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/lit/ - Literature

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10959787 No.10959787 [Reply] [Original]

You don't have enough narrators

>> No.10959840

>when your books have a worse plot than the games based on them

>> No.10960083

>when you write just to support your alcoholism

>> No.10960103

>When you complain about the only reason you're famous

>> No.10960109

>when you're 5 feet tall in a top hat but your dick still looks disproportionately small

>> No.10960118

>when you think you're being clever by demanding a single up-front payment instead of royalties but you're actually cucking yourself out of literal millions

>> No.10960153

what did go wrong? i enjoyed the first books, but dropped it at some point after he introduced the girl and the plot was going nowhere i cared

>> No.10960193

Well the older you get the less amusing the witcher is. Maybe youve just grown up? Optimal age for reading saga is about 14-17. Otherwise is just another mediocre twilight fantasy story.

>> No.10960195

He tried to write a story that wasn't "dude fairy tales are shit lmao"

>> No.10960200

so you're saying it's a fantasy saga then

>> No.10960212

Isn't it?

>> No.10960240

i'm not saying anything beyond that it turned to shit at some point

could be, i remember it being funny though, even though the whole "hur dur, fairy tales but serious and dark" stuff may be too tacky if i try to read it again, which i probably won't

>> No.10960446
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It is pretty tacky, but what kills it for me is how blatantly he ripped off Elric.

The video games all have better stories than what he wrote and this fat faggot is mondo butthurt about it.