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11002094 No.11002094 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books do traps read?

>> No.11002150

Communist Manifesto, Satanic bible, YA

>> No.11002151
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I love Russian classics, Science Fiction (old stuff or Warhammer), and now i'm enjoying Infinite Jest.

>> No.11002157

Ready Player One

>> No.11002165
File: 167 KB, 520x538, 8b72002b4da09ba67de3b3cfe7f0a696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't a modest christian trap

>> No.11002169

Escapist fiction

>> No.11002181

gay shit probably

>> No.11002204

That's n-not a girl?

>> No.11002207

how could you possibly look at those legs and think it's a girl?

>> No.11002446

hell ya trap thread, post some hot tranny thots

>> No.11002488

That's Natalie Mars. Some really solid porn.

>> No.11002538

They look pretty feminine to me.

>> No.11002544

i hate that guy who looks like junot diaz thats in like 50% of the tranny pornos, personally i prefer to browse amateur videos of tranny hookers of color, like natalie la potra

>> No.11002551

>natalie la potra

holy shit she has a tumblr where u can book a fuck session with her! how is it that tumble hasn't been shutdown like craigslist personals and backpage after that bullshit new anti-hooker law?

>> No.11002555

Hi nasu

>> No.11002558
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The only guy I ever see in trap videos is this dude.

>> No.11002567

Ugh, Christian XXX, along with fellow ultrafaggots such as American performer Tom Moore and Brazilian performer Alex Victor, took away the "everyman" aspect of shemale porn. No longer could the average viewer insert himself, so to speak, into the role of the "shocked but somewhat aroused man discovering that the woman of his dreams wasn't quite who he thought she was". No longer can a man watch professional, American shemale porn and discover the "mystique" that was once magnificently alluring in films from the past.

All the average viewer has to look forward to these days, is a bald, goofy-looking douchebag with a pathetic body from not doing proper lifting exercises, fucking shemales with the same, measured, uncharismatic strokes (and don't even get me started on his abhorrent "acting") while he resembles that albino freak from the show Banshee.

Have I mentioned how dismal he is when playing the submissive role? God forbid he let an aroused, endowed transsexual go to town and rip up his ass like they might a smaller, more normal-looking man being coerced or "forced" to take that role. Nooooo. It's the same, robotic, measured strokes once again as he lies there with that same, terminally-stupid look on his terminally-stupid face.

The only possible way Christian could even come close to redeeming himself for ruining American shemale porn for ever, is to douse himself in paraffin, set himself alight and dance the Watusi for five minutes screaming while the camera focuses solely on him. Yeah. That might go some way towards redemption.

>> No.11002579

dude, you should see the one professional video natalia la potra did! i was so stoked to see her getting full pro treatment with good lighting and cameras, but then the guy she fucks is the must soy beta piece of shit i have ever seen, in her amateur videos she's always fucking medium dicked black guys, but the one time she does a pro shoot and they put her with the most awful soy you could possibly imagine, even that guy with the bit wart on his dick would have been better, at least he's hung and tall, how are you gonna put a tranny with a dude shorter and frailer than her, wtf, btu he wasnt even a prettyboy, he had scruffy soy facial hair and no physique or jaw, just total shit

>> No.11002589


>> No.11002596

god i wish that were me

>> No.11002604

well ok that dude does actually have a really nice dick, too bad he looks like shit

>> No.11002625

damn i wish i could jack off rn didnt fap it all week

>> No.11002632

Fuck this coalburning slut.

>> No.11002641

link us the video i never seen her take bbc, unless you mean that junot diaz looking freak with the wart on his admittedly big ass dick

>> No.11002773
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>not exclusively masturbating to japanese amateur traps

>> No.11002782

no way amateur thai ladyboys are better

>> No.11002787

I can't link it here but she's done IR a couple of times.

>> No.11002802

Nothing good, they’re all mentally unwell and generally dull

>> No.11002804

whatever mentally ill people read

>> No.11002811

they all look like mexicans in drag

>> No.11002819

All traps and trap lovers must hang but I must say I respect your passion about this very niche issue.

>> No.11002861
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fuck off 3Dfags, my 2D waifus are better

>> No.11003808
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Why do traps love Warhammer? Is it the autism?

>> No.11004162
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I read a lot of what New Directions has published: Aira, Bolaño, Borges, Castellanos Moya, Dazai, Mishima, Tanizaki, bilingual editions of poetry.

I started with the Greeks, too. Covered quite a number of major works from Beowulf to Virginia Woolf. Read a bit of Shakespeare. Tackled Infinite Jest.

Currently reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Still.





>> No.11004172

Well , i like dry books on philosophy mostly.
I'm currently reading a history of japanese anarchism.

>> No.11004174


>> No.11004208

every trap i talked to is a christian, has an interest in gender politics and goes on tumblr a lot

>> No.11004238

He is boring as fuck, but at least he isn't ugly. And he's white.

>> No.11004244
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I've never understood the Christian thing, but I've encountered that too. An old friend used to like to say how she was a "good Catholic boy." She was pretty iffy, though.

I can't into Tumblr, or Twitter. I don't really know what gender politics are, but where I live every place I frequent has single occupancy washrooms so I don't think about that stuff. I sort of live a double life anyway, and don't get all pissy about the pronoun stuff. I have a lot of differences in opinion from garden-variety social media trannies.

>> No.11004303
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Nice trips but i'm not nasu
Big, strong Space Marine chads to give you rheir gene seed

>> No.11005441

I've noticed this as well. Or at least they pretend to be.

>> No.11005449

Love this pasta

>> No.11005464

I'd cream >her ass.

>> No.11005489

was her name sam?

>> No.11005493

Who is the best trap porn actress?

>> No.11005498

Chanel Santini

>> No.11005505

Alexa Scout is GOAT

>> No.11005578

Wow, she's a bit juicy. I'd been trying to do the tall and skinny thing, but I should rethink my approach 0_0

>> No.11005627

Never again my dude.

>> No.11005668

Make me

>> No.11005671

Also, why did Ramon start doing tranny stuff? Didn't he get accused of abuse in straight vids?

>> No.11005675


Definitely blown the most loads to Kalena Rios

>> No.11005692


>> No.11005710

This person I'm talking about passed too well to call "he." It's jarring. Still, the person I'm talking about would flip-flop on pronouns and definitely hated political correctness. I'm in a similar boat. It's more fun to play with ambiguity, but we're under no illusions that we're female.

>> No.11005728
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I fit only the first part

>> No.11005729

I thought this was a high IQ board. Can't believe some of you losers still fall for the porn meme, let alone watch enough to know the names of people in this godforsaken industry.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11005744
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>> No.11005745
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>not having the self control to watch porn in moderation
>not having a photographic memory to remember performers' names with ease

>> No.11005758

Nice dubs, but no tranny I've met actually likes Jenner. The lack of effort spent on voice training alone makes me crave death.

>> No.11005759
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There is no excuse to watch even a second of porn.
>porn in moderation

>> No.11005961


>> No.11006353
File: 107 KB, 602x845, 1517862890591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he looks good but really he needs to wear some nice stockings and heels

>> No.11006380

That image betrays your poor taste, anon. That looks like something a hon would wear.

>> No.11006392

Because sex is the ultimate evil

>> No.11006432

You are completely delusional if you think that anyone on 4chan actually follows through with noporn or nofap bullshit

>> No.11006442

>I thought this was a high IQ board
I have a 142 IQ
>using "high IQ" instead of "intelligent"
found the soulless robot

>> No.11006452


>> No.11006455

They don't

>> No.11006462

What has having a high iq done for you besides impressing random autist you'll never meet on a random internet board?

>> No.11006467
File: 40 KB, 324x499, 516G4OoBR2L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Maria will never try convincing you to transition

>> No.11006469

>I don't like something therefore no one else should
Go get laid virgin

>> No.11006560

Its literally your bioloigcal purpose, you sexless gremlin.

>> No.11006570

>hurr i need to see benis in vagene and touch my peepee everyday
I got nothing against healthy masturbation, once you drop the porn you will need it much less though.

>> No.11006589
File: 37 KB, 522x366, Reformed_Asymmetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, right, about that

>> No.11006600

>What has having a high iq done for you
Helped me doing well at school with minimal effort senpai

>> No.11006611

you go get laid instead of jerking off to men in dresses you freak

>> No.11006616



>> No.11006625

Do you have a preferred translation? That's one of my most glaring classical gaps.

>> No.11007081

Is it OK for a trad Christian to be an effeminate crossdresser who's straight and in a monogamous marriage with a woman?

Asking for a friend

>> No.11007095
File: 227 KB, 540x350, tumblr_inline_oto2zfQ7Hj1teggr5_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is ok

>> No.11007099


You do you brother.

>> No.11007101


>> No.11007107

Can you cite scripture to support your position?

>> No.11007110

Real answer: Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby, Jr.

I promise, it will be one of the most uncomfortable things you will ever read in your life.

>> No.11007113

Sure but a lot of people end up confusing being feminine with having a female role. Don't go around lusting dicks and it's fine.

>> No.11007183
File: 61 KB, 1095x636, EmilieBlows-nylon-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should post what you think would be a better example then anon

>> No.11007211

legit pasta

>> No.11007329

>douse himself in paraffin, set himself alight and dance the Watusi for five minutes screaming while the camera focuses solely on him.
Every fucking time.

>> No.11007406
File: 38 KB, 636x584, MSDXWS6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11007420

Milton's Paradise Lost coupled with paintings by El Greco

>> No.11007426

I feel like you and I would get along really well.

>> No.11007703
File: 88 KB, 736x736, c8c127567243cb297f30e9afa8d29928--reading-is-sexy-woman-reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a Goodreads, anon? I'm surprised this thread hasn't been deleted.

>> No.11008080

It says not to where girl's clothes in Deuteronomy but I wouldn't dwell on it

>> No.11008131

for someone of that tendency it's probably the most moral choice

>> No.11008151

Mein Kampf

>> No.11008206

who is this princess?

>> No.11008516

post boipucci