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File: 266 KB, 1734x463, tired of being alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10970688 No.10970688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wasn't in their grasp as a kid, it began as a teen, now as a young adult I see a way out but I don't know how to think beyond it. It's automatic and enticing, it's natural. It's retarded to think in idealism, what is blatantly contrary to how society and the world at large are. That doesn't mean you can't strive for something but this sort of idealism is completely inert and even destructive. More so, the hollow rhetoric that employs these ideals is somewhat sickening. As it doesn't serve those ideals or something in-line but more pragmatic. Instead, it is wholly ingenuine, just a tool that may as well be an unknowable and unseeable device for all the real meaning it holds, yet many lap it up as gospel- well not really, most people are pretty cynical, but they're inclined and swayed by it, and it kills legitimate thinking outside of it. It's a placating thing.

>> No.10970697
File: 221 KB, 1030x1531, mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970710

God damn this image is giving me feels. ;_;

>> No.10970735

it's alright to rock the boat anon but you do not want to jump off

>> No.10970739

There's sometimes threads on /int/ that basically amount to Russianons posting 15-25yo Russian girls who have an hero'd. OP pic is one of them.

>> No.10970749


>> No.10970761

Is the video online? The webcam not the killing.
Feel like baawing

>> No.10970768

Define enlightenment value and liberalism and or at least why you want to "escape them"

I can help if I know the issue.

>> No.10970770

Deleuze and Foucault

>> No.10970773

Rene Guenon

>> No.10970774

t. has never read Guenon

>> No.10970778

just channel it into something else. you can't get out of thinking by thinking

>> No.10971207

What's the details on this girl? I mean, what was she upset about or were there family problems or something?
The worst one I remember is that 12-year-old American girl with drug addict parents who killed herself live on facebook.

>> No.10971271

Dunno. Some Russian anon said her reason was 'tired of being alone', so I saved it as that. Though I think that was a summary of specifics as other posts were summary-translations of accompanying Cyrillic text.

>> No.10971295

Because its hot

>> No.10971407
File: 84 KB, 700x930, 1517593624343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are slavs so sad?

>> No.10971429

What you are asking is like wanting to be a kid again. Just embrace what you have learned and focus on the impermanence of things.

>> No.10971443
File: 1.17 MB, 640x480, 1444164832766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty, alcoholism and extreme weather.

>> No.10971452

russians are a very sad people, their history is always brutal (war, famine, disease in a 1000 year cycle) and their leaders betray them. they have never been accepted as european, to the point they were ejected out of europe in a massive diaspora and forced to make do in a frozen wasteland (kievan-rus empire).

despite this, their russian identity is all the really have that unites them, and this tragic story makes them prone to alcoholism, quiet stoic introspection, and a laconic bluntness which makes them seem standoffish and dangerous when they are just lonely and don't know how to relate to their neighbors. the reason the ussr worked despite all of the millions of deaths is because it gave the russian people hope that finally they would be accepted into the brotherhood of greater humanity.

>> No.10971461

alcoholism is more of a result than a cause, though.

>> No.10971464

Read CS Peirce, this kills the epistomological foundation of enlightenment thinking. New list of catagoties to start, then look up "cs Peirce, writings" it's all available. Then read "biosemiotics an anthology".
Then get into systems, pic related is a classic. Read about community ecology, unfortunately all the books I can recommend are rather niche(pun) and probably intractable to most as I used journals to learn.
If you really want to get political I recommend anarchy. I get that anarchism is scoffed at for being "overly idealistic" by some but I think it is really a negative idealogy that is very harsh to enlightenment ideals of property and power. Trusting hiearchal authority(neither hiearchy nor authority alone, but hiearchal authority, a hiearchy with authority) must be based on faith.
I recommend proudhon then bookchin(post scarcity anarchism, ecology of freedom)
Bookchin in particular seems to have similar ideas about idealism to you despite being an unaploegetic "utopian"
But seriously if you are into the life sciences just skim anarchy and spend your time studying living systems(ecology, evolution and developmental biology) instead. Can give particular recommendations if you have particular knowledge.
Anarchy is primarily about destroying bullshit, which seems like an idea you already value, which is why I recommend it.

>> No.10971465

the russians have been poor people since the beginning of time. and they're very literal. tractor-made.

>> No.10971480

It's a vicious circle.

>> No.10971603

why wouldnt she let me save her, bros

>> No.10971658

How do I get a desperate gf bros?
Not one that should be desperate a surreal attractive one that only has me

>> No.10971675

just a sad little girl in the animal farm

>> No.10971684

op was that yet another tranny suicide? no matter how fun being a trap and guzzling cum all day and get your ass hammered every night seems, it can't be all its cracked up to be since they always seem to off themselves

>> No.10971691


>> No.10971704

Why don't people recognise that the only way forward is through religion and it's values? Or that life is absurd without it?

>> No.10971709

>life is absurd
>but not if you believe my made up bullshit haha

>> No.10971727

man is a religious animal

>> No.10971738

>only my fedora defies the laws of gravity

>> No.10971742

Because you being a jobless 20something virgin doesn't make religions less retarded

>> No.10971759

a nonbrainlet man doesn't feel like basing his life on wishful thinking

>> No.10971760

Foucault is part of the problem

>> No.10971787

t. has never read foucault
also t. someone who watches sjw btfo compilations on youtube

>> No.10971797

well you'll have to base it on something

>> No.10972152

When it comes down to it you can't accept anything without faith.

>> No.10972161

I unironically believe weather has something to do with it. You don't see favela niggas absently staring into the distance, even though they're dirt poor.

>> No.10972169

>poses argument with no evidence
>clapback befitting the accusation

Good job, /lit/

>> No.10972191

Because most people are living happily and you're trapped in the delusion fueled nightmare that is 4chan, honestly believing that society is doomed even though normalfags are managing just fine. I wonder if this is a coping mechanism

>> No.10972200

>normalfags are managing just fine
except society actually is doomed, and normalfags being manipulated into fueling the doom and being happy with their "freedom" are part of the problem

>> No.10972204

>everyone should be a weak nihilist coward just liek meeeeeee

>> No.10972215

This is a really simple. Two books:




Just to give you an idea, the first two chapters of Anti-Tech Rev are titled "The Development of a Society Can Never Be Subject to Rational Control" and "Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself"

>> No.10972218

They're really not.
>you're trapped in the delusion fueled nightmare that is 4chan

>> No.10972409

>implying hedonism isn't weak willed nihilism

Pick one

>> No.10972420
File: 117 KB, 353x465, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disagree with God? well sorry sweetie your an hedonist

>> No.10972886

Been to church today, walked in the middle of ceremony, the prayer by pries goes smth like "God please give us bread, god please have mercy on us, God please take care of us, etc" That felt so different from the modern world and what it seems that require i couldn't stand it and walked out.

>> No.10972918


>the stairwell is colored like the Russian flag


>> No.10973956

maybe vitamin d deficiency

>> No.10974005

Not OP, but I could use some recommendations on any of the biological fields you mentioned. I'm interested in the three you named, actually.
If you have any titles on where to start getting into anarchism, I would also appreciate it.

>> No.10974043

Read the essay "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. All of Emerson's stuff is good tho.

>> No.10974118
File: 592 KB, 1060x1598, Battlefield Earf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10974148

niggers lack the intelligence to meme themselves into despair. That's why Lovecraft hated them. He hated their clumsy joy in the midst of a horrorshow.

>> No.10974156

>It's retarded to think in idealism, what is blatantly contrary to how society and the world at large are.
You seem to misunderstand enlightenment values and liberalism. They are not based on idealism, on delusion. Liberalism embraces rationality, science, truth. The rise of liberalism coincided with the rise of science. This is, I think, not a coincidence.

>> No.10974165

it's not possible to be alone when you look like she does

>> No.10974210

>Liberalism embraces rationality, science, truth.
Only in a romantic way.

>> No.10974230

Why not? She's not particularly attractive and simply being attractive has no bearing on your life's path and interpersonal relationships that ultimately dictate whether or not you are lonely. That's not to say it's nothing, just that it has little relevance to those two things.

>> No.10974235

Rationality often doesn't come easy to humans. Instead of holding liberalism to a perfect standard, compare it to other systems. Liberal societies have encouraged the greatest flowering of science the world has ever seen. Meanwhile, monarchies tend to pair up with churches that help them brainwash the masses into accepting the political order, and fascist and communist systems tend to ignore science that doesn't conform to their ideological biases (see 'Jewish physics' in Nazi Germany and Lysenkoism in the USSR).

>> No.10974236

don't you feel sometimes more alone in a lot of people than when you're completely alone? girls especially do i think

>> No.10974267

There's something beautiful about that image OP. Saved.