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/lit/ - Literature

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10965440 No.10965440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anon, I apologize.

For the last few weeks, I have been getting drunk every night (I only have afternoon classes this semester so it's no biggie) and then I come to /lit/ and post horrible racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic comments. I also post a lot about The Culture of Critique and about Jordan Peterson.

I'm trying to stop, but I may backslide, and I hope Anon will help me by pointing out (in a polite way, please, although I know that asking anyone on 4chan to be polite is inviting the opposite) on my horrible posts that I am drunk and should get off the internet.

My head is pounding and I feel terrible. Depending how long this goes on, I may have a few beers in a few hours, and I'll probably be back on /lit/ again. Please, anon: help me. This afternoon and evening, if I show up spewing anti-Semitism and sexist or racist bullshit, please tell me to stop drinking and get off the internet. I'll thank you tomorrow!

>> No.10965451

don't worry sweetheart, we all have our burden to carry

>> No.10965457

wow are you me

>> No.10965466

I dunno. Maybe...?

>> No.10965492

Anons, I apologize.

For the last few weeks, I have been getting drunk every night (I only have afternoon classes this semester so it's no biggie) and then I come to /lit/ and post horrible feminist, Marxist, and pro-Semitic comments. I also post a lot about Ready Player One and Rupi Kaur.

I'm trying to stop, but I may backslide, and I hope Anon will help me by pointing out (in a polite way, please, although I know that asking anyone on 4chan to be polite is inviting the opposite) on my horrible posts that I am drunk and should get off the internet.

My head is pounding and I feel terrible. Depending how long this goes on, I may have a few beers in a few hours, and I'll probably be back on /lit/ again. Please, anon: help me. This afternoon and evening, if I show up spewing pro-Semitism and Marxist or feminist bullshit, please tell me to stop drinking and get off the internet. I'll thank you tomorrow!

>> No.10965498


>> No.10965501

Yep, all /pol/ shit posting threads are made by a couple of drunk autists, seems legit. I wish it were true though. The fact is that there are probably at least 5 independent more or less drunk but all completely autist shitposters though.

>> No.10965585

Not OP, but also want to aplogize. Pretty much 90% of the anti-semetic posts you see are me on methamphetamine, shitposting from my trailer. The other 10% are most likely OP. Hope none of you guys actually bought into that crazy stuff. And once again, I apologize on behalf of myself, OP, and the few dozen white people on /pol to my wonderful, generous, and all too often persecuted jewish brothers sisters and xers.

>> No.10965606
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>> No.10965618

Yep, all the people disagreeing with you are Jewish. After all, truth and reason don't exist, only shitposting tribalism.

>> No.10965627
File: 80 KB, 692x577, 1511389895519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and xers
Jump off a bridge

And he's right

>> No.10965633

yeah, honestly it was hard to believe the backwardness here at first. Can you believe there are LITERALLY people here who don't think six million jews were burned in the Holocaust? Disgusting

>> No.10965635

the holocaust is a joke and the punchline has yet to be delivered

>> No.10965639

like it shouldn't even be acceptable to talk about that humorously. We can't talk about gay men loving each other physically in front of those crazy christian patriarchal religious wackjobs but people here think its ok to question to horrors of Aushwitch??

>> No.10965641
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Oy vey goyim! Think of the truth and reason! Muh shoah!

>> No.10965644
File: 354 KB, 990x1278, serveimage(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially since it was so accurate compared to previous predictions!

>> No.10965653

Don't give yous, don't argue with them. Ignore the neo-nazi larpers long enough and the samefagging becomes obvious.

>> No.10965660

Nay, rabbi. It is you who is not welcome here.

>> No.10965662
File: 1.04 MB, 800x597, 1513998149104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone I disagree with is /pol/
That board seems to be quite a boogeyman to you

>> No.10965666

I feel the same way about jews, it's just easier since they are incapable of appreciating anything that doesn't attack logos or beauty. Makes it that much easier to pick you guys out.

>> No.10965667
File: 66 KB, 543x349, Cx1Gt44UcAApxhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather feed them, thanks.

>> No.10965672

Yep, /pol/ are jews now.

>> No.10965681

This fragment so perfectly describes /pol/ it is moving

>> No.10965691

It's fun sometimes, I guess, but it's ultimately irresponsible to do so.

>> No.10965697
File: 24 KB, 300x329, Anne-Frank-300x329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These merchant memes are oven-hot.

>> No.10965699

t. Satan

>> No.10965702

It works if you edit Jew instead of anti-Semite too
It's like we're all human or some shit

>> No.10965708
File: 151 KB, 500x522, new-rec-hot-pockets-sandwiches-cheese-with-sauceia-crispy-buttery-14950763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say OVEN HOT

>> No.10965712

lmaoing at the state of jews. Resorting to verbal masturbation to keep their spirits up. You guys have a massive choice to make if you want to make it through the technological era ahead of us. Ashkenazi jews were culturally unhinged even before social media, now you're reaching critical mass. I don't just say this from birthrate figures, I've seen it first hand b/c I probably know more Jews personally than you do as a Jew. The secular ones are almost to a fault, too mentally ill to survive today's reality. Only the more religious ones (the one's who don't openly revel in destroying what's left of White culture) make it.

At the end of the day, judaism of the kind that people attack isn't the judaism of the talmud, it's a spirit of disorder. Embrace that one and you're pickling your brain, doing yourself far more harm than the whites you sneer at. Embrace healthy judaism and we can coexist.

>> No.10965739

Are you sure this isn't an anti-semetic book with the word jew replaced with anti-semite? I swear I've seen those exact words before in that context.

>> No.10965748

>Embrace healthy judaism and we can coexist.
Jews don't coexist, they have to parasitize or they start eating themselves.

>> No.10965828

>Makes generalizations about Jewish behavior.
>Has never actually met a Jew.

>> No.10965859
File: 151 KB, 960x1191, GordonJewess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only.

>> No.10965941
File: 54 KB, 552x759, 1519751366791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When satan talks about his brothers, I listen

>> No.10966265

No problem OP, I'll help you out.

>> No.10966485

I got your back bro