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/lit/ - Literature

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11006193 No.11006193 [Reply] [Original]

Do you keep all the books you read? Do you sell them once you have read them? Give them away to your local library? Or do you keep only specific books while selling the rest?

>> No.11006202


Back when I had a home I kept all the books I read. Now I wander the world, buying two or three books at a time and leaving them in random places when I finish them and move on.

>> No.11006205

I throw them in the garbage after I read them

>> No.11006211

I keep the ones I think I'll have use of in the future.

>> No.11006217

Something about the thought of this is really funny to me

>> No.11006228

I pirate all of my books and read them on my Kindle. Then I purchase nice hardcover copies of the books that I really liked.

>> No.11006233
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i think it's because it implies rejection. nothing is good enough for based anon. no author has fulfilled him yet.

>> No.11006240

I keep most of them, sell the ones I didn't like/don't plan to reread to a local bookstore for store credit.

>> No.11006241


> “Well, I hope you will own that this man is the
happiest of all mortals, for he is above everything he possesses.”

>> No.11006248

I donate a lot to the library so other people can find new things to read, and so I don't have to deal with clutter. I'll only buy a book if the library doesn't already have it. The ones I keep are owns with notes.

>> No.11006261

What if you possess yourself?

>> No.11006288

I keep them all
I like to be surrounded by them. Occasionally look around and see a book and be reminded of it, think of it, how it was to read it, my life at the time. I feel like if I got rid of them I'm more likely to forget about it all

>> No.11006294

i give away most of my books (except for rare/special editions etc). either to charity shops or to friends and family. not always straight away- they sometimes sit on my shelves for ages
the downside of this is that most of the books i actually own are ones i haven't read yet

>> No.11006306


That's a beautiful sentiment anon

>> No.11006313

Delete them off my hdd. The physical copies are generally put on my shelf. I sometimes give them to friends or trade them.

>> No.11006440
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>> No.11006558
File: 1.47 MB, 2347x3000, lib04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to keep them for a few years (5-10), and then cull in a large sweep and sell or give some away. I never have less than a few thousand, though.

>> No.11006612

I keep all of my books. I've run out of space on my two bookcases and have a coupe boxes in my closet. I need a bigger apartment with a damn library.

>> No.11007143

Damn bruh that’s worldly as fuck

>> No.11007174

The only books I no longer possess are those I have given away to people I know personally. Well that, and the ones people kept when I only loaned it out to them.