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11013386 No.11013386 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11015105

Yeah but it's philosophy of science what do you expect

>> No.11015206

Yes, progressives reproduce through indoctrination in schools.
No actual conversation is allowed on any topic where an idea-non-grata figures among the possible answers.
What else is new?
The sad thing is that this system can't even contribute to the advancement of progressive theories because no serious antithesis is even allowed to be formulated.

>> No.11015207

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.11015210

Unironically race is a retarded concept to classify the variety of human beings though.

>> No.11015213

You're supposed to be learning how to extrapolate from texts, not agreeing with everything you read.

>> No.11015216

Nothing wrong with questions that have objectively wrong presuppositions?

>> No.11015227

How about you start educating yourself, you bitch ass white boy
start reading nigga

>> No.11015233

It's analyzing a text

>> No.11015234

>reads book about yellow dog
>believes dogs should be brown
>takes test
>"what color was the dog?"

>> No.11015261

Who is 'roberts'?
Prof alice?

>> No.11015268

Define to me the white race.

>> No.11015292

What sort of university is this? That looks more like a sociology of science course. Just finished a philosophy of science module myself and it had nothing like this in it.

>> No.11015298

Why do I have to, the blacks in the united states get around it by simply not being asked the question. Everyone simply knows what a black person is, and everyone knows what a white person is.

But to just completely dismiss the above point; obviously it is a concept with variation within, but so are for example all cultures - there is no clear definable border between say french and German culture, but French and for example Vietnamese seem distinctly different nonetheless. There are differences and similarities, but we still feel the need to classify them as two distinct different things.
And the multicultural future Europe is heading towards is obviously not to the native people's advantage, so why not keep race as the defining standard for say, a European - it would work perfectly fine.
So, to answer your question, I would say the white race is a term for the people of European origin.

inb1488 indo-europeans why arent iranians and indians white then hmmmm???

>> No.11015314

Not literature related. You have to go back.

Name one "objectively wrong presupposition" in OP's picture.

>> No.11015326

this is just what /pol/ believes every single university course in general looks like to justify why they´re too brainlet to get a degree
I´m studying musicology and philosophy and not once in 6 semesters has race or gender been a talking point

>> No.11015333

I did take a US history course by a black woman that spent 80% of the class on slavery and women's rights but mostly it's been fine

>> No.11015336

But how could you tell she was actually black though?

>> No.11015365

Only retards fall for the humanities meme these days. The correct answer is to get a STEM degree and self-educate yourself in literature like a real patrician instead of slaving as a Starcucks human coffee-maker.

>> No.11015369

that´s not what this thread is about
also STEM is for virgin autists and you won´t likely get a job either

>> No.11015395

We have almost 100% employment rate for any STEM related fields, if you can program you can probably get a job with good benefits. I suspect this is true in many countries these days (maybe not in USA, they like to cuck themselves with pajeets with EB-visas for some reason).

But back to the point. OP's picture contains typical copy-paste, group-think questions many professors like to use to avoid wrongthink. Gentle steering towards the right answers. You can almost feel the "or else..." hanging in the air if you start to deviate from the gospel. No thought or facts, just feelings.

>> No.11015428

these questions obviously refer to a set of books and essays and of course you´re not supposed to write "but hurr my white genocide" if they ask you what author x writes in his book
and you´d have to be the absolute inbred redneck stormfag if you think that there has never been a scientific justification for racism in history as question 3 demands

>> No.11015484

Of course science has been used to justify unequal social order, like the question said. It just isn't racism, but an empirically observed fact, recorder over and over again. The person who created that question once again relied on childish name calling, there was no point to add word "racism" in it. Slander is always the first and last refugee of an oversocialized western liberal educator. Still, the old words are losing their power in face of real science: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/23/opinion/sunday/genetics-race.html

>> No.11015529

>real science
also it´s pretty safe to call (attention! the next word is important) historically used theories racist, for example the Rassenkunde in the third reich

>> No.11015537

I’m not a “race realist” or whatever you want to call it, but ideas like this are pretty silly. Sure, it’s not like there’s an EXACT line splitting different races, but there’s a clear phenotypical and genotypical difference between a (relatively) full-blooded East Asian who’s had solely East Asian ancestors for quite a few generations, the same for a sub-Saharan African, then a person who has had Balkan blood for generations. It’s not a retarded concept, it’s one that makes referring to people and their physical differences very easy.

>> No.11015552

>what is gen ed
Found the retard who hasn't been to college

>> No.11015566

You'll see this kind of sentiment a lot from people who claim to be against the idea of race >>11015268 for them the white race is both nonexistent and the greatest threat to colored people in existence, it is a contradiction. They need whiteness to exist so that they can claim to be fighting some sort of system of oppression, but at the same time they do not want it to exist so they will resentfully claim that there is no such thing as white people so it's silly for them to organize as a group. And just as you've pointed out, if one is to ask the same question of blackness, for instance, it goes without saying that the existence of blackness is somehow self-evident.

>> No.11015574

Was Newton's theory of gravity a fraudulent scam because he did not yet understand Einsteins theory of relativity and quantum mechanics? No, and the same is true with these earlier race theories. They were right, but they did not yet have the right tools to understand why. As the science in this area progresses, I suspect that scientific racial ranking will become popular again once neo-China arrives from the future. And liberals will have no weapons against it as the writer of that NYTimes opinion piece feared. They gave up science long time ago in favor of their own biased and increasingly erratic theories.

>> No.11015594

"racism" defines itself through malicious intend against a certain race
if a scientific theory intends to harm a certain race, it´s racist
what´s so hard to understand about it?
>same is true with earlier race theories. They were right

>> No.11015602

How is any of this 'philosophy of science'?

>> No.11015614

If that is "upper level" philosophy of science, then the university where you got this from does not have very high standards

>> No.11015625

>science is just empirically observed facts, and everyone knows the "facts" science generates are 100% true and unbiased
>except climatology, that's all wrong
>or when economic data shows that immigrants have a net positive on the economy, that's fake news

>> No.11015632

So this is the power of a liberal education...

>"racism" defines itself through malicious intend against a certain race
Yes, but understanding that different races have different capabilities and average IQs is not racism no matter how much you yell.

>if a scientific theory intends to harm a certain race, it´s racist
These theories intent nothing, they just try to describe reality as accurately as possible. If you fall from a tree and break your bones does that make theory of gravity malicious and evil? And if that would happen to a black person would it be racist, too?

Now, a person may have hidden motivations in formulating theories, but that does not automatically make them wrong. Calling names and pointing fingers without first examining the arguments and facts is playground-level behavior, too often seen in modern liberals.

>> No.11015639

>for them the white race is both nonexistent
No one is claiming that. They believe that it i socially constructed, which is to say that it exists even if it isn't a biological reality. You should at east understand the argument before debating it.

>> No.11015644

>You should at east understand the argument before debating it.
We're talking about /pol/ posters here anon.

>> No.11015650
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so you´re telling me, that in all of history, there has never been a race theorie with an obvious political agenda against certain races? lol dude you´re beyond help
>different average autism score
literally a meme as IQ is heavily dependend on more factors than just race, pic related

>> No.11015666


>science is just empirically observed facts, and everyone knows the "facts" science generates are 100% true and unbiased
Some facts fit into reality much better than others.

>except climatology, that's all wrong
Are you assuming I'm some kind of climate-change denialist? Another knee-jerk reaction. Fight it my man/woman and you will notice that the world is more complex than your teacher told you.

>or when economic data shows that immigrants have a net positive on the economy, that's fake news
Depends from the country. In my country with a wellfare state the official state survey found that only immigration group with a positive monetary impact was germans. Of course if you live in some multi-culti 56% hellhole, abusing uneducated immigrant labor and masking it as humanitarian effort is normal liberal hypocrisy.

>> No.11015699

How does this separate you from race realism? Everything you said is true, but why do you think none of it applies to cognition, disposition, etc? Human cognition is the most complicated and diferentiated aspect of our species. Why would separate populations develop diferences in cellular signalling, blood count, etc. but have completely equivocal patterns and machinery of thought?

>> No.11015704

>some multi-culti 56% hellhole
And thus the /pol/-poster's true colors are revealed. A bittersweet moment, for though no more time need be wasted in argument, yet another soul has been confirmed as too fucking dumb to ever be saved.

>> No.11015739

Le /pol/ bogeyman. Praise Jebus. Allahu Akhbar. All these though-terminating cliches in full display and in /lit/ of all places. Few words are enough to dismiss heresy or confirm the holy beliefs without even answering the original questions. This is the true power of the Cathedral.

>> No.11015767

He calls middle class white liberals racist slave owners in the sentence you're quoting from, so I'm thinking you have spics mow your lawn and think you're great for not saying spic while they do menial labour for you. He's probably not from /pol/, and might even be further left than you.

>not providing texts
>assuming the texts say things you think are incorrect about racism
I haven't read them either, but the first question alone could be answered with anything from
>because women are liars
>because women are best at truth
There's no fucking way of telling without the text, and you post this bullshit to a books board? The absolute state of your primary level education in reading comprehension. Protip from the nearest 7 year old: read the book before answering questions on the book. I hope that university milks you for extra money for having to deal with retarded people like you making it through their system.

>> No.11016184

don't throw stones in glass houses, anon

>climatology is real

>IQ differences between genetic clusters don't exist despite ridiculous amounts of evidence

also if you have that source i'd like to see it, considering there's lots of stats on how many refugee seekers are on welfare.

>> No.11016192

>philosophers talking about science

>> No.11016196

>refugee seekers

>> No.11016200

you are stupid

>> No.11016206

They're one in the same these days.

>> No.11016209

no, not really.

>> No.11016219

You're a fool if you think they're ever going back. The so-called refugees are conquerors and a sinsiter combination of pathos and postcolonial theory is their sword.

>> No.11016259
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This is a bit basic, but I'm assuming these are homework questions, so that's fine. What's the problem?

Racism doesn't describe intent. It describes effect. If a theory marginalizes groups, whether or not it was meant to, the theory is racist. Maybe you should take a class on critical theory senpai.

It's about failed scientific theories of race. The goal of the unit is (probably) to show how biases and presuppositions prevent some scientists from going where the evidence points.

Y'all got issues.

>> No.11016263

>>real science
why do people like you even opine on threads like these

>> No.11016275

>but why do you think none of it applies to cognition, disposition, etc?

He never said it doesn't. He's likely trying to separate himself from the kinds of people who would otherwise leap to conclusions of conclusive racial difference over the reverse and who actively want to use these ideas to influence policy and race relations.

>> No.11016297

Not literature

>> No.11016303

well, OK. granted immigration as such isn't necessarily a leftist cause properly speaking.

still, there are values higher than the economic.

>> No.11016310

ok, but the bulk of immigrants are non refugees

>> No.11016337

Trade Schools are also valid alternatives. But like you said, 70-99% of man's time spent educating should be spent self-educating.

>> No.11016454

You seem to misunderstand the article, or the questions. What "observed fact" are you referring to? that racism (That one race is superior to another) is scientifically justifiable? You are the person that the author of that article was worried about, you are that uninformed individual who misuses genetic data.

>> No.11016493

>Why would separate populations develop diferences in cellular signalling, blood count, etc. but have completely equivocal patterns and machinery of thought?
Why wouldn't they? If you notice that deer in Europe and Asia have different colored coats, would you also assume they evolved differences in intelligence and disposition?

>> No.11016503

>Slander is always the first and last refugee of an oversocialized western liberal educator.
Teddy boy pls

>> No.11016513

all of taxonomy is socially constructed you clown

lol imagine these people trying to save themselves from having their farms confiscated in south africa
>dear black gentlesir, are you sure we are even white? I mean, how will you be able to confiscate white farms if you don't even have a proper definition of white? did you know that the irish were seen as racially inferior at one point in time? food for thought

or confronting pakistani rape gangs targeting "white slags"
>dear asian male, perhaps you're mistaken about these white girls, who's to say they're even white to begin with? you're targeting a social construct, isn't that a bit silly?

you're so fucking worthless

>> No.11016529

But what if that actually works?

>> No.11016548

>Anyone who looks at the same data as me and comes to different conclusion due to a difference in value systems is simply less informed than me
This holier-than-thou sentiment that the left has is going to bite them in the ass in the long term for the same reason that it bit their enemies in the ass 50 years ago.

>> No.11016572

It doesn't, those people have illiberal worldviews and this whole deconstruction-based guilt trip strategy only works within a liberal context. It's why you'll continue to see detractors in the West throw their lot in with illiberal parties.

>> No.11016597

Black people have black skin. That's that. Albino blacks? Oxymoron, albinos are white. Look up "black" in the dictionary.

>> No.11016612

Land says that social and racial discrimination stems from the deterritorializing aspects of capitailsm. Read Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest, instead of his twitter feed.

>> No.11016618

Canada has had great economic sucsess from immigration so your claim is emperically wrong

>> No.11016626

the idea that the teacher has any intention of studying racial or gender dynamics beyond grievance seeking and white guilt

>> No.11016630

>If a theory marginalizes groups, whether or not it was meant to, the theory is racist.
Perhaps one of the most retarded things I've ever read.

>> No.11016648

define to me the pug race of dog. Are we gonna go full Derrida and just say every definition is inaccurate because it is made of symbols? Everyone can tell the difference without a definition, that is the limitation of language and philosophy. Pluck a chicken, behold a man.

>> No.11016653

OP probably goes to Podunk Community College

>> No.11016665

lol completely full of shit, uses talismanic phrases he got from /pol/ and twitter, classic misdirection going from one bullshit statement to the next. typical right wing propagandist

suck on a rifle barrel:


>> No.11016672

Imagine that, taking a history course that covers history not usually discussed in history classes. Truly the Marxists are taking over

>> No.11016689

it´s the same in germany, the average immigrant pays more taxes than the average german

>> No.11016690

What's the matter here? They seem like decent essay topics on the matter suitable for undergraduate studies in social sciences and humanities?

>> No.11016726

Whats interesting is they are trying to create a binary between groups of people White vs POC when we've clearly identified far more.

>> No.11016751

But laws around rape and murder effect groups differently thus they must be racist.

>> No.11016762

If I'm taking an upper level course on general philosophy of science, I'm interested in learning about the epistemological foundations of the scientific method, the realism vs. anti-realism debate, debates over the proper methodological framework with which to approach the practice of science, the nature of explanation, etc. etc. NOT your shoehorned progressive agenda

>> No.11017042

Well, here is the thing. Biology, is not a statistic. It is not up to inference if it has been proven. You cannot understand what Reich is arguing for and you do nothing but weaken the point he is trying to make. Read it again, and this time try and understand what he means by scientific evidence and pseudo-scientific conclusions. This has nothing to do with how informed I am, it has to do with you misunderstanding what he is trying to say.

>> No.11017157

There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out.

It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to why STEMfags are dismissive of the humanities. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". STEM people are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?

Talking to a STEMfag is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"

>> No.11017158

The cognitive processes of deer are exponentially less complicated and less important than those of humans though. If trees and shrubs in Asia had higher leaves than those in Europe you would expect the deer to grow longer necks. Likewise with human populations over time you would expect those with greater environmental stressors to develop better problem-solving skills.

>> No.11017191

Chemistry/Biology has some pretty sick metaphysical laws hidden in the subject matter you faggit

>> No.11017215

t. assblasted humanist
Give it up, these STEMfags know what is in store for us all in the future and it will have nothing to do with anything even remotely human. Many of these people are also into neoreactionary stuff because they can see some of the issues coming more clearly. Don't be fooled by the cucked spokesmen from big tech, much of their muscle are solid shitlords. Democracy will fail us and our sterilized society is currently only pretending to be alive. Mechanical STEMbots undermining our society at every turn are the heroes we need. Break it all and burn the books.

>> No.11017231

Stressors could favor physical adaptions just as much cognitive ones. What selection pressures favoring cognitive adaptation were experienced by whites and not blacks?

>> No.11017279

Yeah, they're essentially Otherizing whites in an us-vs-them fashion by excluding them from PoC, a group that includes everyone who is not white. It's an interesting tactic. It's also complicated by Ashkenazim, many of whom claim to be white and PoC at their convenience. I think that will end up biting them in the ass though, "full-fledged" members of PoC don't make any distinction between Jews and white gentiles, while white identitarians do excessively.

>> No.11017337

Harsher winters, agriculture vs. hunting/gathering, ocean travel, separate cultural ideals, different mythos, larger-scale wars, Christianity, different diseases, more complicated social hierarchies, and dumb luck, off the top. Realistically the answer is more like a number of variables so closely approaching infinity that they may as well not be measurable at all.

>> No.11017357

Scientists: *lands a man on the moon*
Philosophers: "well you know, science actually isn't even real, aren't I so clever."

>> No.11017423

This is exactly what they should be teaching in a philosophy of science class. What they are trying to do is get the students to think about how social assumptions can impact what is supposed to be unbiased science, and how science can follow society's ideas and not the other way around.

OP might find it productive to actually try answering these questions instead of complaining about them on 4chan, you might learn something useful.

>> No.11017436

>the idea that the teacher has any intention of studying racial or gender dynamics beyond grievance seeking and white guilt
this delusion

>> No.11017440
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>> No.11017463

That’s a retarded argument, because Europe hasn’t even settled on “whiteness” until the past few decades post-WWII. How long do you have to be in Europe until you’re “white”? How long out until you’re “not white”?

Black makes sense as a term in America because the slave trade more or less became the common denominator, more than tribe or nation of origin. A guy whose grandmother was from Uganda and a guy whose grandmother was from Zimbabwe have more or less the same cultural starting point.

White American makes sense as a term because the rise of commercialism in similar vein crushed the cultural connections out of most of America. The rise of the suburbs and 50’s conformity more or less results in a country where a guy from Mass suburbs and a guy from Cali suburbs have very similar childhoods, where the real cultural divider line is more rural/urban versus north v south v west. Mind you, there’s not a really strong reason to leave Jews out of the definition, their cultural background isn’t too far from the tree either.

White does not make sense as a term to unify Europeans with Americans but as a convenient way to port American race cast systems into West Europe as a response to immigration. Is a middle class white American really closer culturally to the British aristocray than to their black middle class neighbor? “Race realists” say yes. I say that’s a piss poor excuse to suck executive cock because you think he’s your cousin.

>> No.11017471

>slavery and women's suffrage
>not usually discussed in US history
Have you ever even taken a single class in your life

>> No.11017608

>Unironically race is a retarded concept to classify the variety of human beings though.
And yet 2 blacks will never produce a white baby or vice versa. And no, edge cases with skin conditions don't count.
Hmm...I don't suppose there could possibly be a material basis for this fact independent of any possible social construct.

>> No.11017654

And? That there is a distinction doesn’t make it a meaningful concept when there is more genetic variety within races than outside of them.

>> No.11017686

I mean most high school history classes talk about slavery pretty briefly and even in AP US history women rights movement are barely a footnote. If someone is taking a general US history class in college, there's nothing wrong with going in depth into specific areas of US history.

>> No.11017908

ethnic groups are a valuable and meaningful distinction though

would it suffice to discriminate against sets of ethnic groups?

>> No.11017915

>more genetic variety within races than outside of them.
Do you have a source for that? I hear it repeated all the time, but it's bunk. WTF does that even mean?

>> No.11017993

you are beyond retarded, there is endless scientific evidence to prove race is a biological reality

>> No.11018160

What year did you go to high school?

>> No.11018184

Sure, ethnic groups exist, they’re cultural groups. The autism comes in the idea that there is some genetic correlation, that if a black baby is raised in a white environment they’ll magically start talking in AAVE (WE WUZ LANGUISTICS AND SHEEIT) by age 13, and using that logic in turn to justify blood purity, a concept that genuinely has no meaning in America.

>> No.11018204

i agree there is no difference between the various races who mixed with neanderthals in central asia, but africans clearly have problems, no matter how they are raised they are violent, illiterate, and just generally make completely asinine life choices (see the black guy at harvard who was running around naked threatening the cops and now everyone is protesting cuz the cop punched his belly during the arrest, if a white person took a ton of pcp and started a fight with the cops and got beat up our community would be like "he deserved it, what an idiot" but africans just have no concept of personal responsibility or agency, and i think the only explanation can be the lack of neanderthal dna, no other race is that retarded even indigenous incas in machu pichu or mongols in tents

>> No.11018266

I graduated in 2016. People seem to think that SJW stuff has taken over schools but that wasn't my experience at all. It's just people getting pissed at stuff online.

>> No.11018282

Do you know what an anecdote is and why you should avoid them in discussion? I could just as easily find a successful black person, or unsuccessful white person and It would disprove your claim by your own standards.

>> No.11018285

Given that it takes hours to even begin to get useful data out of a conversation (with obvious risks of physical conflict) vs seconds to get at least something useful with your eyes using race heuristics, I'd say it's actually an extremely useful concept

>> No.11018498

>what are averages

>> No.11018567

What's the problem here? It's a relevant contemporary issue and they would be robbing students to not cover it.

>> No.11018643

Africans are the purest homo sapiens

>> No.11018662

That's not autism though, genetic correlation is proven. Genetics are EVERYTHING. Your political beliefs are correlated to your genetics. The number of times you go to church in a year correlates to your genetics. IQ correlates at 7-8, shown by twin studies. Nature/nurture has been researched in America since the late 70s. Nurture is 20-30% of you. The rest is genetic.

>> No.11018669

1. Gay.
2. Racist ideologies.
3. Niggers picking cotton, Jews are roaches.
4. Roberts sucked Emily's clit, she farted.

>> No.11019616

A lay mans definition would be people with european heritage that have white skin.
A scientific definition would be to look at genotypical clusters of people from different countries and regions, see which have significant overlap and then describe the ones mentioned hitherto as white.

>> No.11019686

imagine being this fucking mad at people for being better at math than you lmao

>> No.11019745

It's self-explanatory. The variation within a single race is greater than the variation you see between races. In other words, the vast majority of different genotypes and phenotypes that exist within humans do not correlate with race.