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10986067 No.10986067 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I basically have problems when reading, I tend to unconsciously skip over words which can be very detrimental when arguing, Shit just seems to blend together when reading books and I can’t seem to concentrate. This issue also affects me when for example when I did probability and statistics in school I would keep skipping over numbers when making stem and leaf plots. This + issue with paying attention is something I would love to fix, any suggestions?

>> No.10986072

Porn and vidya had fucked you up kid. Just let it go.

>> No.10986211


>> No.10986229

You are a product of your times so you have been screwed over by this adhd ridden low attention span piece of shit world.
If that makes you feel better you must know you are definitely not the only one.

>> No.10986247
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>> No.10986269

read the Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.10986330

My attention span is so short i wanna start reading again

>> No.10986332

Twitter screwed my attention span lt upsets me

>> No.10986335

4chan has fucked up my basic mental constitution so much that when I read anything now it is in a combative mindset based on finding something wrong with what I'm reading and responding to it. I can't just read things now, I have to have a little notepad to criticize it every minute or so

It is also an enormous struggle not to do this in everyday conversation but talk like a normal non hostile person

>> No.10986344

I think that's called autism my friend

>> No.10986427

Twitter is worse cuz its all the most retarded shitposts ever its worse than 4chan at this point if u stay off normie twitter

>> No.10986430

if you're reading nonfiction that's a good thing

>> No.10986440

I can read news articles and long ass articles on sites like highsnob nytimes but everytime i try to pick up a novel i skip over words, forget what just happened etc.

>> No.10986619


>> No.10986633


Why do people say things like this? I can browse 4chan or play the same video game for hours on end. The internet hasn't ruined my attention span. There must be another problem why I can't pay attention to books.

>> No.10986651

4chan and vidya gives you quick shots of dopamine, its why social media is attributed to reduced attention span

>> No.10986655

talking to people irl also gives you quick hits of dopamine doesn't it

>> No.10986685

Yes but that is voice not text

>> No.10986968

>I can browse 4chan or play the same video game for hours on end. The internet hasn't ruined my attention span.
try sustaining your attention on the breath for half an hour

>> No.10986981

I had similar problems, mild dislecsya and reading a a page and then realizing I remember nothing from it.
I started listening to audio books when i walked and it helped me.

>> No.10988644

>the breath

>> No.10988653

Meditate, Motherfucker

>> No.10988678

It's worse because it forces to you to pay attention to statements shorter than 280 characters
On the other hand it improved my synthesis game

>> No.10988752

Oh I thought you meant something else.
You should have said "your breath"

>> No.10989825

lol I do this whenever I'm having conversations with people in person, especially when I drink I can't help but shift a good natured exchange into a Hey Faggot Listen To Me I'm Smarter Than You type of fight but much to my dismay people are rarely passionate about the opinions they hold