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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 600x520, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1098370 No.1098370 [Reply] [Original]

well no surprise here. /b/ failed to help me. even with the offer of oc tits.

anyways im trying to get people to help me by clicking the id like to read this on kindle for a few books id like to see.

i have a kindle cause im a yuppie faggot and milifag who cant store or properly care for real books.

anyways any help would be greatly appriciated jsut click the id like to read this book on kindle.



>> No.1098377

I kindly request OC tits

>> No.1098384
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and i would kindly oblige.
please request those books on kindle as much as you can if you would.

theres much more coming. but imma try and get more people first.

>> No.1098391

I clicked but are those seriously unavailable to pirate? I'd be surprised if you couldn't find them.

>> No.1098393

oh no doubt i could.
but despite my 2Tb of pirated media.
i still like to pay for things i feel are worth the money.

>> No.1098396

come on guys, let get some tits in return

>> No.1098399

ive got full tits.
but imma lead up to it.
and but i wanna see more response before i do.

>> No.1098400
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The military is for failures.

>> No.1098404

absolutely is.
thats why im getting out.
im using it to get my ba at least by the time i get out.
then the gi bill for more school after.
but i whole heartily agree with you there.

>> No.1098407

oh ps.
funny story.
true story.
the massess of america elect the corrupt faggot politions who are in control of the military.

so in short we do the atrocities. the politions direct us. and you people elect them.
jsut so this lil blame games laid out nice and clear.

>> No.1098411
File: 18 KB, 384x480, IMG00615..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on niggers.
more people request the book on kindle.

moar incentive

>> No.1098426

Shaky cameras make picture quality crap and takes away from your good looks. So redo it.

>> No.1098428


The military is more educated than the average American and has a higher IQ.

>> No.1098427

psh faggot like thats me.
its a girl i bonned and happened to be sittin on a stock pile of pictures

>> No.1098432

>higher IQ than the average American
>average American
Oh wow how impressive!

>> No.1098434

nah not really bro.
actually most people are shockingly stupid.
like...it terrifies me some of the shit i hear from fellow marines. some things...like. youd have to live the life to see the lil things.

most marines are idiots. the military is quite literally the bottom of the american barrel. a barrel already full of shit. there are some few intelligent people but they are so few and far between. like.
not trying to toot my own horn or nothing but theres maybe one other guy in my barracks i thinks above average intelligence

>> No.1098435


>> No.1098437


Average American IQ is 98. The military is 106.

Where are you from that has an average IQ of above 106?

>> No.1098438

the vast majority of the american populous military or otherwise has not ever taken a real iq test.
internet ones are of shit.
and im pretty sure 100 is supposed to be the standard average...else they ought redraw the graph

>> No.1098439

Haha. If you could only see my face right now. I'm staring at "The Stranger" on my desk. Located only 3 inches from my hand.

>> No.1098440

small world help a /b/rother out.
so i might have that same experience.

>> No.1098446


No, they redo the IQ tests all the time to try to keep the average in the US at 100, but currently in the USA it's 98, and Britain with the same test averages 101.

>> No.1098445
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That is something you can easily download in like 2 minutes.
Now leave and never return.

>> No.1098452
File: 7 KB, 209x251, 1278437868438s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The military is so desperate that they will literally take almost anyone now, the I.Q. has got to be pretty low. That being said, it does not suprise me that it is still higher then the average american. I live in Alabama the average I.Q. is like 94. In some other southern states im not going to say which, I think it reaches down into the 80s.

>> No.1098454


>Test results I just made up show that certain southern people are stupid

Gonna need a real source brah.

>> No.1098455


>> No.1098456

ah did not know. interesting. dont much care either way ive never heard of the study and im pretty sure that most people havent takin an iq test.

you must have missed my post earlier. even if i cant buy a hard copy id like to pay for it as i see it as a work worth paying for. pirate manifesto. ill steal medias till im blue in the face but works worth paying for i will pay for.
in regards to your other advice.
no thank you.

>> No.1098459
File: 24 KB, 384x480, IMG00610..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only got a few more.
so please brothers
request said books on kindle.

>> No.1098463


You're wrong. The military has raised it's standards. Now the oldest you can be to enter any branch other than the Army is 28 (army still 42). You have to be a high school graduate to go into any branch currently, or if you have a GED you need 15 college credits. Also, they have a test called the ASVAB to get in. If you're in the bottom 32% you are not allowed entry, in other branches that standard is raised, like in the Airforce you need to be in the top 50%.

The military is smarter, and better educated, than your average citizen. You've been misinformed.

>> No.1098472

im a marine.
your wrong.
the standards you mention sound a bout right.,
but thats really not as significant as you seem to think.
that asvab.
armed services VOCATIONAL APTITUDE battery.
a common sign of an idiot in the forces is one who thinks that having a high asvab score makes them smart. its how well you can work.
also that 32%. if you score a 32 you are litterally retarded like mentally handicapped cant read cant write maths beyond you you might chase cars if not for your caregiver. and we have up to a 15 point waiver on there.

ged. college credits no. waiver.
felony. waiver.

actually serving is disheartening and disillusioning.

>> No.1098477

Just a message to OP. If you have a smart phone on a 3G network or any G really, you can just vote and restart your phone. Since smart phones don't have static IPs you can just keep voting.

>> No.1098476



Go back to vietnam pinko

>> No.1098478

ahhhhh currently overseas. no phone. shit internet. but thanks ill do that. though itd be nice for some /b/lackup.



>> No.1098479
File: 9 KB, 240x320, IMG00321_1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ones for you.
: ]

>> No.1098482

I truly appreciate the sentiment but I'm asexual.

>> No.1098483


I'm not wrong. You're a moron and that's evident in the way you can barely type.

The ASVAB is only taken by people who have graduated or have a GED so if you score a 32 you're not retarded. You're just in the bottom 1/3rd of high school graduates/GED holders.

Also, a GPA shows more about how hard you work, not how smart you are. The ASVAB, especially the AFQT score, shows how smart you are. There's a reason you need to score in the top 90% to be in the special forces.

You're a Marine, I'm a Soldier (Army). You should stick to shooting people and leave the thinking to the other branches.

>> No.1098485

You're able to take the ASVAB in high school...

>> No.1098487
File: 9 KB, 680x440, dfvedc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well then the last ones for eveyone else thanks to you.
this ones for you.
happy fappin.

>> No.1098489


But it doesn't count for Military entrance unless you do it within a certain time frame.

>> No.1098490


I'm air force. Suck it you disgusting retards.

>> No.1098492


What was your AFQT percentile?

>> No.1098494

This guy has got to be in the military. He has been brain washed into thinking the armed forces are elite and aristocractic. It is incredibly easy to graduate high-school and has become so common of a thing, that their is nothing special about it. And I took the ASVAB in high-school, just to get out of class. It was the easiest test I ever took. Everyone in the whole class, scored high enough to be accepted. It seems like he has been misinformed.

>> No.1098497
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Only 95th percentile. I was playing a bit too much beach volleyball at the time.

>> No.1098499

well im sorry you joined a bitch service.
this is 4chan fag. why the fuck would i try and type well.
grammer nazis on here are like retards in a ballpit. sure youll have a blast and get all you want from it. but no one fucking cares but you.

i agree on the gpa part. but end result intelligence is a difficult thing to quantify. seen as it can only be gauged in relation to others and most people are retards it comes down to a matter of perspective maybe your fucking brilliant in which case im a moron. or if your like every other marine in my barracks and cant think beyond the end of your dick.

all shit aside the army is in my mind the second most respectable service.

oh and side not. as you well know im a moron. and i scored high enough on the asvab to where i could do any job i want. i turned down intell cause at the time there was no bonus and i was a greedy lil fuck at the time.

enjoy your failure to pm your weapons and getting killed.

>> No.1098500


25% of Americans don't graduate high school.

And the ASVAB is a little harder when you have to take it at 4:30 in the morning at MEPS.

I bet you only took a practice too, and not the whole thing. There is no way you found every section to be easy.

>> No.1098501

I bombed people once.

>> No.1098502

i spent 9 months on an afb.
you fucks are not any better.
your civilians in uniform.
so. youve made better life choices.
but your still a stupid fuckin american.
and joined the bitchest service of all.
so your stupid then normal americans cause you joined an armed force that barely even merits the term military.

>> No.1098503


In the air force we wipe our asses with the ASVAB after solving it at 100% on the john bro. Sorry you couldn't book it.

>> No.1098506


I got a 95 as well. Scored high enough to do everything. Even on the other subsections, I could do Navy Nuclear Engineering (got a 256 on the NN subsection).

Intelligence isn't easy to quantify but the military takes big stock in their tests. The Officer's qualification test is acceptable to Mensa because it's an IQ test. The military won't let you be an Officer if your IQ is too low, and since we have the most powerful military in the world we must be doing something right.

>> No.1098508

lol airfags. how do you all live with yourselves? your whole branch is a joke. every other branch makes fun of you people

>> No.1098513


Looks like the Marine is mad he is part of the Gay-vy.

U jelly, seaman?

>> No.1098510


I have a fine body and chiseled jaw so they just let me play beach volleyball on an aircraft carrier all day.

>> No.1098509

not sure how officers work.
but ive taken some classes with officers and their usually dumb as shit.
and some brass in my commands dumb as fuck.

not saying that there isnt intelligent officers.
but most i meet are no smarter and just ...dumb in general.

>> No.1098517


I get to fly all the planes I want. It's basically been my dream since childhood. Viper keeps the birds on a pretty tight leash but we get up to some fun, don't you doubt it.

>> No.1098518


Dude, you can't call Officers stupid when you routinely use the wrong "your/you're" and the wrong "there/they're/their". Grammar and spelling are signs of intelligence.

>> No.1098521


No they aren't.

>> No.1098522

haaaaaa nah im mad im in the forces at all.

and the airforce is a joke of a service why not join a real service if you fucked your life up too much for real life.

>> No.1098523


Yes they are. Signs of general intelligence. You've been taught the correct way. If you are to forget then you don't have good General Intelligence, which is part of every major IQ test.

>> No.1098525


Dude stop dissing the air force.

>> No.1098527


Air Force is for pussies, bro.

They're the loudest a MEPs and recruiting stations, but the pussiest once you're in. All talk. But they are the most intelligent branch on average.

>> No.1098528


You don't know what you are talking about.

1. Implying he's been taught the right way. Maybe he's Mexican or something, making assumptions like you did is a sign of a low intelligence.

2. Maybe this isn't a job interview and he doesn't care. It doesn't reflect on his intelligence in any way.

In summary. You are not air force material.

>> No.1098529

and this is 4chan.
/lit/ true.
but i reall ydont care. about grammer on the internet.
if im in a lit class or somethin sure. ill use proper gramars and spellin whtever.
here dont give a fuck.

>> No.1098530


Also lol at "doesn't have good general intelligence".

You really don't have a clue.

>> No.1098532
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>> No.1098535

number 2 please kind sir.

airforce really is like the ones who just barely cant manage real life. i just chose to go all out with the corps.
and regret ever second.

>> No.1098537

If you have to think and try to use the correct grammar and spelling then you're stupid. I don't have to think about it, it's natural.

If he was he would have mentioned it. And if he is foreign then I'll apologize. And like I said before it does matter, you shouldn't have to think about what "you're/your" to use, it should be natural.

>> No.1098540


Care to explain yourself? General Intelligence is all about being able to recall facts you've heard. If you can't spell or write correctly (like you've been taught a thousand times) then you have a poor ability to recall facts which results in a low general intelligence.

>> No.1098542


Maybe it is natural, but again 'you're' simply takes more time and effort to type out. If you really think that someones grammar and spelling on 4chan is any gauge of their intelligence then you simply don't understand the concept of intelligence.

I'll agree that it makes people look stupid, or that it can lead you to believe that they are stupid at a glance. But what's really not very intelligent at all is ignoring the content of someone's post and instead looking at, and commenting on, their grammar and spelling. When it comes down to it that's not what matters at all, and it certainly has no bearing on someones intelligence.

>> No.1098551


Look a rational thinker looks at the posts you're referring to and says "here is a person who is not following the rules of grammar and spelling". You look at his posts and say "here is a person who CAN NOT follow the rules of grammar and spelling" (even though you have no basis to say this) and then you proceed to explain how being unable to use proper English grammar makes someone generally unintelligent.

You are wrong and you should feel wrong.

>> No.1098557


It takes less than a second to type the extra " 'e ". And he used the wrong "there" several times, even switching from "there" to "their" incorrectly. He is trying to type correctly, but he can't. He is covering himself by saying he doesn't care. To prove himself he should type his next post correctly.

And you're missing the point. I'm not saying general intelligence is the only intelligence, but I'm saying he has poor GI. Also, I was merely commenting on how ironic it was to call people stupid when your post contains many errors.

>> No.1098564


But it's not ironic at all, that's the thing.

You keep saying that he can't do it, or that he should prove that he can. Do you know him in real life? Do you have an actual basis for this reasoning, or are you just making an assumption?

The assumption that someone using poor spelling and grammar on the internet can not possibly use proper spelling and grammar if he/she so desired is fundamentally incorrect. And it shows a hole in your logical thought process.

You should not be able to go from "he doesn't like gummy bears" to "he CAN NOT eat gummy bears".

>> No.1098573


It would be ironic if he were to insult your grammatical errors and then make his own errors in that same post.

>> No.1098574


For a truly intelligent person it would pain them to write incorrectly.

Also, you ignored the part where I said in this post: >>1098509 , the guy uses the wrong "there" twice. If he really didn't care he'd type the same type of "there" every time. Instead he switches for no reason (according to his proclamation that he doesn't care and types for ease) and gets it wrong.

That is my basis for my reasoning.

>> No.1098581


>For a truly intelligent person it would pain them to write incorrectly.

Who the fuck says? What is wrong with you? I am being trolled I think.


>> No.1098583

Is this the army guy?

>> No.1098585


There you go and ignore the important part of my post.

That shows that you know you lost. The guy who posted is a retard, stop defending him.

>> No.1098588


Yeah, I'm the Armyfag.

>> No.1098591

Any chance of getting more tits?

>> No.1098608

I want to see more /lit/ tits.
le tits.

>> No.1099318
File: 97 KB, 500x500, 4782751630_302d187d58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scored well on the asvab. My records are clear, and I have a partial college degree but I won't even be able to go to basic training until march, IF the job I want isn't full.

I'm trying to join the airforce to do computer programming. I came from a low income family and I can't afford to pay for college. I figured I could join the air force as a computer systems programming apprentice and leave with a degree in comp-sci, and then use the GI bill to continue college after that. I don't really care if the air force is a respectable branch of the military. I just want someone to pay for my college and I don't want to get shot. The air force seems like a free ride to me.