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10976896 No.10976896 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen to christianity once we encounter foreign life?

>> No.10976898

we will convert them, of course

>> No.10976899

Christianity will have a say, but hardly any effect. Governments will go to war with the aliens before can welcome them as fellow creatures of God.

>> No.10976903

it will be long gone by then

>> No.10976907
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What will happen to christianity anyway?

>> No.10976908

Nothing. It's dead and frankly the feelgood traditional folks hyping it up are but a statement of how rotten it already is

>> No.10976910

is it really dead tho? all liberal atheists are just christian thinkers with messianic complexes after you scratch the thin veneer the hide behind (language/word games).

>> No.10976912

It's already dead. All these people converting to it on 4chan are larpers who won't be folllowing it within 5 years

>> No.10976916

That is just cultural. Most people have no real exposure to christianity in their upbringing these days.

>> No.10976919

>aliens have hidden themselves this whole time to preserve the cultural beliefs of the majority of humans
Nice guys

>> No.10976924

Christianity will never die. There will always be sincere practitioners of the religion because it's the best and only religion to explain the human condition and our moral duties in a logical way. All other "religions" if you can even call them that are trash.

>> No.10976927


>> No.10976930

Christianity will be end up like yazdanism or Zoroastrianism are today. No one will care about it.

>> No.10976934

It is dead and ot has no explanation power. Biology psychology philosophy those are the things people listen to.

Exceptfor Pastor Anderson no person literally zero on the planet explain the human condition because adam ate an apple or man lives in sinful state

>> No.10976936

the bible doesn't discount the possibility of life off of earth

>> No.10976941

The problem comes when people realize aliens aren't Christians.

>> No.10976946

Yes. Creation is mancentered for a specific purpose

>But not if you REDEFINE it xdd
You tell em my atheist friend

>> No.10976948

read The Sparrow.

>> No.10976953


>> No.10976959

We won't, fool.

>> No.10976965

It's becoming extinct because of little obnoxious twats like you.

>> No.10976977
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>all liberal atheists are just christian thinkers

>> No.10976978

>Creation is mancentered for a specific purpose
Namely, because it's made up by men.

>> No.10976981

This is what fedoras believe. Preaty naive

>> No.10976982

Literally this. I left Christianity because of the obnoxious people. Luckily the atheist community has no obnoxious people whatsoever.

>> No.10976987

>A thing is the thing from which the thing evolves

>> No.10976992
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its true though, at least in the west

now if we look at the far east however

>> No.10976999

Frantic revisionism, proselytizing to the ayylmaos and comparing notes with ayylmao religious traditions in pursuit of the first point.

>> No.10977003

These kind of conversions don't last.

In a lot of places people will be converted then the preachers will come back in a few years and people have gone back to their old practices. Even if what's going on in China isn't exactly the same, they are the same kind of conversions you find in the west where people convert but run out of steam after 3-4 years

>> No.10977005

nice falseflag

>> No.10977017

Obviously the aliens will be Christian, thus confirming the existence of Jesus.

>> No.10977021

I would image their religions (if they have any) would be very similiar to ours. After all the fundamental facts of existence are the same for every living being.

>> No.10977025

I feel like asians just adopt christianity for the prestige and trying to emulate the white man as much as possible.

>> No.10977035

>the fundamental facts of existence
As they are understood through metaphors derived from your 5 very unreliable senses.
Jeez, these people never watched Solaris.

>> No.10977036


>> No.10977044

the same reason why many asians do eye and nose surgeries and bleach their hair

>> No.10977048

Stop being obnoxious

>> No.10977049

yeah, like you converted the rest of humanity.

>> No.10977054

I'm not an atheist.

>> No.10977056
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>this is what christfags actually believe

>> No.10977071

>the best and only religion to explain the human condition and our moral duties in a logical way

>Dead kike on a stick

>> No.10977072

>Even if what's going on in China isn't exactly the same, they are the same kind of conversions you find in the west where people convert but run out of steam after 3-4 years
you have to keep in mind the ongoing efforts by the chinese government to clamp down on religion and Christianity in particular since they see it as a vessel of western hegemony and a tool of subverting their order. They've already banned the bible for online sale and are looking to crack them down further.

If you look at places like Korea however where there is more of an even playing field, christianity has surged significantly (30% of the population, up from 2% in 1945). Converts do last.

>> No.10977086
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>projecting this hard on behalf of your dying multicultural debt-prison Spectacle
the absolute state of atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists

>> No.10977088

See: Turkey. Your cathedrals are molested and you may assimilate or be sold into intergalactic slavery, maybe a bit of both. Bezops recognizes the power this strange church has over humans, so he uses it as a secret tool to spread the true faith. Allahu Akbar. <3

>> No.10977093

More interesting question, would christianity have been such a prevelant theology if other Homonoid species (homo errectus/neanderthals) existed alongside us today as other intelligent beings?

How different would our societies and world be

>> No.10977094

Why do you go from one thread to another and blatantly lie? Are you retard?


>> No.10977105

>they are the same kind of conversions you find in the west
of course they're not, the chinese are more serious about religious matters and superstitions in general. They aren't like the adolescent white youths of the west who 'sees the light' after reading an infograph from /pol/ and then immediately goes back to anime porn and video games.

>> No.10977114

i dont think they evolved at all, in fact that's the crux of my point. they are just as dogmatic, afraid of wrongthink and prejudiced as their antecedents. it's a lateral branching off and not an advancement of any kind i can measure. witches became words, the enemy was always change to the structure of their ideas, the concrete soundness upon which they rely, if only you ask them to look down at the clouds they stand on it creates a huge schism and revolt.

notice how my comment polarized people when i made no actual moral or objective statement as to the merits of christian thinking, people presupposed my position one way or another because they cannot afford ambiguity, much like how ambiguity (sexual, physical, ideal) cannot exist inside christendom. this second part is better left unsaid since it's so laboriously obvious.

>> No.10977128

Unfortunately, despite its large numbers, it will probably fade away in place of other things.

>> No.10977142

It will be forgotten during the years of war that ensue after the encounter, because Christianity is useless during times of war and on paths of non-static life in general.

>> No.10977148

Any alien life forms that can travel to earth will be so far advanced as to not need any myths or fables from this planet. There's no certainty they will even address such concerns of lower forms of life such as us. Just look what the Catholic church and the Spaniards did to South America. Essentially destroyed the existing culture and decimated the population. That, most likely, will be our fate.

>> No.10977149
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are we still pretending like asians-indians aren't denisovans, europeans neanderthal and africans are heidelbergensis admixtures?

>> No.10977152
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>What will happen to christianity once we encounter foreign life?

>> No.10977155

this, sorta

most christians are hobbyists at this point, but most atheists in similar societies aren't particularly different

>> No.10977156

>aren't particularly different
than a hobbyist christian, in terms of belief

>> No.10977170


I honestly did not read the rest of the posts ITT, but I would like to cast some doubt on the idea that the uniqueness of humans as sentient race (or the even stronger thesis that only Earth has been populated) is an absolute requirement for the continuation of christian religion. It might not exist in the same way it used to, but I don't think it is impervious to a complete redesign and re-interpretation that fits a new narrative where god has still created us in his shape "in a certain sense". I'm not a christian but I can see this happening, it kind of already happened too, since the bible has a lot of absurd stuff christians obviously do not follow today, and a bunch of other stuff is peripherally and continuously added so that the religion stays "in". Alien life is more disruption than we had for the last 2k years, that is true, but christianity still has a pretty solid history of being resilient to societal changes.

>> No.10977185
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>implying Christianity wasn't a gift from an extra-dimensional intelligence
>implying Earth isn't a Garden of Eden and humans a protected species of this alien Creator
Read your Bible and have faith, OP.

>> No.10977213

The problem came when people realized there were other people that couldn't have possibly have been evangelized due to geographic barriers. Christianity already survived that.

>> No.10977254

We will baptize them.
How aliens differ from Brazilians?

>> No.10977260

It's the accent

>> No.10977560

so what
aliens aren't man, Christ died for mankind, not alienkind, cause alienkind doesn't have original sin, nor are they capable of understanding what sin is. they're just hyper intelligent animals.

>> No.10977625

can’t even lurk anymore you’re all so fucking insipid

christfaggotry won’t matter at all. no religious nerds will be allowed anywhere near ET’s until the scienceniggers and milfags have debriefed them and they’ll be entirely interested in the history of our thought. trying to convert higher beings is beyond hubris its a symptom of death, lf a mortified faith. Truly pathetic, this thread, for multiple reasons. Unthinking animals

>> No.10977647

>once we encounter foreign life
Whole lotta presuppositions there.

>> No.10977673

>i dont think they evolved at all
Then you're wrong
I didn't even read the rest of your posts

>> No.10977689

Don't you think creatures capable of rapid intergalactic travel will be so technologically and culturally superior that there will be no "dialogue"?

>> No.10977694

>As they are understood through metaphors derived from your 5 very unreliable senses.
Yeah but since they are an intelligent species who travels the Galaxy one would imagine that they aren't that dissimilar to us.
Solaris is an alien of the size of a planet.

>> No.10977706

>humanity encounters aliens
>aliens embrace christianity
>but humanity killed christ
>we are the jews of space

>> No.10977859

Protip: Aliens are actually demons. See the following:



Jesus Christ is THE way, is THE truth, and is THE life. The truth will always remain the truth whether they try to discourage it, hide it, or explain it away. Quit messing about and seek the Lord, anons. He calls for all to come towards repentance and be saved.

>> No.10977967

How do you detect "a foreign life"? All life is life, that's a truism. Bacteria is the same bacteria on every planet.

>> No.10977995

Jordan Petersons perspective about the axiomatic importance of the Bible has set it into an entirely new light. Much easier to understand if you have a handle on the implicit structure the book uses to convey states of mind. Life changing stuff lads

>> No.10978002

mind = blown

>> No.10978240

Thay'll probably try to crusade it
And if we are the one's who find space cows they stand no chance
If we however meet ayy lmaos i think we'll die

>> No.10978261
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What's it called if you don't believe in the supernatural but believe that the church fathers probably had a reason for constructing their doctrine and that you legitimately might be risking your mind being ripped apart if you practice a Peterson-esque heretical theology?

>> No.10978286

congrats, you have schizophrenia

>> No.10978301

That basically already happened in 1492. If we spread out into space and find space Indians, I don't see how it would be any different, either practically or philosophically. But if they're the ones who find us, it would be the other way around and we would most likely be converted to their worldview.

>> No.10978312

Being a retard

>> No.10978327

There is no foreign life

>> No.10978444

gas urself my man

>> No.10978547

there is no foreign life
just 'us' in the 'here and now'

>> No.10978703

I'm not some sort of antithiest, but when the vast majority of adherents to a religion haven't even read its central texts and said religion has barely informed our morals for well over a hundred years, it's safe to say it's dead

>> No.10978843

That's been true for over a millennium, almost 2.

>> No.10978857

t. In my cushy upper middle class inner-city suburb religion is dying, so it must be dying everywhere

We're converting kids in Africa and Latin America at a rate that makes colonisation look like baby tier shit

>> No.10978888

no you're not. whites (g*rmanics and *nglos) think that thirld worders are noble savages - traditional, pious, simple minded. in reality latin americans are just as degenerate as europeens and amerisharts
t. sudaca

>> No.10978898

thank God somebody said it

>> No.10978907

People will find some way to rationalize it and make it compatible with Christianity just like they did when the New World was discovered and when we figured out the age of the earth.

>> No.10978939

I'm neither Anglo, nor Germanic.
And trust me, I'm well aware of the degeneracy there.
Pero prefiero que haya degenerados católicos que ateos degenerados :^)
Al menos con la fuerza y amor de dios en su vida, la gente tiene una opción de vivir bien.

>> No.10978969

yo tampoco soy ateo (maricones s*jones y j*díos), pero tenemos que ser honestos, ¿cuántos son católicos? Yo diría que la mayoría de los muchachos son católicos culturales y las chavalas son zorras asquerosas que están a favor del aborto (infanticidio). los sudacas son cristianos en nombre solamente.

never reply to me again filthy wh*toid

>> No.10978983

Mohammed bathes in pork shit while getting fucked in the ass by Ali Baba and his forty thieves

>> No.10979013

Lo que estoy intentando decir es que ser católico solamente en nombre es mejor que no aceptar nada del catolicismo.
Recuerdo que hace dos años leí un artículo que trató de la creencia de la existencia del infierno. Y los sudacas cristianos tienen lo menos fiel en su existencia.
De pequeño yo era católico solo en nombre, aunque, dado que siempre permití que esa puerta de la religión esté abierta, tenía la opción de volver a la religión.
(lo siento por los errores kek, español es mi trecer lengua, es que me gusta usarlo)

>> No.10979048

ahh vale tío ya entiendo. no cometes muchos errores tu castellano es excellente. ¿de donde eres btw?

>> No.10979058

>never reply to me again filthy wh*toid
Italians aren't white

>> No.10979059

You mean they convert us with their lasers.

>> No.10979065

>it's not possible to learn something from someone who is wrong

that's a weird thing to say. so how do you recognize your own mistakes, since they can only be corrected through disagreement.

they took the god out of belief and tried to keep belief. and now they don't believe in anything except being in opposition to anything that doesn't agree to be in opposition with them. and even that is shaky grounds with temporary truces and detentes.

>you are one of the they, and making my point for me.

>> No.10979076

Estoy en Argentina y puedo confirmar que son una más puta que la otra, todas feministas, tatuadas y pro-aborto.

>> No.10979095

"Human nature occupies as it were the middle rung of the Scale of Being, ... equally removed from the two extremes. If the contemplation of the most sublime classes of rational creatures, which inhabit Jupiter or Saturn, arouses his envy and humiliates him with a sense of his own inferiority, he may again find contentment and satisfaction by turning his gaze upon those lower grades which, in the planets Venus and Mercury, are far below the perfection of human nature."
What did Kant mean by this?

>> No.10979096

but christianity is boiled down to a yes no tripartite compound question

>Do you believe Jesus son of God, was born of a virgin birth, died for your sins and was resurrected?

if the answer is yes, you're in and saved. if the answer is no, they have all kinds of ways to weasel you into a maybe, then a soft yes then finally a real Yes, the "silent one between you and God". it works because it is so ridiculously easy, it's a completely binary choice and any post-choice wavering is just normal human doubt and can be preached and theologized away. it exploits a humans inability to contradict their own position after they have affirmed it internally, especially brainlets who try to fight it but eventually give in, because the long struggle in makes it all the less worthwhile to struggle out.

>> No.10979133

>word games
Ah yes, word games like "I don't believe in god".

>> No.10979138

he is saying that human beings are not highly specialized for anything, and among humans we follow a normal distribution. so by being mediocre you can still cope with the stunning display by the Jovian and Saturnine (he's talking about himself probably) because you always have the Mercurial (volatile) and Venusian (vagina) to look down on (presumably he means niggers and women). since he was a pop philosopher, he no doubt is introducing the planets because astrology is popular or some shit, and he wants to get his message across without explaining gaussian distributions and standard deviations. according to wiki de Moivre came up with the idea of a binomial expasion in 1738, Kant probably read The Doctrine of Chances. (since Gauss is a little after Kant, but with some overlap of about 30 years).

>> No.10979140

Christianism will not die. Because it´s not about God creatíng humans, its about moral behavour. Its about a thing that tells you what is right and whats wrong. That doesnt mean that their right its right and their wrong is wrong, their are just making a point, a point that trascends humanity, ying and yang. so on, so on.

>> No.10979202

By saying "i don't believe in god" you imply "i" and "believe" and "negation" exists, setting yourself up for a universe of dualism, with beliefs that can be held by i-beings, which will eventually lead you into monotheism (as the logical solution to dualism is it's unification, monism). It will be circuitous, but you have engaged in a fatal flaw maybe out of hubris, speaking religiously to the religious.

>I don't believe
We all have our doubts
>I can't believe
Humans are capable, god gave you the strength
>I won't believe
There's no use being stubborn, put away childish things and open your heart

Eventually the negative will get eliminated. You're two letters away from believe so it's not like you gave them a particularly hard job. They just need to replace your "n't" with their New Testament to turn that don't into a do.

Saying Christianity is dead doesn't quite hit the mark, humans are obsessed with dead things and the desire to revivify them. Calling it uncompelling is a much greater insult, because it attacks the core weakness all religious face, apostasy and conversion. The clever critique of Christianity is to call it irrelevant and point to all the empty churches, now deserted mausoleums of a bygone age.

>> No.10979226

And it's fucked up, traditional religions are they ties people have to their culture and ecological communities.
Missionaries are driving biodiversty loss and this wouldn't make a loving creator happy.
Seriously, get fucked for destroying cultures because you don't have your own

>> No.10979245

Alien life will likely be demonic. God incarnated as man, transfigured as man, and resurrected as man. Christ's salvation applies to mankind only, not alien life, who have a different salvic economy.

Unless the Aliens show an obvious history of Christ incaranting as one of their own, then we should assume they are a demonic race God has charged humanity with the duty to wipe out. Man's conquest of the galaxy will be an eternal war against Amalek; this is why we were created.

>> No.10979262

you are posting this question like it hasn't happened before. The New World, a world completely foreign to the West and utterly without recognizable religious forms was comparable to contact with alien life as far as culture and thought goes.

>> No.10979286
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>> No.10979311

You'll be going very far back in recorded history for that, siege of Troy, creating Rome? Blame Achilles, the hubris of man, the inattentiveness of his Thetis, the natural migration of people and ideas, the seasons and weather and wimsical natural disasters.

Culture is changing all the time, stop trying to catalog and freeze it like some 18th century lepidopterist. You're advocating for population control, technological suppression, untold suffering, all to please your own internal compass. It's eves choice to eat the apple and her fault for succumbing to temptation. it's not your place to intervene, even if you were God and technically could, you shouldn't.

>> No.10979317

>it's not possible to learn something from someone who is wrong
I didn't say this
>they took the god out of belief and tried to keep belief
Wrong. Read some history and history of philosophy you utter brainlet

>> No.10979362

>Culture is changing all the time, stop trying to catalog and freeze it like some 18th century lepidopterist. You're advocating for population control, technological suppression, untold suffering
I'm a luddite and a libertarian.
It isn't ethical to try to convince people out of their beliefs, that meaning carried in traditional belief systems has been devolping with the believers for a very long time. Trying to convince them to give that up is selfish. Teach them about the world around them, sure, just don't try to sell them a new belief system, let them come to their own conclusions.
It's objectively true that ecological dissater and cultural death follow missionaries.
Destorying meaning that has been devolping for so long is the ultimate degeneracy.
You people are the serpent in the garden in this situation.

>> No.10979458
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>You people are the serpent

that is the role the religious have always played. the snake was chosen since it was a worshiped idol, the old god is the new devil it creates a smoother transition. there is nothing wrong with a noble lie, it is at the core of every human being (the denial of death, the worship of progress, the re-imagination of tradition and the past, many ideologies are means to an end). im sure the snake people destroyed the bear idols or whatever came before. it's naive to think that things don't have a price, anyone who has anything useful to give does so in exchange for something else.

is history and history of philosophy where you gained this unique style or self-contradiction. i can't tell if you're being raped or hate fucked.

>> No.10979504

This. Its implicit in our nature. Its what we need, even if it isnt true

>> No.10979519

>It's fine to destory because it's happened before
So this is the power of Christian ethics
We are talking about the destruction of the world we live in, driving extinction to fufill your religious autism is not okay.

the interesting thing I like to think is how the deceiver always seems to deceive themselves that what they are doing is okay, that is the role of deception. Path to hell is paved with good intentions and all of that.

>> No.10979554

If there are aliens they don’t have a soul so it doesn’t matter

>> No.10979570

Why? any sentient being has a soul.
Perhaps it's a "higher" soul, which depends on their sensory development and general physiology. I doubt that intergalactic travellers have "lower" souls.

>> No.10979578

The culture is dead. Been that way since 1917. Though Christianity offers a solution to even this.
I doubt 5th century was any different, truth be told.

>> No.10979613

im not a christian.

and human ethics are a "work in progress". I'm sure you don't care too much about the viruses and bacteria we destroy every day, in the trillions. your position is a lofty one to hold when you aren't starving or at risk of war or disease. you are free to organise and raise money as a Luddite libertarian mission, but you want because nobody wants to risk dying for mathematical truths, people need faith, and christian missionaries display it, this respect is why they gain conversions, not some kind of coercion. they are dealing with human beings not animals being trained by Pavlovian reward systems. and these humans "convert" because they respect being treated as equals, miserable, poor, sinners, children of god, whether rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb.

If you can't see the depth of the Christian faith then you must assume some of the smartest people in the world have just been naval gazing for the past 2000 years. or you know.. you're wrong, and Christianity is pretty good at describing the human condition, whereas Luddites are neo-reactionaries and Libertarians are Anarcho-curious reductionist with no understanding beyond the material and immediate.

Men need respect and acceptance more than they need food or water. Because there are hungers that kill slowly in a more painful and invisible way.

>> No.10979644

>tfw insufferable christfags on the internet have turned me into a rabid anti-Christian who unironically praises Robespierre and thinks state atheism is a good thing
I’m a pagan though.

>> No.10979648
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>> No.10979653
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>tfw AI pope and half the cardinals are ETs

>> No.10979661
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As long as they’re not modernist heretics.

>> No.10979666

>I'm not a Christian
I thought you were.

>I'm sure you don't care too much about the viruses and bacteria we destroy every day, in the trillions.
I'm talking about the loss of meaning, and yes I do care about microorganisms very much. I don't care about killing them because the meaning they carry will persist through their actions.
I'm sorry but I've watched missionaries get the foot in the door for logging damn building and war.
Look what happened to mount keyna, or what's happening along the Rio Coco right now. Shits not okay.
>and these humans "convert" because they respect being treated as equals, miserable, poor, sinners, children of god, whether rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb.
I understand how it works, I don't understand missons, let people find their own meaning. I'm not keen on Earth becoming a culturally and biologically homogeneous mcplanet. Actively pursuing that as missonaries unwittingly are is not okay, it's wrong to do so.
>If you can't see the depth of the Christian faith then you must assume some of the smartest people in the world have just been naval gazing
I really appreciate it actually but not as much as the various forms of animism and panthesism that are disappearing from the world without a trace.

>> No.10979676

>Luddites are neoreactionary
For common sense devolpment practice?
>Libertarians are anarcho-curious reductionist
I'm very enthusiastic about anarchy and not a reductionist.
The only reason I mentioned these things because you told me I support a bunch of things I am extremely opposed to.

>> No.10979720

That form of Christianity isn't supported by the actual text of the new testament, which only proves my point. Modern "Christians" don't actually derive their morals from the teachings of Christ, so the religion is dead. The vast majority of Christians are more influenced by western philosophy than anything, whether they realize it or not

>> No.10979751

even with Satan on your side, you can't reverse the flow of time and effect of capitalism, whether it comes holding a gun, bible or interest free* loan. at beast you can crouch down into a defensive crawl like the Chinese have, and try to glue as much tradition and family together before the LGTBGHTTHAHQ tsumani hits you like multicolored rainbow collapsing to earth from the ideology heavens. maybe you can clone the american umbrella (assuming they invent one) before it's at your doorstep.

i can cite you half a dozen European cultures which were completely erased by the Roman expansion in antiquity and give you the same boohoo sob story about lost languages, destruction of temples and cultural identity, marginalization and absorption of traditions, festivals and celebrations, the rapid urbanization and relocation of holy sites, along with loss of ecological biodiversity. the losers are happy to have lost in retrospect, and the problem groups like the Anglos and Germans who refused to assimilate continued to create war and animosity on the continent for a thousand years long after their relevant grievances could even be addresses, since their enemy was long dead and buried.

i only mentioned god as an exercise in thought. if even the christian god (who is sacrificing babies?almost? and thunderbolting people into salt) doesn't intercede on behalf of humanity to prevent them from making a poisoned choice, that tells you that free will is the real religion Christians/Jews worship, the freedom to make a mistake, and then the recognizance of that mistake and the humility to ask for forgiveness.

it's a lot easier to ask for forgiveness than to do the right thing all the time.

According to who? Catholic Church? Protestants? Earthern Orthodox Church? Anglicans? Oriental Orthodox? Restorationists? Non-trinitarians? Independent Catholics? Mennonites? Amish? Nestorians? Messianic Jews?

Are you going to tell me you have the one true interpretation of a vague holy book that tells the same story from 4 different perspectives. the bible is already post-modern meta-fiction, Christians got there 1000-1500 years before the criticalists.

>> No.10979759
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Cunt, the bible gives Peter authority over the Church and rejects faith without works as a path to salvation. Prots are WRONG.

>> No.10979833

Sure, there's many interpretations. Doesn't mean they're all equally valuable. Not to mention that you ignored the main point of my post. Whichever form of Christianity someone claims to subscribe to, odds are they can't even explain the difference. Catholics and protestants alike take their values from a hodgepodge of philosophy, not from Christ

>> No.10979836
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what tipped you over the edge, was it transubstantiational or sartorial?

>> No.10979872

Reading Luther. Look at lines 38-52 in http://courses.washington.edu/hsteu402/Luther%20against%20scholastic%20philosophy.pdf

>> No.10979886

>they can't even explain the difference

Because the difference is irrelevant to them, since Christianity has been reduced to faith in Christ, the virgin mother, reincarnation, salvation through acceptance and so on. The text never matters for anything practical, do you really think anyone actually reads source material, do you know how bogged down a person in the 21st century would become in paralyzing texts, hundreds if not thousands of essential must reads for every conceivable topic of research or discussion. It's like saying Islam is dead because nobody reads the Qu'ran. This isn't how religion works, it's based on faith and acceptance, not reading and understanding. You feel God, you don't measure experimental variables to detect his presence in some region of nonspacetime, because everyone can feel and your goal is to create a product that has wide appeal.

Clearly the autisticsperlords of the 18th, 19th and 20th century were unsatisfied with their analysis of Christianity and created all these things we live with now. Can you name me an atheist philosopher of the 17th century? 16th? earlier? were there a lot of them. God is like Socrates and the Bible is Plato's interpretation of what Socrates might have said. It's hard to say who copied who there, but it's a very clever technique. Unreliable narrators are great, contradictions are delightful and expected. It's a question of aesthetics not rigor or consistency. It's like modern philosophers who get made at Plato, because they lost the beauty a long time ago and only see the lack of rigor and too much wrong think. You're making the same mistake with the Bible.

It was intended to be read over a lifetime, because it deals with common sense things like love, marriage, children, sudden death or loss, disease, sadness, happiness, you know it's just a self-help book. What it says is less important than how it says it.

>> No.10979941

>all ____
The loudest atheists are the ones least likely to be irreligious because the irreligious ones don't really give a fuck. It's not like atheists believe Christians are going to hell.
what a moran

>> No.10979948

We will never encounter alien life nor will we travel beyond our solar system

>> No.10980050
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>tfw traditionalist Catholic aliens vibrating their throats in a way that approximates Latin

>> No.10980062

>Logical way
>Ignored old testament

>> No.10980178

Soy de Australia. Empecé a estudiar español hace 3 años solo porque quise aprender una nueva lengua. Mi carrera pasó por 3 años, y ahora solo lo uso de vez en cuando.
De donde eres en España, tío?

>> No.10980186


>> No.10980206

They will convert aliens to catholicism, I recall that benedict XVI said something about the topic.

>> No.10981406


>> No.10981441

> reading books by SJW atheists
Anon, please stop trolling, thanks.

>> No.10981449

christianity is afriad af of aliens. extra terrestrial species fuck up the whole " we are special" narrative. theyd probably just called them demons and we would have to (try to) annihilate them out of dogmatic nonsense.

>> No.10981452

>the same reason why many asians do eye and nose surgeries and bleach their hair
Not at all. They do surgeries and dye their hair because whites are the original and most diverse human population w.r.t. genetic diversity. If I was Chinese I'd want some of that high-quality white DNA too. It's just simple common-sense biology.

>> No.10981458

Oh, thanks!

>> No.10981467

This. Christianity is dying at a rapid rate, More people are leaving than they can convert, it's basically a convert religion at this point, with no stability at all compared to islam.

>> No.10981468

>Christianity is afraid of aliens
no its not, you are just believing stiff retarded atheist are telling you

>> No.10981469

>Protip: Aliens are actually demons.
Anybody without a room-temperature IQ already figured this out long ago.

>> No.10981476


>> No.10981477

Aliens would be gentiles presumably. The relation between Christian Humans and the aliens would be like that between the Jews and the other nations in the old testament. Another messaniac event would be needed to make human and aliens one religious body if we're to follow this parallel through to the new testament.

>> No.10981481

This desu. There have been no alien encounters yet just demonic fictions.

>> No.10981484

>is history and history of philosophy where you gained this unique style or self-contradiction. i can't tell if you're being raped or hate fucked.
Good God you're fucking retarded

>> No.10981495

yea no thanks

>> No.10981515

they represent your team anon.

>> No.10981529

no they dont

>> No.10981542

what do they represent then if not the christians anon?

>> No.10981563

Who said anything about fear, dillweed?

Demons have existed since forever and love nothing more than fucking with man's mind.

People don't believe in demons anymore, but belief in ayy lmao and ufology bullshit is mainstream. This means demons will masquerade as aliens. Why wouldn't they?

(Obviously real aliens don't actually exist, unlike demons.)

>> No.10981566


>> No.10981574

heretics, witch anyone can be. Not Christianity

>> No.10981583

there is zero evidence that either exist anon.
>Why wouldn't they?
because it makes no sense. why not masquerade as hot ladies and nice people to actually manipulate the masses?

>> No.10981606

*Takes a whippet*
Ur move retard

>> No.10981607

>there is zero evidence that either exist anon.
There is zero evidence that you exist, anon. Stop with this "evidence" bullshit.

>why not masquerade as hot ladies and nice people to actually manipulate the masses?
Because demons aren't people and don't have human psychology. But yes, they definitely do that too. In two ways: a) through "visions" (not so hot in modern times since people don't believe in visions anymore) and b) by twisting and manipulating existing celebrities.

The second route is actually extremely common today. Why do you think literally every first celebrity has a drug and/or sexual perversion problem?

>> No.10981613

you just call them heretics because they make no sense and are less intelligent than you. but they are still christians. they are the overwhelming majority who represent your kind whether you agree with me or not.

>> No.10981621

>There is zero evidence that you exist, anon.
i cant discuss anything with you im afraid.
have a nice day anon.

>> No.10981624

> can't even toddler-level philosophy 101
> tries to discuss Christian theology
Anon, you're not tall enough for this ride. Start with Jack Chick tracts and move on to Philosophy for Dummies. After a few years we can talk again.

>> No.10981631


>> No.10981761
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-you think men are ready to contact us?
-let's see their inventions

-it seem they've already surpassed us!