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/lit/ - Literature

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11011874 No.11011874 [Reply] [Original]

/b/ - at 14
/tv/ - 15
/fit/- 16, started lifting
/sp/- 18, stopped lifting, started shitposting
/mu/ 19, started playing guitar
/lit/- 23, present state, got into reading prose, before this was basically only reading textbooks and selfhelp

>> No.11011901

/b/ in 2007
/mu/ in 2010
/g/ and /tv/ in 2013, also some /int/ and /lit/, even less of /pol/ and /sp/
/lit/ exclusively in 2017 at 25

>> No.11011914

I was always into reading because im a stupid nerd with no friends. I remember my mom used to drop me off at the library while she went shopping and i would get stacks and stacks of books

When i was in my 20's i explored all method of politics, philosophy, religion, spirituality.

I researched about capitalism, neoliberlism, this system we lived under.
I researched about anti capitalism

I have come to the conclusion the only hope for the future is if a nuclear war happens or some sort of super aids appears.

>> No.11011924

/b/ in 2011
/tv/ and /v/ in 2013
/lit/ in 2015

>> No.11011944

/b/ & /a/ 2009
/r9k/ 2010
/fa/ & /lit/ 2013

>> No.11011945

14-18 -- bodybuilding misc forums, /b/
20 -- /r9k/
21 -- /pol/ + /tv/ + /g/
22 -- /lit/ + /tv/ + /r9k/ + /g/

>> No.11011967 [DELETED] 

>/b/ in 2007
>/co/ in 2010
>/lit/, /fit/, /pol/ in 2011
>dropped /pol/ in 2012, checked in until 2014
>/soc/, meet a trap on /b/ in 2013
>/v/ in 2014, dropped /fit/
>quit 4chan in 2015
>/lit/ & to a lesser degree /lgbt/ in 2018

I've also spent time on /mu/ and /tv/ throughout the years.

>> No.11011982

came to mu in 2010 because nmh is my favorite band, moved on to lit when i got back into reading

>> No.11012001

12 years old stumbled onto /b/, hung around

went through my edgy, elitist phase on /a/ from 14-16

From there I became more socially aware, went on /fa/ and /fit/ from 17-18 in an attempt to be more attractive and """"human"""".

Halfway through my final year of high school I stumbled across /lit/ because I wanted to read more of all that entry level existentialism camus/sartre shit that I was into back in my edgy phase. Also browsed old /asp/ before the wrestlefags took over.

Now I'm 21 studying lit/philo in uni, pretty much exclusively browsing /co/ and /lit/. I wish /asp/ could go back to how it used to be.

>> No.11012037

>/b/ at 12
>/fit/ at 15
>/fa/ at 16
>/mu/ and /fit/ till 18
>/lit/ for one month a year now, age 23

Tbh this is all bs even tho im mostly on lit now ive had /sci or /r9k or /a(nime?, /ck etc phases too

>> No.11012065

2013, started engineering at Uni, got into lifting, passed from Funnyjunk to /Fit/
Started discovering other boards, like /R9k/ (luckily dropped a few years ago) or /Co/. Alone most of the time, start reading somewhat seriously (almost only Sci-fi).
2017, started browsing /Lit/ despite not understanding 90% of the threads. Start reading GR. A few months pass,dropped engineering and dropped sci-fi(the last one was Dune, like 6 months ago). Start Literature at Uni. Now I browse mostly this board and /Tv/ (often for the autistic memes).

>> No.11012067

>2016-Started on /fit/
>2017-Continued on /fit/ while exploring other boards, /a/, /mu/, /x/, /r9k/
>2018-/lit/ entirely, rarely check a different

>> No.11012072

I dabbled on here a tiny bit for years, but this only became my main board for the last month.

In 2009 all I knew was /b/, which I found fascinatingly repulsive.

In 2010, I ventured into /mu/, which was a revelation because I'd been obsessive with underground rock bands that no one I knew was into, since I was a teenager. On /mu/, tons of people were talking about those bands.

I was into poetry as a teenager, but I honestly wasn't very well read until I was in the Peace Corps (2013 - 2015), where I read constantly.

I've only become a really active writer in the last couple years. I just turned 29. I guess the combination of writing actively, being fairly well read, and losing some of my enthusiasm for music, have coalesced in me wanting to bullshit about literature for hours with random strangers on the internet.

>> No.11012088


>> No.11012105

/b/ in 2007
/sci/ in 2009-11
/int/ 2013-2015
/pol/ 2016
/lit/ 2017-

>> No.11012113

2011-2013 /b/ and /co/
2014 /b/ and /pol/
2015 /fa/
2016 /pol/ and /fit/
2017 /bant/, /lit/ and /pol/
2018 /lit/ and /bant/

>> No.11012117

>2015: Saw a documentary on the hacker group "anonymous" which led me to check out 4chan. Ended up on /adv/ and /r9k/
>2016: US election, became a /pol/ack
>2017: started shitposting on /int/
>2018: /lit/

>> No.11012124

favourite writers?

>> No.11012133

any early /b/tards here? organised ddosing of government websites and paypal sure was fun

>> No.11012134

Wtf has happened to /b/?

>> No.11012146

My guess (been here since '09, so not quite an oldfag) is that 1) it's become so widely popular and overexposed that people who were either into posting really fucked up stuff, or wanted to genuinely connect with people through BAW and motivation threads, were all driven out (though some of those motivation ppl probably migrated to /adv/), and 2) when /pol/ started defining 4chan's culture instead of /b/, it alienated a lot of people with bullshit politics and conspiracy theories.

>> No.11012153

If you mean Sci-fi writers, Gibson(but only his older books) Dick, Clarke. I do also appreciate Dan Simmons and Lem. Speaking about the last one, sadly I've not read a lot written by him(being an author really rare in my country) but Solaris is probabily one of the best books of its genre by far

>> No.11012158

but its basically just a porn board now. no YLYL no nothing

>> No.11012163

I think you're right that there's probably a little more porn on there now, but there was always a decent amount of that on there... only back then, it was more gory, rapey, and cheese pizza-y.

>> No.11012171

Its inventions have been carried over to the mainstream. One of my most vanilla friends started sending me those threads I never liked on facebook: you have 15$ here are the prices pick your team etc.
Same with you laugh you lose it's not hard to spot such threads on facebook of all places, in a more palatable fashion.

>> No.11012186

and raid threads, and suicide streams, "don’t go to school tomorrow if you’re from X" threads

>> No.11012219

/b/, /pol/-17

I shit you not when I say Haruhi Suzumiya helped me appreciate Russian music more and then Russian lit.

>> No.11012226
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I don't even remember. I obviously started at /b/ and then went to /v/ but I don't remember spending that much time at any of them. I think it might be because in about 2010 I became part of a video game streaming community that I'm still part of. I don't stream myself but I still talk to ten or so of them quite regularly. They're a cool bunch and they're the only friends I've ever made online.

I've been on /lit/ since 2012? Didn't come here for about two years and I don't spend much time that much time here now. I really don't like how it's become a board of people who seemingly don't read. I can't relate to that but you all seem like a nice bunch all the same.

And I ignore the /pol/ threads. It can be done.

>> No.11012240


>I shit you not when I say Haruhi Suzumiya helped me appreciate Russian music more and then Russian lit.

I started reading Mishima because I looked up a list of books Yuki Nagato might read and one of his short story collections was on a list some random dude made. I have no idea how he got on the list but he did. I guess it goes to show that other mediums, even fucking anime, can have a positive impact.

>> No.11012243

mained /b/ and /v/ at 11
mained /v/ and /tv/ at 13
mained /tv/ and /mu/ at 16
still main /tv/ and /mu/ but I browse /lit/ frequently at 19

>> No.11012248

>I really don't like how it's become a board of people who seemingly don't read.

Never got that impression but it's increasing. As long as there's no high school reading list and y/a/ threads then it's still a quality board.

>And I ignore the /pol/ threads

/pol/ has really fell down the gutter since 2015.

>> No.11012268

>I looked up a list of books Yuki Nagato might read

I did the same and saw Hyperion. Was disappointed when it's just a seemingly soulless sci-fi trilogy; the Dan Brown of sci-fi. I was expecting Tolstoy or even Franzen at the very least.

>> No.11012285


That's the book she gives to the main protagonist right? I've never read it but I always had the impression it was a quality novel. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.11012306


>> No.11012313
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/b/ - 14
/pol/ - ~16
/lit/ - 20

>> No.11012315

12-16: dbzn.net forums to write dragon ball z fanfic in secret
16-19: world of warcraft
20-24: joeroganboard
24-26: /fit/, /pol/
26-28: /pol/, /lit/
28-30: /lit/, /int/, /biz/

wow my life was a waste

>> No.11012316

You're here forever

>> No.11012317

Yeah, that's the book but take my opinion with a grain of salt because there's a chance it might actually be good.

>> No.11012322

lol wtf everyone started in b...

ive been here and only here since 2011. used to be on mu and vr. now occasionally an, ck and his. sometimes trv.

>> No.11012329
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I was changing careers and interested in writing. I came to see what you fuckers could tell me about it, back in early 2015. I very quickly realized you're all mentally deficient, and stayed for the shitposting.

I didn't really browse 4chan at all for much of its existence. I knew about it since it began, and SA before that, and Poe-News before that. The whole place is just so stupid, though, I couldn't be bothered. My main board was formerly /k/. /b/ has always been shit, and all other boards are full of actual human scum.

>> No.11012332
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>2009: /b/ and /v/
Spent my adolescent years online. Then found 4chan as a bastion for "misunderstood" social outcasts like myself. Still had social media. Was in high school.
>2011 - 2014: /v/
Graduated high school, didn't go to college. Deleted social media accounts and severed all ties with other human beings. Lived in mom's house and played vidya nonstop and hated myself. Thought myself smarter than everyone but never did anything to improve my life.
>2014 - present: /fit/, /lit/, /g/
Moved out of mom's house lol. GamerGate happened and suddenly I realized I hated /v/ and video games so I gave it up. In my new spare time I had myself a good ol' existential crisis. Tl;dr /fit/ taught me I was in charge of my life and I began to lose weight and realign myself into who I always wanted to be but was always too lazy to become. Came to /lit/ with the goal of self-educating myself and have pretty much done just that. Now writing several books of my own in the singular hope that those who are still the way I used to be can find their own paths to redemption.

>> No.11012338
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Pic is you

>> No.11012350
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11 - planetdeusex.com
15 - somethingawful.com
17 - /b/
18 - /mu/, /fa/
20 - somethingawful.com again
25 - /g/, /vr/, /r9k/, wizardchan
26 - /pol/
27 to present- /lit/, /pol/, r/milliondollarextreme

>> No.11012354

2006- /b/
2008- /b/ /a/
2009- /a/
2010 or 2011- /lit/ /a/

Sometimes I go on /f/ and /jp/

>> No.11012358


>> No.11012364

/b/ for my first year

/mu/ got me into good musique (a thank you to my fellow mutants)

few years down the line im in some very deep art and literature shit

this journey took about 5 years

>> No.11012381

What job did you get that enabled to move out,?Unless I'm mistaken and you're on a monthly tugboat.

>> No.11012388

Starbucks in an upscale university area lol. I moved in with my gf and we were able to split our living expenses.

>> No.11012401

I'd like to believe this is unironic

>> No.11012412

2013 - girlfriend breaks up, was a normie until this point (well, before I met my gf I used RATs to get into Guild Wars accounts and sell the items on ebay, nothing a normie would do, but she transformed me into one)
2014 - get into the manosphere (Rational Male, Roosh and so on)
2015 - start browsing /pol/ (Freud was right when he said that incel lifestyle leads to antisemitsm, just his reasoning behind this statement was wrong)
2016 - stay on /pol/ and read the Daily Stormer. of course I'm reading a lot of books already (mainly classical german and russian literature)
2017 - switch over to /biz/ and /ck/ because first own appartement and crypto investment
2018 - switch over to /p/ and /lit/

>> No.11012413
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>> No.11012426

it's real

the truly sad thing is that i'm not even a prolific poster, and i've never made any friends posting on internet boards

>> No.11012430


Do you have high levels of social capital? If so I'll be your friend.

>> No.11012433
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>half the people have been here <4 months
>half the people are from /pol/ or /r9k/

>> No.11012453

Former /pol/ack here, it was through Molyneux that led to my introduction to philosophy and The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.11012505

How old are you

>> No.11012507

13 - /b/
14-16 /a/
16-19 /mu/ /fa/ /tv/
19-20+ /lit/ /sp/ /s4s/

>> No.11012521


>> No.11012561

all of these ex-/pol/ /r9k/ /int/ /bant/ posters are scaring me. Those boards are shitholes

>> No.11012567

close to high school graduation

>> No.11012767

/a/ - 20
/g/ - 26
/jp/ - 28
/pol/ - 30
/his/ - 32
/lit/ - 32

>> No.11013403

>be on /mu/ and /fa/
>be sophomore in high school
>awkward and confused, coming off of adhd meds for seven years/starting to work out
>wind up seeing a dumb school of life video about plato
>equates the apology to some bullshit about how to treat your girlfriend
>watch the camus one, a whole new world opens up
>migrate to /lit/ to lurk in camus/striner threads
>get a bunch of books by hume and kant from the library because i think knowledge of the sublime and classical aesthetics will help me be get a girlfriend
>get confused when it doesnt do that, give up to become a normal teenager
>return to lit randomly before my freshman year of college
>been here since

>> No.11013528

>/mu/ as a cringe avant teen in an experimental shoegaze band
>/lit/ as I began to read philosophy
>/sci/ as I decided to major in math with a minor in linguistics
I only ever go on /sci/ and /lit/ anymore

>> No.11013616

/mu/ - 17
/lit/ - 18, "what's this new board, haven't read a good book in a while. I'll try some Kafka"

>> No.11013629

/b/ at 16, 2014
/Pol/ at 17
Added /n/, /sci/, /o/, /mu/
Now age 20
Mostly /sci/, /lit/, /ck/, <<<<power gap >>>> /n/, /tv/, /int/ in that order

>> No.11013647

The intellectual content and powerful culture of the board are really much better than they have any right to be given the nature of the website.

>> No.11013677

/TV/ is a good board, but /mu/ is shit. Mostly because tv doesnt take itself seriously whereas mu is mostly teenagers trying to show off their taste

>> No.11013679

>/biz/ age 23, in 2015, trying to get dat paper nah'm sayin
>come across Tim Ferriss podcast
>he and his guests swear by stoicism and Marcus Aurelius, and I want to be glamorous millionaires like them so I research this mysterious thing called Stoicism
>Letters from a Stoic by Seneca fucked me up real good
>Tim's podcast guest Naval Ravikant recommends Tao Te Ching (was awesome) and Siddhartha (first fiction book I read outside of a school class), it was great.
>picked up a cool looking book called "Infinite Jest" recommended by someone on /pol/ or /b/ who I thought was serious
>come to /lit/ in 2016, thinking i run this fucking board because i'm 280 pages into what I believe to be the GOAT of books, Infinite Jest
>no, sweetie
>become exclusively /lit/ in 2016
>not nearly as much of a pleb, but still pretty fucking pleb

>> No.11013686

>tfw not-aesthetic
hurts, doesnt it?

>> No.11013873

I came directly to /lit/ in 2017. 4chan is crap but /lit/ is really the only place on the internet which discusses literature.
I learned about the other boards from the "go back to /pol/, /r9k/"
4chan is really underused in my country. On the other side it's overused in anglocuck countries, probably because the language of the website is English.

>> No.11013901

20: /b/
21: /mu/
26: /int/
27: /adv/
29: /lit/

I need to get the fuck off this site

>> No.11013911
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>2010-2011- /b/
>2012- /tv/
>2013-2017- /lit/
>2017- /tv/
>2018- came back to find you all posting bugs bunny, and following the formula where you scorn the writers you had circle jerked to previously (Stirner, Peterson, Pessoa, Nietzsche). What was unexpected was that you all unironically turned into christfags.

>> No.11013923

What was 19

>> No.11013962

I got tired of video games so I turned to books but I mostly read horror with some lit thrown in here and there.

>> No.11013991

The whole point of the christfag thing is a meta analysis of the bible. It's understanding the stories as reflections of the human spirit, which itself holds complexities and contradictions.

>> No.11014017


>> No.11014027


>> No.11014031


>> No.11014040

Lmaoing at ur lief

>> No.11014064

>/mu/ through friends in about 2010
>occasionally go to /tv/ and /co/ but don't get much out of them from 2013-2015
>start looking around each board to see them
>come to /sp/ for 2015 nfl playoffs and stick around
>come to /lit/ about 2015
>took a bit to get around to reading regularly again

>> No.11014468

17-20: /b/, /r9k/
20-22: [s4s] (best board)
22-24: /lit/, sometimes /fit/

I also recently discovered /x/ and it is a very, very funny board

>> No.11014523

13: /pol/, /his/
14: /mu/, /r9k/
15: /lit/, /news/

>> No.11014528

/b/ in summer 2014, r9k and pol in autumn 2014, stopped using both summer 2015, started using lit, ck, tg and tv.

>> No.11014530

/b/ 2015
/v/ 2016
/pol/ 2017
/lit/ 2018

>> No.11014562

/b/, /i/, /a/, /v/, /cgl/, /r9k/
+8 chan, wiz-chan
/jp/, /lit/, /fa/
the amount of time I've spent on 4chan is sad. I have a lot of knowledge about stupid shit that I can't apply to my life and don't have friends.

even 4chan thinks my post is spam

>> No.11014572

/fit/ at 17
/Lit/ and /biz/ at 20
/Biz/ turned into a shithole a few months ago unfortunately

>> No.11014573

newfag here, started on pol in 2016 then to adv in late 2016, to biz by the start of 2017 and then to fit and lit since then, i browse a lot of boards like k and pol still but i never saw b as anything more than just gay trap porn, r9k was infintely more interesting with suprisingly less gay shit/porn.

>> No.11014699

Some /leftypol/ anon recommended me /lit/.
Currently /pol/ /m/ /his/ /lit/ and 8 /leftypol/ /co/ /chiristian/.
I stopped going /a/ /int/ /sp/ /fit/ 4/co/ for various reasons.

>> No.11014743

/b/ 13
/Int/ 16
Krautchan/int/ 17
/lit/ 21
I'm 23 now

>> No.11014937

2016 i love reading pomo and a friend tells me about /lit/
that's it