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File: 143 KB, 960x640, language-learning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11002688 No.11002688 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I want to learn the basics of a language. By basics I mean I don't need fluency, but I'd like to be able to read a text written with an adult audience in mind, make myself intelligible in conversation even if I commit some errors and talk slowly, and be able to watch a movie without subtitles, listen to a podcast, etc.

How long should it really take?

My estimate is something like 2 months. With a 10,000 word vocabulary you have a decent vocabulary no matter what, and you can build that in 50 days if you go 200 words/day on Anki with a frequency dictionary. That's feasible. A grammar should not take someone studying, say, 2 hours/day more than a month to complete, and then you have another month to let it really sink in. You can also make a division: in the first month, you read things in that language, and in the second month you watch movies with subtitles on that language, to properly grasp the sound and pronunciation of words.

Is that correct, or at least close? IMO people way too fucking long to learn languages, usually because they structure it around classes that take forever.

>> No.11002825
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you cant speculate about this when you're a mongolingual... en fait, les monolingues devraient être interdits

>> No.11002846

just read the FSI texts for a language

>> No.11003020

In my experience it takes a lot longer than that. Most people consider it really fast to learn one in a year. The fastest I have every heard of someone reaching a conversational level was one month, but that was basically after taking the month off of work and studying non-stop that entire month.

>> No.11003033

Linguist here.
Basically, the younger you are, the faster you learn, and the better you can articulate said language. When people hit 12 years of age, the capacity to pick on other languages easily diminishes. In adults, there is no clear estimate in how long, and how well, it'll take to learn a language. Some scholars posit even quantifiable things such as "willingness" can expedite the process.

>> No.11003042

>2 month
Top zoozle. I assume you never learned a language before?
Depending on the circumstances I'd say a year is a time period where you can make good if you keep at it.
If you travel to the country and stay there with locals you can gain quite a bit of understanding.
But language takes time and especially training more than anything.

>> No.11003157

>2 months.

Nah it'll take you much longer than that. You could pick up somewhat fluent reading ability in that time, but to speak a language fluently, without hesitation, ambiguity and with confidence, is another beast entirely. That kind of fluency can only be achieved if you travel to the country and immerse yourself in its culture, at least in my experience.

>> No.11003360

depends on your IQ

>> No.11003375

>200 words/day on Anki
Not sure if troll or just very stupid

>> No.11003458

Why would that be trolling/stupidity

>> No.11003491

Because what you said is that retarded. Even if you never learned a language other than your native, you should've had some clue at least. The whole OP-post is nothing but fantasies, it's just the line about Anki being the most quantitative and thus the most obviously wrong. You might want to try to use Anki for a prolonged time, at least a few weeks, to familiarise yourself with how it works and how your mind works. And if you can actually pull 200 words per day consistently, than you're a genius and I'm a brainlet, and you can disregard everything I wrote.

>> No.11004100

Let me tell you about it as someone who lives in Southamerica since 6 years.
To become really comfortable in speaking and understanding a language you must at least live 5 years or more in a country and study it. Sure you will be able to form basic sentences and get by after a year, but you wont be able to have a complex discussion and you will be still missing a lot of words.

You will never learn a language in 2 months (not even the basics). You won't be able to keep up with 200 words a day, even 20 is quite a big number (and you will forget about a lot of them)

BTW, learn perfect pronunciation before anything else, you'll thank me later for it

>> No.11004464

a year https://www.reddit.com/r/French/comments/7j37er/0_to_c1_in_a_year_lessons_learned/

>> No.11004511

In 2 months with focusing you could read at a good level, however if you aren't getting good and regular conversational practice you wouldnt be able to be conversational - with self study I find that my reading and writing levels are well ahead of my listening and speaking ability.

>> No.11004544

>I only speak American
It will take you more than 60 days to learn another language fluently. The best way to learn is to find a webform in that language and start talking to people about whatever you are interested in. Don't care about grammar, simply allow your brain to learn the patterns naturally.

>> No.11004564

Can someone post the link to that Dropbox or google drive with all the language learning stuff?

>> No.11004920

it has taken me around three years to be able to speak japanese at a conversational level, and watch movies with japanese subtitles and understand 75% of what is being said. I can write fairly well, but probably couldn't write a short story or anything.
I have had the opportunity to study in Japan for four months and that was probably the most important thing to my learning; I learned faster there that any other period because I could immerse myself in the language and for the most part not encounter english in any heavy amount.
I am deathly paranoid of growing rusty because I am fucking lazy. If anyone knows any good resources for finding cheap japanese books - preferably something made to be understood, like the Bible - and especially movies/shows with 日本語の字幕 that would be very great.

>> No.11004982

Not less than 900 hours of well spaced work.
Unless of course we’re talking about Spainyard learning Portuguese or Dane learning Swedish.

>> No.11005072

Either I'm naturally gifted in this area, or most of you are overestimating the amount of time needed to speak at a conversational level.
It took me 5/6 months to learn French (during 2 of which I lived in France) and a bit more to learn Japanese, around 8 months. I've been living in Japan for two years now.
t. native Italian speaker

>> No.11005228


>> No.11005667

Your experience might not be of much reference to OP since Japanese is literally the hardest nonmeme language to learn for an American.

You can't do 200 words a day.
Other than that, if you managed to push through with the motivation you think you have, 5 months for a language like French, maybe even German. But you don't, and in a year from now you still won't know a new language so what does it matter.

>> No.11005683

if you have the several hours a day to spare im sure you can do it in that time. you have to take fatigue into account though. its tough, you gotta be sturdy

>> No.11005749

Do you honestly think you can learn and internalize 200 new words per day every day for two months?

>> No.11005788

monolingual brainlet detected
problem isn't learning new shit, the issue is remembering it

>> No.11006412

Yeah well you immersed yourself in those cultures, most people learn a foreign language at home from books, obviously not ideal.

>> No.11006621

>thinking memorizing 200 flashcards a day is impossible
Talk to a med student, or someone from elite school in South Korea or Japan.

When I started doing flashcards I started with like 20/day and quickly moved to over a hundred. First thing I learned about was geography: the location and flags of different countries, largest bodies of water, deserts, mountain chains, etc. I still remember pretty much all of it. Try challenging yourselves someday, brainlets.

>> No.11006832

Aozora bunko. Free is better than cheap.

>> No.11007044

Memorizing factoids isn't the same thing as internalizing a densely connected structure such as language. Have fun doing anything useful with that.

>> No.11007129

>My estimate is something like 2 months. With a 10,000 word vocabulary you have a decent vocabulary no matter what, and you can build that in 50 days if you go 200 words/day on Anki with a frequency dictionary
>That's feasible
Someone please tell me this is a copypasta that I just haven't seen before

>> No.11007512
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>he thinks he can learn a language with flashcards.

>> No.11008452

>vocabulary = an entire language
Well, if you're too dumb to interpret a post on 4chan learning a foreign language probably isn't for you.

>> No.11008481

Anon, college kids do that everyday. Wake up. I understand this ins't something you see in your immediate surroundings so you assume it's impossible, but that's simply the fact you're not part of an educated, high-achieving milieu.

>> No.11008580

Becoming fluent takes years. Getting to a workable, intermediate level takes one to two years, unless you're the average /lit/ user, in which case it should take about three weeks AT MOST.

>> No.11008610

Isnt there https://djt.netlify.com for books?

>> No.11008980

1 year for english
3 months for italian

>> No.11009061
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I don't get this post. What did you try to contribute?

>> No.11009130
File: 162 KB, 1024x857, 8ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it takes you longer than ONE WEEK to learn a language fluently, you're a brainlet and you should kys.

>> No.11010544

I travel a lot. When I learn a new language, I find that 6 months is usually enough for me to get the gist of he language and how things work. I can speak 13 different languages. English and Italian are by far the best languages that currently exist. English being my favourite.

>> No.11010551

I cant tell you how many college educated kids cant speak the language in a non classroom setting

it-s more than knowing words, it's knowing people

>> No.11010581

For languages that use roman letters and SVO structure, probably like a year. I picked up conversational Spanish within a year and probably could easily read adult materials if I had actually been interested in it. For pictographic languages that use SOV, probably about 3 or more years. I've been on Japanese for about a year, and every time I think I'm ready to pick up a regular book, there's just a fuck ton of kanji I can't read and grammar that flies over my head. I'm self-studying btw, so I'm not "taking too long because of classes".

>> No.11010597

Go to your local public library book sale. I have gotten a ton of 文庫本 from the public library book sale. Also, hit up a used book store. The bigger they are, the more likely they are to have a Japanese language section. Your selection there isn't going to be amazing or super varied, but you will get Japanese texts pretty cheaply.

>> No.11010606

French and Italian are pretty similar though

>> No.11010780

i did three years of spanish in highschool and for the last 2 months ive been practicing on duolingo and watching tv shows for 1-2 hours per day. im still nowhere near conversational.

im pretty sure you need to actually use the language and speak to people or your book learning is basically useless. maybe im wrong and once i go to mexico i will surprise myself with my vocabulary, thats what i hope.

>> No.11010787

if u only read and write in the language you'll speak like how foucault speaks english, his grammar and vocabulary are fine but he pronounces everything like its french so despite everything being "correct" its still a bitch to listen to

>> No.11010983

kind of ruins the point of learning a language imo

>> No.11012070

Japanese has a lot more going for it than just SOV. Latin is (with some authors) an SOV language, especially Caesar, but Caesar's syntax is otherwise European and easily intelligible.

>> No.11013727

it's 200 NEW words a day on top of the words you're still learning

>> No.11013739

this is what keeps me from learning languages. i'll probably just sound stupid and be treated like a baby because that's how i think of other people with thick accents, like don't even talk to me.

>> No.11013763

If I take enough acid can I bring my brain back to 12 years old?

>> No.11013772
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>2 months

yeah no.

>> No.11013780
File: 7 KB, 658x662, 1479615242535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you motivate yourself to learn a language, lads?

>> No.11013784

Keep in mind US Diplomats are highly motivated language learners because they are being paid to study for 3-5 hours a day.

What kind of literature do you like to read? What kind of places would you like to visit? Ask yourself these kinds of questions and an answer should pop up

>> No.11013791


>> No.11013793

I think I could though

>> No.11013858
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Languages are hard. Don't let the big brain larpers fool you into believing that it's easy. Just try to put in an hour of study everyday and you'll gradually start to gain confidence and understanding. There aren't any shortcuts. Learning the guitar is a pain in the ass at first but it eventually becomes fun to practice. The same is true of languages.

>> No.11014433
File: 166 KB, 898x1166, Continental_West_Germanic_languages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good resources to start learning German?

>> No.11015493
File: 33 KB, 256x256, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my estimate is two months

>> No.11015560


>> No.11015570

>linguist here
You sound like a freshman who's just encountered language acquisition for the first time.

>> No.11016260

>I will never have a pen pal interested in languages to talk to and help them learn my language because my language is a boring Slavic consonant shitfest

>> No.11016866

Bitch, you're wrong on several levels.

First of all, 200 words is not feasible. It may seem like it, but literally within a month you'll have to do thousands of repetitions of old words daily. 20 is fairly ambitious, 50 is really pushing it.

You're forgetting grammar, writing practice, speaking practice etc. That'll take up a lot of time as well.

On the other hand, you don't need a 10k vocab in order to e.g. make yourself intelligible in a conversation. I know like 5k German words and can articulate myself fairly easily.

As a comparison, I'm considering doing a degree in Japanese. According to the professors in the course, students are expected to study the language about 27 hours/week (in addition to 13 hours of culture/history), and after one entire year of doing that, they'll have a vocabulary of 3000 words and be at a lower intermediary level.

Also, don't just use Anki. It can be a good suplement to a textbook or classes, but don't use it by itself.

However, if it's closely related to a language you already speak, and it doesn't use a logographic system like Mandarin, you can learn to read in the language quickly.

>> No.11016878


Fuck, I meant intermediate

>> No.11016938

Things like Duolingo or Anki may motivate you. Otherwise just make it a daily habit like with reading.

>> No.11016954
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>My estimate is something like 2 months

>> No.11016959

I always find it hilarious when people who've never learned a language try to estimate the difficulty and time needed for learning one by yourself.

>> No.11016984

Reading that stupid shit reminded me of an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Charlie thinks he's become a genius and learns Mandarin in a couple weeks, then at the end of the episode the actual Chinese student working with Charlie tells everyone observing that Charlie really thought he learned Mandarin, one of the most complex languages in the world, in a matter of days.

2 months, lol. It took me an entire semester of Russian just to grasp the subtleties of Cyrillic letters, basic introductions and sentence structure, and beginner vocabulary. I studied it for 2 years in college and spoke it regularly a few months abroad, and I still wouldn't put myself higher than 3+ on the ILR scale.

>> No.11017138
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you can do it!!!!