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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, mybookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10990778 No.10990778 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about my bookshelf?
>pic related

>> No.10990792

seems like you like masturbating more than you like reading. fairly low quality smut too.

>> No.10990797

generic alt right cringe bait

>> No.10990801

How's the one of Frederick the Great?

>> No.10990803

>bottom of the barrel genre shit like star wars
>old books that became middlebrow selfhelp like art of war
>crappy ww2 "history" bestsellers like shirer


>> No.10990804

i know this is bait but im still triggered. thats a 12 year olds bookshelf.
also why is the prince that big?

>> No.10990809

Shelf on the top is crap. Shelf it the middle is partially crap and shelf at the bottom is total crap. However esthetically is OK.

>> No.10990841
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>Zombie survival guide

>> No.10990842

> Nazi literature
> Triumph of the Will fanfiction in the form of Star Wars novelisations

why am I not surprised

>> No.10990851
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This is what saving the west looks like, fellow kekistani's

>> No.10990873

>Look mom I posted it again!

>> No.10990941

>why is the prince that big
Maybe some commentary is included. I had same concern about the Mein kampf. It's very thick.

>> No.10990948

>Mostly science fiction and fantasy books

If I was to rate it I would sincerely give it a 1,5/10

>> No.10990998
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>this is the pleb trying to promote culture of critique

>> No.10991004

>racks full of star wars manchild merchandise
>and Shirer
>AND culture of critique

75 IQ.

>> No.10991019


>> No.10991021

embarrassing, 1 star wars book is too much.
there a few books worth a dam there but its 99% trash.

>> No.10991023

>buying new

>> No.10991026

All else aside:
The swastika flag really catches the eye. Nazis knew what they were doing.

>> No.10991153

People are reading culture of critique.

>> No.10991224
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Would you go to church if your pastor was a patrician?

>> No.10991233

>sep too a gint
can he read the latin/greek texts?, with that pronunciation i doubt it

>> No.10991244

Seriously shame it has to be associated with those cucks now. Shits aesthetic af

>> No.10991250

You need more Führer in your life.

>> No.10991262
File: 177 KB, 352x406, disgusted_anime_girl_reaction_image_#203984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one even more disgusted by the choice in manga than the choice in literature?
>that ONE volume of SnK
>it's not even the arc with giant jotunn titties
You are irredeemable.

>> No.10991290

Yes you are.
>manga reading star wars escapism nazi scolds other manga reading star wars escapism nazi for poor taste

>> No.10991308

>bestseller history books
>star wars
>"whoa dude, biggest redpill i've had in a while" books
wow kys.

>> No.10991310
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Why are these two books such pleb magnets?

>> No.10991314

I don't read comic books lol.

>> No.10991335

>>"whoa dude, biggest redpill i've had in a while" books
Thisso much. Independent of site why is this "ever since i only consumed information by one side and read famous thinkers based on which i agree with i realised my position is the objective truth of the universe and everyone else is just ignorant" so prevalent? It would appear to be common sense to listen to both sides before comming to a conclusion

>> No.10991339


Alphabetize me, cap'n.

>> No.10991492


>> No.10991508

Machiavelli seems like a nice guy, I would have a beer with him.

>> No.10991561

this guy is pretty based, but I'm afraid he is a Protestant and therefore cannot be a patrician or a legitiimate priest.

>> No.10991569

It should be no surprise that somebody who’s non fiction is all Nazi shit has only discount garbage fiction

>> No.10991580

I think I found something worse than the B&N bookshelf that keeps getting reposted.

>> No.10991633
File: 66 KB, 554x400, dabpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>216 ratings on goodreads

>> No.10991640

I'm glad someone understood what i meant.

>> No.10991651
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-04-11-22-11-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10991696

This is a nice example of how Nazi ideology is just full of fantasy that keeps their shit going

Also, shit bait. Sage

>> No.10991699

>separating the name of ancient bible translation
You gave me smile anon

>> No.10991721

The prince is a really good book. You’re a pleb
>hurr I can’t into conquest
It’s not just about that. It can be (dare I say it) extrapolated to life. Especially his whole message that fortuna is 50%, so why not control as much of the other 50% as you can?
I’m not even going to validate you dissing meditations with a response

>> No.10991738

He wasn't commenting on the texts but on the "kekistanis" etc. like OP who gravitate towards them.

>> No.10991826

The best part of this image is that all the star wars books look like they're the only ones that have been read

>> No.10992240

he got BTFO by academics

>> No.10992254

>All those Loebs

>> No.10992333
File: 65 KB, 383x767, 9odxyB0eKvBzPqOJYCJrkrHllyohgYmKl68kmZhnN-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look in the middle
>The rise and fall of the third reich
>look to the right
>star wars
>look to the left
>Mein Kampf

holy shit you should just kys

>> No.10992806
File: 2.46 MB, 3264x1836, 20180412_204536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to what extent I am a pleb?
From left upper corner (I gonna write only titles because I am lazy eurofag:
Aleksander the first
Doctors from Hell
Hitler'so elite
SS liebstandarte
Achtung Panzer!
Tigers in mud
Nurynberg interviews
Suvorow's alphabet
Warsaw uprising
2nd world war
Lexicon of Greek mythology
I was assistant of Doctor Mengele
Portrait of Dorian Gray
Three musketeers
Pride and prejudice
Paragraph 22
Crime and punishment
Ivan Tungyenyew:choosen works
For whom the bell tolls
The satanic verses
Divine comedy
The God delusion
Commentary to Diethfurt trilogy
About happiness
End of the faith
Black holes
Also sprach Zarathustra
Phantom of the Opera
The catcher in the Rye
Animals farm
Orwell'so choose not essays
Coming up for the air
Down and out in Paris and London
Sherlock Holmes series
I omitted 3 historical books because I had struggled to find a translated title.

>> No.10992965
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>> No.10993103

Why do you hate Jews? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10993250

My attitude towards Jews is quite complicated. Since my school have a partnership program with few Jewish communities around the word I had a chance to evaluate the some of my views. From raciaI point of view don't feel hate. I have even few Jewish friends. However I cannot stand the jewish tribalism that was deeply embedded in Polish pre-war communities. (And still exist now in Israel). I also cannot tolerate jewish attitude toward Poles during second WW For some vague reason they think that every pole should have felt some shitty moral imperative to save Jews and now they expect us to enforce some axiom to feel guilt. They also as a race are not able to evaluate they own contribution to extermination of their race (eg. Spreading communism or creating alienating whole cities when not being forced to do it) and it extremely triggers me. However since I am favoring the concept of social darwinism to some extent I feel disgust when I see jew. So to summarise I don't feel hate toward Jews for racial reasons but I am repelled by their mentality and retarded crypto-national culture.

>> No.10993258

Are you a Jew? /SS cap anon here

>> No.10993262 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1523565176833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute how much of a shadow artist you are.

>> No.10993271

PS. I have real autographs of Luftwaffe aces :)))

>> No.10993347
File: 175 KB, 639x467, 1337872790420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see swastika of rise and fall
>give OP benefit of the doubt
>he killed a thread for this garbage

>> No.10993370

Yes. I am a secular Jew but am a fat loser from a working class background and not an 'elite' Jew.

>> No.10993421

So what is your attitude towards socialism? (since you are part of working class). Do you have some jewish community centers at your surroundings or neighbourhood? I am kinda curious because in Poland in big cities there are some places where every Saturday remainings of your race have fun. Forgive me my hipocricy I was once there and it was kinda funny. /SS cap announced here

>> No.10993831
File: 119 KB, 708x631, 1522624360153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another episode of "leftypol falls for the world's most obvious bait while pretending to be intelligent"

>> No.10993842
File: 635 KB, 512x512, shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the ford translation of mein kampf

>> No.10993854

Mein Kampf is thick. The proper translations are about 1.5 inches thick.
The Ford has about 20 pages introduction and about 5 at the end with some references. The rest is just the book its self.

>> No.10993861

Do you watch Cultured Thug?
Seeing a few similarities

>> No.10993889

CoC is babbys first JQ book.
Jewish Supremacy by David Duke is probably the best book on the subject, not memeing. I dont like Duke but he did good work with that one. Its incredibly well sourced, easy to read, and covers a whole range of topics.

>> No.10994380

Couldn't even put the star wars EU in
chronological order. Neck yourself.

>> No.10994416

Is there a reason you made the Nazi book the focal point of your shelf?

>> No.10994865

Thats an anti-nazi book though

>> No.10994895

Star Wars novels and /pol/-tier nonfiction

>> No.10995276
File: 2.71 MB, 1481x927, le_edgy_babby_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /edgy/ here?

>> No.10995282


oh damn I forgot to put Lautreamont in this.

>> No.10995317

It's has Nazis so it IS NAZIS. Just like that YA novel with antagonists who were written as bigots while the protagonists are inclusive, so the writer supports bigots.

>> No.10995725

So is it bad? I don't like when people mindlessly demonise National socialism

>> No.10995766


>> No.10995792

Is what bad, Nazism or the book? If it's Nazism you seem to have your mind made up on that. If it's the book, it's a perfectly serviceable history of Nazi Germany written the 1960s. Some people think it's too harsh on Germans and or homosexuals but that's nothing.

>> No.10996130

you left out sun tzu

>> No.10996139

>I don't like when people mindlessly demonise National socialism
yeah why would they do that I don't get it

>> No.10996462
File: 94 KB, 923x895, ydLQbQX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally OP

>> No.10996517

Where is the hermetica and writings of John Dee tho?

>> No.10997165


>> No.10997207
File: 82 KB, 968x916, 1520504064351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assassins creed
>Star wars

>> No.10997662


One has to draw the line somewhere (that stuff can get expensive and it's not my primary interest anyway). I merely had an interest in Crowley to the point of wanting to have some of his stuff on file, and this led me into the grimoires. I actually had a spate of buying large chunks of the occult/religious lit over about a year. FWIW I know the purported Enochian alphabet but that's about it.

Of course it's not the same thing (one must always take Crowley with a tablespoon of salt) but in one of his better known writings he does expressly refer to Dee and Kelley. I actually learned where Lavey ripped off his own "keys" from in the back half of the Satanic Bible: a straight rip from Crowley.*

*Lavey is smart enough that actually I think he either attributed the thing properly or at least alluded to where it came from, but he uses something already made to pad his own book immensely.

>> No.10997685
File: 129 KB, 523x452, 1523262087060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician fellow spookbuster

>> No.10997862


I haven't read it yet but it's on one of the back burners. In the past few months I re-read everything by the Invisible Committee for a little project, before that some Wittgenstein and other things.

Several of these are handy to have for edgy reference even though I haven't read several of them as of yet.

>> No.10998677

The prince is actually pretty interesting to read. Just don't take it too seriously and make sure you don't become that armchair general

>> No.10998741
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>> No.10998749

This is the best brainlet image I've seen yet.

>> No.10998751

how's the build quality on that avocado green lesser key of solomon? the spine on mine is busted. : (

>> No.10998755

>the worst version of the republic
>worst version of the meditations

>> No.10998765
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>Just don't take it too seriously
Literally the approach anyone ought to take with literally any book.

>> No.10998771
File: 196 KB, 900x675, SUB_Walrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too much Star Wars Lucas cannon shit, impossible to get through. Focus on specific lore and fuck the rest. Matt Wilkins can fill you in on the rest. The Shakespearean Prequels are great (unless you're a filthy Sequel memer)
Metternich and Bismarck autobiographies: where are they --Get some Beevor in your life, and Mosier (esp. latter's WWI work.) Joseph Farrel for post-war, and related on the subject of Nazi expatriation and continuity. Maybe FP Yockey and Carrol Quigly Tragedy & Hope. Russo-German War histories > Western Front/Mediterranean (excepting North Africa). Manstein and von Luck's memoirs first (massive grain of salt with Guderian's)
Look into Flemming's role in the counterintel op. to get Hess to fly to the UK, and possible pro-German coup plans (Michael Shrimpton); then read Bond with an eye to the Western occult/Masonic encoding. John le Carre.
>Stephen King
May as well dive into Lovecraft, Ambrose Bierce.
>Hobbit, LoTR
Witcher will do. Don't take the GoT pill, the prose is like sculpting marble with a cheesegrater. Go to Tolkiens source material: Poetic Edda and Kalevala to start.
>Assassin's Creed
Western esoterica deep dives should be really engrossing, if the themes in AC resonate already; there are good old histories of the actual Assassin's out there. Tim Hogan, Modern Hermeticist on youtube.
>march of the titans
If you're a Mech guy, see the Tau and Adeptus Mechanicus in Warhammer 40k.
Just get a complete edition, used should be well under 30 bones
>zombie survival guide
H von Dach, Total Defense. Better dead than red (dead redemption).
The Discourses are better.
>Art of War
Infantry Attacks (Rommel), Clauswitz, Book of 5 Rings, Baghavad Gita,
>Metro 2033
Archaeofurism (Faye)
>Culture of Critique
Ariel Toaff
>Small Arms
Forgotton Weapons, Hickock45 (Youtube)

>> No.10998924

>i'd give it a one and then a five out of ten
euro mpd confirmed

>> No.10999747

Your mind is pure shit.

>> No.10999753 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 250x327, 1523727453630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say it's cool that you read what you want.
But the very fact you made your own thread to rub it in /lit/s faces makes me think you only read what you do to be "special" and "edgy"
It's a no from me, dawg. I'm just not feeling it.

>> No.10999754

what are you quoting fagfag

>> No.10999764

It's a pretty nice bookshelf, 8/10
The books on it are shit though

>> No.10999771

Typical gamer bookshelf.

>> No.10999783

I would post my bookshelf, but people would rage at my brony posters.

>> No.10999832


I've paged through it a few times, but I've never really read or manhandled it. It seems to be a very solid book, physically.

>> No.11000932
File: 333 KB, 1280x960, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11000934

living meme

>> No.11000974


Goodreads is full of 30+ women who read Harry Potter and romance novels. For reference Rhetorica ad Herennium by Cicero itself only has <400 ratings.

>> No.11000997


>Luther's works
>missing "On the Jews and Their Lies"

-1/10 ZOG approved, I bet this "man" believes Sham-Israel is the holy land.

>> No.11001022

burn it

>> No.11001065

Yeah no one is saying The Prince isn't a good book.

But Atlas Shrugged, Rise and Fall of Third Reich, Culture of Critique, etc. etc. are all unironically shit.

Why does the Prince, a modern literary classic, attract neo-reactionary thinkers? Go back to /pol/ tryhards. Leave Machiavelli to the people who read Rousseau and Plato

>> No.11001307

>The Prince is good
>Atlas Shrugged, Rise and Fall of Third Reich, Culture of Critique, etc. etc. are all unironically shit.
>Calls others tryhards

If this isn't bait you really need to start reading

>> No.11001578

>but I am repelled by their mentality and retarded crypto-national culture.

ironic, that's why everyone hates you

>> No.11001694

Excuse me? I read constantly. I usually don't ever read anything posted on this site, especially if it's anything reactionary. Let's be honest here, in order to read and read well, you have to be unbiased.

I'm the chosen one, you should listen to what I say. Bias is sin. Objectivity is scientific knowledge. Read Aristotle.

>> No.11001713

>Why does the Prince, a modern literary classic, attract neo-reactionary thinkers?
it attracts middlebrows from all places and americans in particular have a weird fascination with that book

>> No.11001766

>Why does the Prince, a modern literary classic, attract neo-reactionary thinkers? Go back to /pol/ tryhards. Leave Machiavelli to the people who read Rousseau and Plato
They read it once and suddenly they think they're masters of "4d chess".

>> No.11001795

You mean Poles as a nation do you? Our country has not been stolen from some poor Arabs so out national identity is not artificial.

>> No.11001804

Is your name Robert by any chance, OP?

>> No.11001880

after a second glance there is no ayn rand on your bookshelf so you're probably not who i think you are. still remarkably similar bookshelf

>> No.11001894

If you're talking about me, I've read it twice. If them, I agree.

>> No.11001936

no, i mean you, you retard

>> No.11002000

>has the Republic Commando book series
nice OP nice