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File: 41 KB, 640x354, postmodern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10965183 No.10965183 [Reply] [Original]

Explain postmodern literature to me.

>> No.10965193

seems pretty self explanatory to me.

>> No.10965199

explain postmodernism in 60 seconds without using meme words

protip: you can't

>> No.10965216
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 6799-avital-ronell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a political tactic by which you hide your grand narratives while questioning the foundations of your adversary grand narratives. because you pretend that you believe in nothing, your own beliefs are not question by the same standards, which means you can advance them even if you don't have a well developed theory

>> No.10965218

are simulacra and pastiche meme words?

>> No.10965219

Postmodernism in art, literature, and theory are all very different things, anon. One of my biggest peeves with Peterson is he keeps spreading the idea that postmodernism represents a monolithic canon of thought, and not simply the a prefix contextualizing various reactions to the different modernisms.

>> No.10965220

As for me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.10965227

Iconoclasm and Marxist deconstruction of hierarchy and social norms resulting from decades of jewish cultural sabotage telling whites to lash out against what they were told was an oppressive and repressive system and destroy their own traditions and social order, finally breaking through with the 68ers but already baked in the cake via the jazz age, beatniks, etc.

>> No.10965237
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>> No.10965243
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if you have to ask, you know the answer

>> No.10965247

lol it's so wacky

>> No.10965250

>tfw when it's been over 100 years of people putting shit in cans to make a point about something
feels ok i guess

>> No.10965253

That's because his most important stance is on the rejection of "postmodern meaninglessness." He does it just to make it easy, because in reality, postmodernism is much more complicated and nuanced than J Peepercorn can explain to his pleb readers

>> No.10965258

I like postmodernism in lit like Pynchon, but I despise postmodern poetry. It just seems lazy to me and I don't see the point.

>> No.10965260

>One of my biggest peeves with Peterson is he keeps spreading the idea that postmodernism represents a monolithic canon of thought
he just uses "Postmodernism" as a meme word for all current progressive movements, could have been anything really, i guess he was smart enough to not use "cultural marxism", because we all know what that means

>> No.10965283


>> No.10965298

how does that make you feel?

>> No.10965323

Did you know that "Westward the Course of Empire Makes Its Way" is also the name of a mural above the staircase in the House chamber of the US Capitol building in Washington DC?

>> No.10965340
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>> No.10965348

subjectivism and rejection of high culture

>> No.10965352

The point being:
>A tin was sold for €124,000 at Sotheby's on May 23, 2007; in October 2008 tin 83 was offered for sale at Sotheby's with an estimate of £50–70,000. It sold for £97,250. On October 16, 2015, tin 54 was sold at Christies for £182,500. In August 2016, at an art auction in Milan, one of the tins sold for a new world record of €275,000, including auction fees. The tins were originally to be valued according to their equivalent weight in gold – $37 each in 1961 – with the price fluctuating according to the market.
Some people have a problem with philanthropy.

>> No.10965356

that's pretty good

>> No.10965359

the art market is about money laundering, the prices mean nothing without knowing the context of the sale

>> No.10965362

>the art market is about money laundering

>> No.10965381
File: 182 KB, 428x599, imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There lives no man who, at some period, has not been tormented, for example, by an earnest desire to tantalize a listener by circumlocution. The speaker, in such case, is aware that he displeases; he has every intention to please; he is usually curt, precise, and clear; the most laconic and luminous language is struggling for utterance upon his tongue; it is only with difficulty that he restrains himself from giving it flow; he dreads and deprecates the anger of him whom he addresses; yet a shadow seems to flit across the brain, and suddenly the thought strikes that, by certain involutions and parentheses, this anger may be engendered. That single thought is enough. The impulse increases to a wish — the wish to a desire — the desire to an uncontrollable longing — and the longing, in defiance of all consequences, is indulged.

>was going to post a new thread but it's basically a universal reply desu desu famalamchimwhambamcham lol

>> No.10965550

they all share in a fundamental idea

>> No.10965575

wrong, the two things partly overlap

>> No.10965576

"The Babysitter" by Robert Coover explains all of postmodernism in one succinct short story.

>> No.10965950

no, period.

>> No.10965993

>postmodern poetry
is that a thing?

>> No.10966018

What do you not understand about the monorail?

>> No.10966023

i think it's when they fart on your face

>> No.10966040

I hear those things are awfully loud.

>> No.10966044

>This is wrong
>Why not?

>> No.10966051

Anglo-French intellectual self-fellatio in response to capitalism.

>> No.10966054

It glides as softly as a cloud

>> No.10966070

Is there a chance the track could bend?

>> No.10966076

Postmodern literature is a reaction to modernist literature. It's fragmented, self-contradictory, self-referential, unreliably narrated, etc. It's not the same as postmodern philosophy, which was a reaction to modernity (the mode of thought from the renaissance up to the 20th century).

The best way to understand postmodern lit is to read some desu, check out /lit/'s favorite meme novel Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.10966079

Modernism is building a beautiful palace to celebrate human achievement, whilst also making the palace new, revitalized, and completely different to that of the past.

Postmodernism is tearing the palace down, declaring "humans are shit", and then refusing to build a better palace in its place later.

>> No.10966094

No, that's 4chan.

>> No.10966116

It's writing in response to the mechanized and formulaic modernism, assuming that there are no universal truths, and mocking institutions/individuals who have universal truths as core philosophy. Nobody has written a true postmodern novel, tho.

>> No.10966136

Also should add that definitions of anything are constantly "challenged" and "mocking institutions/individuals/works".

>> No.10966442

why all the mocking? are they some kind of funny guys?

>> No.10966447

It's not gay if the bicycle's been ridden by a female often enough.

>> No.10966455

You're confusing Modernism and Postmodernism with the history of Crystal Palace FC. You're only right about the Modernism bit consequently.

>> No.10966462

>why all the mocking?
impotent anger

>> No.10966468

no one is scared of god or universals nigger

>> No.10966477

what's the angeriest postmodernist? i guess if i'll read one i'll read the most extreme

>> No.10966479

>>impotent anger
>no one is scared
kek, that projection, nobody spoke about fear before you did

>> No.10966562


the poet beats, beats, beats on the drum




>> No.10966564

Maybe Baudrillard. Deleuze was the least angry.

>> No.10966580
File: 40 KB, 470x471, Handrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*rubs hands*
How would you like to be the poet of the next generation, Shaquon'da?

>> No.10966594

>impotent anger
is usually motivated by fear, acting out without recourse for direct action among higher animals almost always is a sign of fear. small dogs, lesser chimps, bears all do this. I’ve seen men in a rage breaking things but refusing to actually challenge someone, and its because they are afraid of being ruined physically or socially. Employees at jobs will curse out their boss and workplace where they cannot be seen nor heard, as they’re not willing to face the consequences of being confident and assertive, fear based anger, impotent anger.

Hence, no one is afraid of God or Universals, and so no one is impotently angry. There is nothing to be angry about, god is dead, morality has been dead, there is no spirit or self, essences don’t exist, its all statistical reality which loses pieces of its whole and gains parts that will disappear, and much is never understood, most of it will remain occulted before we go extinct and there was nothing behind it and no one to witness anything to begin with. That’s all.

>> No.10966599

african queens played the drums?

>> No.10966632

People are afraid of life without God and Universals, hence the anger.