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10964493 No.10964493 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever put your dick in a book?

>> No.10964537

that depends on what you call a book
and what you call a dick

>> No.10964593


>> No.10964629

Unironically yes.

>> No.10964656

I distinctly remember doing this at age 12 because I thought it would be hot if a girl borrowed the book after me and indirectly touched my penis

>> No.10966355

I've never even thought of it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10966390

I’ve masturbated onto magazines. once I tried to fuck my cat because I thought we were in love. my sister was sleeping once with her door open and I jerked off right there

>> No.10966475
File: 160 KB, 800x640, 73920E4C-A2DD-4878-9222-E8C7806BEF22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once I tried to fuck my cat because I thought we were in love.
Jesus Christ fuck this board

>> No.10967154

Yeh, the western lands by Burroughs.

>> No.10967168
File: 212 KB, 1199x659, 1200px-Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres_-_The_Grand_Odalisque_-_WGA11841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I used to jack off to books of historic paintings when I was a kid. Sometimes I honestly think it helped me become more cultured. Pic related was one I enjoyed a few times

>> No.10967213

You roasties are so pathetically naive. I once put tictacs in my foreskin then back in the container and watched my friends eat them. A dick in the book is tame as fuck.

>> No.10967223

I actually did this with a library book like 10 years ago when I was still in high school. A friend dared me to do it the first time and so I did. I quite liked the feeling. It was oddly exhilarating to know that some random person was going to check out that very same book one day and that they would unknowingly make contact with my succulent cock particles. I've been doing it ever since and even made it a goal to get every book in the library by the time I hit 50. Right now only around 30% of the books in my local library have felt the presence of my cock. My pleasure has only been increasing with each new book, I imagine dicking that final book will give me unparalleled ecstasy.

>> No.10967227

wow good idea il do it right now

>> No.10967247

I call a book a vice grip and a dick your head.

>> No.10967250


>> No.10967302

Good feet

>> No.10967324

>make contact with my succulent cock particles

>> No.10967812

I fucking love you.

>> No.10968431

yeah, but they published it anyway.

>> No.10968437
File: 25 KB, 245x292, wat_Gary_Numan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>succulent cock particles

>> No.10968529

yes, I put my dick in The God Delusion and posted the photo on an imageboard

>> No.10968578

Has anyone here seen Squid and the Whale? The enjoyment of watching an adolescent boy (pretend) to ejaculate into a library book, in the library, is exquisite and the height of kino

>> No.10968672
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>Today, I will remind them

>> No.10968688

i've put my dick in a library book, Camus' The Plague

>> No.10969090

Thanks for reminding

>> No.10969105

She doesn't look pleased