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/lit/ - Literature

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10965715 No.10965715 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

Where do you think you're going, nerd?

>> No.10965724
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y-you too

>> No.10965727

Does anyone get like a huge nostalgia trip and you first walk into a Barnes and Noble? It instantly takes me back to Christmas shopping trips to a nearby city. Back to grabbing a manga and a Frappuccino and reading until my parents were done arguing and we could go to dinner

>> No.10965736

Barnes and noble is so fucken expensive just get your shit from amazon

>> No.10965737

Away from your Harry Potter reading ass

>> No.10965772

Its just like Proust's madeleines but the smell of new books and coffee

>> No.10965776

Yeah, you don't have to buy anything if you just wanna browse though. Sometimes you are only saving 5$ or so anyway.

>> No.10965798

They also never have the translations I want... I have no idea how these stores stay in business.

>> No.10965812


>> No.10965831

The gaming and graphic novels section, clearly.

>> No.10965842

>"Nothing will get between that BIG POKEMON BOOK and me"
>*Jumps over her*

>> No.10965962

What is she reading tho

>> No.10966038

Some dumb trash book intended for 12-year-old girls because she's a brainlet.

>> No.10966071

I only buy stuff off Amazon if I can't find it in a used book store. I've had too many problems with sellers lying about the condition of the books they sell. In a physical store you can skim through and make sure people haven't written all over the damn thing.

>> No.10966129
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>drinking coffee as a child
>reading manga

>> No.10966144

I've been drinking coffee since I was 6yo. Never read any manga tho.

>> No.10966155

I really really really really hope shes been blacked or converted to islam

>> No.10966185

God damn is there anything in the world less sincere than walking around with fucking coffee cups. Every time I see someone walking around with a coffee cup it drives me into a rage. Not somebody enjoying a nice cup at a coffeehouse or walking around the office with a mug. It's these fucking people who just have to walk around the city with their branded coffee cups. Oh look at me, I 'm just so busy I absolutely MUST have my coffee, but i'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOO busy, i can't ENJOY my coffee, I have to get it togo and walk all around campus showing everyone just how BUSY i am
man i sure do love my shitty coffee that i just had to go buy today after i left my house instead of taking five seconds to make it when i woke up does everyone understand how busy i am hehe im a girl btw :3

>> No.10966227

I only drink water.

>> No.10966277


>> No.10966284


It always scares me how sad and pathetic people like you can exist.

>> No.10966289

Shut up the fuck cuck.

>> No.10966292

Unbelievably based.

>> No.10966294

Why is she using her bag as a cushion? Does she realize that isn't it's intended use?

>> No.10966298


Wow so scary. Chill or I'll wave a coffee cup in your face to make you cry lmao

>> No.10966314

Why don't they ever get a chair? Do they think they're quirky sitting on the dirty ground like barbarians?

>> No.10966316

Signet Classics are sometimes cheaper once you factor in shipping. Or if you get something weird out of the clearance bins.

>> No.10966318

you are projecting your notion that others can’t be that busy with work and social commitments because you’ve never been that busy doing anything necessary or meaningful, regardless of whether these people are too busy to enjoy their coffee or not

>> No.10966379

Why do you respond to bait

>> No.10966552

Spotted the jew.

>> No.10966743

I sit near her and pick a book

>> No.10966760
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>> No.10966767

>not sipping the coffee

>> No.10966891

I only go to Barnes and noble during the Criterion blu-ray sales

>> No.10966921

calm down, some people like to do things you don't like

>> No.10966994


>> No.10966997

>I need to meet my girlfriend out front, could you move?

>> No.10967018

dont give coffe to yours kids please

>> No.10967088

*sit next to her and start breathing in and out heavily* I knew a girl once, from San Francisco, a sea captains daughter. She had reaaaal pretty green eyes. Like yours. ...... And I'd stare deep into them. They'd just change colors in front of me ..... All the colors of the sea

>> No.10967093
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*sucks calves*

>> No.10967132

i bet that spot on the floor stinks now

>> No.10967185

Hello /tv/.

>> No.10967210

it stinks because she just did a putrid fart on it comprised of eggs, spinach, and traces of camembert cheese.

>> No.10967228

you can't speak your first words until you had your coffee

>> No.10967230

girls dont fart

>> No.10967264
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>> No.10967289

I used to do the same thing only I had hot chocolate instead of coffee and my parents didn't argue that much. Those were definitely very comfy times for me, I remember every time I went there I'd by a volume of DBZ and then after like a year or so I had the whole collection. Oddly enough though, I don't really feel anything when I go there now. No nostalgia or melancholy, just nothingness.

>> No.10967304

Damn, nigga, das nasty.

>> No.10967308

>Does anyone get like a huge nostalgia trip and you first walk into a Barnes and Noble?
Yes, but it was the Borders that I used to hang out in during high school.

>> No.10967340
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I don't give off nerd vibes. People usually wonder what band I'm in.


>This had better be coffee-pasta, because if it's not, then just imagine being so assblasted over something so trivial.

>> No.10967409

You ate the bait but still rekt him

>> No.10967493

>graphic novels

>> No.10967669

It was Borders for me, rip, B&N just isn't the same.

>> No.10967686

Is that you, Joey?

>> No.10967689

"I see you are taking pictures for your instagram. I would recommend showing more leg and, here, put on this glasses"

>> No.10967762
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you too

>> No.10967774

sorry your eyebrows are uneven and your nose ring makes you look like a whore. if i wanted to pay for sex i wouldn't spend my time with a button down amateur like you. also i prefer the company of men.

>go home and cry into a pillow about what could've been if you didn't have literary tourettes

>> No.10967778

I still mourn Borders too fren, every Barnes and Noble location I've been to smells strange and has cat lady-tier aesthetics.

>> No.10967781

p-please don't bother me

>> No.10967881

do you think normies care about what translation they get?

>> No.10967896


>> No.10967952
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10967955
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gib milkies

>> No.10967995
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actually I was just on my way to the childrens aisle to pick up some barney comics, please step out of the way milady.

>> No.10968005

Legit question are you a manlet? Don't you fucking lie

>> No.10968064

that seems like a really shitty section. I hate walking over fuckin weebs huddled round the manga shelves, just go to a library if you want to sit around and read you fucking degenerates

>> No.10968475

They don’t. I used to have three of them near me, now I have one. I also used to have two Borders and they’re both gone.

>> No.10968492

Yeah sure, sounds great

>> No.10968512

The Borders near me had this care-free atmosphere where each section was kind of its own little messy, isolated section, but the messiness gave it a charm Barnes & Noble will never be able to replicate.

>> No.10968518

"how about right now, there's a Starbucks right over there?"

>> No.10968540

youre not supposed to open the books you fucking barbarian

>> No.10968556

Borders had taller shelves and tighter rows so it was more comfy. I need to make myself a comfy office with nice book shelves.

>> No.10968568

your wife is just going to turn it into her art studio and send you to the porch

>> No.10968580

s-sorry im busy...

>> No.10968597

>the kid curved the corner and passed the oakslats and rubworn shelving to his left and stood silent in the economics section. He drew threadthin the piece of mint gum in his mouth between his teeth and tongue, his jaw loudly settling like a wild whipcrack in a sweltering desert heat.
>he picked up a copy of Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State and edged the tome against the sunlight crashing from the rear window in swathes of dustladen rays like hell's own stinking vapors.
>he began to sweat
>whats that there
>the boy looked to his left and there stood a small Taiwanese man in a crimson aguayo and a faded sombrero looking down into the center of a jacketless hardcover. He ran his thumb down the soft edge of the pages and spat in the spine of the book and slammed it shut
>needa water these words here. theys the seedling of an infant mind n this'll round out theys intentions n give it meaning real meaning now
>so what's there
>that there in yer paws m'boi
>sure looks like somethin
>its a book on economics
>economics? dint ye know thas a dismal science? sorry science that is there fer sure. ain't no hearth in't no place n space fer the heart
>ye pick'n up son? its a sorry way'a life a sorry way'a thinkin its a heavensent grief mask'd in graphs and plotpoints all n' the purpose of steepin heavy in ye heart't make it drop to ye guts'n pine fer death
>the tiny Asian man stepped a few feet back abreast and reached for a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and heaved it towards the kid
>he dropped it
>ye want purpose? thet there book is no demon. thet there is a shedself angel thets brought you in here n now to meet me to gentle ye into sanity
>itll change yer life if it don't kill yer ass first.
>the kid took the book to the counter and purchased the book, and with it took home a complimentary tortilla. and he left.

>> No.10968656


>> No.10968664
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>> No.10968678

Very cucked post, my friend.

>> No.10968679

I have the same with Waterstone's.

Always christmas shopping with my mom when visiting my grandparents and buying books, mostly the new harry potter or dan shawn.

Thanks for reminding me of this blessed memory.

>> No.10968755

i work there and i feel the same way
i hope you at least enjoy taylor swift's latest album

>> No.10968786

I actually bought some of their shelving when my location was closing down. Strong and reliable. Best deal I've scored in life now that I think about it.

>> No.10968797


>> No.10968798
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>this thread
>my loneliness

>> No.10968825

our pain will be over soon lad

>> No.10968829

Try to act cool and uninterested, but inside being paranoid, looking for the hidden camera of the new MTV prank show "Over 20 and Virgin"

>> No.10968870

"Oh, this? I was actually on my way to the shitter. They ran out of toilet paper so I chose this piece of garbage out for toilet paper. You wanna come wipe my ass for me and we'll talk about where we should get that coffee?"

>> No.10968934

>Yeah sure I’ll meet you there
>let’s trade numbers so we can meet up
>*never talk to her again out of self loathing and anxiety*

>> No.10969056

>Best deal I've scored in life now that I think about it.
I'm sorry.

>> No.10969226

You're literally the only person that feels this way. That's not something anyone notices or even cares about. That's like being upset about someone walking around talking on the phone.
>OMG why can't you just sit down and enjoy your phonecall, why must you rub it in everyone's face that you have someone to talk to baka

>> No.10969231

>press eject button
>it doesn’t work as planned
>start furiously sweating
>”u-um you too”
>shit my pants
>piss all over myself
>tell her that society doesn’t care abOut anyone
>wake up in the hospital

>> No.10969239

/tv/ hasn't had good taste since 2012. Ever since Bane they just circle jerk over capeflicks and cunny.

>> No.10969250

>curl into a ball and cry until she feeds me her milk

>> No.10969260

I'm going to go look for a Bukowski novel, realize they don't have it, and then go order it on Amazon instead.

>> No.10969535

>Where do you think you're going, nerd?
Between your thighs

>> No.10969678

I want to eat her asshole in that position in that same spot while she's reading.

>> No.10969679

a-are you paying?

>> No.10969687

find an excuse to leave, since i have social anxiety

never see her again

>> No.10969691

There's no visible nose ring and her left brow is just slightly raised not uneven you imbecile

>> No.10969742

I only drink piss desu

>> No.10969916

I feel you brother, it’s similar to people who “just need a cigarette as soon as they are in a situation with little stress, are you seriously that weak that you need your drugs on the go and every morning? I hate when they say “ugh! I just can’t wake up without my coffee”. What you think you are special? No you are weak, why are you telling me about how weak you are and why don’t you try to do something about it? Drinking coffee is only going to perpetuate that. I don’t go around telling people “ugh it’s time to take my viagra, I just can’t get it up without it!”

I got into an argument with this fat lady at work the other day when I told her that coffee was an unecesary drug whose only purpose was to make money for coffee companies by keeping consumers addicted to it. Well, needless to say her reaction as a consumer pig was to take the attack personally and started attacking me saying that I don’t have kids to take care of at nigh and that she NEEDS her coffee because she doesn’t sleep much, as if having kids was a fucking accomplishment. You know what’s a “need”? Quemo. So yeah, fuck coffee culture and fuck all their coffee flavors, develop a sleeping routine, can’t fall asleep at night? Do exercise in the morinings, don’t eat sugars at night, drink teas for muscle relaxation to maximize the benefits of your sleep but don’t fucking walk around with your fucking coffee showing off what a mentally weak person you are.

>> No.10969939

Is this true? I've only drank water and tea for the last 8 years. About a gallon a day of water. It's nothing. But yet all my friends and family seem to think it's some type of Herculean task or some shit. Is it really that uncommon?

>> No.10969941

I think you have been indoctrinated, brainwashed, manipulated into thinking that if you don’t consume unecesary capitalistic products then you aren’t a busy, smart, modern person. I bet you get shocked when your friends tell you that they don’t give a fuck about the Black Friday specials, don’t you? I bet your little American consumer pig brain can’t fanthom why people wouldn’t want to upgrade their 55” TV for a 60” TV for only $600!

>> No.10969993

In America it is, we are used to eat like pig that someone actually eating clean is seen as “being on a diet”.