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/lit/ - Literature

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11006011 No.11006011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize the horror of consumerism
>everything i like to write about (video games universes, game universes in general, generic medieval fantasy) is derived from a marketing plan
>all my 'passions' are predicated on making a buck
>don't want to write about anything else but these fantasy universes peddled by companies
>used to be good, but get edited because of cancerous cultural changes where you need trannies, womyn, niggers, whatever else jammed in
>end up stuck in a time warp in these universes before the degeneration happened
>have no real life experience, nuanced perspectives, or inspiration beyond all of these fantasy tropes absorbed and regurgitated from pulp
>these extraneous settings can be shaped and destroyed by things outside my control and i have nothing to show for my interest in it
>be part of a generation raised on video games

I think I want to kill myself

>> No.11006023

>I think I want to kill myself
Youre too weak. Read the stoics or something

>> No.11006033

Start with the Greeks

>> No.11006070

the edwardian poets had to throw off a lot as well (if they were born in the victorian age)

>> No.11006079
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yeh, pretty much same here OP except I'm a decade ahead of you. I used to be an elder scrolls nerd arguing elder scrolls cosmology with other nerds online. Then I went and started with the Greeks and LOOKITMENOW. I'm on /lit/.

pic related, it's me.

but seriously get some good knowledge in you and understand where the tropes came from. you can make it. you can write something groundbreaking if you study, escape the tropes as-they-are and shape them into new commentary for your time. apply yourself.

>> No.11006085

>realize the horror of life
>everything i do is derived from my ancestors need to survive and reproduce
>all my "passions" are predicated on avoiding oblivion
>i don't want to write about anything else but these fantasy universes where the struggles I care about will be successful in the end
>have no real life experience, nuanced perspectives, or inspiration beyond all of these fantasy tropes absorbed and regurgitated from the sources that sustain my escapism from the harsh reality

Consumerism isn't the problem. That things are there for you to take is a good thing - contingent on you having the will not to put yourself on the hedonic treadmill. If you aren't willful enough, at least you can be confortable while people more invested in shaping reality capitalize on your needs and wants.

>> No.11006102
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Embrace capitalism

>> No.11006108

>LOOKITMENOW. I'm on /lit/.

>> No.11006114

What's wrong with being a hedonist?

>> No.11006125

>brainlet obsessed with video games and 'le fantasy universes'
>claims that 'PC culture' is the reason his work is shit
It's like poetry

>> No.11006138

without willpower we are cripples

>> No.11006145

is a hatred of consumerism incompatible with being a passionate capitalist?

>> No.11006148
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*the universe used to be good

nice try

>> No.11006161

The more pleasure you regularly get, the higher your threshold for great pleasure grows and the more your threshold for great suffering and boredom shrinks.

Hedonism works if you can consistently up the ante for yourself until you die. Otherwise, you'll burn yourself out.

Pleasure and suffering are useful for conditioning - producing desirable behaviors. Consistently acting against your Eros will drive you insane, ofc.

>> No.11006176

>it's another teenager thinks playing the long game isn't hedonism
If people who only post to convince themselves would stop posting like half of all and all the bad posts would disappear

>> No.11006179

lot of rubbish i'd say

>> No.11006182

Im going to give you some advice. Even though you are a mentally ill poltard that is ruining lit with your moronic "OHMYGAW THE SOCUHUSTUSWAWAAAOIRORWS WEILL RUIN ME"

The horror genre is inherently right wing because its based on reaction.

If you are rightwing you should write horror

>> No.11006187


>> No.11006189

>>realize the horror of life
>>everything i do is derived from my ancestors need to survive and reproduce
>>all my "passions" are predicated on avoiding oblivion
>>i don't want to write about anything else but these fantasy universes where the struggles I care about will be successful in the end
>>have no real life experience, nuanced perspectives, or inspiration beyond all of these fantasy tropes absorbed and regurgitated from the sources that sustain my escapism from the harsh reality
pure sophistry

>> No.11006223

Pure ideology. Who believes this not-Abrahamic claptrap?
>durrrr left/right
>durrrrrrr people who oppose me are reactionary while I'M so innovative and REVOLUTIONARY!
>*puts a different label on something in existence since the beginning of time*
>What do you mean 'vanguard' is just an aristocracy?

Freakin hella epic borther

>> No.11006249

Its very clear lit is target by poltards seeking to subvert lit more towards their way of thinking but they are so transparent in their attempts not really changes because most people on lits arent over emotional retards with no self control like the type of people who fall for clickbait or post on pol.

You sure did write a lot of reaction to my post though, you even made up things to be mad about in which i never wrote

>> No.11006258

Read max stirner

>> No.11006346

Pleasure-as-a-goal doesn't offer much in the way of explanatory power. Lots of creatures act with identifiable goals (eating, breeding) without having the internal representations of homeostasis (essentially, pleasure) or lack thereof (suffering). It is reasonable that our punishment and reinforcement circuits are built on top of these more fundamental driving circuits, since the capacity for conditioning is only an adaptation insofar as it helps the organism perform it's most fundamental drives (usually, amounting to suriving and reproducing). And, considering that self-sacrificial behavior is present in all sorts of social creatures, from ants to humans, and that pleasure-to-suffering (the internal representation of gain-to-cost) calculations take up time an energy that isn't so readily avaiable at the times they are most necessary (life-and-death scenarios), I think it is a stretch to assume that there must be an hedonic explanation to "jumping into a burning house to save babies and kittens" since genetic tendencies for altruistic selection tend to cause the groups with these tendencies to be selected for by the environment.

Furthermore, exclusive hedonism doesn't offer too good of a predictive model. People make all sorts of ad hoc explanations to explain how what someone did was because they were being self-serving or because they expected it would bring them pleasure or spare them from suffering. Because ALL behavior can equally be explained this way, it's a model that doesn't offer us any suggestion on what causes particular behaviors to occur instead of others. These sort of explain-all models reassure people, the way occasionalism or solipsism does, by lulling them into a sense of "having it all figured out". They miss out on the actual practical uses of inteligence: enabling the organism to predict external behaviors and produce behaviors itself, in ways that are conductive to it's goals.

>> No.11006360

What is?

>> No.11006383

i think he means your point is

>> No.11006404

Every time, anon.

>tfw that tranny who posted her Goodreads is probably more well-read than you

>> No.11006436

I wish frog posters would die

>> No.11006445

Learn to fish then go fishin. Begin with The Compleat Angler, or not.

>> No.11006461

Often times hedonists do not seek pleasure but to avoid pain

>> No.11006490

most people try to avoid pain

>> No.11006494

>tfw masochist
Step aside, plebs.

>> No.11006528

be quiet you worm

>> No.11006530


>> No.11006536

you type like you have trouble making eye contact

>> No.11006547
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>> No.11006571

I don't like Land, because I don't understand him, and yet I can't just write him off as a bullshitter like Benjamin or Derrida because he is le based right-wing man.

>> No.11006787

>>all my 'passions' are predicated on making a buck
That's your own decision

>> No.11006798
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on the bright side it's only going to get worse from here. at least we're experiencing the ridiculousness from a position that later ages will regard as being the lost dark ages of pre-cybernetic antiquity