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/lit/ - Literature

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10968695 No.10968695 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else read for pleasure and not to try to be an intellectual? makes me feel like a brainlet, I'll read some famous piece of literature and have completely missed some of the greater themes I see on the Wikipedia page but I'll still have enjoyed reading it

>> No.10968705

>I see on the Wikipedia page
The absolute state of /lit/ in current year.

>> No.10968706

>makes me feel like a brainlet, I'll read some famous piece of literature and have completely missed some of the greater themes I see on the Wikipedia page but I'll still have enjoyed reading it

imagine being such a fucking brainlet

>> No.10968716

fwiw I'm not a /lit/ regular I just like reading

>> No.10968723
File: 14 KB, 680x489, Stirner1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read for pleasure because analyzing great historical works helps me understand myself and the world i live in and i enjoy that.

If you don't read something so nicely crafted and don't sag down and cry in your chair after you're done because you finally understand the significance of the story, you're not reading the right books.

>> No.10968736

Read Boccaccio and Aristophanes. They're great low-brow fun and you can present as big brain to others because they're both old.

>> No.10968738

i mostly read things i see recommended on /lit/ like even stirner's work. i think it's interesting but don't see much significance or really even remember it much weeks after i've read it. perhaps this is because i have an intellectually stimulating career (i am a research physicist)

>> No.10968750

May enjoy Houellebecq's Elementary Particles (aka Atomised)

>> No.10968754

i'll look into it, thanks

>> No.10969018

Reading is a waste of time anyways. If there's anything you want to learn there is probably already a YouTube video about it. You can just watch it instead. It's much more efficient

>> No.10969025

Why are you here?

>> No.10969029

op are u a chick cuz thats how my sister reads, she reads classics but just reads them for plot basically

>> No.10969037

yeah its better to watch a class on it than slog through some of this shit

>> No.10969048

I read to find out whether I should read for pleasure or to read to try to be an intellectual or to not read at all and just kill myself
so the answer is no I guess

>> No.10969073

If you read as a hobby for "pleasure" you are already a lost cause, you will never know how enjoyable pursuing higher interests and goals is in itself; instead you just gape your bugman eyes at whatever spectacle distracts you from your miserable life.

>> No.10969210


>> No.10969219

I used to read for pleasure, but one day I realized how genuinely intelligent I was, and was simply forced to push myself to be as abrasive as possible towards people who have different pursuits and values in life than I. Now, I have a beautiful, mirthless life, replete with soul crippling depression and alienation.

>> No.10969232


you're going to die one day and very likely before then you'll slowly lose all your mental faculties, memories and personality

>> No.10969241

so surely I should make the most of it rather than running on a mindless hamster wheel to occupy myself, yes?

>> No.10969265


idk it just gives me pleasure to know that one day you'll lose your sperg and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.10969272

see, this is why I write down my sperg. then it's practically eternal. specially cause I use fields notes and my lamy fountain pen

>> No.10969281

dude just save it to google cloud then the nsa will archive it for all eternity

>> No.10969290

good idea, but they watch me specifically for advertisement means and jeopardy questions that they tape before i mention the topics or themes, and still before i see them on television a week later. they use me for a partial prophetic algorithmic calculation, naturally they have recorded all that I think and say, as best they can. They also make the occasional commercial and watch me with drones when I walk through the graveyard.

>> No.10969291


you do you anon, i'm sorry me thinking of you losing your mind made me happy, bless

>> No.10969300

I'm a different guy, actually. I just felt it necessary to butt in because I'm busy outflowing the incessant thought stream that wreaks havoc on my sleeping schedule unless i mitigate it thus.