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10995280 No.10995280 [Reply] [Original]

These are my rankings of popular millennial philosophies. Do you agree?

>> No.10995287

Anything short of anprim is still kiddie pool territory

>> No.10995293
File: 37 KB, 340x277, going_down_with_the_West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a hyperaesthetic neo-Spenglerian.
>Not going down with the ship.
>Being a mass man
Anyways what is post-left?

>> No.10995295

>Post-leftists argue that the left, even the revolutionary left, is anachronistic and incapable of creating change.
Have they not been paying attention the last few centuries

>> No.10995294

recc some anprim books

>> No.10995296

Anarcho Amish life

>> No.10995301

>what is post-left
stirnerposters that forgot to stop after they left /lit/

>> No.10995304

post-left: Demand full automation or just destroy civilization (we worship kosinky), fuck social causes, anti-work, universal basic income.

>> No.10995308

Fallacious and homosexual
You will be conquered by the new age Caesars.

>> No.10995309

should be *incapable of creating enough change.

>> No.10995314

>Demand full automation or just destroy civilization (we worship kosinky), fuck social causes, anti-work, universal basic income.
this is literally the most childish thing i have ever seen. this is infantile. i think a toddler has a better grasp of how the world works than this

>> No.10995316

you faggots won the culture war but didnt win the economic war.

so basically your shit sucks and youre fucking retarded

>> No.10995320

read inventing the future pls

>> No.10995324

the post left are basically the white unabomber bros that figured out the left are morons and incapable of change because they are too caught up in identity politics and are easily pleased by capital when their social movement gets commodified and turned into a disney movie

>> No.10995329

Where does Gnostic Luciferian Messianism land?

>> No.10995331

Ah, so Utopian ideals. It's all petty nonsense!
Men are violent. Masculinity is toxic as they say. Hierarchy is a part of the natural world.
Pretty much this.

>> No.10995333

what's the last part a reference to? And we're not against commodification

>> No.10995334
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Millennial philosophies?

>> No.10995338

We've demonstrated that we can evolve past that type of thing

>> No.10995342

you're saying this on the innernet, primmie.

>> No.10995344

read bob black pls

>> No.10995346


American author and feminist bell hooks (Gloria Jean Watkins) refers to cultural commodification as "eating the other". By this she means that cultural expressions, revolutionary or post modern, can be sold to the dominant culture.[12] Any messages of social change are not marketed for their messages but used as a mechanism to acquire a piece of the "primitive". Any interests in past historical culture almost always have a modern twist. According to Mariana Torgovnick:

What is clear now is that the West's fascination with the primitive has to do with its own crises in identity, with its own need to clearly demarcate subject and object even while flirting with other ways of experiencing the universe.[13]

Hooks states that marginalized groups are seduced by this concept because of "the promise of recognition and reconciliation".

When the dominant culture demands that the Other be offered as sign that progressive political change is taking place, that the American Dream can indeed be inclusive of difference, it invites a resurgence of essentialist cultural nationalism.

>> No.10995355

lol this implies that the post-left is oppressed by a dominant culture which is quite a stretch. Also don't hookspost she's a cunt.

>> No.10995358
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"We" there is no WE! There are groups of men that behave in tribes. The savages are pouring into the Western civilization. This pattern has expressed itself many times before. China and the Greco-Roman civilization are great examples. One group would have to absolutely dominate all others in order to bring about world wide change. The level of social engineering required would be immense. There would be resistance within the group as well. History is a cycle of rises and falls.

>> No.10995360

Does the post-left have any journals or websites? Neoreaction has a few.

>> No.10995365
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>Not being an Eco Eschatologist, Techno Gnostic or Neo Jacobite Reactionary


>> No.10995367

>Hooks states that marginalized groups are seduced by this concept because of "the promise of recognition and reconciliation".
the neoreactionaries are always harping on about this. Leftism as status boosts for low-status people, making them hyper loyal party members

>> No.10995369

There is no "neo"-Jacobitism, there's just good old Jacobitism. Also the male line of the Stuarts died about 200 years ago, some house in Germany has their rights now.

>> No.10995370

wow racist much. No but you're probably right that nogs would fuck up the world if given the chance but in a post leftism system the dominant race would be able to keep the others at bay if they get feisty

>> No.10995375
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>> No.10995378

I don't know but just read the books verso puts out and you'll get the idea. most are on soulseekqt

>> No.10995392

It's not even necessarily about race. It's about a Western cultural order that is becoming increasingly chaotic and nonexistent. Yes, the brown people probably are less smart. They have lower IQs or whatever. But, I think culture is a living breathing organism that is the largest binding unit on this Earth. The individual is the smallest unit, the family second, the town, the nation, etc... It's cultural death.

>> No.10995405

that order needs to die though it results in the suffering of millions of workers, global warming, depression and anxiety and pretty much all other social ills. The best parts of it will remain but most has to go

>> No.10995408

it's already dead

>> No.10995603
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nice slave mentallity

>> No.10995671
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Fundamental change is not made yet. Change what has been made is not made by the left. The revolutionary left sold goods or went away.
Stop speaking?
Omniism over nihilism
First to lead will be a child. Once they are able to speak another child will rule a world.
the postman always rings twice, an allusion I now get as I grasp the papers edge. Two whistle blast signal the gatekeeper to come next day at dawn so we can hear the sounds the sounds in the sewer pipe.
I'm more into persuasion. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee and talk about it some time.

>> No.10995674


>Felix! They are going to delocalize their structures! Moreover, they are going to share their dank weed with us! Let us disturb their circles.

>MON DIEU! Gilles, I promise this day to propose a democratic vote at the clinic where I work, and ask whether our guests would like to have some dank weed! I will also encourage the one gentleman to stop flinging his ship a moment to participate in our process.

>Caution, Felix. Who are you to tell the nice gentleman not to fling his shit? After all, as we had said, we are several. Have you not seen the Italian cinema? Or do you forget the lessons of Mabuse?

>I suppose you are right, Gilles, but I would like to include others in our participatory process. The Prancing La-La Homo Men and the Satanic Sisters (a latina group) would like to weigh in...

*Paper Planes plays at maximum volume as the lads WOOAAAAHHH!!!*

>> No.10995800
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>not being a wittgensteinian quietest

I weep

>> No.10995810
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>> No.10995814

>the sheer amount of LARPing in this thread
I hope you guys die a horrible death tbqh

>> No.10995834


Please let me know what the acronym "LARP" stands for, and how it relates to your use of the phrase in this thread.

>> No.10995840

doesn't even count as a philosophy/ideology because it has no ground or theory.

>> No.10995865


You gave me some really shit options, but here goes:

Technocrat > neoreactionary > nihilism > alt right > post left > feminism > nu communism

>> No.10995867

It means "Live Action Role Playing".

>> No.10995877

>implying I'm not a real reactionary

>> No.10995882


Very good. Therefore, you simply misunderstand the usage of the phrase. good night. Thank you for your obedience and complaince.

>> No.10995885

>ehehe if I start being smug about the semantics of a well known meme maybe he'll go away