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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 166 KB, 1002x1069, Yukio-Mishima-resize-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10972647 No.10972647 [Reply] [Original]

I'm putting together a crew... you in?

>> No.10972670
File: 59 KB, 637x229, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-08 um 23.50.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can barely reach my nipples, manlet.

>> No.10972693

Japanese don't use that measurement and he's bigger in Japanese

>> No.10972771

No, he's even small for Japanese standards.

>> No.10972784

How can someone be so small? I'm around 5'7 or 5'8, not sure, and I still feel like a midget

>> No.10972811

Okay all memes aside is Tao Lin actually any good

>> No.10973065

japanese are 1,70 on average

>> No.10973100

He isn't the greatest but probably at least worth checking out, especially if you want something more contemporary

>> No.10973122

Not an excuse

>> No.10973126
File: 93 KB, 522x279, hemginway-joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were getting drunk and sneaking into Proust's house... you in?

>> No.10973169

is it a gay crew?

>> No.10973176

>How can someone be so small?
by being born a jap

>> No.10973183

yeah, let's crash that faggot's house.

>> No.10973187

don't do it, its a suicide pact!

>> No.10973201
File: 46 KB, 728x1024, Mishima holding clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10973258
File: 141 KB, 484x750, ry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your rare Mishimas

>> No.10973270

is that his wife?

>> No.10973279

was he gay or nah?

>> No.10973284

he is more masculine than ur dad

>> No.10973295
File: 42 KB, 530x412, 346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he had romantic feelings for girls and a sexual passion for men

>> No.10973302

The most patrician choice

>> No.10973310

>Equating sexuality with masculinity

>> No.10973324
File: 79 KB, 497x681, 46347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He took his writing very seriously so in research for Confessions of a Mask he would visit gay bars and interview gay men for inspiration. Then rumors were spread to discredit him. He was married with children and never was recorded to have been with a man.

>> No.10973345
File: 171 KB, 1200x860, gaybar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10973360


"Later that night Mishima went on the prowl, and in San Francisco he found exactly what he wanted…or so he told me next day as I saw him off to Japan at the airport."

So you are wrong

>> No.10973382
File: 26 KB, 660x440, e9058a3c-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing this shit

There was a campaign out to destroy his reputation ever since he cuckolded the emperor

>> No.10973391

>he thinks the gay stuff is just made up

>> No.10973396

He was never gay. He just wrote a couple gay characters

>> No.10973399
File: 713 KB, 2105x1956, 1522889621587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Confessions of a Mask at the used bookstore the other day, do you think the clerk thought i was gay? I'm not btw

<--------- pitcture of nasim to prove that i'm 100% STRAIGHT

>> No.10973402

I know nothing about him but I'm always learning some new legends about him. Fascinating.

>> No.10973410

Should've told her it's for research

>> No.10973412

you’re unbelievably naive and guillible anon, do you lean hard right and think Hitler did nothing wrong and that there’s no way all those Jews were killed too? pls respond

>> No.10973413
File: 25 KB, 304x300, c1ac1ebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its no secrets since he had enemies. Some even claim they forced him to take him own life.

>> No.10973417

Is there a decent book about Mishima's life?

>> No.10973425
File: 148 KB, 637x1024, Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10973430

>he is more masculine than ur dad
doubt it, anon.

>> No.10973432

Did he also fuck gay dudes for "inspiration"?

>> No.10973435
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x1572, 12124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima wasn't gay, it's as simple as that. I don't care about the couple dubious sourced rumours that said he visited gay bars. No gay person is married to a woman with kids. Even his wife denies he was gay.

>> No.10973439

I have a similar plan to his
mishima: a life in four chapters

>> No.10973441
File: 110 KB, 500x380, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your dad man enough to slice up his belly and have his head cut off? Didn't think so pal

>> No.10973445


>> No.10973446


>> No.10973447
File: 90 KB, 800x562, tumblr_ofv3699mm51vxgq42o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't make a man gay. The Greeks would do it and they weren't gay. He isn't part of your New York gay pride parade gay culture

>> No.10973456

He loved women but fucked men? lol that's some bs, he was probably bisexual at the very least, or full gay at the max.

>> No.10973462

>No gay person is married to a woman with kids
I know a couple.
> Even his wife denies he was gay.
yeah, for legacy reasons.

>> No.10973469

Not him but what's with all the 'hmm's on /lit/ lately? Where are you fags coming from? For some reason my intuition is telling me it's the chapo subreddit.

>> No.10973473

If you fuck men, you're gay, or bisexual if you also happen to fuck women. There's no other way around it. Is /lgbt/ invading us? lol

>> No.10973475
File: 367 KB, 1600x1329, Yamaguchi_assassinates_Asanuma_1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did mishima ever comment on this?

>> No.10973480

He chose to die for his beloved emperor. He made a faggy sacrifice. He didn't even die for a woman. My dad is man enough to continue living in this cesspool without killing himself.

>> No.10973485

You aren't part of any special group if you enjoy sex with men. You don't magically become part of any label. He might have liked having sex with men and thats that.

>> No.10973491

Anyone have the picture of the Death in June guy at Mishima's grave? Pretty sure the name Death in June was inspired by Death in Midsummer.

>> No.10973493

He hated the emperor though. He wanted a competent emperor who wasn't afraid to take the reigns.

>> No.10973496

Being bisexual doesn't automatically give you some membership to some group of people like you imply, it's just a term for people who enjoy sex with men and women. Nothing wrong about it.

>> No.10973500
File: 486 KB, 238x155, Lucille Bluth Rolling Her Eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No gay person is married to a woman with kids.

This has to be bait

>> No.10973502

Would anyone ever deny that tho?

>> No.10973506

>he killed himself in a melodramatic way so a man could occupy a throne aka for nothing
>oh so manly
gimme a break

>> No.10973511

>god I wish that were me

>> No.10973513

Every person that /lit/ thinks is manly is actually butch. It's so funny.

>> No.10973514

the killer or the killed?

>> No.10973584

Come back when you have died for something and then you can talk

>> No.10973588
File: 185 KB, 1082x748, funeral-parade-of-roses-walking-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what he thought of Eddy. He had to have seen this movie being part of that gay underground culture in Tokyo

>> No.10973593

>heh real men are optimistic nihilists, we don't believe in anything but playing vidya and having a good time
>dying for something lol, like whats the point don't you know nothing matters?

>> No.10973598

>Come back when you have died for something and then you can talk.
That's not how logic works, anon lol

>> No.10973605

>Projecting this hard

>> No.10973614

He killed himself for art/aesthetics. The reason and all that was just the backdrop.

>> No.10973616

>i-it doesn't take courage to kill yourself, enduring a shitty herd life like a third rate cuck is true courage

>> No.10973620

You are also projecting you know

>> No.10973626

No I've made arguments. You are making insubstantial defenses.

>> No.10973632

>projecting this much

>> No.10973639

>implying way too much about us
>implying mishima died for something worth dying other than some dumb illusion
Dude died so a man could occupy an empty seat. Had he just killed himself just 'cause, it could actually be interesting.

>> No.10973657

> In 1998, the writer Jiro Fukushima published an account of his relationship with Mishima in 1951, including fifteen letters between himself and the famed novelist. Mishima's children successfully sued Fukushima for violation of his privacy and copyright.

Yeah, they could've sued for diffamation or something else.

>> No.10973664

Come back in three years or after having spent 450 hours outdoors in life.

>> No.10973670

Read all of Indian philosophy and then do a backflip and then get back to me. Otherwise you just aren't worth talking to

>> No.10973678

??? what the fuck are you retards posting
He died for the idea of a Japan that isn't a soulless westernized cum rag for America. He died for a real tradition. Go ahead and call that a dumb illusion you liberal scum. Mishima was a man and your a subhuman faggot.

>> No.10973679

Would smash.

>> No.10973682

I've unironically done both multiple times. I'm laughing so hard at beating you at your own arbitrary game. You should sincerely kill yourself.

>> No.10973703
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, image-w1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobo Abe was better.

>> No.10973710
File: 18 KB, 294x400, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't identify as gay.

>> No.10973727

Already have, you are projecting again also

>> No.10973731

>Go ahead and call that a dumb illusion you liberal scum.
whoa, suddenly I'm a liberal for thinking royalty is retarded, even more dying for them, who would've thought.

>Mishima was a man and your a subhuman faggot.
Projecting much? Crying like a bitch because I reduced your idol's useless faggy sacrifice to shit is exactly what subhuman faggots do, Anon.

>> No.10973732

Kobo Abe was under the China governments dollar to release communist literature in Japan and you fell for it.

>> No.10973738

This is too much. You're about to cry.

>> No.10973744

Maybe he tried to keep it private or didn't accept himself? Those are also possibilities. Back in those days in Japan it wasn't easy to come out of the closet as it is now. Maybe he did identidy as gay but we'll never know. It's bonkers to apply modern standars to people who lived in other times and places.

>> No.10973757

Good. He should've produced more then.

>> No.10973773

>Tradition is retarded and fighting against your country being liberalized is even more retarded, please stop calling me a liberal btw
>projecting much? crying like a bitch? I BTFO you so hard, also no u

>> No.10973776

how do i steal his look

>> No.10973792

Not back then, you retard, not even long after Mishima died. I can't find data on when he was alive, but I'm guessing he was a bit below average at best.

>> No.10973801

The average Japanese man was a lot shorter back then.

>> No.10973804

>Tradition is retarded
Not him, but some traditions are retarded, ie, heving queen or king or a emperor.

>> No.10973808

Get a rag from the kitchen and wear it as a loin cloth

>> No.10973812

I read something a minute ago that said he was tall for his generation but in just a couple generations the national average had grown.

>> No.10973816

He didn't die for something. He wanted to die, so he LARPed his way to death. His whole life was delusion and pretense. I do like him and his works, but this is how he was.

>> No.10973820

>killing yourself to achieve being oppressed again is the manliest thing there is, yummy, mishima-san.
No wonder he was deep into BDSM.

>> No.10973826
File: 65 KB, 500x673, mishima-tumblr_mwua2967um1rbeo1xo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, its in this link

"Mishima first caught the eye of the faggot contingent of the Occupation of Japan in 1945. He was only 20, then quite good-looking (no goggle eyes, no buck teeth, and none of that ah so crap), spoke a sort of English, was tall then for a Japanese (now he would be taken for small again, since the average height for Japanese men has gone up a phenomenal four inches in a quarter of a century), and he had hair on his chest (and this too, then, was most unusual and a matter of much banter and display among the whites of the Occupation and their brown-skinned brother, Mishima)."

>> No.10973836

Ok retard

>> No.10973855

t. liberals
>its not oppression when america rapes your country into its image btw thats called being liberated, hey sometimes it hurts, you vote IN a democracy not FOR a democracy

>> No.10973859

go get fucked, royal-sucking apologist faggot.

>> No.10973862

go get fucked, imperialist-sucking apologist faggot

>> No.10973872

Ok look, I am sorry for getting mad. We shouldn't let emotions get the best of us.

>> No.10973906

lol autistic faggots.

>> No.10973929

these are all me btw

>> No.10973941
File: 348 KB, 1494x1960, Yousuf-Karsh-Yasunari-Kawabata-1969-1494x1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He killed himself because he thought he was being haunted by Mishima's ghost.

>> No.10973945

>actually thinking he killed himself "for the emperor"

>> No.10973949

>73859▶>>10973862 >>10973906 >>10973929
I'm all of these.

>> No.10973958 [DELETED] 

>being haunted by a faggot who is suicidal
who wouldnt

>> No.10973962

it was because he was gay and couldn't take "it" any more

>> No.10973967

Wtf I'm another dude now.

>> No.10973969 [DELETED] 

he loveboy rejected him and that was 2 much

>> No.10973982

his loveboy rejected him and that was 2 much

>> No.10973986

this desu. mishima writes about how epic ritual death is in sun and steel

>> No.10973988

>being haunted by a katana-wielding faggot who is suicidal
who wouldnt

>> No.10973992

him loveboy rejected him and that was 2 much

>> No.10973997

It's all over his work

>> No.10973998

>mishima writes about how epic ritual death is in practically every novel


>> No.10974002

cool, so he had a death wish, why make it about some faggy emperor, then?

>> No.10974009

>All my life I have been acutely aware of a contradiction in the very nature of my existence. For forty-five years I struggled to resolve this dilemma by writing plays and novels. The more I wrote, the more I realized mere words were not enough. So I found another form of expression.

He was gay lol

>> No.10974011

Why post about an author you've never read?

>> No.10974013

Why not? I might read him afterwards.

>> No.10974018

>There is no virtue in curiosity. In fact, it might be the most immoral desire a man can possess.

>> No.10974021

Well if you want insight into why he killed himself then I would say his books would be the best bet, not this embarrassment of a thread/board

>> No.10974026

He only used his political beliefs as an excuse to kill himself before he was too old.

>> No.10974027
File: 40 KB, 249x348, B5DA0C86-DCCF-4DDC-94C6-FF9E4BB04E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said his first time being sexually aroused was when he saw a painting of St Sebastian. He also had a wife though.

>> No.10974033
File: 143 KB, 800x816, 20BECA39-E8B2-47DD-8246-558F51B74004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10974040

I don't know if you can call it sexual as in him wanting to have sex with St Sebastian.

>> No.10974042
File: 182 KB, 710x766, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek weirdo

>> No.10974051
File: 50 KB, 383x512, OVH-Japon-Yukio-Mishima-Portrait02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also reenacted that scene

>> No.10974083 [DELETED] 

lol any other variatiom we haven't seen?

>> No.10974098

lol any other variatiom we haven't seen?

>> No.10974105
File: 3.22 MB, 3000x4068, 4639ACA0-3079-4001-AFA6-49FE745AF55A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy saint.
No homo

>> No.10974106
File: 110 KB, 381x285, Jap size men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was tall then for a Japanese

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.10974130

I would masturbate with that picture too

no homo

>> No.10974150

Its the same world wide, the average height of Europeans a century ago was like 168cm.

>> No.10974167

I dare you.

>> No.10974180
File: 1.80 MB, 2007x3067, christ-on-the-cross-1632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet he got aroused to Jesus on the cross too

>> No.10974199

that's weird lol certified fag

>> No.10974346

stop projecting

>> No.10974371

Jap here, that's a prank by some Jap on Japanese Wikipedia

He was actually 163 or 164 cm, still a little bit shorter than average at that time

>> No.10974376

You are the one who is projecting, I'm just calling it how it is

>> No.10974404

there wasn't even anything for me to be projecting, your just projecting your projecting.

>> No.10974432

well don't project that I am projecting because I am not, I am simply stating that during his life he probably was aroused by Jesus on the Cross

>> No.10974440

you are projecting your sexual arousal at Jesus on the cross onto Mishima you rude homosexual, stop right now

>> No.10974477

>projecting this much

face it. If Mishima found St Sebastian arousing he would have found Jesus arousing.

>> No.10974482

Please tell me what I am projecting, there is literally nothing for me to be projecting here.

>> No.10974488

stop projecting

>> No.10974499

You are the one who is projecting, those were all me and I was just stating facts.

>> No.10974504

>projecting that you aren't projecting

clever but you aren't fooling me

>> No.10974515

Is this the pretend not to know what projecting means strategy? A high level technique but I invented it.

>> No.10974518

>a stupid meme leads to a 100 post discussion on what makes a man gay
god bless this board

>> No.10974530

was he gay though?

>> No.10974535

definitely lol pay attention

>> No.10974577

obviously not

>> No.10974581

Define "gay"

>> No.10974630

sexual orientation is a social construct. i can't believe there are people on /lit/ who still thinks like this. Japan didn't even have a word for it until the west introduced the concept.

>> No.10974634

>sexual orientation is a social construct.
go back /lgbt/

>> No.10974635

japan back then really was retarded

>> No.10974636

there were a shitton of things japan didnt have words for

>> No.10974638

He enjoyed having sex with men? Either passive or active.

>> No.10974651

>Japan didn't even have a word for it until the west introduced the concept.
autistic retards I bet the term is gayozaki or some Japanesized shit like that, maybe homoserito

>> No.10974656

What is it then? A physical thing you no brain?

>> No.10974665

its homosekusharu

>> No.10974669

it's genetic.

>> No.10974677

i'm so glad we nuked them

>> No.10974679

A concept is genetic?

>> No.10974681

he liked getting fucked by men... that's what gay is

>> No.10974691 [DELETED] 

sexual orientation is defined withing your genes, how we label those orientations, that's the social aspect.

>> No.10974704

>Japan didn't even have a word for it until the west introduced the concept
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10974713

sexual orientation is defined within your genes, how we label those orientations, that's the social aspect.

>> No.10974728

I knew it. They suck at creating new words and they bastardize every western movie, vidya, or book title.

>> No.10974729

Which of those old words has the same meaning as "homosexual"?

>> No.10974743

Samurai were fags, today I learned something new lol

>> No.10974745

How is something defined in your genes? Are you saying some people are born preferring sodomy because of a purely genetic reason? What about people who sexually enjoy being dominated, is there no social element to it whatsoever?

>> No.10974751


it's male-male tho

>> No.10974767

oh boy you didn't even know that

japan was greek-tier

>> No.10974768

no word for girl-girl? homosexual also applies to women

>> No.10974774

I considered them very macho, and boy was I wrong.

>> No.10974780

You're an illiterate, insecure spastic

>> No.10974783

It's in people's genes whether they feel sexually attracted to women or men, or both. Get real anon, you know it.

>> No.10974788

Can you become a fag tomorrow just 'cause?

>> No.10974790

No, true patricians have romantic feelings for men and sexual passion for women

>> No.10974791

girl-girl was called to-ha but it was like a slang

man, it's totally different languages

>> No.10974796

nanshoku seems to be some kind of pederastic code. Its not exactly the same as meaning someone who practices sodomy with men or someone who considers themselves attracted to men.

>> No.10974807

You could try out sodomy if you are curious. If you enjoy it you could start calling yourself a homosexual.

try a real argument next time

Even if that were the case why does it need to be labeled? Do people who are genetically are built to enjoy the taste of orange juice have to be called orangers?

>> No.10974810

lol triggered cuck

>> No.10974815

Thats fine with me.

>> No.10974824

>why does it need to be labeled
This is what mankind does, Anon. It's how modern society is. We label stuff, it's how language works.
>Do people who are genetically are built to enjoy the taste of orange juice have to be called orangers?
Pretty sure sexual orientation plays a more important role in people's lives than drinking orange juice Anon. It's one of the cornerstones of civilization.

>> No.10974836

You are being vague on purpose. "Sodomy". It's being fucked in the ass by men.

>> No.10974841

At least you are finally admitting its a social construct

>> No.10974846

But you can enjoy sodomy as a straight man and not have any romantic feelings for men can't you?

>> No.10974862

Oh I never said that. But I don't care either way. I don't have a problem or a complex with it, I'm straight, throw any label at me.

>> No.10974867

Yeah, as long as you don't feel attracted to men and all you want is to stimulate your anus and stuff.

>> No.10974868

well not really

but yeah there was no Japanese word that has “exactly the same meaning as homosexual”

>> No.10974882

>At least you are finally admitting its a social construct
it's genetics, anon, there'll be no "social construct" if genetics weren't involved in the first place to make a person hetero, homo, or bisexual.

>> No.10974888

almost reaching 200!

>> No.10974890

Pretty sure you said "It's how modern society is. We label stuff, it's how language works."

So you are admitting we label genetic urges because its how language works but you also claim you don't believe in social constructs?

>> No.10974897

But what if its a man that is doing the stimulating and you are just along for the ride because you enjoy the stimulation and not necessarily the attraction to the man?

>> No.10974910

yeah, like I said, as long as you love the act, not the person, I guess.

>> No.10974930

pretty sure it's both, but first comes the genetics and then the terminology for those aspects of a person.

>> No.10974931
File: 411 KB, 1462x1462, 1522788833536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual orientation is a social construct.

>> No.10974936 [DELETED] 

Labeling stuff doesn't mean the genetics are meaningless.

>> No.10974954 [DELETED] 

I mean we label bacteria, animals, plants, terrain, minerals, even fucking clouds. It goes against science not to label human sexuality. Why should it be any different?

>> No.10974961

Labeling stuff doesn't mean the genetics are meaningless.I mean we label bacteria, animals, plants, terrain, minerals, even fucking clouds. It goes against science not to label human sexuality. Why should it be any different?

>> No.10974967

If no life existed would there still be sexual orientations?

>> No.10974977

if no computers existed would there still be computer games?

>> No.10974982
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 1522645351138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

>> No.10974984

whats a game? only the physical exists. there are no such thing as ideas

>> No.10974989
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1521700175087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual orientation is a physical objective fact of the universe that exists regardless of whether humans exist to practice it

>> No.10974990

If no life existed their wouldn't be DNA, guess that is a social construct then.

>> No.10975001

Your idea of DNA is a social construct yes. Its impossible to experience anything except the ideal

>> No.10975011

Games are written within the computer's hard drive...

>> No.10975046

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're taking this too far away. Sexual orientation is defined in a person's DNA.

>> No.10975064

sexual orientation isnt real u fucking mong didnt u read foucault, offf course u didnt

>> No.10975070

it's biological and determined by your genetics, read science.

>> No.10975148
File: 5 KB, 831x84, 1520306907404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno how anybody can argue that homosexuality is a social construct when they read how incredibly fucking gay this thread has gotten

>> No.10975166


>> No.10975184

uhhhhhh my feelings?

>> No.10975197

He expressed admiration for Yamaguchi's sacrifice without commenting on the murder itself. He was embroiled in controversy after it for encouraging a critical article which that author was then targeted by right wingers. It obviously had an influence on his own theatrical suicide

>> No.10975213

The Emperor is a living God and Japan incarnate

>> No.10975285
File: 84 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its impossible to experience anything except the ideal

stop liking plato

>> No.10975592

That's about bodybuilding and/or suicide, not about being faggot, you faggot.

>> No.10975659

"Being manly" wasn't the point

>> No.10975665

What a shit thread

>> No.10975669
File: 68 KB, 473x704, yukio-mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the greeks, oscar wilde, thomas mann
>applies the psychoanalytic term "inversion" to himself in confessions of a mask
errr the japs dont have concept of homosexuality, it impossibru for mishima to be gay!!!!

>> No.10975681

msiihma by john nathan

>> No.10977236

t. Triggered homosexual.

>> No.10977241

He does seem fabulous.

>> No.10977273

>until the west introduced it to them

stop playing the retard

>> No.10977281

what are you trying to say, brainlet?

>> No.10977282

Never said that. It obviously wasn't Mishima's goal. But it was like that for that retarded Anon I replied to.

>> No.10977318

The point is that Japan didn't have a word for homosexuality until the west introduced it to them while that poster was trying to move the goalposts and give an example from after western influence. The west didn't have a word for it until the 1800s, they mostly just used "sodomite"

>> No.10977416

Mishima was gay. Japan has always had gay people. Being gay is a genetic thing not a social construct.

This is objective and not debatable. End of discussion, thats that.

>> No.10977768

To be fair Asians make the best traps

>> No.10977778


>> No.10977864

filthy determinist, I hope you're genetically pre ordained to kill yourself

>> No.10978809

>Sexual orientation is a social construct
It must be bait there's no other way.

>> No.10978814

It's true though

>> No.10978819

It's not. Stop with this absurd delusion.

>> No.10978913

Wrong. Sexual orientation is caused by a chemical reaction in your body. Its not an idea that was constructed by humans since we have always practiced it even before we had a word to use it. Infact the word homosexual only appears in like 1890 or some crazy shit.

>> No.10979134

Indeed, it's important.

>> No.10979173


>> No.10979729

Greyskull LP + expensive polos and chinos

>> No.10979738

Holy fuck just admit it. He was a homo. I think you're the only person in this thread who would dislike Mishima if they knew he was gay.

>> No.10979765

Having sexual intercourse with men doesn't make you gay.