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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 342x475, darkcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1097112 No.1097112 [Reply] [Original]

Any good mind fuck films to recommend?

Or films in similar styles to the ones below,

Heres the list I have, feel free to add:

being john malkovich
Shutter Island
Pulp Fiction
mullholland drive
The Machinist
12 monkeys
In the Mouth of Madness
Jacob's Ladder
Dark City

>> No.1097115

Wait a minute, this is /tv/!

>> No.1097127

hey i liked dark city. :)

no blade runner? decker could totally be a replicant, bro! total recall too. i keep thinking it was all a dream...

the trial by orson welles. about as mindfuck as kafka's novel.

soylent green. it's heston's best movie after the first planet of the apes.

and brazil is superior to all of the movies you listed. dark comedy a la 1984.

>> No.1097146
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>Dark City
Fuck yes. Watch Brazil and meshes of the afternoon as well

I never liked the adaptation of the trial as much as the book. He re-arranged the sequences and added a few equally confusing ones. Kafkaesque never seems to work well in conventional film. Oh well, at least it wasn't as bad as "Kafka"...

>> No.1097148

Passengers and Revolver were good

>> No.1097162

Adaptation. Maybe.

>> No.1097166

i semi agree. i thought the book was better too but i still enjoyed the movie. the theme music was albinoni's, "adagio." it's one of the best classical pieces ever. and i thought the use of shadow worked really well. the pacing was a bit of a drag but the dialogue felt right to me. i liked the movie more than citizen kane anyways...

>> No.1097169

Minority Report

He never leaves the prison where the inmates are "free to dream", the rest of the movie is in his head from that point

not sure if spoilers work in /lit/

>> No.1097180


this is relevant here, and actually has some really good points! :D

enjoy OP,

>> No.1097192

Yes, I have to admit the black-and-white worked. But some sequences, like the part where K. helps the woman pack her bags and Orson Welles Cameo with as the machine operater were kinda off. I felt like it could have used a tighter focus. But still pretty nice

>> No.1097196

I love Dark City, but it seems like nobody else does. The internet doesn't count because we're all weird fuckers.

>> No.1097208

donnie darko

>> No.1097254


i loved it man

on isohunt there's a huge file you can download full of "mindfuck" movies.

only bad thing about dark city is sutherlands prologue, giving away the plot, apparently they forced the director to add it :(

>> No.1097265

Directors cut has it removed.

The moar you know

>> No.1097283

Dark City is patchy at best.

The idea is great and some of the horror elements come off well, but overall, it is a failure. This is due, I believe, to a less-than-brilliant script which never fully draws you in or develops the overall ideas in depth (the short running time probably doesn't help). While it looks 'indie' or 'alternative' on the surface, it is very Hollywood (not necessarily a bad thing however) and never really goes beyond the surface. Interesting things are hinted at - like <spoiler>the guy who goes crazy and draws spirals all the time</spoiler>, but they're quickly moved away from.

Rupert Sewell is also terribly boring as an actor. His gimmick is his wide-eye stares. Personally, I cannot stand him and Kiefer Sutherland is laughably bad in his role.

John Hurt is good, but not in it enough.

TL;DR - Well shot, good overall idea - poorly executed.

>> No.1097285

the crying game

>> No.1097289



>> No.1097298

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