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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 471 KB, 998x716, lacan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10973041 No.10973041 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10973050

The younger person is almost always in the wrong. Young people are stupid and their opinions don't matter.

>> No.10973052

But the older person in this case is Lacan

>> No.10973054

the big Other

>> No.10973067
File: 27 KB, 500x382, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is for the unexposed

>> No.10973206

both, for not taking their actions to the last consequences but merely teasing

>> No.10973207

What a fucking manchild

>> No.10973251

Is this what philosophy students call a “fight”?

>> No.10973283

there were no real sides to pick a winner from

>> No.10973311

What is Lacan wearing? Looks like a renaissance sodomite.

>> No.10973317


>> No.10973343
File: 17 KB, 853x283, Screenshot_2018-04-09-09-52-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know

>> No.10973722

What the kid said was right but him spilling the water is very wrong (there is no canceling out or anything, entirely separate)

>> No.10973768
File: 24 KB, 180x284, 180px-Debord_SocietyofSpectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads society of the spectacle once

>> No.10973775


Old people don't accrue meaningful experience just by being alive. If you don't actually read anything or do anything you can get through your whole life without accruing any real wisdom or knowledge.

>> No.10973779


>> No.10973780

Fuck off. The revolution belongs to the youth.

>> No.10973789

How come non-conformists always have the lower standards?

>> No.10973796

Isn't the room full of non-conformists? Its a fucking Lacan lecture

>> No.10973821

because the conformists set the standards

>> No.10973822

nice ad hominem

>> No.10973829

Yeah, but considering how smug they are you would expect them to have higher standards. What's the point of saying society is shit only to embody the worst of it?

>> No.10973886

are you purely speaking about his actions, or what he said? as far as I can tell it seemed he was mad at Lacan for speaking and caring about 'real gnarly shit' about society and life and it felt that there was stuff going on with wars and rights and movements and instead of talking about that stuff he was talking about banal stuff or something?

>> No.10974071


But Lacan read things and did things and so this response is particularly inapplicable in this case. Further, the person you replied to did not absolutely foreclose the possibility of the younger person being in the right in any situation whatever, he just correctly observed that the younger person, especially when much younger as in this situation (pun not originally intended but there it is) is usually full of shit and barely knows what he's talking about.

Further, your basic idea taken by itself is partially wrong, and is more wrong overall than the FP's basic idea. Although technological advancement renders the wisdom of the old increasingly irrelevant in today's world, it is still largely the case that, on the contrary, yes, old people accrue "meaningful experience" (the category that you primarily stressed, and the one that you are the most wrong about) just by being alive. To take banal examples, they know how to go about doing their taxes, what parts break on a car, how to go about the sorts of relationships that they'd like to pursue, and so on. Literally, one does not manage to get very far in life /without doing anything/, and even plebs who hate reading and never do it voluntarily in the form of book length works still read simple instructions, and increasingly their text messages, and so on. Your secondary stuff about (true) wisdom, knowledge and so on are still plenty salvageable since it's clear that you have plebs in mind, but even plebs accrue relevant life experience over the course of their lives which makes them superior in types of knowledge to almost all younger people, leaving all "theory" aside. This is the point.

t. not the FP, no srs I'm not

>> No.10974100


>> No.10974198

Lacan, who had basically nothing to say to of many young people who wnated revolution for revolution's sake. The young man was disillusioned with society and so he acts in genuine expression, unto which he is asked: "what is it exactly that you wanted to do? The young man replies simply "revolution", as his motive. I can't blame the young man for feeling or acting the way he did, but I blame Lacan for acting such an uninteresting waffle about the situation.

>> No.10974228

Lacan should have just told him about the big other

>> No.10974242


To be fair the kid is an upset lanklet who looks like he could throw at least one good punch. If I'm Lacan I don't want to get assaulted.

>> No.10974247

What was Lacan's point after the kid got kicked out?

>> No.10974265

God the fr*Nch "language" is revolting

>> No.10974272

Im not saying he should insult him. Lacan is a psychologist, he could have had something interesting to say, although he may have gotten to it eventually and the video just doesn't show it.

>> No.10974276

what language do you speak besides English? If the answer is none you have no room to speak of the beauty of a European language. Im not a french speaker btw

>> No.10974293


>> No.10974295

Don't try to make understand Lacan, nothing he says makes any sense

>> No.10974302

>If the answer is none you have no room to speak of the beauty of a European language.
Pff says you nerd. I've still heard other European languages and know enough about phonology to declare it vomit. I also bet you're a euroboo fag since you made sure to specifiy "European language".

>> No.10974313

I love European and North Asian cultures. Problem, fag?

>> No.10975050

joe pesci eat your snickers.

>> No.10975087

i can explain, since the french translation is a bit off.

He says that there will be a new world order, in which we must all necessarily participate in, even the revolutionaries, then he hints that there is no such thing as subjective will- but the clip cuts off.

in the context of what the kid said-

kid: you're an actor, performing apologetics for a miserable audience who has lost the authentic meaning of life, cannot communicate to each other, and we need a revolution against people like you, who are simply there to appease and dull the senses.

in the context of what lacan said-

you don't have a choice anymore. participate in what i am doing or die.

>> No.10975231

In Lacan's old age? Almost definitely Lacan. He deteriorated badly as he got older.

>> No.10975300

Can someone explain to me why exactly a Situationist or Letterist would have issues with Lacan? I thought Lacanian psychoanalysis was at least mildly complimentary to their movements.

>> No.10975303

Most useful knowledge in today's world has an expiration date.

>> No.10975321

Asking cuntish questions.

>> No.10975339

there is plenty of timeless knowledge, like basic skills of communication, survival, cooperation. sexual courtship, the need for rites of passage into adulthood and the distinction between different stages of your life (immature, mature, infertile), the differences between men and women and how they contrast with the similarities. today's world has been reduced to commodification of products and services only superficially. people stop being robots in this system every time they blink.

for example, it's useful to know that by sacrificing income and 20 years of early adult life devoting it as a mother to raising children, any woman can secure the lifelong loyalty, love and security of at least one of her offspring, often many of them.

but if you don't know _HOW_ to raise them it could backfire on you, by minimizing your own personal labor (no vaginal birth, no breast feeding, no early education and imprinting, no male role model to offset and contrast your femininity) and offloading them into state systems they will grow to feel alienated, distrust and dislike you and feel confused struggling with a lifetime of self-conflict.

so it's a risk, without the right knowledge which is almost timeless since it relies on human biology and a cultural heritage that is thousands of years old (mother-child bonding) you could end up in a worse position than before, having sacrifice 2 decades in exchange for new liabilities. today's world has turned many people, women especially, into cowards. they would prefer the mindless task of work over the complex and challenging task of raising children. and women don't have long maybe the first 3 or 4 years before the child is done and the father steps in as the influencer for the next decade.

>> No.10975342

Yeah, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.10975352

>Most capital gaining knowledge in today's world has an expiration date.

you're just wrong (even if your initial assumption held). the same thought patterns which make someone a quick learner or adept at manipulation are present regardless of what world you put them in. it's a fixed pattern of attention to detail, the ability to present oneself externally for maximal advantage, many combination strategies of mimicry, risk taking, effective social pruning and budding.

>> No.10975372

I wasn't just talking about capital, that type of gender-essentialist tradcon stuff isn't useful in today's world.

>same thought patterns which make someone a quick learner
>attention to detail
Largely general ability and basic discipline. And these peak biologically.

>adept at manipulation
>the ability to present oneself externally for maximal advantage, many combination strategies of mimicry, risk taking, effective social pruning and budding
The vast majority of this is culture/demographic/domain specific, in the same way that language and political activity are.

>> No.10975401

>2 frenchmen
>speaking about nothing
makes you think

>> No.10975404

>Lacan was a manlet
I'm not even surprised

>> No.10975417

looks like some sort of oversized kindergarten jacket thing

>> No.10975420

>cult members

>> No.10975455

then why did communist ideas fail so miserably? if intelligence is a biological peak and everything else humans do in a practical sense is cultural?

this tabula rasa shit didnt fly in the 19th and 20th century, why are you bringing it up again? you feel inadequate? i didn't realise we lived in a hermetically sealed cultural malaise where mothers having children is "gender-essentialist tradcon" stuff, like for the past 150,000 right? better stop doing it because internet and globalisation i guess.

>inb4 my parents are gay dads

>> No.10975462

Real communism hasn't failed not even once.

>> No.10975485
File: 13 KB, 814x106, swede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was civilization a mistake?

>> No.10975496
File: 24 KB, 340x328, lao_tse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the communism that can be spoken of is not the true communism

>> No.10975499

no, what's wrong with wanting competent leadership? calling leaders masters is deceptive. a good master relies on his servants as much as they rely on him. do bees complain that the queen gets all the royal jelly? does the queen complain she has to lay all the eggs? purile nonsense, you can't be free because humans are social cogs in the machine of humanity.

go live alone in the woods. you will jerk off outside a lot and die.

The true horror is the ignorance of people like Martin Kroyer who have become slaves to themselves without the developing the necessary cognitive tools to understand they need other people, meanwhile their body is constantly screaming for companionship, brotherhood and fellowship.

Freedom from what mate? existing. fucking forest jerkers.

>> No.10975502

nothing is wrong with it, as long as you aren't unironically expecting a non-hierarchical society to emerge from your revolution

>> No.10975508

>>2 frenchmen
The student isn't French, he has a Belgian accent.
This happened in a Belgian university (Catholic University of Louvain).

>> No.10975518

is Belgium even a real country?

>> No.10975574

Define real country.

>> No.10975587

so this is the power of the situationists...

>> No.10975850

>spills your water pitcher all over your notes and p/a electrics
>wipes your goat cheese sandwich into the watery table
>nothing authentic kid.

>> No.10976857

GDP over $1,000,000 US annually

>> No.10976861

Both of them for being Fr*nch

>> No.10976878

So true.
native English speakers don't realize that English can sound very funny to the rest of the world.

>> No.10976900
File: 37 KB, 630x409, smiley-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad

>> No.10976942
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1518085727001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Grandpa

>> No.10976990

I too enjoyed those comments

>> No.10976991

Id go even further and claim most people are stupid and their opinions don't matter

>> No.10976993

as for me, I jouissance'd them

>> No.10976998

how's the late 19th century?

>> No.10977029

There's a great deal of overlap, but at the same time there is a sort of subjectivity in psychoanalysis that retranslates everything into childhood complexes and stages and does not allow for any discourse outside of it. It's why D&G called psychoanalysis autistic, it only understands its own language and has great difficulty interacting with alterity and the outside world. D&G talk for example of situations in which those protesting the Vietnam war will speak about injustice or whatever and the psychoanalyst will stick to some term he understands. You're protesting with your friend Rene (rebirth in French), well clearly you're fixated on your mother'a vagina etc.

Not saying all psychoanalysts do this, but there are plenty of them.

>> No.10977109

"not Belgium"

>> No.10977130


>> No.10977146

So, was Lacan a crypto-stalinist, via the apparent stalinism of his teacher, Kojeve?

>> No.10977154

What's Dolce and Gabbana got anything to do with it?

>> No.10977201

You have to be a real fuckup to make me sympathize with Lacan

>> No.10977204

i never mentioned communism, but the obvious answer is a mix of dumb ideas and bad execution

>mothers having children
that is an interesting way of summarizing your post

>> No.10977300

Communists are all incompetent leftists with their brains fried from too much drugs

>> No.10977311

>then why did communist ideas fail so miserably
Did they? Communist bloc governments existed for a century.

>> No.10977312

Ya govoryu po ruskie; Latine loqui; und ich spreche Deutsch.

French is revolting and makes everyone sound equally retarded. At least in this, they achieved "égalité," if not "liberté" and "fraternité."

>> No.10977319

пиздишь нeбocь

>> No.10977320

Virgin Lacan
Chad Situationist

>> No.10977335

Anyone else think the student is cute?

>> No.10977337

Для aнoнa ничeгo нe жaлкo, дaжe фpaнцyзcкий.

>> No.10977341

And achieved nothing close to their goals

>> No.10977350

The tragedy is, they achieved all their goals, and even more.

>> No.10977349

Thanks for your opinion but I respectfully agree. I love the sound of the french language and the more immersed into it you are the better it sounds, same with every language.

>> No.10977356

Certainly not if they were trying to communism. I don't remember a place where the state and property/money has been abolished.

>> No.10977363

when i was young we could buy a bushel of radishes for a nickle. Of course, nickles had pictures of bees on them back then. We had to eat radishes because of the war.

>> No.10977370

>trying to communism
I don't know what this means.
Neither Lenin, nor Trotsky, Stalin or Mao wanted to achieve what you think they wanted.

>> No.10977376

Lacan in his life said a whole bunch of nonsense and only a portion of his ramblings is interesting from a philosophical perspective.

What Guy Debord said about the way society then is still pertinent today, and is one of the most profound critiques of postmodern society. So I am with the situationist student on that one.

>> No.10977377

Mao achieved it between 1952 and 1954

>> No.10977391

Give me a swarm of bees for a dollar, we always said back then.

>> No.10977496

that was the attempted robot beta revolution against the normies

>> No.10977511

When has a french person been right about anything?

>> No.10977554


>> No.10977568

/lit/ is so bad, you’re imitating your professor’s and the news media, i just realized the way we bring up topics is programmatic and that’s why the responses are inane and full of people who wouldn’t otherwise feel comfortable posting. you people know nothing, you’ve been socialized by democratic egregore implantation to assume because you have a neo-cortex and have read something and are infatuated with pursuits you think are cultured, that you’re sapient and that your questions or ideas matter. Its neither that the humanities are sterile and thus you all couldn’t contribute nor that there is nothing left to contribute, this cohort, all of (You) are just unworthy. This is obscured by the traffic oriented internet forums, private forums even and social media where maximizing aesthetically pleasing, pallatable user interaction is key. 4chan has natural levels of paricipation, these have never, not even when you thought you were a secret club, reflected who has a right to talk or speak. in fact pathways for discourse almost exlusively facilitate the thought of the inept and the debased. You’re more likely to seek an education and express it in esoteric thought circles if you know nothing and are very convinced the vacuum you feel is your immense mind. Truly fucking remarkable, you’re all retarded. I could go through every single user and not one would yield anything, but the pretense would remain, and the public probably couldn’t tell the difference. Confusing the packaging with the product, stuck in looping presuppositions, modal consciousness, object-subject dichotomies, occulted binary logic, dialects that lead nowhere, this is what most humans do with their minds. Nothing and no one can help you, you’ll continue eating each other’s faces and shitting onto your screens until its not cost effective and then you’ll do the same in garages, at bars, at cocktail parties, at night clibs, in living rooms, at work, in study halls and waiting rooms, at restaurants and in parks. Chattering cicadas

>> No.10977570

what´s the context of the debate?. I´m not really familiar with this guy

>> No.10977578
File: 117 KB, 928x1017, Lacan-smiling-e1481060395878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enters psychoanalyst session
>"ah anon, lets see what we can do about your problems, all your desires are for something that doesn't even exist and impossible to attain, coming to terms with this will help with your anxiety.
>That will be 800 Francs

Biggest hack of philosophy or what?

>> No.10977582

Now with brevity please.

>> No.10977586

commie calling out Lacan as a bourgeois

>> No.10977587

on what drugs are you? this is just an anime image board

>> No.10977595
File: 60 KB, 763x771, 1517935902987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is so bad, you’re imitating your professor’s and the news media, i just realized the way we bring up topics is programmatic and that’s why the responses are inane and full of people who wouldn’t otherwise feel comfortable posting. you people know nothing, you’ve been socialized by democratic egregore implantation to assume because you have a neo-cortex and have read something and are infatuated with pursuits you think are cultured, that you’re sapient and that your questions or ideas matter. Its neither that the humanities are sterile and thus you all couldn’t contribute nor that there is nothing left to contribute, this cohort, all of (You) are just unworthy. This is obscured by the traffic oriented internet forums, private forums even and social media where maximizing aesthetically pleasing, pallatable user interaction is key. 4chan has natural levels of paricipation, these have never, not even when you thought you were a secret club, reflected who has a right to talk or speak. in fact pathways for discourse almost exlusively facilitate the thought of the inept and the debased. You’re more likely to seek an education and express it in esoteric thought circles if you know nothing and are very convinced the vacuum you feel is your immense mind. Truly fucking remarkable, you’re all retarded. I could go through every single user and not one would yield anything, but the pretense would remain, and the public probably couldn’t tell the difference. Confusing the packaging with the product, stuck in looping presuppositions, modal consciousness, object-subject dichotomies, occulted binary logic, dialects that lead nowhere, this is what most humans do with their minds. Nothing and no one can help you, you’ll continue eating each other’s faces and shitting onto your screens until its not cost effective and then you’ll do the same in garages, at bars, at cocktail parties, at night clibs, in living rooms, at work, in study halls and waiting rooms, at restaurants and in parks. Chattering cicadas

>> No.10977600

Haven't seen this pasta in ages

>> No.10977605
File: 275 KB, 639x624, 1522874443439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds a +1 proof to his point

>> No.10977612

you clearly never seen a psychoanalyst session

>> No.10977658

Lacan was known for his very short sessions.

>> No.10977662

>subtracts 5 points for greentexting and thotposting

>> No.10977819

just started this today again am i in for? i’m old so probably wont inspire me to disrupt lecture or anything

>> No.10978102

>soy: the post

>> No.10978151

You get many laughs at parties, anon?

>> No.10978202
File: 174 KB, 852x1200, lacan for surviving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the anglo-autists ITT hating on my boi Chad-Lacan

>> No.10978234

not gay but the kid could be a model

>> No.10978389

>burger attempting to categorize such and such as soy
Your entire country is a failed experiment.

>> No.10979030

wait so you don't think the biological generative process of a woman bringing new life into the world is the most important thing in the essence of her being? that's why i used it as an example to buttress my "timeless knowledge" point. as long as humans give birth to humans, and only half of the humans can actually do that job, and humans have a reason to keep existing, my point stands.

i made a subtler point, that there are accurate strategies women can employ with respect to maximizing the process of child rearing, which have been slowly optimized and honed like some stone tool, for millions of years. and dismissal of this universal is an experimentation in something new, which will probably have unintended feedback effects which initially suceed but eventually backfire into a much worse problem. like raising autists who cannot interface with each other without the intermedium of technology doing most of the heavy lifting. which i believe is an interegnum and most humans will choose to return back to some primitive state when the horrors of technology are truly understood and internalized by the common man, who still believes in experts, science and the religion of the state.

i could've used walking over using a wheelchair to get everywhere. but then we get into parodies about real communism and equality diminishing humanity into a deaf dumb mute blind brute without limbs, a kind of withering worm creature in a bubble of technogadgets that keep it alive, in total identical equanimity, trillions of slugboys, w-w-woah soyboy is evolving!

>> No.10979034

those girls behind him definitely did, all that lip biting and eye contact. :>

>> No.10979053

At first I thought the lad was trying to impress him, maybe get a job as a professor or something. Then I realized that everyone involved is a leftist and leftists are bitter and miserable at all times so his motive could only be disruption. Neither of them are right really, it's just rebellion for rebellion's sake and it's inevitable self-destructive legacy. Just like when BLM derailed Bernie Sanders and made him look like a coward as a result.

>> No.10979068
File: 715 KB, 3501x1825, comrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists are bitter and miserable at all times
Except for times when the leftist war machine is in full swing.

>> No.10979071

>wait so you don't think the biological generative process of a woman bringing new life into the world is the most important thing in the essence of her being? that's why i used it as an example to buttress my "timeless knowledge" point. as long as humans give birth to humans, and only half of the humans can actually do that job, and humans have a reason to keep existing, my point stands.
irrelevant and off-topic

>that there are accurate strategies women can employ with respect to maximizing the process of child rearing, which have been slowly optimized and honed like some stone tool, for millions of years. and dismissal of this universal is an experimentation in something new, which will probably have unintended feedback effects which initially suceed but eventually backfire into a much worse problem. like raising autists who cannot interface with each other without the intermedium of technology doing most of the heavy lifting.
no, these are still culturally dependent strategies, regardless of your opinion of the current year, bugmen, the jews, etc

>which i believe is an interegnum and most humans will choose to return back to some primitive state when the horrors of technology are truly understood and internalized by the common man, who still believes in experts, science and the religion of the state.
>i could've used walking over using a wheelchair to get everywhere. but then we get into parodies about real communism and equality diminishing humanity into a deaf dumb mute blind brute without limbs, a kind of withering worm creature in a bubble of technogadgets that keep it alive, in total identical equanimity, trillions of slugboys, w-w-woah soyboy is evolving!
wash your penis

>> No.10979072 [DELETED] 

A friend of mine sees a lacanian therapist. It's funny because, from what I understand, every time he allows himself to wallow the price if his sessions rises.

>> No.10979092

A friend of mine sees a lacanian therapist. It's funny because, from what I understand, every time he allows himself to wallow, the fees for his sessions go up.

>> No.10979516
File: 245 KB, 1210x962, freud-lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only. Lacan was a chad no matter what other bad things can be said about him.

>> No.10979525

He looks more like a loon
didn't he have several strokes at that point

>> No.10980998

They were variable sessions; Lacan Psychoanalysis is primarily suited towards patients speaking to the Analyst until the Analyst can drive them towards a realisation (the analysand must make it themselves). Variable Sessions are important for this (cancelling when a realization is made so the patient can think on it, stopping sessions when the analysand isnt being responsive etc.). Lacan would be seen as a less controversial figure (in the Psychoanalytic world) if he had dropped his Variable Sessions but he kept them showing that he, at least, believed they were effective.

>> No.10981028

that did make me smirk, leave anon alone

>> No.10981052

it's relevant, find me a human culture with male pregnancy.

>culturally dependent strategies

which happen to be applicable in all human cultures.

>wash your penis

im my culture we let the women wash the penis, you can watch if you want. if you put on a cute wig i'll even let you participate. there is a certain amount of oral stimulation that is expected of you. trigger warnning i may explode in your face.

>> No.10982194



>> No.10982223

French left wing culture is awesome in an unusual way. It's like watching a bunch of aliens discussing their things.

>> No.10982295

I just remember watching this yesterday without seeing this thread... synchronicity as fuck what the fuck

>> No.10982323
File: 70 KB, 773x568, La Chinoise.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a movie like that called La Chinoise

>> No.10982568

how fucking odious

>> No.10982593
File: 34 KB, 600x524, 230114_908223010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've still heard other European languages and know enough about phonology to declare it vomit

Imagine being such an idiot

>> No.10982635

that's a nice way of calling them obscurantist retards .

>> No.10982640

>tfw no obscurantist retard friends

>> No.10982647

If you grew up with french as your main language you would probably not have a problem with it. The problem is it sounds foreign to you.

>> No.10982657

Name a single french philosopher who was an obscurantist

>> No.10982660

french is very flat and nasal. it sounds objectively bad to anyone non-french who hasn't been taken in by le french so romantic meme. the only tolerable francophones are are north africans and blacks.

>> No.10982674

Exactly, its subjective. There is nothing wrong with being "taken in by le french so romantic meme" as you put it. Its better than disliking them for political reasons of whatever.

>> No.10982676


the young guy win. i think.

exactly he gives lacan the uppercat here:
"people like you are bringing to people like these justification for their miserable lives".
and the laugh of the public after lacan said "no, thats what you do" only reinforce this.

you can see in the stupefied face and explanation of lacan after the guy left. (he knows the guy got a good one punch and he dont want anybody to see it, you can see his head plotting at full spead to try to occult this plain questioning of the Young man...)

the only good defense movement of lacan (and its not enough) is:
"we should close ranks together to achieve what exactly?".
and is a pretty form of distort the view to see the central plane in questioning what is what we gonna achieve, not the fact that he is an instrument of ranks people together too.

psychologists are charlatans, they dont have a real racionalizations to be psychologists, is a total mess see a doctor in psychiatry theorically justified his profession.
and lacan of course neither cant do. in fact, he dont try to justify himself at all. he only try to mock the guy at full speed.

>> No.10982688

Please learn English before sharing your bad opinions

>> No.10982699

you dont understand anything?. fuck.
try to explain my bad opinion if you understand something.

>> No.10982707

dont tell me what to do you fascist pig

>> No.10982750

expand on this

>> No.10982804

Psychologists desperately need to justify their priviledged position. They are the elite, like ancient priests or witch doctors, they are the ones that "know" and the masses are hungry for their facts and advice. (Which is really just their own judgements) To keep their power they need people to believe the illusion, that they have secret knowledge.

t. Doesn't know l'english either.

>> No.10982818

Derrida, Deleuze, Baudrillard the list can go on..

>> No.10982955


I don't know Baudrillard though.

>> No.10983010

but why is a bad opinión?.

>> No.10983347

The kid is what I image Neanderthals sounded like

>> No.10983622

>being so much of a pleb you can't even speak french

>> No.10983657

>not having your french-speaking girlfriend meet you at the door in a black dress and your favorite lingerie and speaking french exclusively through the evening up until your lovemaking
Keep being bitter, nerd.

>> No.10983926
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> Actually believing in some retarded commie student wet dream

>> No.10983933

Yes, the older you get the less likely you are to want to change.

>> No.10983958

Because its resentful soppy leftism. Elite people are necessary and good especially when it comes to knowledge

>> No.10983970


Lacan by virtue of his existence, but I fucking hate how retarded that kid sounded, so him.

>> No.10984122
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Because you realize that the world functions alongside a very natural and logical timeline and things are the way they are for good reasons and the only way things change without everything falling apart is through specific seemingly mundane series of events that reaches their logical conclusions later on....

>> No.10984130

wow anglo-judaic-socialist technocracy is the best system

>> No.10984153
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> Not playing the long game.

>> No.10984352
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its not aboung being elite, its about having control. and lacan trying to minimize that control. at least you are honest. but lacan never said something like "hey, pretentious guy from nowhere, somebody have to give justifications to the miserable lifes of this people, so shut up, i have the right to be that guy". your argument its not his argument. dont be so cocky.

>> No.10984357

this but unironically

>> No.10984363

this is so true and simple that most people don't get it.

>> No.10984708

Not all French people sound like that kid. I don’t know if it’s a dialect or what but he sounds like Andre the Giant with a mouth full of marbles

>> No.10984762

You get this from some neckbeard Nietzsche Defence Force page? You realise Foucault knew a lot more about NEETsche than you?