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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 549x551, DMC_01929211434378_gYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11005061 No.11005061 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw beautiful, breeze Spring day here at the University of Oxford
>woke up early and went for a jog along the water and around the park
>tfw showered and drank a small cup of espresso and ate a banana and put on a pair of pleated cotton trousers, fitted shirt and long black overcoat
>decided to put some styling wax in my hair and was pleased with the result, which lent an air of ruggedness to my otherwise intellectual and small-c conservative aesthetic
>tfw walked along along the ancient streets past countless historic, architectually awe-inspiring buildings preserved for and by those who are worthy of attending the University of Oxford
>tfw felt very lonely not only due to my almost peerless intellect and the sense of detachment it causes but also by the sight of romantic couples who I could tell by their look and accents were privately educated and are from wealthy, genetically profound families with the connections and outlook which almost guarantees a life of success and enjoyment
>tfw the usual handful of Asian female tourists smiled at me, probably viewing me as an embodiment of the Harry Potter-esque gentleman they yearn for, but their attention brought no pleasure at all
>walked back to my room
>tfw saw a couple approaching and instinctively my heart started beating rapidly
>it was my former hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 fees excluding additional costs), elite, English Rose, cute, genetically distinct, refined girlfriend, who was holding hands with her boyfriend
>tfw he obviously didn't recognize me but she saw me and looked at me wide-eyed as if curious about my reaction to seeing them
>tfw she was as cute as ever, her pale cheeks a little red and her big eyes glistening and her hair as beautiful as ever
>tfw I very briefly looked into her eyes with all the intensity of suppressed rage, hurt and passion I could muster
>tfw she raised her eyebrows then frowned and her boyfriend stared at me as I passed with barely concealed contempt
>tfw didn't look back after passing and returned to my room to pace back and forth my room like a tortured working class John Osborne-tier intellectual struggling in an upper class environment
>tfw have been lying on my back on my bed since listening to a Mark Kozelek / Sun Kil moon playlist
>simply can't muster the focus to read a single page today

Truly a disheartening day today. I realize now that having been acquainted with a girl from the upper class who expressed romantic curiosity / attraction towards me I will struggle to ever "settle" (as I currently perceive it) for a girl of lesser extraction. She truly is the most beautiful girl I am ever likely to meet.

How is your Sunday shaping up /lit/? What are you reading?

>> No.11005069

your gay

>> No.11005077

Oxford students are jumped up toffs and suicidal Chinese kids

>> No.11005094

become friends with london frogposter anon and try to be each others wingmen and write about your adventures

>> No.11005110

Started reading Brave New World this morning. Hasn’t really grabbed my attention but a friend reccomended it and already a decent ways through it this early so I can probably knock out a chunk of it later and finish it some time this week.

>> No.11005178
File: 646 KB, 900x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't that nice this morning
your story doesn't stand up, OP.

>wake up at 11
>read all day
>finals are soon so no one's about
>i go on lit and see someone at oxford say 'privately educated'

>> No.11005212

What's wrong with saying "privately educated"?

And I found it quite nice today, not as warm as yesterday but the breeze was absolutely delicious, especially when jogging.

>> No.11005236
File: 82 KB, 569x587, Oxford_Hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being British and never having the opportunity to have dinner in pic related.

>> No.11005245

I smell bullshit

>> No.11005248

Espresso? Banana? You sad faker. You've never even been to Oxford.

>> No.11005250

>when for a walk around oxford with my girlfriend
>things are going great with her
>her father went to the same public school as me
>he could be a useful contact for my career after I graduate
>thinking of asking gf to marry me
>life is going pretty good
>suddenly gf tenses up
>what's wrong baby?
>'it's that guy! You know the really creepy guy who kind of stalked me and told everyone we were connected'
>put a protective arm around her
>don't worry darling. You're safe with me. He can't bother you any more
>get a closer look at the freak
>he's no threat to me, academically, physically or later professionally
>relax and hug gf closer
>we walk past the weirdo trying to act naturally
>gf is grateful for my presence
>leans into me and nuzzles my neck
>you make me feel so safe anon
>we go back to my digs and fuck hard
>she goes to make me Sunday dinner
>decide to kill time by checking /lit/
How was your Sunday /lit/

>> No.11005254
File: 52 KB, 600x399, Menudo_de_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got greasy anal leakage POURING out of my ass. pic related. never again.

>> No.11005260

>newfags not knowing Oxfordbro

>> No.11005269

Nice, hope that weirdo fag kills himself

>> No.11005290
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Please delete this. I didn't even realize what you were doing until halfway through and it made me feel very bad when I did. The fact I have ZERO connections, either in Oxford, London or my hometown is depressing. I assume that my being an Oxbridge graduate will help me find some random office job / graduate scheme easily enough (awed as they will be by my academic prowess) but knowing I will never penetrate the "inner circle" of British high culture makes me want to drop out of (the University of) Oxford (as I'm still considering doing for various reasons) and just work in a call centre and suppress my intellectualism for the sake of living a reasonably tolerable life. At the moment I'm racked by self-doubt, low self-esteem, insecurity etc. I suppose it helps my grades (as I overcompensate) but otherwise I'm having an absolutely miserable time here. My mum thinks I've "come out of my shell" and that I'm having the time of my life, but I won't be able to keep up the lie for long.

>> No.11005294

what are you studying?

>> No.11005299
File: 324 KB, 1024x855, oxfordgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"And then he told me was from a working class background!"

>"Oh no, Poppy, tell me he didn't!"

>"I promise you Florence he absolutely did. I swerved immediately of course!"

>"Good girl, imagine all the heritage you'd be flushing down the toilet if you ended up having children with someone from the lower orders!"

>> No.11005304

>call center
m8, i've got news... you may want to sit.

anyway oxfordbro it's good to hear you again and sorry things aren't so hot right now. don't worry about it is all i can say. the easiest path to success is hard work. i promise you. study hard, earn your marks, and put off any dreams of roasties for now. they're all idiots at your age anyway. all the best my guy.

>> No.11005323

oh wow, yeah, u should kill urself wtf

>> No.11005353
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>> No.11005375
File: 61 KB, 548x556, DMC_229103484890_fQl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English Literature

I just don't see the point in working hard if I'll never become a member of Britain's cultural elite. It just seems pointless. I'll never be invited to weddings throughout the summer in quaint, historical villages across the South. I'll never go skiing with highly interesting, high net worth individuals. I'll never be invited to have dinner and / or "drinks" at some exclusive, out of the way member's only club in London. I'll never date and eventually marry some pure, genetically profound, highly intelligent, refined, classically beautiful, traditional, conservative girl. I'll never have an occasion to wear a double-breasted suit jacket. I'll never meet the eccentric, extremely posh aunt or grandmother of my girlfriend / fiance who adores my working class frankness and lack of pretense and says aloud that I'm an "absolutely darling". I'll never visit the mansion-tier home of my upper class girlfriend's parents in some comfy little Southern village and have them be pleasantly surprised by how civilized, well-mannered, polite, interesting etc I am despite my rough, uncultured, orc-tier background. I'll just be "that guy who did well for himself by going to Oxbridge then earned more than his mates back home".

>> No.11005387

why does your camera take photos at different resolutions?

>> No.11005396
File: 84 KB, 799x595, cambridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oxfordfag btfo

>> No.11005407

I prefer this to londoncel desu.
Still off topic though.

>> No.11005410
File: 975 KB, 465x372, tumblr_nbrf79oyFa1smsmqro1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so clever, then why aren't you out making contacts tonight?
And if you're so very entertaining, then why aren't you out making friends with those kinds of people tonight?

You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to go out and get all of the things you aspire to. You're at fucking Oxford not Loughborough polytechnic you dumb fuck. The point of university is not studying, that's only like 50%. The rest is making contacts, moving in different social circles, learning how to relate and get on with people who aren't like you and came from different backgrounds. You are surrounded by future politicians, future journalists and editors, future Goldman Sachs traders etc. You have the chance to become friends with these people and get inside their social groups and become one of them. Then all the country houses will follow. If you can't manage this, then frankly you aren't half as intelligent as you think.

>> No.11005424

talking about perspectives:
Oxford, christ, ur doing better then 99% fags who dwell here!

>> No.11005431

robert graves had no friends at oxford and he wasn't half as unpleasant as OP

>> No.11005471

there's a book about a country vicar's son who loses money on horses, takes to drinking, and gets into terrible debt. while awaiting arrest he has a painful conversation with his father. he says 'o father, if only you had put me into trade, instead of sending me to cambridge, this shame would never have fallen on our house!'

>> No.11005491
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1523065593003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetically profound

>> No.11005503

I actually went through a Smiths / Morrissey phase which lasted until just before I arrived at the University of Oxford, at which point I adopted a hybrid Working Class Intellectual / High Cultured (small-c) Conservative aesthetic. My previously hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 fees per year), elite girlfriend was a big fan of his music

You don't realize how difficult it is for someone from the other side of the tracks to come to the University of Oxford and spend the majority of his time around people who have been aware since birth that their lives will never fall into the kind of destitution and insecurity which defines the lives of many if not most British people. People whose optimism and confidence are borne of a lifestyle which reinforces their distinction and superiority as a matter of routine. People who have attended the very best schools in the most comfy of rural towns throughout their childhood and adolescence, costing their parents about a half a million pounds if not more. What use do they have for a friendless, loveless, depressive loser like me? The few acquaintances I've made thus far, including people who live in my college, have obviously "figured me out" as a cultural and socio-economic outsider within moments of meeting me. There are even blacks here who are higher on the social ladder simply due to their having attended a private school and made the necessary connections, become aware of the right reference points, adopted the correct accent, and so on. They are confident in a casual, natural way that simply brushes aside angsty, chip-on-his-shoulder autists like me.

>> No.11005516
File: 10 KB, 228x217, 1517628586582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a faggy ass sensitive post you fucking soyboy. Oh ur such a victim. shut the fuck up and man up already.

>> No.11005558
File: 190 KB, 561x327, jordan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really need this guy in your life, holy fucking shit

>> No.11005572
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>even blacks
Try stop being racist and bitter. If you're clever, prove it. Develop better social skills. You have a very clear end goal in mind. Work out a plan, and take steps to make it happen.
I managed the kind of transformation you are talking about and I'm from fucking Chorley. I didn't even go to Oxford, just one of the shittier London colleges. I knew sure as shit I wanted out of Chorley, all my mates went to Preston or Manchester, I thought fuck that I'm moving to London like fucking Oliver Twist. I made friends with the right people, got a posh girlfriend. Thing with having a posh girlfriend is all her friends are posh too. One summer I was hanging out in Chorley bus station drinking Special K cider with the other shitmunchers, the next summer I was sat in the front row at Glynebourne having spent the afternoon having a champagne picnic on the lawn.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, divest your mind-forg'd manacles etc and make it happen

>> No.11005583

>tfw I should be able to recognise this tower but don't
I want to say... St Cross?

>> No.11005612

>people trying to debunk Oxfordbro
Do you guys stand up in the middle of the theatre and point out to everyone that the actors are only pretending?

>> No.11005615


>> No.11005617

nope, christ church

>> No.11005623 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at 8am
>feel so tired
>go back to sleep
>wake up at 11:49am
>I haven't eaten in quite a while, I should probably eat
>take one of the 25mg Adderall XR pills I bought instead
>the weather is very aesthetic: overcast, raining, and windy
>play some guitar for about 90 minutes
>step outside and smoke a cigarette
>go downstairs and hangout with my housemates playing videogames and watching tv
>it's now 3pm and I still haven't studied, read, or done anything productive
>haven't eaten anything either
It's an okay day.
I guess here's a picture of the window to accompany my blogpost

>> No.11005634


My God, you British all resemble Shakespeare in form and phrase. Aye, here:

>Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, divest your mind-forg'd manacles
>mind-forg'd manacles

A brilliant turn and coat of phrase, m'leige. I admire the British: they're mad, but there's method in't.

>> No.11005641

I'm not racist, my comment about blacks was made to highlight how even "fresh off the boat" "New Britons" are higher on the ladder than I am simply due to their educational background.

I actually panicked a moment when you mentioned Glyndebourne, because my previously hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 fees per year, excluding additional costs), cute, refined, English Rose girlfriend had talked about her experience there to me during one of our conversations. How do you even retain a posh girlfriend? You must surely be earning more than £50,000 at the very least, unless you're earning less than that by working in the arts wherein social status compensates for the relative lack of income. I just can't take it. Every day I make sure to dress well, groom well, muster the "right attitude", over-prepare for my lectures, over-revise for my examinations, over-reference for my essays, and the pressure to simply keep up appearances with my peers is become unbearable. At first it was alright but my energy is nearly depleted and I honestly feel like telling my mother how things really are and what a miserable time I'm having. The idea of finding a girlfriend who is from the upper-middle or upper class is just a fantasy to me at this point it seems. I walk around the beautiful buildings, beautiful streets etc and I feel completely invisible, and whenever I do make my presence known for whatever reason I feel like the bear who has wandered into the village to raid the garbage cans, or the fly buzzing annoyingly in the room. Nothing I do is "natural" or casual, it's always forced and I know people can tell. Meanwhile I open my window and hear people "chortling" or having some enthusiastic conversation and I feel like a complete impostor, as if there's going to be a knock on my door at any moment and that I'll answer to find some student from the right sort of background standing there waiting to occupy my room, or worse someone from the University (of Oxford) who has come to tell me they have found out that I'm not the type of person they thought I was upon applying to study here

>> No.11005643

that's not shakespearean at all

>> No.11005648

He was referencing a William Blake poem you stupid mutt.

>> No.11005650

Heh, I actually just saw it in the OP pic of the other Oxbridge thread. In my defence it's clearly the less famous Christchurch tower.

>> No.11005652
File: 233 KB, 1680x699, Casino-Royale-Dinner-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but in all seriousness this.

oxfordbro you are a slave to your desires, which are illusions to begin with. work hard. earn a degree. fuck the toffs. stop trying to be their friend and stop being their cur. you have something they can never have but stringing you along is the next best. make something from yourself. become something better.

>> No.11005657

Are you just pretending you don't know it's Bob Marley and William Blake?

>> No.11005664 [DELETED] 

>There are even blacks
>What use do they have for [someone like] me?
Fix the ugliness inside of you and maybe you'll become a more likeable person. The biggest barrier between you and those around you is the one you yourself created by your own judgemental personality.

>> No.11005678

>phrase sounds Shakespearean
>can't be called Shakespearean because written by another author


>> No.11005679

I have already explained that I did not mean that in a racist way. What I mean is that black people have only lived in Britain in large numbers since the 1950s, while my own family has existed on this aisle for hundreds if not thousands of years. But I have talked to and observed black students here who have very refined RP accents, who are obviously wealthy, and who make friends and so on easily due to their being from the "right background" and having the confidence and social ease native to those who know their place is at the every top of the social pyramid. I have no problem with them as individuals nor as a race, I was merely using their example to reinforce my point.

>> No.11005689

it doesn't sound shakespearean

>> No.11005705

I can sympathise this imposter feeling I had it myself a lot. Thing is almost everyone has it. Probably even fucking Prince Harry has it. You got to get over the self pity anon. More than anything that will fuck you up.
You don't need to earn big bucks now, you're just a student. If you have no plan or direction going for you after you graduate that could be a problem, but at least get an idea of where you want to go.
>How do you even retain a posh girlfriend?
I didn't, I'm a shitmuncher from Chorley. But I saw the other side of the tracks, and it demystified it all, gave me confidence that actually, these people are just as fucked up and dumb as I am. Made it much easier to move forward.
Oh, and Glynebourne isn't all it's cracked up to be. Great acoustics, but half the audience are just there to be seen rather than listen.

>> No.11005716

it does though.
here, let's try you on for size:

>mind-forg'd manacles

The first half of the phrase is a verbal compound filled with Shakespearean energy and drama. Mind-forg'd. Even notice how characteristic it is of Shakespeare that the apostrophe excludes the expected 'e'. And then of course, the 'm' sound of 'mind' connecting with the sound of 'manacles.' It's completely dramatic and Shakespearean. it's powerfully rendered

>> No.11005719

Come Bridge

>> No.11005733


actually, you know what, let's keep fucking going.






>> No.11005739

What happened to your relationship?

Oh and also I just received a text from my previously hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 fees per year) girlfriend saying just "Hey, how are you?". I don't think I'm going to reply. I bet she saw how pathetic I looked and pities me.

>> No.11005741

So what you're saying is, Blake was a hack

>> No.11005747

that's just from old english. look at chaucer or skelton who predate shakespeare by centuries

>> No.11005780
File: 55 KB, 604x483, 8a056b1008905a8ffcbd492f0483feeb--you-are-awesome-im-awesome[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened to your relationship?
We broke up. Shit man who stays with their university girlfriend? It doesn't matter. Get another posh girlfriend. Get an even posherer one. Build another windmill. Build six windmills if you feel like it
I'm sure you're very cynical about cheap motivational stuff, but fuck's sake, get back on the horse

>> No.11005791

May I ask where you live and how much you're earning?

>> No.11005800


>Watching oxfordanon's dreams wither gradually in each thread since october
>Still not over his oneitis after 3 months
Seriously though anon when people are giving you advice listen to it before you drop out and become like the londonfrog poster

>> No.11005814

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/44699931