesn't mean I hate religion, or churches, or want to see the end of anyone else's faith. It has nothing to do with whether I give to charities, try to be moral or ethical, or obey the law. It doesn't mean I think life is meaningless, or care what anyone else believes or thinks. I just reject theist explanations as sounding silly to me, just as you reject all faiths beyond your little specific one.

>> No.11015635

It is almost as if the concept of masculinity is as bullshit as the concept of femininity...

>> No.11015663

yo i got a burke audiobook on my mp3 but the readers voice got some kind of asspained british accent shud i still listen

>> No.11015676


>> No.11015681

the bogdanoffs

>> No.11015682

>in le wrong generation xd
epic reddit meme my sir!

>> No.11015701
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this p gud it tells the story of the 60s from the perspective of conservative politics, which is something you basically never see, 60s history usually a bunch of triumphalist boomer hippy shit written by boomer hippy professors exaggerating their glorydays, but little do the boomer hippies know, their bullshit set in motion the conservative resurgence we seeing today, interesting new look at the time we call "the 60s"

>> No.11015707

>the agnostic atheist tries to meme its wordsmithing
>goes on to say that elves are not theos
I bet you blather on about Greek roots while mispronouncing them a lot, and are the kind of person who erroneously believes that literally can't be used to mean figuratively. Prescriptivists really have become worse since we no longer make them learn even New Latin.

>> No.11015782

Threadly reminder that atheism is literally dying out and the non-religious percentage of world population has more than halved over the last hundred years.

>> No.11016195

"Elves" are a concept so varied by culture and author that the term is meaningless on its own. Presupposing them to have some kind of "divinity" is silly. But you're missing the point. Theism is about worship and holding beings sacred. You and I can believe in the existence of elves, and even agree on all their details, but if you treat them with reverence and awe and worship, you're being religious. If I don't view or treat them in that manner, and don't consult them on how I should live my life, I'm not--I'm just being, at most, superstitious. Being an atheist doesn't necessarily involve denying the possibility of superior lifeforms, it involves not considering them sacred and not considering them your moral leaders.

>> No.11016205

Friendly reminder that this is horseshit.

>> No.11016251

>societies millennia apart can’t both decline
Le extra chromosome face

>> No.11016270


>> No.11016276

>elves has no etymology
>but one greek meaning of theos still stands
>even though it's used more broadly in english like the greek's multivalent meaning
retarded monkey

>> No.11016393

Χρησιμοποιείτε τη λέξη "Θεός" σαν να σημαίνει μόνο ένα πιθανό πράγμα, αντί για ένα εkατομμύριο πιθανά πράγματα. Τι γίνεται με το μονοθεϊσμό; Τι γίνεται με τα τόσο ισχυρά όντα που μας φαίνονται παντογνώστες kαι αιώνια σε εμάς, αλλά είναι απλά σε διαφορετιkό επίπεδο; Τι γίνεται αν το γνωστό σύμπαν είναι ένα άτομο σε άλλο ένα απίστευτα μεγαλύτερο; Τι γίνεται αν ο πλανήτης μας είναι ένας αισθανόμενος οργανισμός; Τι γίνεται αν είμαστε ένα πείραμα από ποντίkια; Η αλαζονεία είναι ότι υποθέτουμε ότι θα μπορούσαμε αkόμη kαι να kατανοήσουμε την πραγματιkή kατάσταση στο σύνολό της, αν το γνωρίζαμε. Ο Χριστιανισμός δεν μπορεί να kρατήσει ούτε kαν το διkό του δόγμα ευθεία (ισχυριζόμενος ότι ο Θεός είναι παντογνώστης kαι παντοδύναμος, στη συνέχεια, γράφοντας δεkάδες ιστορίες που δεν τον δείχνουν), πόσο μάλλον ισχυρίζονται ότι είναι η μόνη επιλογή εkτός από την πλήρη έλλειψη θεότητας.

>> No.11016416

>modern Greek
What about using a form that played a part in the etymology, retard?

>> No.11016443
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In 2010, censuses and surveys indicate, there were about 1.1 billion atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion. By 2050, the unaffiliated population is expected to exceed 1.2 billion.

Europe’s Christian population is expected to shrink by about 100 million people in the coming decades, dropping from 553 million to 454 million. While Christians will remain the largest religious group in Europe, they are projected to drop from three-quarters of the population to less than two-thirds. By 2050, nearly a quarter of Europeans (23%) are expected to have no religious affiliation

Christians are projected to decline from 78% of the U.S. population in 2010 to 66% in 2050, while the unaffiliated are expected to rise from 16% to 26%.

>> No.11016450

No, kid. If you're determined to keep trying to lecture a Greek guy about basic etymology in languages you don't read, you'll have to do it alone. I don't need your half-assed opinion on "Greek roots" and "New Latin." Άι στον kόραkα, παιδί.

>> No.11016474

No, you just don't speak any form of Ancient Greek, from which the root comes. You're just butthurt you spent time in google translate typing in English, when if you tried to pass that off as any of the forms of Ancient Greek, everyone would think you have several speech impediments. The shift between the Attic T and Doric S would probably leave google entirely flabbergasted alone and that's only one shift. You're a pretentious retard, and still retarded.

>> No.11016484

Also, you haven't read some of Goethe's big influences if you can't read New Latin, so you're retarded in a modern language you haven't even tried to speak yet.

>> No.11016501

go to bed Nassim

>> No.11016674

It's not

>> No.11016693

it is not steadily dropping everywhere but crime is at an all time low in the last 50 years indisputably anon

>> No.11016725

>crime is at an all time low in the last 50 years
that'd be impossible if you think about when legal systems started

>> No.11016736

But it's on an upward trend, in Europe at least. I think it actually got worse overall in Sweden too.
It went down because the biggest part of the population commits less and less crimes but on the other hand there's a minority that is doing worse and worse. If that minority (that is increasing every year) doesn't follow the same lawful trend as the rest of the population, then they are going to counterbalance the drop

>> No.11016955

jesus doesnt want you on 4chan
but he does want these digits

>> No.11016958

A Higher Loyalty by James Comey

>> No.11016970


>> No.11016971

Praise the Lord

>> No.11016973

jesus would be okay with burke. experience of the sublime and all that. nice double tho

>> No.11017107


>> No.11017118

>But it's on an upward trend, in Europe at least
No it's not

>> No.11017165

>To be man means to reach toward being God. Or if you prefer, man fundamentally is the desire to be God. — Sartre

>A man cannot live without worshiping something; without worshiping he cannot bear the burden of himself. And that goes for every man. So that if a man rejects God, he will have to worship an idol that may be made of wood, gold, or ideas. So these who think they don’t need God are really just idol worshipers. — Dostoevsky

>> No.11017184

Yes, it is. In France at least violent crimes (rape, aggression, burning cars and stuff) as well as burglaring is on the rise. I'm not even mentionning Sweden and Germany when it comes to rape.
The authorities have also a nasty habits of using tricks so the stats don't look too bad. Urban criminality in any case is without a doubt on the rise.

>> No.11017212

our police upped reporting of rapes by 25% to meet their stats for end of year. as in they made up one in five rape claims. i'd not assume they're only cooking the books one way. if they only ever brought down crime stats, they'd be out of a job

>> No.11017220

>wearing undies
>2018, Anno Domini — The Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment

>> No.11017237
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Here's the criminality rate per 1000 inhabitants in France, it went up since then.
Though it is a bit misleading since we are making a distinction between three types of unlawful acts: crimes, delits and contraventions

>> No.11017243

you should think carefully about how low iq you are coming off
rape stats are up in Sweden partially due to brown monkeys and partially due to feminists counting offences as raped which are just sexual assaults and harassment. the property crime in france and knife crime in london fluctuates over time but is nowhere near the levels it was at in the 80’s. again you do not have a case, crime is not significantly worse in the US, or Germany or UK than it was even 10 years ago much less 20 or 30 years ago. less crime, less warfare, less poverty, i do not think in absolute terms, so the relative instability of wealth stratification, disparate wars popping up constantly, narco-politics and immigration disturbs me greatly. But, the argument that absolute crime is up is inane

>> No.11017251

That's a very strange police you have here, you would think the government would pressure them to lower the stat, increasing it though? Do they want to be voted out?

>> No.11017277

I've heard the legal definition of rape argument, it doesn't explain to me how it increased by like 1000% over time imo. It's rather weak and doesn't nullify the argument, it is on the rise and it has been going on before feminists meddled with the legislation from what i could gather on the subject
As for France rape is indeed getting worse, you light argue that it's because women are more and more prone to report it but again I think that's not that great of an excuse, I've mentionned Germany because rape exploded in some part of the country since 2015 (when the migrant crisis happened)

>> No.11017298

no because you're a dumb monkey

>> No.11017317

are you mentally ill? do you know how orders are given in republics? do you understand that the police is upping the statistics in order to get more funding/retain the funding they already have? do you think Macron will go to every police station and tell them to "keep the stats lower"?

>> No.11017335

It's not up the police to decide, they are directly under the order of the government so that argument is moot, the goverment wants to stay in power and for that they need result. Insecurity is not a good thing for them. And yes they do cook up the books as shown with Marseille recently, it's also a pretty well known fact that prosecutors try all they can to diminish the sentence so they could pass up a crime for a delit and a delit for a contravention, not to mention all the other shit they got that allow them to not actually pursue people infringing the law

>> No.11017352

The police is under the local prefet (basically sauron's mouth) and the ministre de l'interieur's orders to be precise

>> No.11018475
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It is funny because in "Of Grammatology" Derrida writes of the West as "a civilization that disappears even as it globalizes". Not that Derrida didn't contribute to it.
>What do words even mean?
Is absolute precursor to total nihilism. We're at the point where most everyone just interprets everything according to their own egotistical interests, and everyone who doesn't is practically naive in the current conditions of the world-game.

>> No.11019306

Sure, but here's the thing you cunt. He forgave her and said "go and sin no more."

>> No.11019426

Mind telling me about Mary Magdalene buddy?

>> No.11019442

As we all are

>> No.11019473

The Young Turks

>> No.11019493

There's so much in the New Testament that a lot of them just ignore, on 4chan especially. I've only met a few other Christians on this site that actually understand Christian theology. The rest would have called Jesus a cuck if they knew what he did.

>> No.11019825

>you should think carefully about how low iq you are coming off
>tfw officially tested and broke the curve
you should think about finding a different metric. especially on a board which starts with the greeks and discusses the history of law. i mean, if you want to impress idiots who will think your average and very testable IQ you could just pretend that the original episodes of Star Trek are equivalent to knowing the progression of the law since Solon, but you would only be impressing idiots who would probably prefer to hear about Star Trek like you rather than think or learn something basic to our civilization.

>> No.11019830

it makes sense if you want funding. 25% extra rape cases is 2 extra staff per victim (since you need to cover both genders) and that is a lot of freed up manhours.

>> No.11019945

If I remember correctly Spengler said something similar, that happens when culture starts to transform into civilisation.

>> No.11020356

It would only make sense if the police was independant but it is not. As I've said they are under the orders of elected people who have absolutely no reason to allow an increase of criminality under their term, they are pressuring the cops to have good results and if something fucks up then heads are going to roll.

>> No.11020625

Considering that every single Christian warning about atheism and moral corruption is coming true (and celebrated, after decades of denying everything), this isn't at all surprising.

>> No.11020637

>It would only make sense if the police was independant but it is not. As I've said they are under the orders of elected people
no, they're under the police commissioner who isn't elected, and their funding is processed by civil servants who stay regardless of political shifts.

>> No.11020644

Our society isn't nihilistic at all, it's full of traditions and social tabus. "Doing the right thing" combined with a sense of dread.

Any libertine ideal is dead and buried.

>> No.11020656

nihilism is filled with traditions and social taboos which everyone knows are bullshit but continue on with any way. google nietzsche's last man.

>> No.11020924

That's cute, but instead of looking at various worthless "surveys" and "future projections", you should go look up actual statistics. A higher percentage of world population identified as atheists in 1968 than they do in 2018.

>> No.11021235
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>USSR collapses
>people are no longer forced to say they are atheists

>"see? Atheism is dying! Checkmate atheists!"

>> No.11021259

>what group are you referring to?
Just Every Wanker, Silly

>> No.11021299

Atheists get the darwin award, hence why they are dying - relatively to every other group. Heck, they aren't even a group by any stretch. Secularism will run its course and end, just as every other fad has.

>> No.11021311

It was already obvious in 1790. Think about what was happening at that time in Europe

>> No.11021319

the difference being that the theory of evolution has fucked up the religious concept of the human. The Left largely still refuse to think of humans in evolutionary terms because the conclusions are so deeply unpalatable to them.

>> No.11021392

>the difference being that the theory of evolution has fucked up the religious concept of the human.
There's confusion, but I find it to be stubbornness more than anything else.
>The Left largely still refuse to think of humans in evolutionary terms
The left is characterized by their lack of discipline. It's very dangerous in times of chaos, as any idea that pops in a head can possess them totally. They don't see the lack of borders and standards as a problem, and as such they end up in the Nietzschean horizon, but try to enforce "their" utopian vision onto the world. Curiously the political right can understand the political left, but the opposite is simply not true. They demonize their presumed opponents far too much to allow humanization there. Everything else gets anthropomorphized to the humanist ideal. Humanity is seen so distinct from the world that we don't even classify as nature to them! Whereas the religious outlook sees our animal nature as a burden or challenge at best.
Genesis is surprisingly compatible with various ways to look at the world.

Somewhat relevant: commies proved quite a few racist and evolutionary things.

>> No.11021443
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>> No.11021455

>Curiously the political right can understand the political left, but the opposite is simply not true.
This is what rightwingers actually believe.

>> No.11021487

the Right do not understand the Left. The only people that understand what's happening are those who view the conflicts as social dynamics, and this requires that you be a)deeply racist and b)cynical about human nature.

The Left are hysterical in a way that the Right are not but they are more adept at Machiavellian behavior. Neither group has anything like a solid understanding of history, human nature(they think this literally doesn't exist), or social dynamics.

No popular movement can ever be truthful because the masses do not respond to truth but to various sorts of appealing lies. No elite movement can be truthful because the elite are fundamentally predatory and have to mask this(soft elites like academics and journalists included).

>> No.11021537
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>growing in almost every developed (read: relevant) society

>> No.11021553
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Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.11021664

>>growing in almost every developed (read: relevant) society
this is literally your post:
>Rutland's Law of Bankruptcy #1: An Increasing Share in a Diminishing Market.

>> No.11021671

>Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.
Not even religious but this is just dumb, correlation is not causation.

>> No.11021687

Also the data seems kinda off. USA that low? Not to mention that the vast majority of scientific discoveries in history (and in general) have been in the west

>> No.11021691

No they aren't, at least not in France where the three polices are each under the orders of the mayor, the prefet and the ministre de l'intérieur
Civil servants do control the fundings but they can't increase it, the annual budget voted by the parliement does that.
Anyway I'm sure commissioners in other countries are still under the authority of the government/local elects, even if they aren't officially subordinated

>> No.11021693

yeah or Egypt being that high. Very suspect

>> No.11021699

Is atheism the new boogeyman on /lit/? Or is it still women?

>> No.11021712

"After controls for factors" you brainlet. Why are there illiterates in /lit/?

>> No.11021726
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It is a well researched fact countries become less religious as they develop, no matter how uncomfortable this makes you. The third world will become less religious in time.

>> No.11021771


The Chainsmokers

>> No.11021773

just because the "liberalism" meme worked during 2005-2008 doesn't mean it's not crumbling in front of our noses, things will look very different in 20 years

>> No.11021785

the third world is never going to 'develop' in the sene you're imagining. the DRC will simply never be similar to Norway

>> No.11021823

>Remember kids it stops being a crime if the government does it

>> No.11021830
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>> No.11021876

>social trends that happened once can be replicated everywhere, ever, forever
they can't

>> No.11021877
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>majority of scientific discoveries in history (and in general) have been in the west

>> No.11021884
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Are you 12 or something? If you can actually remember 10 years ago you wouldn't think of that period as being particularly "liberal" in retrospect. If the best reaction today is Jordan Peterson and Donald Trump then liberalism is safe.

>> No.11021887
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>liberalism worked for 3 years and is now dying

>> No.11021922

*crime increases to ridiculous levels as non-whitism and islam rises in modern times*

>> No.11021936

>people with access to a bigger quantity of more advanced material idols are more likely to turn away from God
no shit, are you also going to tell me that majority of 14-year-olds would rather jerk off for an hour than read a book for an hour? who would've thought that people fall for instant gratification

>> No.11021951



>> No.11021971


Not the guy you're replying to, but he's right. We can speculate all day long as to the reasons, but it's a stone cold fact that crime has dropped dramatically over the last 250 years.

>> No.11021977

he's got a point about crime rising in the 20th century

>> No.11022000

I would have more respect for Hitchens as a writer if he wasn't so anti-drug. Hard drugs should be banned but wanting to stop responsible employed adults from wanting to smoke some weed or do mushrooms or whatever in their own home in indefensible.

Other than that he's great.

>> No.11022001


Maybe war crimes. Not individual violent crime.

>> No.11022007

individual violent crime did rise in the 20th century, this isn't up for debate

>> No.11022008


What logic compels you to differentiate between smoking and "hard drugs"? Is the reasoning not, "if it's in their own home, and with their own body, it's up to them"?

>> No.11022015

i think the logic is that it is reckless behavior that could endanger others, like how drunk driving is illegal. Doing heroin leads to criminal behavior or whatever

Seems like specious reasoning to me, but pretty much everything the state does is unjustified and retarded so it's par for the course

>> No.11022026

for example look at the shape of these graphs


>> No.11022027

Everybody worships

>> No.11022028


The overall trend over the last 250 years is a steady downward slope. Within the twentieth century there are some peaks (looks like the seventies), just as there will be peaks within the period from 2000-2015, for example.


Because people are splitting hairs. Either it's acceptable for an individual to poison himself over many months or years, or it's not. Just be consistent about it.

>> No.11022033


>> No.11022034

the 20th century shows a very clear rise in crime leveling off with a plateau, and slight decrease

People used to be jailed for petty theft, people are now given probation for rapes, murders and violent robbery

>> No.11022036
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Look at this, though.

>> No.11022043


The punishment is what is being recorded. It's the number of murders committed per capita, I would have to assume.

>> No.11022048


This is absolute bullshit. I'm gonna grab some statistics from a random country and destroy your logic.

Hmm...how about Sweden?
oh god

>> No.11022078

I said the complete opposite you retard. That there's no correlation between atheism and criminality. I was responding to the "if God no real then u can do whatever u want" meme.
If you think that violent crime is reducing due to a change in laws you're fucking dumb. Go take at look at Mexico or Brazil.
Not sure what point you're trying to make, but the state does have the monopoly on violence. Read Weber.
Unrelevant. We're talking about atheism here.
No doubt about that.

>> No.11022087

i take your point but Im assuming that's the whole world? Doesn't explain what's happening in the 20th century in the UK or US in any case

>> No.11022090

>Unrelevant. We're talking about atheism here.
But atheism is shrinking at lightning speed and soon will be nonexistent thanks to the atheists themselves.

>> No.11022097

It isn't shrinking in western nations. And that's still unrelevant, we're talking about the relationship between atheism and criminality (there's none).

>> No.11022106
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>> No.11022121

>in western nations
Its exactly where it is shrinking you mongoloid, as it only lives there in the first place.
>atheism and criminality
Its not atheism, its modernity with its techonology otherwise you will see actually way more crime. And what do we consider a religious country, these which just consider themselves such or those who actually practice them as the difference is extremely big.
Ah yes, so smart that he destroys the civilization with his naivety. I'm dumb but these angry non-whites are just so smart. Ironically they will be the one to torture you before killing you if your dream actually happen.

>> No.11022130
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>> No.11022138

You forgot to post your refutation anon, you're not that much of a pseud to just post pictures, right?

>> No.11022139

A dangerous desert death cult that has been at war with Europe for centuries.

Just not the one you think I mean.

>> No.11022149

>Its exactly where it is shrinking you mongoloid, as it only lives there in the first place.
No it's not you fucking /pol/tard, read the relavant literature you imbecile. http://www.pewforum.org/2017/04/05/the-changing-global-religious-landscape/
>its modernity with its techonology otherwise you will see actually way more crime.
bcuz I said so
>And what do we consider a religious country, these which just consider themselves such or those who actually practice them as the difference is extremely big.
"Not real religion"

>> No.11022166

The Trump administration

>> No.11022168

>Its exactly where it is shrinking
Except that's wrong you subhuman brainlet. See >>11016443

>> No.11022198

>things will go just fine
You do realise that when muslims outnumber you they are going to kill you? So not only will they out breed atheists but also kill them.
>bcuz I said so
So technology doesn't bring peace? I hope people like you can be send to 3rd world countries and experience real pain.
>"Not real religion"
So north korea is a prime example of an atheistic country? That means atheist should all be shot on sight.
>calls me subhuman while accepting literal monkeys who will have more rights than him.
>he will even be afraid to utter the word subhuman in real life and thats because he chose to
Ok man, its ok to be dumby, if you try hard maybe you will fix it.

>> No.11022200


>> No.11022217

>get btfo
>derail the discussion
My country doesn't import mudslimes you subhuman brainlet. Stop making retarded posts.

>> No.11022240

When did that happen? If you are that much of a naive brainlet to think things are going by the script I doubt you will even be alive in the first place. Future looked bright few decades ago, now the first world is competing with 3rd world countries for rape statistics.

>> No.11022246

South Korea was a backwards shithole in the 1950s. Today it's highly developed and one of the least religious countries.

>> No.11022291

All the evidence points that atheism is growing in the western world. You're objectively wrong, no matter how much /pol/-shit you parrot. Stop making retarded posts.

>> No.11022345 [DELETED] 

largely atheist countries show the lower indexes of crime, poverty, and corruption in government.

the US is the epicenter of degeneracy and corruption and is 80% christian or so. It seems as if christianity has no influence upon behavior regarding day to day morality. There does seem to be a link between superior educational systems and atheism however. As I see it, people who don't live miserable lives aren't stuck trying to find a higher meaning in fiction, they also tend to be more educated which further alienates them from fictional meanings.

The most successful societies on earth are also liberal, in that they don't force ideologies onto their inhabitants. It seems as if the base of nihilism functions relatively well and that a calm and pleasant relativist attitude coupled with certain maxims derived from human nature (compassion, collaboration, respect for personal freedom) tend to produce the happiest and most well functioning societies. However as to whether this is sustainable we are yet to know.

Certainly passive relativism is good in both producing good societies that are on a good path and they are the function of it's very reproduction in time. But in a certain sense a population under corrupt rule (the US) definitely needs stricter rules moderating behavior in order to escape the entrapments of power, and this form of passivity only increases corruption. However, in combating societal decline, religiosity has no bearing. In a way we see conspiracy theorists doing a lot of the heavy lifting, which tend to be religious and conservatives, but from the left come also those who criticize major corporatocracy. The left takes a more systemic approach whereas the right takes one that sees symbols as that which destroys the world from within. The right always tends to speak of particulars as the explanation for the universal decay, whereas the left sees the universal as explaining particulars.

>> No.11022758

yeah it's why i'm not a fucking kike worshipper