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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 213x237, LIGOTTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11016756 No.11016756 [Reply] [Original]

>"Something funny, livelover?"

How do you react lads?

>> No.11017634

I give him a hug.

>> No.11017916

I used to enjoy his weird fiction, but the novelty wears off quickly. It tends to get bogged down in artificial tropes such as "we're all puppets", "life is a meaningless masquerade, wah", "everything is futile!", and etc. There's really no room for a grand mystery in his story the way you find them in Arthur Machen or Algernon Blackwood, and it can be tiresome to read stories that ultimately boil down to deterministic transparency of self. Sometimes I get the feeling he's writing more to convey ideas than from the intensity of his own feelings, but of course, a ton of his fans cry I'm being disrespectful to his mental illness when I point this out. I find his influences more interesting than his own writings. Also, his fans on ligotti.net are some of the most insufferable pieces of shit imaginable. Literally a bunch of cocky degenerates who make fun of everyone with the least sense of right-wing sentiment. That place is just an echo-chamber with a game of favoritism being played by mods.

Even Lovecraft was more subtle with his themes when we get down to it. Ligotti just got some temporary fame due to True Detective, but both will be forgotten in due time. The Conspiracy Against the Human Race was also derivative trash and largely incoherent, jumping all over the place and not really conveying any cogent philosophy.

>> No.11017930
File: 626 KB, 1200x1607, gilles_deleuze_and_guattari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fuck off fascist

>> No.11017974

I really want Ligotti to talk like a Sopranos character irl desu.