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File: 33 KB, 258x387, BraveNewWorld_FirstEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11000060 No.11000060 [Reply] [Original]

>utopia that normalfags took for dystopia

>> No.11000074

>epsilon detected

>> No.11000077

You know he wrote a utopia too, right? A counterpart to the dystopia of BNW. It's called Island.

>> No.11000083

every utopia is a dystonia

>> No.11000089

full of thug niggers

>> No.11000103

What about when the Native American savage chimps out because he sees a movie where a negro kisses a white womam lmao.

>> No.11000113

/pol/ incel injun man

He is a fag for the bible and can't handle his feelios just like /pol/ virgins too

>> No.11000151

seriously what would real life utopia look like?

>> No.11000163

everybody spends his youth on an island where he has to survive alone for 6 years

>> No.11000185

I'm still curious about the uber-class that monitors the Alpha. Who are they, what do they do, and where do they come from?>metanarrative character that embodies the author as a demiurge
Alright, but I'm looking for intradiegetic consistency here. Anyone?

>> No.11000188

Everyone hooked up to a machine that puts each in a separate yet convincing VR system. Every person in the VR just lives as though they are extremely lucky, bad things happen to the virtual people, but the brain in a vat experiences the good life.
Different virtual universe for each individual.

There is no birth, but there is death. Until eventually the whole civilisation dies out without even knowing it.

>> No.11000190

being very rich

>> No.11000194

Ur moms pussy

>> No.11000205

moms pussy best pussy

>> No.11000223

>tfw you are the technical workers in charge of monitoring the bodies and energy input of the VR pods
>some of your coworkers regularly get it on with unresponsive corpses
>you hesitate, lusting after that Qt in the sector 13b
>you monitor her life during your break
>you fall in love with her
>turns out you are the one in a jar
>that slightly below average and dark romantic life is the best narrative that you could dream of, catering to your adolescent aspirations
>the end
I'd watch it.

>> No.11000237

good shit anon

>> No.11000247

I know a guy with a video camera, you write the script i'll find the vegetables.

>> No.11000266

gimmicky bullshit, 21century film based only on a plot twist and no substance with some brushes of feelings to make it sound profound or move the watcher

>> No.11000284

>vr all the way down
>he wakes up and she is the one responsible for watching over his sleeping body
>she wakes up and discovers he is the one responsible for watching over her body
>they both wake up together and realize they are both responsible for watching over the bodies
>they believe they have woken up and explore the outer world together
>but then they really wake up and discover that they were in a vat, in a vat, in a vr vat, in a vr vat, in a vat, responsible for watching over each others bodies
>ad infinitum

>> No.11000297

>i'll find the vegetables.
I kek'd, thanks anon.

>implying that's not the gist of the vaporwave aesthetic
Jokes aside, the structure is indeed simplistic and formulaic - I think there would be some interesting things in the treatments of the tropes.
>the couple as the unsurpassable horizon
>office-based dark and absurdist humor with the inner-working of the corporation in charge of the pods, the suppliers, etc.
>slice-of-life poetry and shots of post-industrial landscapes
That's why I mentioned a visual medium, I think it could make a good 10-episodes TV show. It would be nice to have some light pop-culture with some effort put into it.

>> No.11000308

Ends with 20+ mins of real footage of world war 1.

>> No.11000359


When it was revealed that intelligent dissenters and the aberrant malcontents were sent to Creative Quarantine rather than lobotomized or outright killed, I felt like BNW wasn't all that bad compared to a 1984-style totalitarianism. I'd pick BNW over most dystopias I'm familiar with.

>> No.11000369
File: 322 KB, 2017x1307, iu6HLQLTWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most utopias are in some sense anti human as they deny the right of existence to certain traits that are human, self overcoming, anger and striving.
The perfect utopia then should be bold and daring, a world where we don't die becuase of disease or the moral failings of our own government, but instead in the battle against evil for the triumph of man. In an utopian society we shouldn't regress into mindless sexslaves but instead we ought to persue virtue and spirtual growth by overcoming our limitations and growing into the highest breed of man.
It's been shown that we need some meaning to strive for in order to live meaningfull and healthy lives. Traditional utopias can't give us striving and meaning and are therefor useless for humans.
We need a common threat to overcome, a threat that will harden us into a strong unity of bravery and nobility, of virtue and strength. A globalized society with humanity at the forefront struggling against the personification of evil and traveling on the quest to achieve a honorable, strong and free tomorrow.
The problem with most uopias is the slave morality, instead of facing the enemy straight on in persue of strength, we want to pursue the easy life, the life of pleasure. Instead of colonizing the universe, we want to simulate pleasure into our brains.
The problem is that to achieve greatness we need lack, and without lack there is not greatness. Our pleasure pain sensory aren't detecters of what's good and bad, their are motivators for striving, nothing that should be pursued of it's own sake.

>> No.11000376

>we ought to persue virtue and spirtual growth by overcoming our limitations and growing into the highest breed of man.
he said, while posting on an anime imageboard

>> No.11000384

I think utopia is impossible. I think our modern conception of utopia is mostly a hedonistic conceit wherein people are at ultimate leisure, surrounded by ultimate pleasure. Frankly, that's unattainable because it prevents a static environment, and humans are dynamic creatures, meant to change and adapt to a changing environment.

>> No.11000450 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11000594


>> No.11000611

i too enjoyed the matrix

>> No.11000616

only satisfying for one of the four people in this picture, try again

>> No.11000624

>tfw ill never get to be a stay at home husband

>> No.11000628

BNW world is the most normalfag society imaginable. They'd be the ones to love it if it actually happened.

>> No.11000633

being a stay at home incel is pretty close, better even, since you don't have to sexually service your benefactor

>> No.11001371

The amusement park from the Rick and Morty episode "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy" because immortality is the ONLY quality that would make a utopia worth it.

>> No.11001659

you have to be pretentious to believe that brave new world is a dystopia
If you want art you get sent to an island and if you don't care then you can sit around and fuck all day

>> No.11001757

Which one? The mother that gets the privilege of raising her family and not having to go to work?
The father who gets the privilege of caring for and providing for his family?
Or the two kids that get to be raised in a wholesome and unified household and society?

I'm not sure which one you're singling out

>> No.11001927
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>read brave new world
>realize there's no way out of this hellscape of modern world we've thrown ourselves into without a complete overhaul of civilization
>yfw you realize the Nazi's were the first to try it but ruined it for everyone after with their genocidal conspiracy nonsense instead

>> No.11001930
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>> No.11002235

Aldous Huxley's brother is a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society. Aldous knew what he was talking about when he wrote this book.

>> No.11002257

>seriously what would real life utopia look like?

A society in which everyone is granted the gift of spiritual enlightenment.

>> No.11002324

>yfw you realize the Nazi's were the first to try it but ruined it for everyone after with their genocidal conspiracy nonsense instead
Anon you do realise that the Jews just pushed this narrative so that people would feel guilty and avow never to hold nationalistic tendencies again. You don't actually think 6 million Jews were murdered, do you?

>> No.11002406

Everyone has an answer to “why?” that they believe in

>> No.11002416

Except he got pissed the black guy got knocked off for his strong feelings and the three aryans all had an orgy together with the woman

>> No.11002423

The only real 'utopia' there could ever be is one where everyone is an individual encouraged to pursue a life of sublimity and achievement of character, ultimately all entering the aeons through their own paths.

>> No.11002436

World Controllers? I just thought they were just alphas that become self aware but decided to reaffirm their belief in the civilization and not go to the island. That's what happened to Mustapha Mond.

>> No.11002948

might be the gayest thing i've ever read, and i browse /fit/

>> No.11003013

>reads Atomised once

>> No.11003066


I'll tell you why it was actually a dystopia:

>not because there were no challenges
>not because all happiness was artificial
>not because parenthood was considered degenerate
>not because there were no romantic relationships

Brave New World was a dystopia because:

>humans admitted that the measure of our existence is purely chemical
>humans admitted that all emotions are artificially contrived through physical stimulation/chemical reactions in the brain
>each human was built and conditioned to only experience one narrow set of experiences without the chance of any other
>humans were conditioned to be satisfied with what society presented them, and nothing more

That is the true darkness of the story.

>> No.11003126

Then you misconstrued the sense because your head is diluted with /fit/'s MRA self-improvement crap.

>> No.11003660
File: 10 KB, 301x168, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003809

What your politicians are selling you now. Capitalism works, it just has some small flaws that can be eliminated. Let's all work to create a better world and do our part without complain.

>> No.11004369

Utopia is a people, not a place.

>> No.11004375

Is that from fucking Thor Ragnarok?

>> No.11004439

Love trumps hate

>> No.11004449
File: 88 KB, 682x1024, houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. michel houellebecq

>> No.11004455


>> No.11004461

Island is a dystopia that normalfags took for an utopia

>> No.11004514
File: 69 KB, 680x680, shitheads_fuck_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11004550

I'm convinced Nietzsche was an actual retard

>> No.11004575

There's nothing utopian about this whatsoever. It's a complete denial of personal agency. It's only utopian to people who would value such a denial, of which there are many but don't trick yourself into thinking it is all.