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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 511x448, Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10983453 No.10983453 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on one of the greatest writers of the past 40 years?

>> No.10983484

>talking to an acquaintance of mine (male) (actually male)
>"hey anon, you like to read, right?"
>"have you ever read anything by john green? he's my favorite."
no wonder he's single

>> No.10983600

I'm not trying to be rude here, but all of the people I know irl who unironically enjoy John Green are on the autism spectrum. So there's that.

>> No.10983629

Imagine him joyfully spooning into his mouth that cum covered cereal every morning.

>> No.10983638

He's not wrong. It's just that this perfectly sound logic makes incels rage for some reason. Then again what doesn't make them rage?

>> No.10983756

>no wonder he's single
Yeah right, every girl loves John Green

>> No.10983763

He's wrong. It's not eating a bunch of different cheerios. It's a cheerio that's mad at you for not eating it even though it's been all chewed up and spit out which is much more accurate to a whore

>> No.10983764

Do you think women love men who love John Green?

>> No.10983766

Everytime you buy cereal, it's a new box. Imagine eating cereal that's been chewed up and spit out by 9 other guys. Faggot

>> No.10983804

Keep 'em cucked, John!

>> No.10984243
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>not exclusively eating cheerios

>> No.10984339
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>eating cereal that has been chewed and spat out by 47 other men
Why are their anaologies so masochistically dirty? It's an argument from coprophilia, and that it's a good thing. There are anaologies you can use to excuse promiscuity; Boccaccio's Alatiel's was lunar cycles: "a kissed mouth doesn't lose it's freshness: like the moon it turns up new again."

Suppose the difference is the woman justifies her own vices with the natural self-assertiveness of a defendant, but the man has to submit to masocism and wallowing in spat out cud and shit when buying used goods and pretending they're like new.

>> No.10984402

It's poetic on multiple levels that someone as milquetoast as John Green would feed a broken analogy to his immature audience by comparing a woman's body to breakfast cereal--he's been feeding safe, edgeless consumable fiction to children for years. It's all he knows.

>> No.10984413

Except he is wrong. Studies proved the more sexual partners a woman has the more unstable her relationships become. Translation: sluts make terrible girlfriends and wives.

>> No.10984441

Funnily enough the biggest decrease in relationship stability is from having 1 previous partner. Her ability to form a stable relationship drastically decreases simply from fucking one other person. It just gets worse from there of course, but that's the biggest gap.

>> No.10984468

Eating food to survive and having sex are two different things. There are many more complications and risks and you're just retarded.

>> No.10984474

>food metaphors

>> No.10984557

pic very much unrelated

>> No.10984570

John green is autism

>> No.10984573

Analogies are the lowest form of argument. Now, look at the two things he's comparing. Consider how the parallels line up with one another. Think for 5 seconds. Yep, that's a shitty argument. I don't even disagree with the sentiment necessarily; but anyone who thinks this a decent argument should be sent to a camp where they chain you in a cave and make you read Plato.

>> No.10984585
File: 64 KB, 700x559, john-green-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10984635

I thought this man was a Christian.

>> No.10984648

I showed my writing to my girlfriend for the first time a few days ago and after she read one of my stories she told me, “You remind me of John Greene. He’s one of my favorite writers.”

How fucked am I? Ive only been writing seriously for about 8 months. To be fair the story was about teenagers, (and a girl who ruins her life by being a hoe) so hopefully that’s where the comparison came from.

>> No.10984659

What's the breadth of her experience with literature? If she reads infrequently, that will be the easiest (laziest) connection to draw.

>> No.10984713

She’s read some classics but when it comes to leisure reading on vacation or when she is sad, she usually reads something by John Greene.

>> No.10984814

Without seeing your fiction firsthand, it's hard to say. Post something here or in a prose thread and get feedback on the passages in your story that you think would be pegged by the biggest elitists on this board as being cloying in a sophomoric way or "Green-like."

If she prefers Green and doesn't read a lot of different styles of prose in general it's not a unrealistic to say that fiction close to "mainstream" or popular prose with occasionally sad or poetic sentiments is going to be read by her as "like John Green." It's mostly a matter of exposure.

>> No.10984917

*cums in ur Cheerios*

>> No.10984942


official genre writer rankings

>god tier
J.R.R. Tolkien
C.S. Lewis
Ursula K. LeGuin
Madeleine L'Engle
S.E. Hinton
Lois Lowry

>great tier
George R.R. Martin
Garth Nix
China Meiville
H.P. Lovecraft
Fritz Leiber

>good tier
Stephen King
J.K. Rowling
John Green
Eoin Colfer
Raymond Chandler

>meh tier
Suzanne Collins
Veronica Roth

>shit tier
Stephenie Meyer
Ernest Cline
Andy Weir
Brandon Sanderson

>beyond shit tier
E.L. James

>> No.10984946

Where is Robert Jordan?

>> No.10984959

Based off what I've read from this list, I completely agree

>> No.10984960
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I can't believe nobody has posted it yet. I came here to read it and get rage-fuel.

>> No.10984971
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>> No.10984981
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Oh, god, help us, helps us all on Christmas day. I didn't even know about this. He really wrote this?

>> No.10985030

Its more like having multiple people fuck your bowl of cheerios.

After a couple fucks you might want a fresher bowl of cereal.

>> No.10985148

GRRM and HP Lovecraft should be in meh to shit tier

>> No.10985154

Kys redd*t

>> No.10985180

having sex is not like eating cereal, thats really dumb

>> No.10985340

Every time this posted people somehow go along with the fucking cereal analogy, but just critique his viewpoint on the cereal...

>> No.10985355

No, causality doesn't work that way.

Zero partners is usually a sign that you come from a very traditional culture, meaning, you'll just stick around and take it in your shit marriage. If that's what you want good for you I guess.

>> No.10985425

If you're worried about the atoms of it and having fresh material, the human body replaces its atoms every decade or so. If even then they aren't clean enough, you're admitting that it really is the though that counts and not the material, which means you have to back down from the chewed up cereal counteranalogy.

>people who are entering and exiting relationships frequently are not having stable, long term relationships
Wow, who knew. Excellent synthetic truth anon.

>studies show

>> No.10985441

>the though that counts

>> No.10985442

hang on....john green is a writer? I thought he and his bro were teachers or some shit like that

>> No.10985544

I unironically believe Cline should move down a tier.

>> No.10985583
File: 326 KB, 848x474, ywhna khadir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of Allah(SWT) I'll set your towns on fire, like they were paper!

>> No.10985689

is "John Greene" a whole different person from John Green?

>> No.10985691

He's probably the most famous YA author at the moment

>> No.10985748

Imagine my joy when I know for sure I get more and fresher pussy than this bean-headed cuck

>> No.10985883


>> No.10985941

>YA author
Can we call them by their real name, please?

>> No.10986049

He should have stopped after his first point of being held to those standards. A man is just as vile for sleeping around as a woman would be.
His cereal comparison falls very flat though, sex is NOT the same as flavor preference. I'm not going to get an STD because I'm getting bored of corn flakes. Love for another person and all the intricacies that go along with it is not as simple as cereal.

>> No.10986058
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side note
Why the HELL does a picture of Pope Francis show when coprophilia is entered into Google?

>> No.10986062

At least he's adding the dorood now.

>> No.10986131

>no Frank Herbert
It's like you're not even trying

>> No.10986140
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>Lovecraft in great

>> No.10986164

How would you know virgin?

>> No.10986181
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god or btfo

>> No.10986184


>> No.10986339

Bet he has a huge dick. The only guys that care about your past either have small dicks and/or are inexperienced and need to project their insecurities onto you.
t. roastie whore

>> No.10987125


>> No.10987128

she can't really compare you to steinbeck or faulkner if she hasn't read them.

>> No.10987133

Better than 99% of the bloated, pretentious drivel that gets posted in the critique threads.

>> No.10987246

>The only guys that care about your past

The guys who DON'T care about your past just want to use you and throw you away. If you're fine with that, have fun

>> No.10987258

>low iq whore thinks she understands male psychology

>> No.10987280

She most likely acquaints "philosophical, thought-provoking" literature with John Green, which could explain the connection with you.

Either that or you're an extremely pretentious writer.

Garbage list my friend.

>> No.10987283
File: 18 KB, 502x460, Rare_e0ade0_5505754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

analogies are an attempt at validating arguments by using substitutes. An argument is valid if the form is correct.

>> No.10987293

No Agatha Christie?

>> No.10987407

she's probably just not well read assuming she's young but if she's older than 20 and still reading john green u need a new gf

projection is pretty basic psychology my little dick man. she's right desu

>> No.10987444

The validity of an argument isn't sufficiency for its truth. You're confusing validity and soundness. This is why we need the Plato camps, I can't even tell if this is ignorance or sophistry.

>> No.10987450

My cock is 7” long anon, ive never used my dick size as a reference for evaluating a lover

The reason higher sexual status men care less is because they’re using a different life strategy, multi-partner, tend towards divorce and having bastard children or dying childless. And because they can afford to whore around and then pick a high status woman to either cheat on or impregnate.

Women who are 30 and have had 50 partners are less valuable than 18 year olds because the 18 year old confers status on the man she’s with

have you ever wondered why guys laugh at their friends for fucking whores? its precisely because you are essentially showing low status. Hence, men pay money to fuck virgins, they demand women feign innocence, they go out of their way to fuck unavailable women (read: lower partner count, higher status) all because of basic maximization heuristics.

I called her a dumb whore because: the anon LARPing as the girl is of lesser intelligence, women who talk like that tend to hover around 100 iq maximum, there’s no pressure for them to develop intellectual skills; she doesn’t understand evolutionary biology and is appealing to freudian folk psychological explanations; its my right as a male to depress the social status of women

but you can continue spinning your wheels, it won’t change that men target younger women because they have lower partner counts and that given two identical women, one with a “great soul” and another who is just “nice” but the “great soul” has 100 partners at 25 and the second has 2, there will be a massive difference in discrimination between the two

You simply can’t escape biology. Short men suffer socially, pretty whores devalue themselves and are aggressed against by mediocre women because their promiscuity lowers the resistence that the plain women can put up to mediocre mate advances and disadvantageous mating with higher status males and handsome men are allowed to do more violence than other men, hence cheating, violent sex, bullying are tolerated from these males by most women

and that’s all there is to it anon, enjoy your sleeve gf, when she cucks you, remember, anything besides smiling like a golden retriever, which is what you are, a trained domesticated beast, means you are small dick pissbaby maddudebro neckbeard

>> No.10987453

>have you ever wondered why guys laugh at their friends for fucking whores?
Do you guys do this in wherever you're from?

>> No.10987480

can't turn a hoe into a housewife huh

>> No.10987485

Other way around - the lower her standards, the higher the likelihood a dicklet like him will get to score. His morality is transparent.

>> No.10987493

He's single because he's a pedo not because he's a cuck

>> No.10987514

Excellent bait

>> No.10987518
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Incel projection is annoying and retarded but so is comparing sex to eating cheerios. Thousands of years of human elevation of worship of sexuality speak otherwise. There's some connection of the theme of fertility between sexual reproduction and a grain based cereal, jej, but Green is too basic to make that kind of metaphor. He's just dumb and comparing an enigmatic and integral part of human existence with a stupid pop culture reference that his "woke" readers will get. Regardless of whether he's right or wrong it's a retarded analogy.

>> No.10987539

what about coleen hoover

>> No.10987545

>Found the autist
No it makes incels feel happy

>> No.10987552

I'm not talking about the truth value of OPs post. all im saying is that greene's point is valid.

>> No.10987785

Again, valid in the loosest possible sense. This is a valid argument:
p1: All things which move have limbs and muscles
p2: The Earth has no limbs nor muscles
c: The Earth does not move
If you were to make that argument, however, you would be laughed at, for good reason. All validity determines is if it fits into logical form. It's like saying "at least his book used words".

>> No.10987834

Hey anon, LARPing femanon here.

You're assuming an awful lot about me for what was essentially shitposting. Just don't take the bait next time. I might agree with you that Freud was mostly a fucking hack, but you're fooling yourself if you don't think projection is a thing.
I'm a whore on 4chan because I slept with my high school boyfriend before my husband and that says a lot more about the men who believe that than it does me, hence the sarcasm.

Also men do pat each other on the backs for fucking around with random whores without putting in much investment, it's low risk high reward. I don't know what world you live in if you think the average man looks down on other men that whore around, pretty sure you're in the minority there.
You might also have pretty strict ideas on what makes a woman valuable, but women can whore around their entire twenties and still land a man easily.. especially if they lower their standards a bit. If they couldn't get away with that so easily they'd stop being whores.
If you understand evolutionary biology so well you should understand why it doesn't pay as a male to have high standards for any female but your wife. The only reason it's an issue now is because it's hard to find a wife in a sea of whores, and if you're a pretty woman and not a whore you can have almost any man you want. Low status men need not apply, which is the real problem here isn't it?

>> No.10987887

My bad, for some reason I thought there was an “e” on the end.

>> No.10987900

ITT: anon gets BTFO'd by roastie
plz keep this going guys

>> No.10987963

> tired of seeing every bread on /pol/ and /biz/ being made by incels
> come to /lit/ for highbrow
> every bread is made by incels
Fuck this gay site

>> No.10987964

>Freud was mostly a fucking hack

He was wrong about almost nothing, try again

>> No.10988012

Shit tier opinion m8

>> No.10988039


Enlightened and wholly-considered response desu

>> No.10988055

the reckoning of the Roastie

>> No.10988057

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.10988097

He's making a false equivalence in that analogy. A better one would be to get 48 guys in a line (with Green as the 49th) and give the first one a bowl of cheerios. Then have the first guy scoop up and chew the cheerios for a bit and spit them into the bowl of the next guy. Repeat until all 48 have chewed and spit up the food.

Would he really want to eat the bowl of cheerios that he is given at the end? I mean, it doesn't matter how many people have eaten the cheerios before, right?

Also, isn't he supposed to be a Christian? Yet he clearly doesn't give a shit about the sexual morality of Christianity. Makes me fucking sad to see how the religion that has been the societal and cultural foundation of the West for the last two thousand years become nothing more than a social club for liberals.

>> No.10988108

He was wrong about essentially everything. Quite an achievement.

>> No.10988152

It's not like that's an uncommon opinion desu. he's been btfo'd a thousand times by now

>> No.10988224

you don’t understand, people are biological machines. the whore depression of value applies from puberty onwards. we fucking eviscerated guys for dating whores in hs anon, this was best practice if you could get laid. of course we take pride in laying pieces of ass, that’s not the point. the point is we’ll always tease each other for fucking whores, we’ll always degrade men behind their backs for being with whores and we’ll ALWAYS pick a woman of similar attractiveness with less partners and a good sexual reputation over a whore. of course you can “have lots of men”, but you burn through the social credit you are given to be flirtatious, be aggressively demanding, to flaunt yourself the more you strive for a high quality male mate who is not a short term mate strategist. There genetic differences in male mate preference, and there are in females as well. You can rationalize everything endlessly, but there will be a price that accrues with time and this must be heeded.

A virgin is worth more than a whore, a hot virgin can demand an immense payment and high value mate, a hot whore is easily exploited in a way the virgin is not. whores have low impulse control, can be bought easily, can be tricked into sex they don’t really want and again at the end of their whoring they lower their value. You can find beta males who will finance your post-whore xanax wine diet, but you won’t find studs who want to do that. and the ones who marry whores cheat on them chronically or are dried out schmucks.

Every single comment you’ve made has been an attack on my sexual status, because everything that women who are sexual predators do is based around social signalling, you don’t have even the most basic sense of objective morality, its all contingent on the moment you’re in and this is why you probably misrepresent the number of partners you’ve had and your commitment to the men you do spend more than one night with. That’s alright, you’re just a hole with fat deposits, no hate here

You think i am afraid of you, hate you or are jealous or spiteful. I don’t care at all about whores anymore, i stopped caring at 18 when i realized you could buy pussy and shame women into killing themselves for being whores (which happened twice at my hs). You’re not even human, and you use a cheap, high risk life strategy.

What is lamentable is that the nature of sexual selection is dysgenic, see birds of paradise, it does not properly protect the species from betas and used whores breeding weak spawn at 30, it does not prevent sociopathic parasitism, it does not encourage investment in children, and it creates broken families which manufacture neuroses, homosexuality in the sons of these whores and drug abuse in them too

Women are basically nonsapient p-zombies, getting upset at them, beyond giving them negative inputs, like you would a dog, is a waste of time

All that matters is you are shedding mate value

>> No.10988239

Does this guy go to random bookstores?

I just went into a bookstore and saw the owner with a picture on their wall with him in the store. He wasn't even smiling he was just autistic as fuck.

>> No.10988250


>> No.10988259

Read about literally any case of his, and how he almost always ran for the sexual explanation, exemplified best in the Wolfman, where a dream of wolves was turned into a childhood trauma of mom and dad doing it doggystyle

>> No.10988299


>> No.10988337

I agree right up until you came in with the ad hominem, don't be a fucking baby anon. Men and women are different, it's not fair but it just is. We complement each other and it should be a beautiful thing desu, but instead you simultaneously hate women for not being men and hate them for behaving like men.
A fertile woman is almost always able to reproduce and at least have a shot, but low status men are just left out in the cold. No one is arguing that men don't prefer women with less partners, I'm pointing out that it's not that big of a risk for a woman to be a whore anymore. Blame birth control for the current dating market, women actually enjoy sex now.

>> No.10988341

>The biological function of being a human being isn't fundamentally about procreation
>Sexual trauma isn't real
>Dreams don't carry their own internal logic
>People aren't crippled by phobias and anxieties that stem from childhood

So how's community college treating you

>> No.10988349

>god tier
>good tier
>shit tier
all others

>> No.10988355

An insult in an otherwise true argument isn't an ad hominem and doesn't make the entire argument meaningless and fallacious.

>> No.10988359

the current breeding paradigm is dysgenic and sociocultural suicide. men are the productive race, if they do not see an endgame they will opt out. you are reveling in decadent decline. i do not hate women. ive accepted humans have no agency and women have less complex social and intellectual behavior than men. don’t take anything on 4chan personally lol

>> No.10988407

I'm not reveling in it, anon. It's disappointing to watch desu. I'm worried it's becoming contrarian to want a nice little family unit.

But what's the argument? I don't believe women keep their same value when they sleep around and I never implied it so why keep trying to convince me of something we already agree on?
Also calling me a hole with fat deposits, a whore, low iq, and accusing me of lying about my partners is not an argument. Just like it's not an argument when I call you a baby, it's me being a dick.

>> No.10988424
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holy incel

>> No.10988482

I hate to call u out but u cant accuse the roastie of attacking u when all u do is attack lmao and when u really stop caring u wont all those brain bucks to convince urself that u dont care that stacey wouldnt fuck. come to the other side, we got qt traps.

>> No.10988567

Are you like 19 years old?

>> No.10988606

Yep. Males constantly tell females that they are better and then get upset when females believe them and try to act more like males. Go feminism lol. We are all fucked.

>> No.10988674

>hurr le incels XD
Whatever makes you feel better, faggot.

I enjoy sandwiches that haven't had their contents spat on, but go ahead and enjoy whatever sloppy, slimy sandwich comes your way

>> No.10988734


This is a highly bad faith argument.
Cheerios aren't alive of course they don't care how many cereals you've eaten before.
However any extensive experience or lack of experience you have had with other cereals will obviously color your perception of Cheerios one way or another.

>> No.10988743

Yeah that's why I'm weary of porn. I can't even remember how I thought about sex before porn :(

>> No.10989169

Not zero, but 2. 1 more than needed.

>> No.10989173

quantity is *not* quality.

>> No.10989375

One time I met a girl on Omegle and she asked me if I knew what DFTBA (Don’t forget to be awesome) meant. I googled it and guessed right and then she just went off about how much she loved John Green. I tried to keep up because I was vaguely aware of who he was from watching various youtubers back in the day, but it quickly turned into her asking me what I specifically liked about his books. Then, when she figured out I didn’t actually know anything about him, she left the convo.

>> No.10989405

>Begins making a decent point
>Ruins it with a shitty cereal analogy
Why don’t people know how to actually construct a proper analogy anymore?

>> No.10989420

That post is referring to number of previous sexual partners

>> No.10989426

>Raymond Chandler on the level of J.K. Rowling and John Green and Stephen King, who are supposed to be "good"
Tell me where you live, I'm going to kill you.

>> No.10989430
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>women just run around covered in fucking jizz and never take showers

jesus christ, even if you're worried about STDs there's such a thing as going to the god damn doctor, something I bet you don't do

>> No.10989516

>crunchy sympathizer
>great writer
lmao no.

>> No.10989660

D...do you guys not buy cereal with jizz in it?

>> No.10989677

There is no cure for sexually transmitted diseases of the psyche, syphilis aside.

>> No.10989808 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 720x720, ff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're worried about the atoms of it and having fresh material, the human body replaces its atoms every decade or so..
> If even then they aren't clean enough, you're admitting that it really is the though that counts and not the material
I would like to shit in your mouth. You can eat it all up, buddy - i know, it's probably not going be that tasty and the smell of course is going to be something else, but hey bud - it's all in your head.
Besides, ironically scarfing down my shitlog would prolly still healthier than fucking a slut because of the non risk
catching some nasty STD or even aids which will fuck up your life permanently.
You're one stupid, fucking baboon.

The absolute state of this board, holy shit.

>people who are entering and exiting relationships frequently are not having stable, long term relationships
>Wow, who knew. Excellent synthetic truth anon.

WOW. SO SMART ANON. So please explain to me, what exactly are now the good benefits in fucking a slut?

>> No.10989827

t. logiclet

>> No.10989844

Analogies are all Aristotle used.

You could say that Geometry is a process of validating logic by way of examples through shapes.

>> No.10989932

I think his point is that if the chewed up cereal were a vagina, it's not like you're putting your dick in a dirty place just cuz there was a dick in it before. I mean it's self cleaning, the elasticity bounces back in less than a day until a woman gets quite s bit older or there are tears from childbirth or whatever.
STDs are a real problem though I wish more people gave a shit about their actual health

>> No.10990035
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I got what he was trying to say.
>I mean it's self cleaning
Only to some extend. Otherwise the fucking spectrum and varity of STD's
wouldn't be so fucking huge, huh?
>the elasticity bounces back in less than a day
Only dicklets have to worry about that :^)

There is more than only one reason to not fuck a bitch. The biggest of them he even came around to acknowledge himself. One can come up with as many food analogies as he likes, it won't change either the fact that he A. is a retard and B. the try of simplifying down shit with one-dimensional thinking like that isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.10990058

How many times must we have this thread?

>> No.10990081

For as long as incels and other bitter virgins exist on this board

>> No.10990112

But I don't want us to have this thread every day. I would prefer we talk about literature instead.

>> No.10990128

Even then there will never be a decent discussion about female writers desu

>> No.10990172

Lost my (you) and I'm lazy but I never get the used up pussy meme I mean I must've had sex with my wife at least a thousand times by now and it doesn't look or feel different yet that I've noticed. She's pregnant with our first atm but i don't think I'll mind if her pussy is a little jacked up if it's because of my kid DESU. I mean don!t we all watch porn. Have ya'll not seen the girls in porn that still look nice and pink and tight years into their careers.

>> No.10990720

Well, they must. John Green loves John Green.

>> No.10990734


Historically important for fantasy fiction as a worldbuilding but actually a mediocre writer at best.

>> No.10990773

used up pussy is not a real thing, if anything having lots of sex makes the girl more interesting to have sex with. the problem is that no one wants a girl whos been passed around like a good for nothing whore, its indicative of her low worth as a partner or her lack of good judgement of others.

the double standard exists because men are far far more lustful than women because of several biological factors

t. did roids for years to secure a scholarship and position and have experienced all levels of testosterone from zero to quadruple a normal man

>> No.10990877

Of course he genuinely enjoys eating cheerios (or screwing bitches), no one's denying that. But his pattern suggests that he will continue continue on to another cereal once he's done/bored. Also, by reversing the analogy (so that he's the cereal which has been eaten and spat out by dozens of women before), we can easily see how it's not exactly hygienic. The feces (babies) you'll eventually produce together will probably grow up without a father, which is about as bad as growing up in prison, and you might get diabetes (AIDS).

-excerpt from "sex and cereals, on analogies and dilemmas", by Justcauseyouputitinametaphor Doesntmeanyoureright.

>> No.10990907

>Studies show
Citation faggot or stfu you incel

>> No.10990920

>at best

Not a fan of the man but you gotta admire a dude coming out of Verdun and writing something essentially optimistic. I agree he's mediocre however, his contemporaries(Howard, Lovecraft, Clarke, Asimov) were so much better it's not even funny.

>> No.10991407

He's not.he's a teenager in a man's body

>> No.10991413

Rothfuss tho?

>> No.10991417

Look it up yourself, faglord.

>> No.10991423

Depends on how much "milk" you're able to provide by yourself.

>> No.10991427

If you actually bothered to read any Tolkien at all, you'd have known that his writing has practically zero worldbuilding and a shitload of poetry.

(It always boggles the mind that literally nobody, *nobody* on a literature board actually reads books.)

>> No.10991451

Well, that's definitely the case with you. Guys who actually care about not marrying a cumdump generally don't orbit said cumdumps. When it comes to the dicklets you're talking about, I guess they only care about your past because of insecurity.

>> No.10991941

Fucking kek.

>> No.10992289

>makes claim
>refuses to actually provide a source for that claim

>> No.10992369

Shuttup retard.

>> No.10992375

Because he shits in the woods

>> No.10992379


>> No.10992391
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>> No.10992482

and how does that compare to males?

>> No.10992497

>People who have less stable relationships are less likely to have stable relationships
holy... I want more..

>> No.10992512

More sexual partners does not mean that they've had previously unstable relationships. Casual sex is a thing.

>> No.10992581

the answer to this is simple,and it makes him completely wrong.Women have the gift/curse if childbirth,sex has a much higher price for them.Think of how many offspring a woman can have in a lifetime,the look at a man.therefore,those standards that make you a "whore" are much higher for men.

>> No.10992627

Could it be that a woman who has had sex with say, 20 men, is highly unlikely to be someone you could spend the rest of your life with?
In the sense that emotionally, there must have been some reason for all of those relationship failures. Besides, no one wants to be picked last. Imagine your wife going through a line of men, with you last, but forever. Does that make you feel good? or, alternatively, does it make you feel uncomfortable, jealous, betrayed, and think that perhaps, just perhaps, you're not the last one in this line at all?
Fuck cereal. This is a complicated interaction between two sentient beings, and relegating it to eating fucking cheerios is asinine, dishonest, and naive.

>> No.10992697

La da dee la da da the only sincere moment of his life was when he tied the rope this that and the other

>> No.10992937

Don't be silly. I read The Hobbit, the LOTR books and the Silmarillion when I was like 11 and basically skim read the songs and poetry (of which there aren't many really) because I didn't get much from them. What captured my imagination was the setting, which is incredibly detailed, and I'm sure this is the same for 90% of readers >who actually read the books

>> No.10993025
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I bet you imagine that this word salad you've sputtered is some kinda "gotcha" that refutes my initial point.

It isn't.

>> No.10993718

Why do women obsess over this guy? I havent read anything by him, but I have seen some of his videos. I am genuinely curious because this guy is the furthest thing from a Chad and from the stuff I have read from him it is always the most numale/bugmen ideas. Is his life one giant bluepill?

>> No.10994436

Its more that his writing makes teenagers romanticize him because "he really gets them!!!"

>> No.10994679


Say what you want this podcast is fucking gold

>> No.10994708

Ok retard.

>> No.10996022

His shallowness seems deep to those that are 'not even shallow.'

>> No.10996046
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my girlfriend slept with nine guys before me and I can't go a day without considering suicide because of it

>> No.10996058

So you're going to ruin the present in order to spite the past? Good plan.

>> No.10996061

>knows he cant get a girl used by less than 9 guys
>understand the beta nature of his existence
>blames the girl


>> No.10996063

I'm trying not to.

when did I blame her

>> No.10996065

Not only you're a cuck, but you're also a double cuck because you let the fact that she fucked someone else before you have weight on your life

>> No.10996069

Kys but because you're such an insufferable weak faggot.

>> No.10996070

>you let the fact that she fucked someone else before you have weight on your life

so how do I not do this

>> No.10996075
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>Date a virgin
>Gives me the worst head I've ever experienced
>Every time we have sex she just fucking starfishes, doesn't get into it at all

>Date a girl who's slept with about a dozen guys
>Gives me life changing head
>She's fucking insane in bed, tries all sorts of fun positions with me, gets really into it

This is why you don't take incel opinions about sex seriously at all. They know nothing about actual sex and the fact that an experienced woman is usually a good thing.

>> No.10996077

Leave this shithole, nevet come back, accept that people have sex, move on with your life you whiny pussy

>> No.10996080

>so how do I not do this
Go to the mosque and ask your Imam.

>> No.10996083

I have no idea since I've never had your mindset

>> No.10996087

so everyone can tell me to kill myself but nobody can actually give me a solution apart from 'move on' without actually specifying how someone does that.

>> No.10996091

Lmao is this guy for real.

>> No.10996092

A solution? A solution for some perceived problem you've either made up or been convinced of by other incels online which doesn't actually exist in reality? Only you can figure that one out man. It's not the job of strangers on the internet to give you "solutions" for your delusions.

>> No.10996095

I never told you to kill yourself I just called you a cuck

>> No.10996098

Lmao what a pathetic little runt.

>> No.10996100

then I may as well kill myself

>> No.10996102

Stream it you beta

>> No.10996104

You want to kill yourself because I called you a cuck?

>> No.10996106

I want to kill myself because I have found a girl that I like that actually likes me back and I can't even handle this basic thing that every other person seems to be able to ignore like it's nothing, so clearly there is something wrong with me

>> No.10996107

What you should be worrying about is whether you have chemistry with her. That is the thing that's going to keep the relationship going. Not her being some pristine virgin. If you can't reconcile this in your mind then you should break up with her. Save both of you the time and move on.

>> No.10996110

I don't know what to tell you. Have you tried meditation? Maybe if you find out where do these thoughts come from you may be able to separate yourself from them.

>> No.10996112

I know where it came from. Turns out being cheated on once ruins all your relationships forever if you let it enough. inb4 cuck

>> No.10996115

Ah I see.

>> No.10996118


>> No.10996134

>People that are more promiscuous are more likely to act promiscuously
holy moly... now this is some serious truth bomb...

>> No.10996137

>I can't even handle this basic thing that every other person seems to be able to ignore like it's nothing
Realize that you are flawed yourself and stop obsessing over the past because it will become a prison for you and rob you of your future. Two flawed people who understand one another and accept those flaws in the other can make for a very powerful lifelong partnership. Meanwhile a relationship comprised of a flawed person and a partner who thinks they are spotless is doomed to failure 100% of the time.

>> No.10996145

thanks. I have no idea how I got myself here.

>> No.10996153

>Turns out being cheated on once ruins all your relationships forever if you let it enough.
Only if you let it. And if you let it whoever that hole was who cheated on you will continue to have power over you. Fucked up, I know. But that's life. You have to let go of it or it will make you neurotic.

>> No.10996154

What's the deal with americans and terrible food analogies?

>> No.10996346


>> No.10996399

tiring post

>> No.10996410

>you don’t have even the most basic sense of objective morality

I'll have to plant a flag here

>> No.10996415
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>You think i am afraid of you, hate you or are jealous or spiteful. I don’t care at all about whores anymore, i stopped caring at 18 when i realized you could buy pussy and shame women into killing themselves for being whores (which happened twice at my hs). You’re not even human, and you use a cheap, high risk life strategy.

>> No.10996773 [DELETED] 

Alright but why isn't the mind considered to be our 'seventh sense'? I mean, you're with three other people and you're looking at this rose. You see it, you touch it, you smell it, you listen to its whistling as the wind goes by. You break off a petal and crush it between your jaws. It tastes like stale lager. But each of you should have the same opinion on how this rose is because each of you examined it with your human senses. HOWEVER, you don't. The rose to Andrea is sweet and reminds her days spend in the summer garden with her Grandma. The rose to you is stale lager because you are an alcoholic. To Dylan the rose is the red blood of his victims, and to Scarlett its whistling howls like the wind on Chad's motorbike. Why is this? It is because the mind is our seventh sense that collates the information from our other senses into something meaningful. It's my opinion so don't bother with counterarguments.

>> No.10996791

How is this dumb arrogant rage getting so much approval itt lmao

You didn't even present any actual information or argument you just went "wahhh whores are whores" for 4 paragraphs and then talked about how edgy and cool you are lmao

i don't even exactly disagree with you I'm just amazed that you seem to believe you're actually saying anything

>> No.10996917

All women are whores.

>> No.10996978

>oh anon, all those videos of me eating Cocoa Puffs in college was just a phase. Now I'm ready to settle down and eat your Cheerios forever... Though it would be nice if you sprinkled some sugar on top every once in a while.
Heartbreaking conversation to have desu

>> No.10997449
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>women in god tier

>> No.10997467

i think he's right but his analogy is retarded

i just want a girl who knows how to ride my cock

>> No.10998348

I'm not an incel or virgin yet I disagree with his assessment? What gives?

>> No.10998368

>sources: freedomainradio
>run by stefan molyneux
> Molyneux, a self-published author, usually speaks on topics including anarcho-capitalism, politics, relationships, race and intelligence, multiculturalism, libertarianism, anti-feminism,[2] and familial relationships.


>> No.10998374

literal lol

>> No.10998377

ISHY not over the age of 16

>> No.10998378

He just put the charts together.

>> No.10998386

Now that I think of it, me too.

>> No.10998389

>Fuck cereal

Well for what it's worth it doesn't sound like it's due to a lack of trying in John's case

>> No.10998499

All he did was compile the data.


>> No.10998619

john green is for teenage girls why is he even on anyone else's radar?

p sure just some samefagging. lit usually gets simple debate. memeing about women is one thing but this r9k rageshit needs to get out of lit

>> No.10998675

Roastie spotted

>> No.10998840
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hola cuckboy

>> No.10999233

>GRRM same tier as Garth Nix

>> No.10999433

Women are inherently powerful. This Power is something men strive for their whole lives.
However, the genders like doing different things with it.

Throughout history, insecure men who had external power were too weak to be on the same sexual/spiritual level as women so they sought to suppress women's sexual freedom. They did this successfully in virtually every culture

Women who are sexually free typically don't go around fucking everything, rather they actually have a better sense of what they want.

>sexually free woman encounters alpha
>seduces him
>alpha reciprocates
>they fuck with love without attachment, have god-tier sex

Tl;dr insecure cucks who are conditioned by society prefer innocent virgins, alphas can recognize the Power of a sexually liberated woman

>> No.10999482

Actually the difference is that a woman can choose anyone to have sex with. She can literally walk up to some strangers on the street and ask them. For men, it does not work like that. Men are expected to 'work' for the girl while women are expected to behave passively. Because of this, fucking a woman is an accomplishment for a man, but a woman bragging about fucking men is ridiculous because it is so easy

>> No.11000201

But it's not like that experienced woman was great in the beginning either, a dozen guys had to endure what you had to endure so that girl would be good. Why couldn't you have just taught her to suck and fuck better?

>> No.11000233

Dude, being okay with your having romantic partners with a lot of experience is not a thing everyone gains over time. Sometimes preferences are just preferences you know? You can't force attraction or comfort, neither of one of you owe each other anything, she need to be a virgin and you don't have to be okay with that either.

If you think that this is something that you really want to work through then focus on the positives. If she's more experienced then she's probably better at sex, and the fact that even after 9 dudes she still choose you is pretty significant if you want to think of it in that way.

>> No.11001940
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>they fuck with love without attachment
I think you meant lust.

>> No.11001969

>he’s never felt the power and joy of molding an inexperienced girl’s sexual tastes to please your every whim
It was better than every experienced girl I’ve ever been with.

>> No.11002332


Passion. Two souls become one. Yet no neurotic attachment afterwards

>> No.11002526

if you spend your youth watching 5 minute youtube videos there is a fair chance you'll find it hard to read a book in your adult life.

>> No.11002651

No woman is valuable desu

>> No.11002654

He sounds like a fag.

>> No.11002685


>> No.11003045

Since you don’t see it working out with this girl imagine the next girl you date/hook up with. Now imagine that girl breaking up with you be a use you hooked up with the last girl. Would that be fair to you? Do you expect everyone to end up with their life partner on the first try? Do you always do everything perfect the first time?

>> No.11003269

>discredit the source < YOU ARE HERE
>correlation does not equal causation
>you're autistic
like clockwork

>> No.11003272

>find slut
>wait 7 years for her cells to regenerate
>she's not a slut any more because her atoms have been rearranged
are you actually this stupid?

>> No.11003303

>teaching a girl to suck cock
miss me with that gay shit

>> No.11003330

I like his gender wage gap video where he first disproves it but then says it exists anyway.

>> No.11003331
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>women have magical powers because they just do, srsly
>men are jealous of this power that women have, this awesome power that is totally like spiritual and stuff
>sometimes in history mean ugly men make women stop behaving like bitches in heat
>if they didn't stop women from behaving like bitches in heat this would happen
>they have good sex
>men who don't let women behave like bitches in heat are stupid ugly fart faces, handsome men let women use their awesome spiritual powers to have sex
Name one positive thing that results from women being allowed to indulge in sexual decadence aside from "it's fun for them". This is the real fucking world, actions have consequences and civilizations can't exist when people don't control their impulses.

>> No.11003376

women are not cereal, cereal has no psychology, what you do is who you are and if you're a slut that tells me you can't commit or you fuck without really caring about the person, love is rare so sex should be as well.

>> No.11004295

change the bottom picture, she doesn't look old enough to settle for betabux just yet

>> No.11005123

ooh la la, someone's getting laid in college