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/lit/ - Literature

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10971584 No.10971584 [Reply] [Original]

How do i read this?

>> No.10971591

What do you mean? Word after word...

>> No.10971606

from the start

>> No.10971607


>> No.10971612

Gingerly, astutely, with attention to detail.

>> No.10971615

I have this same cover, it's cool. Are you going to read it in its original Spanish?

>> No.10971634
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Is there some mindset i should have before reading this, or some drug perhaps?
Also we can discuss the book here, this thread must look very stupid for outsiders.

>> No.10971643
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I'm actually reading parts of it around my master's schedule. I've read the whole thing in a backyard in a San Francisco suburb, high on purple night for a couple of days.
don't try to rush it, >>10971612 really what that guy said. the whole book has this little nice references around and you'll have to pay attention to get all the feel for all the characters.
It really is a nice book. After an year in a literary theory program, all my creative juices were drained by writing about german idealism, feminist psychoanalysis and nationalist XIX century literature,
and just after a few pages of this, that I've read in the tram I got motivated enough to prepare the poems that I've wrote in the past 4 months for a poetry contest in the end of April.

it really makes literature seems much more fun than deconstructive analysis.

>> No.10971648

just go for it. I don't recommend drugs, if you want to get anything more from the book than a boner or two and the feel of hot streets and potato salad in your month.
The book is moody enough to be able to draw you in regardless of the language you are reading it

>> No.10971650

What do I do after a period?

>> No.10971668

Well, you can go with the mindset that most references to poets will go over your head but it's alright.

>> No.10971682

yeah, Mexican and latin American literature is very scarcely covered where I'm from. Good thing that I've read a lot of Paz, to be able to at least know about him as a figure on the scene,
but most times i'm just wondering if the name dropping as actual, or is it just Belano fucking with me
the dead ass

>> No.10971687

You will struggle with the second part but you should keep on reading until the end. The third part continues the story where the first part left it.

>> No.10971692

Clean yourself up and buy some tampex

>> No.10971716
