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/lit/ - Literature

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11005771 No.11005771 [Reply] [Original]

anyone read "how to bomb the us govt" ? what do you think of their prose? it really got me into writing again

>> No.11005782

reminds me of Burroughs in terms of visceral shit and harrowingly cynical views of ((american)) culture

>> No.11005786

wow, doesn't even look that bad

>> No.11005809
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>> No.11005813
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MDE's clownworld mythos is honestly pretty similar to Baudrillard's conception of hyperreality. Their shit when combined with some decent knowledge of cultural theory is pretty enjoyable, even if Sam Hyde isn't necessarily trying to be profound the finished product comes off as otherworldly and truly provocative in a way that isn't found much anymore. For a show with such little direct political commentary it's really amazing that it was still forced off the air, it's a true countercultural object (I'm not saying counterculture is inherently good, for all you soyboys out there before you protest). Regardless of your views on Hyde his stuff shows the signs of some real talent and insight, even if a lot of his youtube stuff is boring or filler.

>> No.11005817

It reads like a cross between Naked Lunch and a 4chan greentext.

>> No.11005824
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>Then, he became inspired. "I'm on a mission from God," he said. "I’m not going to give up. I mean, how do you make a living now? There is a despair, but I've been utilizing the despair. It feeds the art."

"I studied english literature," Charls continued. "When I first started I wanted to write for games. I was going in at first to do programming, and then I read this story about what to study when you're in college by Chris Crawford, and he suggested you do something that will strengthen your mind. I studied English and started doing the classics. Before I went to college I was pretty dumb, and I wasn't really good at anything. People in my life suggested I go into teaching to get a pension -- for me that's a recipe for desolation. Maybe I'm lucky, that what I studied in college kind of helped me and made me smarter. Those were the happiest days of my life, studying Greek tragedy and Roman tragedy with my favorite professors. Maybe I don't use my time wisely enough… but in the dark days, the price of enlightenment is forever serfdom."

>> No.11005836

>For a show with such little direct political commentary it's really amazing that it was still forced off the air
The thing is that whenever World Peace actually got explicitly political it manifested in Sam turning towards the camera and delivering a speech about white genocide.
Maybe they could have kept the Jews at bay if they hadn't completely disregarded subtlety.

>> No.11005839
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That last statement is so true

>> No.11005843

Sad that you assume it's all just Sam. No doubt some of this is Charls. He's even got an English degree, he is clearly literary

>> No.11005849
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I knew Charls had some education in english literature which is weird because his writing always seems the most deranged and borderline unintelligible (his Chundoan stories), at least compared to Sam Hyde's writing. Sam seems like he's basically unlearned but has been through a lot of typical shitty life experiences that .

>> No.11005876

I'd say Charls is the most well-read of the trio. Nick had a strong father figure and an early developed backbone. Sam is narcissistic and raised by a single mother and lost his shit somewhere around 12.

>> No.11005946
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I like trying to figure out which member wrote what in H2BTUSG

>> No.11006012


>> No.11006025
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>> No.11006130

Unironically better than a lot of shit that passes for literature.

>> No.11006134

Hyde is a talentless simpleton who tries to mask his idiocy through cheap, thinly veiled ironic humour. The contemptuous hordes of menchildren that venerate him disgust me even more.

And no, I’m not a Jew, Communist, Coon, Gook, Faggot or Spic.

>> No.11006152

Sam is a lot of thing but lacking in talent isn't one of them. Even as a fan I think a lot of his more recent videos humor can fall flat but it is a lot more than just humor, tons of the editing and design that came out of MDE are pretty fucking RAD DOOD

>> No.11006170

> REEEEEEEEEEE why is sam hyde capable of achieving veneration when I can barely get posts replied to on an east asian knitting forum!!!!!!

>> No.11006173

"smeared in a pearl-pink jelly of blood and come"
its basically like a Burroughsian pastiche, which is good. I wonder if it was intentional or Charls just unintentionally likes describing grotesque surreal faggot sex in the same way as WSB

>> No.11006212
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>in MDE all that the modern world requires most urgently is mixed in the most seductive manner: the three great stimulantia of the exhausted: the brutal, the artificial, and the innocent (idiotic)

>> No.11006215

I don’t want to be venerated by losers thx

>> No.11006221

>studying art is a waste of time
>pair bond with someone you can't actually get along with!
>Ignore every complexity of the female psyche!

>> No.11006243

Oh come on

That line is some of the most basic uncreative descriptive writing I've ever seen, I've seen better in fuckin fanfiction.

>> No.11006259

Sam Hyde could take a vertical video of him smearing shit on his face and you faggots would call it profound and avant-garde

>> No.11006273

>posts on 4chan
>in denial about being a loser

>> No.11006276

If Sam's doing it, it probably would be

>> No.11006303

That's not true. He was a genuinely funny guy with some kind of mental disorder and nothing to lose. That yielded very interesting comedy. He didn't mask anything, that was the point. Instead of a successful and beautiful instagram girl or a hyper gamer boi putting on a veneer for their fans it's an ugly loser revealing his nightmarish existence as is. That was something totally new to me.

I hate the direction he and his "community" took after World Peace, but your criticism just shows you don't understand what he tried to do.

>> No.11006322

I think some of the appeal to early Sam was 'This could be me if I took the time to make any speculation into video and handle the humiliation'. He just hit on thoughts you would have in everyday life in some overthetop way. Now comes the phase of his humiliation that would have prevented the normal person from overstepping that boundary.

>> No.11006324

Literally reads like something out of a /lit/ doc.

>> No.11006328

Brilliant argument, kudos to you my friend!!!

>> No.11006335

Argument? I was calling you a loser

>> No.11006342

Whatever, only losers care what you think ahahah

>> No.11006345

You're right and this site's worship of him is pathetic

>> No.11006357

I guess that makes you a loser

>> No.11006363

Don’t care so guess who wins? I do, jajajaja

>> No.11006364

Face it, dingus, sam and the gang are meme material matching that of the WWF

>> No.11006387

but you keep responding, which means you do care. so I do(win)

>> No.11006394

No! I win, I win, I WIN!!!! I always win I always win shut up shut up shut up!!! Fucking loser shut it

>> No.11006420

>it's an ugly loser revealing his nightmarish existence as is.
so literally every british comedy ever then

>> No.11006433

FINE. made me chuckle anon, I could feel the REEEEEEEEEE in your post. you win, i hope you live a 1000 years! take care

>> No.11006443

I didn't say it was profoundly amazing retard I just said it reads like Burroughs faggit

>> No.11006448

I think you have to have been born in 1997 or later to appreciate his humor. I suspect much of the adoration must come from very young people. If I met a person older than that who enjoyed Sam Hyde I'd be worried about their wellbeing.

>> No.11006453

You said it was good and it's not and you compared it to WSB to give it credibility even though the prose isn't good.

>> No.11006457

Thank you, thank you!

>> No.11006460


>> No.11006464

1990 here
I can get a little kooky

>> No.11006470

How can you make that speculation when Tom Green exist?

>> No.11006523

the only other example i know of it is a crackup at the race riots and my own book which i hope to publish NOT when this becomes some sort of fad and i seem like a copycat

>> No.11006875

My mom is cool and my mom will treat you right

>> No.11006911

Tom Green is no way comparable except maybe for Freddy Got Fingered if you believe that the film was a complete piece of shit on purpose.

>> No.11006936

I don't know how you can say that Freddy Got Fingered is a piece of shit. It's intended to be a comedy and it succeeds at that.

>> No.11006938

>If I met a person older than that who enjoyed Sam Hyde I'd be worried about their wellbeing.
I think this kind of a statement comes from a place of real ignorance about trends throughout generations though I think it's also not always untrue.
I think to say that X generation cannot appreciate something, especially if they're older and presumably more sophisticated readers/spectators, is dumb. One would be tempted to assume the opposite of your statement, but then again there's always those middle-aged guys that are one step away from shooting up their workplaces that'll also be into shit like MDE so there's that.

>> No.11006948

It's a technical nightmare, which I believe is most likely intentional though I cannot necessarily prove it. If I'm wrong it's just a dumb gross-out comedy that mostly falls flat, if I'm right it's a surrealist/dada nightmare film that was made to fuck over a major film studio which, if that's really the case, is funny.

>> No.11006958

Does anyone have the HTBTUG mega link?

>> No.11006978

he paid people to reach a page requirement. a lot of those stories are written by randoms

>> No.11007016

I watch RLM too

>> No.11007123

People were saying this when the movie came out, or were you too young to remember?

>> No.11007247

I, too, watch Red Letter Media.

>> No.11007274
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Hello Fellow RLM Fan.

>> No.11007405

91 and I have bpd so take that how you will.

>> No.11008149

He’s being ironic. He went to a fine arts college.

>> No.11008187

Bist most of his fans are in their 20s and he’s in his 30s. I think he’s funny in small doses but the complete lack of sincerity gets old after a while. Mainly because it seems like he’s just hiding behind irony and sarcasm. His comedy skits are pretty good. My favorites:

>> No.11008274

95 but recently I've stopped watching him just b/c I would prefer not subconciously going down his road of bitterness and profound cynicism even if it's justified. Also Charles was the best member of the group and he doesn't contribute much anymore. I think Sam has actually lost it nowadays, and his material seems less like pure ironic commentary on society and more like a deranged man who no longer knows where irony begins and sincerity ends

>> No.11008286

most telling are his bitter youtube comment reactions about his income, which are funny coming from someone who is supposed to be mocking consumerism

>> No.11008294

kek, I think he's aged like 30 years from those days

>> No.11008337

I hate his fans but I’ve watched that video too many times to count

>> No.11008353

Sam hyde is a pleb

>> No.11009164

Does anyone have the text where he talks about trinkets and putting stuff in his house? I couldn't find it anywhere.

>> No.11009738
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takes a spectator in video to know one.

>> No.11010274

I can't tell what Charls is thinking, he's got hidden volumes he won't reveal to his audiences. Like he's one straw away from either crafting some masterpiece or sending mail bombs.

>> No.11012005

I've only really seen Sam's most well-know shit and some clips of the show. People here are saying the Charls guy is a little more intelligent than Sam, what should I watch to take the Charls-pill?

>> No.11012436

Watch Hydewars, he's definitely capable of sincerity.

>> No.11012467

That's why he speaks from experience

>> No.11012515

I just assume he's sincere about everything he says. It seems obvious to me.

>> No.11012585
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>> No.11012590
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All of bombstrap, twitch stream excerpts. Come be part of the pure lads, man. Nothing better, not never.

>> No.11012641

It was a really good episode ok

>> No.11012926

Wew he really is quite the schizo
Wish he wasnt a trumpcuck tho

>> No.11013260

not really. last of his skits there was a bit where he talks about cloth seats in somebody's car and is like "why don't you have leather, are you POOR?" and it's like that intonation exists in a quantum state of irony and sincerity.

>> No.11013448

it's all an act. watch enough of his stream and the veneer begins to wash off. i was bedridden after a surgery and stayed up watching him for hours and you know when you hang out with someone and you just want to tell them to stop trying so hard? it was like that.

>> No.11014717

my sister and he used to message on instagram

hes a total psycho, unironically hates the jews, unironically a white nationalist violent woman hater type.

the disshelved im-about-to-go-on-a-rampage thing isn't an act, its genuine and he is broken and unhinged.

like, i get the jokes and the edgy memes and even that there is partial truth to it, but he actually buys it all and takes it way too far.

>> No.11014718

he's like sam but without any heart or empathy

>> No.11014729


>> No.11014733

someone post Hamburger Man

>> No.11014749
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>female complexity = slave morale

>> No.11015068

Jesus. My best friend reminds me a lot of Charls-- massive gamer and a tryhard, yet very funny guy. Hes good looking but has never had a gf because it would require him to take his mask of confidence off and actually connect with someone beyond /pol/ or /v/ memes and unironically fell for misogny/racism memes. You guys describe his issues to a T. What do i do to help him? I always assumed his issues stemmed from having a distant father and being raised Jehovah. Oh and the worst part is one of my friends took him to Jordan Peterson and he bought the fucking book

>> No.11015095

Why do redditfags all right in this same self-satisfied way?

>> No.11015106

I'm just drunk an shitposting, after what ive been though you are less that worthless kek. (maybe you could be ok it your weren't a trapper). pan's chest was medusa's salty pillar.

>> No.11015202

mass murderers write manifestos and artistic stuff all the time. It's really nothing special, quit sucking his dick.

>> No.11015205


>> No.11015211

love this meme

>> No.11015226


>> No.11015267

>proving him right

>> No.11015293

>reddit spacing