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File: 957 KB, 1024x576, metamodernism-moonrise-kingdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10972423 No.10972423 [Reply] [Original]

what is meta modernism? how is it used?

>> No.10972426


>> No.10972437

Basically self-aware modernism. Probably ends up producing Waiting for Godot where everyone is trans or something.

>> No.10972984

this is marketet shit.

>> No.10973175

Whats the difference with postmodernism?

>> No.10973368

An arbitrary line drawn in the intellectual sand

>> No.10973885

Tim and Eric is metamodernism (I think)

>> No.10973889

Very carefully.

>> No.10973920

i love the little girl in this movie so much and i want to marry her then touch all over her 13 1/2-year-old body as nature intended but all thats too metamodern for me or any parole officer to ever understand

>> No.10973993

Meta-modernism isn't distinct enough yet. You're supposed to live within it for a bit, and then go -aHa! I now see things clearly, and then give it a name.

>> No.10974037
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Is this metamodernism?

>> No.10974078

>what is meta modernism? how is it used?
instead of tropes in literature and media being pointed out in media, consumer products are advertised as 'self-aware'

>> No.10974081

I feel you but she was actually 12

>> No.10974086

When humans invent VR-net, this will happen. Bulge or not, the female form will be the used one.

>> No.10974143

On an unrelated note "meta-" (with hypen) is my favorite word in the english language. You can tack it onto almost anything and you have a intriguing fucking thought on your hands.

>> No.10974174
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>> No.10974307

would have been epic to de-flower, indubiously

>> No.10974350
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>> No.10974431
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Metamodernism is Postmodernism because Postmodernism is the umbrella term for everything after Modernism. Modernism was the necessitation of improvement or modification or at least change in regards to Classical and Traditional styles/forms/standards/values/techniques in the arts, and the impetus of the individual and his subjectivity in the political sphere. Modernism from the outset created the tools that allowed for its own critique, and so it doesn't matter what prefix you prefer whether it be post- or meta- or hyper-, or neo-, post-post-, re-, or alter; it's all more or less the same set ideas concerning the challenging of assumptions and the rethinking of perspectives.

>> No.10974604

Post-modernism critiques yet offers nothing. Modernism offers something.
Basically it's a question of transcendence. Modernism (and I'm painting with a broad brush but stick with me)often offers something "higher." Not necessarily, and in fact rarely, something spiritual, rather modernism believes in "something." Post-modernism says "all of this is stupid" but really produces nothing to sufficiently fill the void. You can take reason, meaning, god, etc. away from modernism but it requires something, post-modernism requires no input or output, it is purely flat and often not very compelling. Metamodernism is an attempt at a synthesis of the two.

>> No.10974694

pomo deflates any potential energy inside the cultural system by addressing (potentially) equal value to all discourses. that way you depolarize everything and the spirit just gives up, because it all feels fake and useless, and it is.

>> No.10974705

I agree.

>> No.10974833

>the impetus of the individual and his subjectivity in the political sphere
What is the end game of this shit? Holy fuck, I've been watching the news lately and this seems really bad. Everyone is talking in coded language because their actual political opinions are beyond effability couched under 40 layers of meaningless symbols that have accrued over the last 20 years.

>> No.10975112


>> No.10975138
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>What is the end game of this shit?
Atomization, docility. You can't stand up for yourself if you're too afraid to open your mouth. Better yet, unable to meaningfully communicate with those whom you disagree with!

>> No.10975147

terraforming the social landscape

>> No.10975160

I'd go to jail for this.

>> No.10975169

asking what it is is part of what it is.


>> No.10975203

the end game is to hyperpolarize human beings in a frenzy of bloodlust and national awareness in the hopes of creating sufficient moral justification for another world war, in part to purge useless eaters through the subsequent famine and disease waves, in part to have another plausible manhattan project to disseminate more alien technology (ostensibly for war) to the masses and usher in a new era of scientific revolution.

the requirements of this are simple, you need prestigious international schools and organisations to pick world leaders from a pool of promising students 30-40 years before they need to be activated. these schools are networked and they share the same agenda, to cycle humanity through this rapid development.

>> No.10975215

ITT: confess your delusions of grandeur

>> No.10975234

you first

>> No.10975248

what an awful place

>> No.10975259

sort of like new sincerity but keeping the sharp self-awareness of post-modernism?

>> No.10975411

A symptom of postmodernism where no one reads anything but introductory paragraphs to Wikipedia articles and everyone has the most unique and correct opinion but not enough humility to share it with a sense of irony.

>> No.10975421

Fuck you.

>> No.10975430

it's a meme word and you use it to sound sophisticated like many other meme words

>> No.10975432

>everyone has the most unique and correct opinion

but someone must be right. otherwise being correct is undefined and your entire statement has no meaning, which begs the question why did you make it. are you afraid of the competition of ideas? are you projecting a personal hole to cope?

are you pretending you are doing the same thing but with a sense of irony, thus winning you some trivial superiority? how is that any different than rewriting the rules of the game post-hoc you losing, and casting yourself the winner.

i doubt you will address any of the three questions i posed to you, since i have no given you an out as a way to save face. cornered, you must now press on and fight with desperation, all the while masked with bemused disinterest for the benefit of your adoring holes.

>> No.10975437

so awkward humor?

>> No.10975440

not sure about that, meta-anon

>> No.10975447
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>Modernism was the necessitation of improvement

>> No.10975453
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, C4lRlT_UMAE8KJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post-modernism says "all of this is stupid"
except actual post-modernists never do that, they all have very clear grand-narratives and the "no-grand-narratives" is just a facade used only in 1 direction, but never in the other. If you check in which direction they aren't deconstructing it becomes clear where they actually stand, it's transparent as water

>> No.10975454

>but someone must be right.

Sure but you have sadly missed the point. You shouldn't have spent the effort typing so much for only one option in an if-then case.

>> No.10975457
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>> No.10975461

so are you saying you are correct and he >>10975432 is wrong?

>> No.10975464

running away from critique is the only way the critic can live to cri cri another day.

>> No.10975467

Who knows

DO you get it yet

>> No.10975470

>i'm confused so everyone else must be also.

the sheer state of education in the 21st century.

>> No.10975474

this sounds like the perfect thing i'd imagine in my had to plausibly ruffle someone who might be made uncomfortable by this

not sure what that says about me

>> No.10975488

>the sheer state of education in the 21st century.

This is literally my point you dweeb

>> No.10975504

no it was my point, you just redistributed it to yourself.

>> No.10975549
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>> No.10975718

I have no idea what you're implying here family

>> No.10977295

Aren't you forgetting something about turning into a giant cockroach because of neoliberalism?

>> No.10978677

Distrust anyone who seriously uses "meta-" "post-" and "modernism" in the year 2018.

>> No.10979101
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>> No.10979452 [DELETED] 

Why is there an effective parity in male and female character models in VR chat? Or for that matter PUBG and Fortnight where the playerbase

>> No.10979454

Why is there an effective parity in male and female character models in VR chat? Or for that matter PUBG and Fortnight where the actual playerbase is almost entirely male?

>> No.10979463

Fortnite doesn't let you pick your character model. A lot of games don't, that way you get to play as a black male or a woman some percent of the time without getting harassed by wh*tes

>> No.10979479

Really? Okay, well I don't really play fortnite I thought it did. Anyways, the point is that when you do have a choice, women female skins are grossly over represented because of the simple fact that the female form is alluring. Going back to the point, that is all it really takes for it to be the main choice. Even fags love the aesthetic of a beautiful woman

>> No.10979630

I think it's that VR chat is dominated by legitimate weirdos and ironic weebs.

>> No.10979654

the male form is equally alluring. it's just been coupled with homosexuality for 2 generations, this was a gross over correction and is being pulled back. go look at fit, you'd think they were all queers, but really it's just a display of eros and appreciation for the male figure.

i can appreciate both equally, it depends on what mood i am in. i don't always want to fuck, and i imagine most people arent constantly looking for visual sexuality.

>> No.10980318 [DELETED] 

While there's a ton of merit to what you've stated, the purpose of playing female characters online has always had an implicit pornographic element to it that is not present when playing (default) male characters. The appreciation of women, or more accurately the sexual playfulness of the female figure is completely asymmetrical to Greco-Roman homoerotism in toto.

>> No.10980326

While there's a ton of merit to what you've stated, the purpose of playing female characters online has always had an implicit pornographic element to it that is not present when playing (default) male characters. The appreciation of women, or more accurately the sexual playfulness of the female figure is completely asymmetrical to Greco-Roman homoerotism.

>> No.10980724
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Tp4XR3ku_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this insufferable faggot.