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/lit/ - Literature

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11009227 No.11009227 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw trying to live the literary lifestyle has made me an alcoholic at 24

>> No.11009230

You actually have to write and read to live the literary lifestyle.

It’s a common mistake, don’t get too tied up over it.

>> No.11009233

The true lit lifestyle is banging boipussy and pumping iron 24/7. Just like the greeks

>> No.11009329

I'm only half greek.

>> No.11009462
File: 77 KB, 720x650, bringwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this. according to agamben, the greeks were famous for their perjury as well. they are natural born liars, and poets, and thinkers. very /lit/.

boy, you there boy, in the pic, bring me the mixed wine.

>> No.11009508

tips fedora

>> No.11010538

That meme doesn’t apply here grandpa

>> No.11010542

You’re not even old enough to be an alcoholic you over dramatic fagget

>> No.11010571


>> No.11010654


Well you might be old enough to be an alcoholic, but you aren't old enough for anyone to feel sorry for you. You're probably more of a wino or lush than a proper drunkard anyway.

>> No.11010746

we all have to sacrifice something

>> No.11010752

>an alcoholic at 24
this is totally normal. I drank my whole time in university and that lasted from 19 til 28 years. Then i got a job and slowed down a bit, though iam drinking up to 4 beers a day on a regular basis.

>> No.11010759

I'm an alcoholic at 23 because I had too much fun in college. Now I'm just sad

>> No.11010796
File: 146 KB, 2048x1214, 1453180351808-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "literary lifestyle" denoted an educated man of distinction and ideas before jews took over the publishing industry and started making white men believe it meant living like an individualist hedonist drop-out, going on drug-fueled escapades, and ultimately drinking yourself to death, a la Henry Miller, the beatniks, and so forth.

You have been rused by jews. They promoted this image to make men like you less of a threat to their group. But those days are over. Time to get yourself together, become strong in body and mind, and work with your brothers to stop the jew from further ruining your culture and expel it from your homeland.

Good luck, let's get on-board, friend.

>> No.11010870

>le jew meme.
It's not that i disagree, but more so that I am board of these comments.

>> No.11010884

ya anti-semitism was sort of fun at first it felt a bit naughty like the first time u read the communist manifesto, but at this point its fucking boring, the edge is dull, find something new

>> No.11010894
File: 89 KB, 600x399, 1429646854806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my life consists of writing, reading, and drinking gin

>> No.11010904
File: 46 KB, 500x374, Diary_country_priest0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink a shot of alcohol
>feel good for 10 minutes then feel shit for the rest of the night

I don't know how people can drink.

>> No.11010932

>t. mongrels without a dog in the fight.

>> No.11011089

>be 18
>be reading a lot
>too young to sublimate homo urges into writing
>acquire panties
>start camming
>start drinking to 'live the /lit/erary life'
>repress homo urges
>productivity, intelligence drop
>tfw could've been a Rimbaud
>tfw should've embraced being the boi pucci

Any books for this feel?

>> No.11011105

Don't try to live it just do what you do while being literary
I tried cigs but they are horrible, haven't drank alcohol yet, yet i still type up a storm when the mood comes to me

>> No.11011119
File: 103 KB, 800x643, 1495510403468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. Keep this overt faggotry off of /lit/ please.

>> No.11011127

Please make me.

>> No.11011185

Well you seems to acknowledge well your homosexuality here. You can still be the greentext Rimbaud desu

>> No.11011194

>my disease borne of horrid genetics and even worse will power is super tragic