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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 363 KB, 5000x5000, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10977611 No.10977611 [Reply] [Original]

Bear with me /lit/. We're dealing with symbolic language here, and a specific work by many and various authors. The leitmotif of that feel. Yes, today's topic is: the Wojak. How is it this signifier can be so endlessly entertaining, and more importantly, so versatile in its repetition? I crack myself up looking at this guy, this single pane comic. More than I do reading Don Quixote, in fact.

So give me your theories, /lit/. What in the human collective drives the authorship of the Wojak? Will the saga ever be complete? Who is the author? Is it you? Me? I hope to hear your good ideas.

>> No.10977624
File: 37 KB, 645x773, wojakchamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I submit that Wojak is an endless cast of characters. A blank man who becomes a cipher for something not itself: used as a critical weapon, or as a stand-in for baring oneself before the community, or as comedic relief. He reminds me of the Greek chorus.

>> No.10977633
File: 405 KB, 979x594, dramatis_personae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wojak transcends genre. He is whipping boy and hero. He is you and me. What should come next for this Adam, whom we have created?

>> No.10977640

pepe is the superior meme, though the best ones were the pepe wojak mixes a few years ago

>> No.10977651

Once you see Pepe rape Wojak, it is never the same

>> No.10977656
File: 13 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw memes are alive in the archetypal sense
Pic related is what I see as the apology of Pepe the Frog

>> No.10977660
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>> No.10977687
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, wojakdamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw if memes are alive in the archetypal sense then Wojak has achieved an immortality we cannot
who is feeling now. is it me? or the totem of myself I now present.

>> No.10977725
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>> No.10977775
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>He reminds me of the Greek chorus.

>> No.10977798
File: 70 KB, 548x548, Spookjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is feeling now. is it me? or the totem of myself I now present.
The unrelenting progression of hyperreality has almost erased the difference. Whenever I have an unusual or unfortunate experience IRL I don't engage in it in real-time like I used to. Instead I compulsively start to think about how it could be framed in a greentext story and what kind of Wojak would be most suited to "my" feel when. It's pretty sad really. I wish I didn't have to use a phone or computer at all so I could revert to living in "real" life, but on the other hand I don't even know what that would entail.

>> No.10977830

Does Wojak mature as does 4chan? Is the recent string of brainlet Wojaks a representation of our collective insecurities in our intellectual capacities?

>> No.10977847
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>> No.10977853

RIP pepe

>> No.10977855

I see this as the inner angst created by the anger of Wojak (ego) towards the depravity of Pepe (the unconscious).

>> No.10977856

It's the dawning of a new age. The end of postmodernism.

>> No.10977857

wew lad, I can't even imagine what it must be like to actually perceive reality through 4chan lenses
be well

>> No.10977868
File: 107 KB, 841x797, 1508071712187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of stating the obvious, Wojak is a self-portrait. When used as a weapon, we (anons) are projecting our own lives. When used to self-deprecate, Wojak is literally a doll we use to show others and ourselves how we hurt. A crutch for the emotionally unavailable man, in whose image he is made.

>> No.10977870

Good post

>> No.10977900
File: 431 KB, 500x484, 1522123756004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is brilliant t.b.h. We do use it to doubt ourselves, but that is only an equal part in doubting each other. Witness the new crop of Grug memes. We are so insecure we must tear down great men of philosophy to make them like us as we see ourselves. These Grugs are responses to each other's positions, usually.

>> No.10977904
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>> No.10977931
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>> No.10977937

Wojack is the higher self who has been emasculated and rendered sickly by a diseased society, Pepe is the defense mechanism, the overhealthed lower Self, that is necessary in an age of chaos. Pepe is the Tantric yogic deity sigil that allows the unhinged post-nihilist internet maniac to cope with the becoming that is the oversaturation of samsara and recession of all nirvanic pathways. Wojack is the last of a dead age, the man who still feels, who has the human spirit as a curse inside him, and he lashes out at this avatar because in its protection of what little he has left, it debases him, degrades him and parodies his better traits and incapable attempts at engaging with the Real. Pepe rapes wojack because his body, made of chaos, made of dead things, is favored, and in this age the basest of values, might is right, is the ruling principle, wojack’s appeals to natural law, to morals, to culture mean nothing. He’s a shadow, the crater left behind from the great extinction of Selves, and Pepe is the shadow come to life in a world of miasmic, dulled, deformed light. Pepe cannot help but hurt that which he was generated to protect and Wojack cannot help but resent his own emmisary to the Real. He cannot stand the pale light of the desert, so he suffers in silence, and Pepe becomes him more fully.

>> No.10977959

this is exactly correct 10 on fucking 10 anon. the self-loathing smugness of pepe is the individual who abandons all morality and norms and can therefore demean and insult those who had been hurting him because every tool of nihilism is at his disposal.

ie. you become the wholly realized avatar of the corrosive predation that you saw others wielding against you

>> No.10977990

Perhaps it is an inevitable consequence of our time that we should exist in the real and as an avatar in the spectacle. Like it or not, Wojak is always always a kind of avatarposting. On normiebook we are ourselves... or rather, a specially selected edition of ourselves. Here, we are what we choose.

>> No.10978022
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1522710329769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more of this theory.
write or pasta more pls

>> No.10978091

Pepe is dead inside. He will never know the true beauty of what can be achieved if he chose to walk the higher path. Doomed to believe that those he mocks are fools to embrace the pain of moral existence. He will chase his tail until he reaches the very crescendo of bitterness he has been building to all his life. Nothing gives him pleasure but to belittle the men with smiles in their eyes. The irony. A life spent unlived. A tragedy

>> No.10978409

Much obliged. Had to go for a walk after writing that and now it feels a lot less pressing. It's just a self-imposed mental cage of your own imaginary anyway, which means it vanishes if you want it to.
That's true. The difference in our motivations is very interesting too. I don't want to be restricted by some continuous made up persona I crafted so people will like me. I don't want to be anyone.
Oh man, I hope that's not some budding schizophrenia or dissassociative disorder waiting to fuck me over.

>> No.10979535


>> No.10979553

how do i start with cthulhu deity yoga

>> No.10979562

Wojak is a full person (id-ego-superego). Pepe is a Shadow that may be better or worse integrated.

>> No.10979611

He’s this decade’s rage comics both in look and appeal, in that he’s a funny lookin cartoon guy whom you can put it different situations and emotional states each more xd inducing than the last.

>> No.10980339
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>> No.10980893
File: 191 KB, 599x591, Pumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wojak is the impersonal made personal and vice versa, medium of meaning and conveyer of feels

>> No.10980915

Can I have wojakbtfolarping?

>> No.10980923

Just embrace it, it's cool to be a cyborg. It's an experience unique to our age.

>> No.10980935
File: 501 KB, 1102x967, wojakbtfolarping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. for when you or whoever you're talking to get absolutely crushed for your false beliefs, here is the medicine. have a happy catharsis.

good post my guy. I wonder what Deleuzians have to say about Wojak. I don't know the first thing about Gilles and his work, it doesn't really make sense to me. Is he a rhizome? Or rhizomatic? Or what.

>> No.10980949

wojak is the white male as the outside world sees him (isolated, alone, restricted).
pepe is the white male as he sees himself (young, adventurous, immature and playful).

the contrast is important because it shows that there is a female gaze and a social gaze too. rather than complain about it, men turned it into a creative force for good. they turned their misery and suffering into humor and satire, disarming it in a cathartic release of nervous tension.

>> No.10980954

i will further posit that if you compare your pepe and wojak folders right now, if you have more wojaks you are a pessimist and if you have more pepes you are an optimist.

>> No.10980969

>tfw not sure if this thread is satire too or not
Fuck you all

>> No.10980971
File: 41 KB, 500x500, wojaksteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. this is insightful as fuck.

the feel is real

>> No.10980988

I don't know if the racial element is necessary.

>> No.10980989

I'd argue it's not so much a consequence of our time as a consequence of human nature. Humans are innately narcissistic, always framing events around ourselves because we know no other way (memory is in first person like everything else in our lives). It's human nature to make oneself look better to others and this has happened throughout history since the first caveman told the other caveman the fish he caught yesterday was bigger than the one his friend caught now. It is simply a consequence of our time that we have a thousandolf more opportunities to our life as " spectacle" (I like the way you uses that) with fb, insta, snapchat etc. Becuase its so pervasive it starts to take over our lives and indeed many people seem to spend more time on these platforms than in real life. With so much opportunity for self display no wonder human nature takes over and many people view themselves primarily in how they can be shown to others, and then as a present actor in a situation.

>> No.10980990
File: 39 KB, 501x373, 421566_110052819134743_1827862103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the black equivalent of Wojak.

>> No.10981004

sounds terrifying

>> No.10981064

So Pepe is post modernism and Wojak is modernism? Who or what will be the actor for the next step, metamodernism/ post-postmodernisn

>> No.10981067
File: 61 KB, 326x245, gondola_waiting_for_the_bus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good thread.

>> No.10981069

meant thousandfold, my bad

>> No.10981071
File: 47 KB, 573x430, 1479879899485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, /pol/ is the New Sincerity. when it isn't operating on five levels of irony like a bugman or cranking out false flag misdirection and propaganda, people are pretty genuine about their beliefs.

>> No.10981075


>> No.10981180

This thread is proof why redditors,tumblrinas and normalfaggots can't meme

>> No.10981501

Until liberal democracy ends, or neutralizes this terrible feeling that history is repeating itself and we, the people, are nothing more than pieces in a game of chess, it is impossible to even imagine what form man will next take.
In other words, Pepe and Wojak must learn to love each other if they are to make make it through to the other side of this strange, revolutionary time.

>> No.10981545

i like that this is small

>> No.10981799

They're edgelords. They aren't corny enough for New Sincerity.

>> No.10981843
File: 293 KB, 911x909, 72DDC3AA-23D1-4FA9-81C2-1A51548DB563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wojak is you. While a Pepe is a method of showing smugness and a jovial personality, wojak shows emotions that are previously bottled up. His lack of real defining details allows us to self insert into the poster’s views and thus lets us sympathize with the anon. Wojaks are a tear in the humor 4chan presents. When you see a wojak, it is a true problem that the poster must face. These problems can vary from a simple > tf when no gf to entire threads of tales that pull at the heart strings

>> No.10982995

Why do smug faggots feel the need to start/end all their posts with "simple"? Ir renders your post unreadable.

>> No.10983396

Time to turn off the computer anon

>> No.10983396,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Pseudos: The Thread
Yare yare daze....