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10986206 No.10986206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

good books on geopolitics and how to survive the incoming nuclear war?

>> No.10986213

Mein Kampf

>> No.10986215

that doesn't sound very geo nor nuclear

>> No.10986218

"geopolitics" is from a nazi lingo

>> No.10986219

ive rarely been so disappointed at something posted here

>> No.10986224

Good, now fuck off outta here

>> No.10986228

geo means world and politics means politics, I'll concede that geo comes from Old Norse, but politics come from Greek

>> No.10986237

Nazism means national socialism, I'll concede that national comes from from Latin nātiōnem, socialism comes from Latin sociālis. It's a Latin word, guys.

>> No.10986240

Not all about Nuclear weapons however:
Diplomacy - Kissenger
History of the Peloponnesian war - Thucydides
Nuclear Weapons & Foreign Policy - Kissinger
Politics among Nations - Morgenthau
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics - Meirsheimer
Arms and Influence - Schelling
After Hegemony - Keohane
Anarchy is what states make of it - Wendt
War by other means: Geo-economics and Statecraft - Blackwill and Harris
The revenge of geography - Kaplan

>Ooga Booga i'm a retard

>> No.10986241

even just going to the Wikipedia page will show you that Nazi geopolitics is just one of many versions, and not even the first one.

>> No.10986248

Kissinger is interesting but his books are quite literally propaganda and have to be read with that in mind. The outline he gives of the Unites States in Diplomacy as being unique in history in the altruistic motives of their empire is ridiculous.

>> No.10986254
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>remarkably, the future can be understood in the context of temperature, land allotment, and other physical certainties

>> No.10986262

I also bet that most these experts deny the global warming

>> No.10986276

Which is the ridiculous part, that the US operates under altruistic motives, or that it is the first state to do so?

>> No.10986279

Part of the truth, geography influences international politics

>> No.10986289

>wanting to survive
I live just outside D.C., so thankfully I'll be incinerated in the first strike

>> No.10986298

On War - Clausewitz
Wizards of Armageddon - Kaplan
On Thermonuclear War - Kahn

Kahn was kind of a fucking lunatic in regards to nuclear warfare but is interesting to read because of the impact his type of thinking had in the US.

>> No.10986306

that any state has ever operated under altruistic motives is ridiculous, but it is also ridiculous to assert that the US is the first empire to do things which benefit its subjects, like building infrastructure, or just sending aid.

The whole statement is ridiculous

>> No.10986310

it's a truism, no need for a dolt to write a book about it full of bullshit conclusions

>> No.10986368

I agree, but i think half his point he was trying to make is that 'the American people' aren't willing to go to war, or take "improper" action, against other states without a moral reason for doing so, so conflict are always framed in moral invective. Whereas the British and Germans and French were all willing to shed blood over purely geopolitical goals. And i don't think Kissinger would consider America an empire, so he wouldn't make that connection.

>> No.10986394

As in 'bring democracy to people' or whatever. Yeah, I don't think that's actually different than the British imperialism, 'civilizing the savages' and even just the glory of the Empire or whatever. It's a slightly more saccharine and dishonest morality, I guess because the US is nominally democratic so the propaganda has to follow along with the lie inherent in pretending the people have power.

As for America being an empire, it's semantics. Is the 'international community' free to do what it wants, or does it follow a script. Are the United Nations really a distinct entity from the State Department. who even cares

>> No.10986397 [DELETED] 

my International Relations textbook, World Politics. The prose is sometimes shocking but you become numb to it.

>> No.10986398

I'm interested in diplomacy, recommend me more books about this subject. Is that Kissinger book a good intro? Also, don't you think you're underestimating the ability to manipulate public opinion by means of the press? e.g. the Iraq Invasion.

>> No.10986412

Kissinger was a total scum, why would any decent man want to read it

>> No.10986432

By diplomacy do you simply mean International Relations?

>> No.10986435
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thanks, i'll get those in the pile

reading scum seems like a great idea so that when you encounter further scum they will be more apparent

all that aside, is Dugin just a meme or is he at least interesting?

>> No.10986442

Dugin is absolutely a meme. His philosophy of history and geopolitics is Evola tier gibberish except without the stuff that makes Evola at least interesting.

Some people think Dugin's theories inform the Kremlin's actions towards the West but I find this implausible, because who would just fucking publish their strategy for subverting their enemies.

>> No.10986449

hey, i like Evola, i doubt i'd like Dugin as much though

>> No.10986453

>Kremlin's actions towards the West
fun fact: Kremlin's actions towards the West is its thorough integration into the West, but shhh, dont tell anyone, you may upset the elite consumer class. Also, dugin is a notorious assclown who plays a role of an "ideologue" for the amusement of elite consumers.

>> No.10986465

Thanks Hal

>> No.10986469
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>History of the Peloponnesian war - Thucydides
anyone can recommend a good edition that's well annotated? Thucydides looked like an intense guy

>> No.10986478

what gay version of Marxism is this

>> No.10986479
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>> No.10986482

the one you exist in

>> No.10986483

NYC here. cant wait

>> No.10986487
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Landmark edition is top tier

>> No.10986491

geopolitics are not reducible to class warfare, the world is not one state within which classes operate

>> No.10986495

To what is it reducible?

>> No.10986501

general political science requests

>> No.10986520

the interactions between states. The internal structure of the state might be partially explained by Marxist analysis, idk, there are like endless fucking versions of Marxism, it is impossible to argue with Marxists.

international corporations and globalized trade are still mediated by protectionist tariffs, military aggression, etc. And the power structures are not simply dictated by capitalism in the first place, political power has other forms, just the existence of taxation in the first place makes the idea that power originates with the means of production ridiculous.

Ultimately it is about who controls the military, but it can't be reduced to that either. Hence geopolitcs and the endless theories about how exactly power operates.

>> No.10986526


>> No.10986539

actually reminds me, On Power by de Jouvenel is not bad at all


>> No.10986569


>> No.10986593

Wizards of Armageddon i would really recommend if you want a short history of the thinking that formed cold-war strategy in the US.
I would put that high in the pile since many of those other books were written with the intent of shaping US policy, especially Kahn and Kissinger.

>> No.10986832

Foundations of Geopolitics. Seriously, look it up. Dugin is absolutely not a meme. It's Russia's playbook, and a lot of it is underway right now. Destabilizing America*, separating UK from Europe (Brexit), taking back Ukraine, reviving Polish exceptionalism, acting in the interests of their ally Iran (supporting the conflict in Syria), etc.

*don't @ me with Trump collusion/no-collusion or Clinton-Podesta emails DNC rigging nonsense, I don't care. That is exactly what KGB intended you to do.

Books I would recommend on how to survive:
Falk's Resilient Farm and Homestead
Reader's Digest Back to Basics
Katz's The Art of Fermentation
McGee's On Food and Cooking
and some code books on timber framing, plumbing, and wiring

Books I would recommend on history and your place in it:
the Landmark series, esp. Thucydides as other anon said
Shelby Foote's The Civil War: A Narrative
Fehrenbach's Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans
The Journals of Lewis and Clark

Empires have fallen before, dark ages have happened before, and yes it can happen here.

Most importantly be prepared physically, mentally and logistically. Ideally you would own some arable land with a well and away from the city, and have things ready to go in case of grid/service failure: tools and knowing how to use them, a reserve of clean water (250gal tote on a pallet or a tub-size waterbob in your apartment), cooking oil, dry food (beans, lentil, corn, rice, etc), rifles, ammunition, solar panels and batteries, a 4WD vehicle. As far as tools, get the basics plus everything you think you'll need: sockets, wrenches (adjustable, combo, pipe), vice grips, clamps, floor jack, farm jack, chains, a hoist, consumables like fuel, gear oil, motor oil, machine oil, brakekleen, ATF, RTV, loctite, and real basics like a shovel, a felling ax, a splitting ax, iron wood stove, cast iron pot and skillet, mattock, hoe, pry bar, etc. Your survival is your own responsbility, even if you live in an urban area. Disasters are much, much worse when people are not prepared.

Start a garden. If you're actually really worried about bombs dropping I'd get some goats and chickens as well. Beans and dry corn are a complete protein but it's not eggs and meat. And get your ass to /k/ and /out/ and /diy/.

>> No.10987254

>Reasoning based on axioms
Congratulations, this is without a doubt the most brainlet thing I've read in years

>> No.10987288
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>Modern day Russia

>> No.10987295

Hitler was the ultimate pseud

>> No.10987309

>the interactions between states
At the risk of being impossible to argue with. The Marxist understanding of a State is that is is essentially a vehicle managing the affairs of its ruling class. Honestly in a post-nuclear world where capitalist states have shown that they will absolutely socialize losses for the benefit of their corporate interests (bailouts), and increasingly privatized military (pmcs) and arms manufacturing. I think it's very hard to argue that Corporate and industrial power hasn't largely subsumed government

>> No.10987326

The US federal government's budget is almost 4trillion a year, more than a fifth of the GDP of the entire country

>> No.10987364

>makes up axioms
>builds rational arguments upon that
wow you are doing plato’s vision man

>> No.10987621

>makes up axioms
Nigga you called it a truism in the post I responded to

>> No.10987645

What are you trying to argue here? That they don't literally keep the same finance sheet so they can't be functionally joined at the head?

>> No.10987649
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Am the only one who gets a perverse excitement in a world where the nuclear stakes are rising again? There's something fascinating about MAD and the palpable tension, really gives your immediate life value if you didn't value it before, the idea that we could all be vaporized or suffer unimaginable horror if we survive.

>> No.10987660

looks great, i'll get that one

>> No.10987671

im not a nigger nor am I your friend

I didn’t say anything, I interceded and mentioned that you don’t understand what you’re talking about, just like most phil professors don’t know what they’re talking about

>> No.10987685

Explain yourself

>> No.10987706


brainlets obviously haven't read Last War of the World Island because it has sections on these subjects.

>> No.10987713

this guy gets it

>> No.10987721

not sure, getting directly nuked doesn't seem like a very /lit/ way to die, maybe getting slowly consumed by radiation would be better

>> No.10987793

>Doesn't even know what words mean
>Tries to start shit
Axiom : A statement accepted as true for the basis of an argument or inference
You aren't clever to point out that somebody has to put it forward first

>> No.10988043

You survive a nuclear war by being 25+ miles (preferably 50+ miles) from any major population center and having a producing garden. Stay inside for the first 5 days or so to avoid the initial fallout. It's not particularly hard provided you're not living in a city.

>> No.10988067

Mearsheimer Keohane and Wendt are garbage and their neorealist claptrap is only good for panel talk shows

>> No.10988071

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.10988220

keohane is a neoliberal you stupid nigger.

>> No.10988323
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>> No.10988665

Wendt is a constructivist you glue sniffing retard.