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File: 58 KB, 337x499, GRPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10958381 No.10958381 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you guys tell me this book made Ulysses look like the ramblings of a retard, and made Infinite Jest look like an autistic wannabee's first try at storytelling?
This shit blows the other two books in the meme trilogy away.
I'm glad I saved it for last!

>> No.10958390

Unrelated but as a non-native fag, I always though Ulysses was pronounced 'uliesays' instead of 'uleesees'. It sounded more epic in my head, what a dissapointment.

>> No.10958396


>> No.10958433
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>meme trilogy
You been on siesta, brother?

>> No.10958449

Last one is not even fiction lol

>> No.10958453

it's not uleesees it's ulisees

>> No.10958454

Nigga it’s YOU-LIS-EAZ

>> No.10958457

its not gonna happen dude, it's seriously not, no matter how many timers you post it

>> No.10958459

I disagree but yes, all three are spectacular in their own way. Ulysses is best

>> No.10958461

makes you think

>> No.10958483

You never did the Kenosha… Kid…

You never did the Kenosha, Kid.

You never did… the Kenosha Kid

You. Never, did the Kenosha, kid!

You? Never did… The… Kenosha Kid?

>> No.10958491
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10958511

Ulysses > Gravity's Rainbow > Infinite Jest

This is objectively, mathematically correct

>> No.10958512

blows my mind man, i seriously cannot even imagine how Pynchon's mind works, and how he was able to materialize this shit from chaos and then let the material melt back into complete chaotic madness
seriously the best novelist since Cervantes, the best novel since Quixote, not even memeing

>> No.10958527

i mean look i'm not saying Ulysses was bad, it was awesome, but it was not as great as GR.
Ulysses never "wowed" me, it more just made me feel like, yea, okay, this shit we call life is just as weird as i thought it was, and perhaps a little weirder.
I can admit that yes, GR would not have been what it was and perhaps would never have happened if it weren't for Ulysses, but correct me if I'm wrong... that concept is one of the many themes in GR.
I don't want to take anything away from Ulysses i just want to clear up the fact that GR surpassed it

>> No.10958607

Is that You, Never? ...Did the Kenosha kid?

>> No.10958615
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Joyce himself, were he alive, would embrace Pynchon, could he be found... and he would say... "Yes... you have done it."

>> No.10958697

"Let's watch some scat porn or what?"
"Yeah, why not, an get a banana split right afterwards."

>> No.10958739

they really would have been the best of friends, the best friends who ever lived

>> No.10958773

>ywn watch a Joyce & Pynch sitcom

>> No.10958786

>>10958483 never did the Kenosha Kid

>> No.10958790

I picture them walking hand in hand like schoolgirls, the happiest they've been, eyes closed cartoon-like, smiling. Pynch holding a banana with his other hand, Joyce, a turd.

>> No.10958803

that's quite the image

>> No.10958834

Buck Teeth & Eyepatch: a bromance.

>> No.10958841

lmao people here know too much about human nature to place the blame on society's situation on one group of people...

>> No.10958912

Jews are a middle eastern tribe with a culture that preaches genocide, has since the 60s held the cultural reigns in the west, and overtly attacks whites on a daily basis. There is no "human nature." There are your perceptions of good-natured whites and your mistaken perceptions that sadistic aliens like jews share that nature. Go back to weddit till you're willing to confront this reality.

>> No.10958915
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>> No.10958920

THE bromance.

>> No.10958922

GR is fedoracore

>> No.10958923

Stop shitting up threads with your schizo ramblings, retard, and go back to /pol/

you were thoroughly, intellectually ravaged in that Paris Review thread, faggot. All you have is confirmation bias.

>> No.10958934

lol no it isn't... Pynchon pretty much invented everything you deem "cool" today, loser.

>> No.10958943
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>being so new you think there's only one guy talking about the JQ on 4chan

>> No.10958956

I recognize your poor syntax, idiot.

The JQ is of such little interest to people into literature, that it's been relegated to the realm of Catholic pedophila--yes, we know! and yes, the world is full of bad people.

All your protesting, your wants, boil down to, "I want people to stop doing bad things."
Which is delusional. It's blatant idealism. It won't work. It's the same level as feminist leftists whose entire argument is, "I wish men didn't rape."

>> No.10958971

t. didn't read

>> No.10958977

Pynchon is actually good
Joyce is just a rambling Irish degenerate

>> No.10958986

didn't read what? GR? If you think GR's main message was "muh jews" just because of the Kabbalah in it, then you're a fucking retard.

You missed the whole collective guilt thing, eh?

>> No.10959000

Wrong guy, dumbfuck. But on the topic of...
>Catholic pedophila
>Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community have been victims of sexual assault, but Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, tells Vice, "From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage." And yet it's extremely rare that any of the perpetrators are brought to justice


Now I wonder why the jewish media would want to make a scandal about one of those and cover the other up.

>> No.10959005

Why are you even in a Pynchon thread if you have no intention of reading Pynchon?

>> No.10959006

He's talking about the Culture of Critique, nobody would ever construe GR as being anti-Semitic

>> No.10959013

It's not the wrong guy. You're the exact same typing style. You use commas with quotations wrong, just the same as the guy in the last thread. You deflect and cherry pic. Yes, I've read that article. Yes, I've seen it on /pol/ too. Yes, it's rage-inducing. But how the fuck is getting rid of Jews gonna remedy the practice of pedophilia that predates Judaism, all the way back to the Ancient Mysteries of Dionysus and the greeks?
Yes, yes... blood libels and McDonald's meat... yes yes, I know...

The simple fact that you deny human nature, whilst showcasing yourself to be as angry and blood thirsty as an animal, makes me question your relationship with reality.

Get help, man.

>> No.10959054

I have read several Pynchon books and commented earlier, I just had to correct the record on that one comment.

I have no idea what thread you're even talking about you unstable freak.

>> No.10959056

yeah man!!! damn media!!!

How dare (((Vice News))) do documentaries on Zionism??!~?!?!!? You and me, buddy, we're red-pilled, so We's can sees through this bologna! Ha!

>> No.10959062

What books of his have you read? I'm seriously doubting you right now.

>> No.10959069

>I have read several Pynchon books

I don't believe you. Or if you have, you learned nothing from them.

>> No.10959071

>calls me the unstable freak

Way to project there, dummy

>> No.10959086

Vineland, IV, GR, and the first third of ATD.

Please tell me what more I could do to seek your approval.

>> No.10959087

Not him but it's pretty silly to think someone would espouse Pynchon's views simply because he's read some of the guy's books. Like expecting somebody to go become an Orthodox Christian immediately upon finishing TBK or something.

>> No.10959095

I don't necessarily believe Pynchon has any strong views other than pure humanism. He seems to pity a lot of the ideological contraptions people fall into, knowing that they lead to complete and utter defenestration of the soul, and violence beyond compare. It's humanity's base level of antagonist existence, only put forth into metaphor as the written word; brutality in a eloquent expression, justifying it all because of the extent of circular logic; He draws from Nabokov in this manner (literally, in the Anubis scene).

>> No.10959098

How'd you feel when the Herero twin was finally tracked down and killed?

>> No.10959107

What was on the front of The Anubis? How'd S get on it? What was the cold, wet thing he ended up finding on it?

>> No.10959112

Yes, that struck me too, though I didn't say anything. I'm a white nationalist but hold enormous respect for Pynchon and think he's the best writer of the last generation by far, though I do have many criticisms related to the below.

Pynchon has pretty strong, stereotypical 60s liberal views. It's all over Vineland and IV, but you can also see it in essays like his Watts piece.

I think it's his biggest flaw since it hinders him from taking various subjects seriously and conveys the iconoclastic jewish bullshit typical of that failed age, but I don't hold it against him too much since all boomers are like that.

>> No.10959119

>Pynchon has pretty strong, stereotypical 60s liberal views

No he doesn't. If anything he laments the direction the hippy movement went in, how they sort of gave up, and gave into CIA meddling.

> conveys the iconoclastic jewish bullshit typical of that failed age

What the fuck? Explain to me how GR is anything like that. Pynchon openly critiques every power structure there is, man.

>but I don't hold it against him too much since all boomers are like that.

He's not a boomer. He's prewar.

You really just revealed yourself to NOT be a reader of Pynchon.

Is your existence so sad that you have to lie to strangers online?

>> No.10959120

Whys everything got to be about jews? lol jews this jews that cmon

>> No.10959125

It's pure narcissism disguised as a cultural war...
He thinks he has it all figured out because he was on /pol/ and focused on all the bad things for a long time...
Nothing new.

>> No.10959130

You want a picture of my Pynchon stack?

Yes, he does. He's a hippie.

>Explain to me how GR is anything like that
The scat stuff for one. Pynchon is representative, or more accurately a product, of the jewish cultural iconoclasm that had fully sunk in by his apex.

I know he's not technically a boomer, but he is in spirit. That's weak sauce, zero points.

Your relatives worshipped a jew for centuries. I wish it was different as well, homeboy, don't blame me.

>> No.10959131

fuck off, coffee-shop-fag

>> No.10959134

I've never posted on pol and the few times I've ever been there have made me sick. The jewish problem is eternal, bro. Pol has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10959138

>Your relatives worshipped a jew for centuries. I wish it was different as well, homeboy, don't blame me.
So? You say like it's a bad thing. As if every Jew is inherently evil or something.

>> No.10959140

>refuses to answer question about the most pivotal, memeorable scenes in the novel
>dodges and thinks proof that he bought some books is enough

You still haven't convinced anyone you've read Pynchon. You assign views that Pynchon doesn't hold. He was merely Anti-Nixon and anti-war... which means he's a liberal boomer?

The "The scat stuff for one" was a metaphor for the decline of the spirit in times of war, idiot. Notice how it was juxtaposed with images of decay. You've literally have only read that excerpt because it's the one most often posted here.

Stop trying, my god, you retard...

>> No.10959141

I meant Jewish Jews...

>> No.10959145

You should consider it a bad thing that a jewish slave religion was forced on your ancestors by the sword. Jews are indeed bad, though, always have been.

>> No.10959146

i like when /pol/tards try to distance themselves from the new /b/ that is /pol/

Same thing happened back in 09, when /b/ became utter shit.

>> No.10959151
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Nigger, shut your trap.

>> No.10959152

As opposed to what? All the pagan tribes who forced their views by the sword? The Gitas that justify killing if it's for your people? The plain Indians of North America that practiced cannibalism and sacrifice like the Aztecs?

You really have a naive view of people... You just want "white people" to be on top. You don't care about anyone else.

>> No.10959153

It was forced on to my ancestors by Europeans. inb4 "yea but they were brainwashed by jews". Then Jews deserve a standing ovation for being smarter than Western folks and making them their bitches.

>> No.10959155

They all look unread.

You haven't read these books. You're just another /pol/ narcissist who blindly bought what was rec'd here.

>> No.10959159

Why should I care about anyone other than whites? Not my problem, just want them gone.

Jews bribed Charlemagne to force Christianity on the Germanic tribes. Read about it:


Jews are a twisted, power-hungry race of psychos.

>> No.10959162

wtf I wish I was a Jew now

>> No.10959163

I explained honestly what I've read from him earlier. Not that I give a fuck what a pussy like you thinks.

>> No.10959168

Your worldview is only going to lead to immense pain... you know that, right?

You've proven yourself to be extremely resentful, narcissistic, arrogant, and an outright flat liar. Anyone who has read Pynchon, especially GR, could have easily answered those questions without even giving spoilers to others...

It makes me uneasy to know that there are people who are this disconnected with reality out there, who will contradict their own views in order to win an argument. Seek counseling, man.

>> No.10959169
File: 26 KB, 892x393, 31dd7d8fabe3bde28d6a0825175ad2bc4e8e1d9e85fca2dec82434fc0fbc97b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish you suffered from all types of genetic diseases and mental disorders due to being so inbred? Wouldn't wish such things on my worst enemy, but mostly because they already have it ;)

>> No.10959170

lmao every alt right white nationalist I've ever met was either an incel, or a tubby fuck.

>> No.10959171

I have no idea what you're talking about. Pynchon + jews is my wheelhouse, I'm not complaining.

>> No.10959174

You should read Umberto Eco... then maybe you can get how power structures curate data in ways that paint an absolute picture, when in fact, all these cases are indeed isolated and unconnected, because, well... people are just different, all seven billion us.

>> No.10959175

>owns entire pynchon collection
>hasn't opened a single book

the state of this board

>> No.10959179

These questions are easy to answer, anon.

Why aren't you? Why go to the effort of uploading a picture?

>> No.10959180

WNs are far more likely to be healthy and put-together. They value stability, family, living a healthy lifestyle, and jew removal so our society can become healthier too. All positive things.

>> No.10959181

Ashkenazi Jews are smart, like Einstein and Kubrick. There's also genetic evidence they tend to be smarter.

>> No.10959182

lol no they're not.

You're just a fat incel LARPing at this. another 56% creatura wanting to be something he's not.


>> No.10959184

Ulysses rivals poetry for how great the prose sounds.

>> No.10959187

I have read Eco. Long time ago though. But your assessment is incorrect.

Ineffective, not to mention beyond your powers of decipherability.

>> No.10959191
File: 17 KB, 340x435, 1520052175671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubles down on his bullshit, and lies about reading Eco too

my god, dude. what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.10959193

Joyce would have loved Pynchon. I bet he would have thought Gravity's Rainbow outdid all of his work.

>> No.10959195

Answer those fucking questions, faggot.

You're a pseud liar until you do. It can literally be a three word answer to all of them.

>> No.10959196

They aren't easy for someone who read GR 3-4 years ago. I'd could Google them and pretend to answer, but I'm an honest guy.

Jewish intelligence is limited to verbal intelligence. They do poorly on spatial intelligence, which is why they aren't creative. Einstein was also a plagarist.

>> No.10959197

>or direct porn

>> No.10959198
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>> No.10959199

>They aren't easy for someone who read GR 3-4 years ago.

No they aren't. I read GR when I was 16, seven years ago, and can remember them clearly. They're not small details... they're really fucking large portions of the book, with one of them tied directly to an important subplot that stretches throughout the entire novel.
Holy fuck, man. Are you 15 or some shit?

>> No.10959200

I have read FP, and have Prague Cemetery on my kindle now. I don't lie, sorry.

>> No.10959203


You must be legitimately autistic...

>> No.10959205

>which is why they aren't creative.
>Kubrick one of the best filmmakers in the history of cinema was not creative.
>Einstein was just a plagiarist xD

>> No.10959207

And now you're seventeen. I could give a vague answer in which I'd probably get something wrong, look it up and waste my time trying to impress seventeen year olds on the internet, or I could give an honest answer as I did.

>> No.10959209

>was 16, seven years ago

Also not good at basic arithmetic either...

>> No.10959210
File: 142 KB, 708x1000, ad1b6b047f5201fe3ba0a121c3ddbf401af29eebc1acf6a7793d85aaa2cc2122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. Look into it. Einstein was considered an idiot and did shitty on his entrance exams before his time in a Swiss patent office.

>> No.10959216

Just like how The Beatles' music was written by Adorno? Or how Shakespeare was actually a group of Masonic leaders?

Anything can be written for attention, dummy.

>> No.10959219

It's like if you had some half-baked shit ready against any argument in favor of remarkable Jews. Like the others said: get help, man.

>> No.10959221
File: 43 KB, 514x536, tism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one /pol/tard who pretends to read, only owning books to look smart

i love when one of them wanders here, and gets bullied relentlessly

>> No.10959224

I'm just smarter than you, it's as simple as that. I can talk Pynchon, jews, and Einstein the plagarist or whatever shit you want to talk about and you'll lose every time. Better luck next time.

You too.

>> No.10959226

Einstein was already considered a genius before special relativity since he demonstrated the existence of the atom using brownian movement you fag

>> No.10959233

lol you're not smarter than anyone... you cant even remember a pivotal scene in a novel that takes usually a month to read from a few years ago?

You're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.10959239

No, people thought he was dumb and he failed his college entrance exams.

I remember vaguely but that style of questioning is silly and not representative of anything. You know it is, too.

>> No.10959240

>I'm just smarter than you, it's as simple as that.
That's not being smart, that's merely regurgitating shit you read from pol.
One of the best if not the best American filmmaker of all time is Kubrick, which happens to be of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. inb4 "he's not that good xD".

>> No.10959251

even if you vaguely remember it, you can answer those fucking questions...
that style of questioning isn't silly, you idiot; it's how people detect charlatans... and you're one of them.
how braindead are you?

>> No.10959256

can you extrapolate on that?

>> No.10959260

I already said I've never had anything to do with pol. Tossing out an outlier jew also does not negate anything.

>> No.10959267

>I can talk Pynchon, jews, and Einstein the plagarist or whatever shit you want to talk about and you'll lose every time.

But.. you can't talk Pynchon... this whole thread, and the fact you admitted you can't remember GR, means that you cannot talk Pynchon.

shut the fuck up, idiot.

>> No.10959269

Asking a specific question about a 700 page book someone read 3 or 4 years ago is a weak method of attack and a stupid way to try and qualify something, I shouldn't even have to explain that.

>> No.10959273

It's not a method of attack... it's a question.

Explain to me then, what was Pynchon getting at in GR? How did you end affect you? What did Blicero do at the end? Surely you must remember the end!

>> No.10959275

You're a liar, I started the conversation about Pynchon and explained my general feelings about him.

You tried to ask a random question I probably wouldn't remember the details of because you're a childish idiot.

>> No.10959276

Do you have autism or something? So many contradictions you're spewing in this thread.

Chris Chan of /lit/, is that you?

>> No.10959279
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>projecting this hard
>dodging this hard

>> No.10959282

Yeah, I remember a good deal of it but you aren't actually interested in discussing the book. You've made that clear, now you want an honest discussion?

>> No.10959283

You have so many goddamn comma splices in all your posts...
I'm convinced you have some sort of mental problem now. Get help.

You genes are worthless to your precious white race lmao

>> No.10959287

This is not an effective approach. Try to argue in good faith in the future, it'll go a lot farther.

>> No.10959288

>I started the conversation about Pynchon

lmao what you literally just posted in a pynchon thread

>> No.10959289

The jew exposes himself lol. Now we're getting to the root of things aren't me we, rabbi?

>> No.10959291

>outlier jew
lol they guy who says jews do poorly on spatial intelligence, also says a remarkable Jewish filmmaker, a profession where space is paramount, is an "outlier jew".The only thing worse than a racist shit is an autistic racist shit. Kys.

>> No.10959293

Can mods ban all mention of jews until this new moral panic passes?

This shit is embarrassing.

>> No.10959295

I'm Irish, m8...

>> No.10959298

Stop giving that retard attention. He's not going to shut up if you keep talking to him.

>> No.10959299

This post is as sad as it is funny. JIDF d-team tonight, ouch.

>> No.10959302

I think it's just a sperg who had a bad day... now has to shit post to feel better.

>> No.10959307

Goddammit, you're deep into this shit, I didn't even know what JIDF was. Truly autistic levels of racism.

>> No.10959313

Lol, you guys were the pathetic ones in here. Asking gotcha questions, taking the conversation into the depths of nowhere, no arguments beyond baseless accusations of 'you didn't read that!'

It was a pathetic showing on your parts, you have no high ground to claim here.

>> No.10959314

>Joyce, a turd.
Only because you can't hold a fart in your hand lol

>> No.10959315

"Racism" isn't a real word. Glad you know what that means though, welcome to the internet.

>> No.10959322

>"Racism" isn't a real word.
Imagine being this dense. What kind of country are you from, Anon? To whom do we owe the creation of such specimen?

>> No.10959428

Don't speak for me you boring boring person

>> No.10959486

is there an actual mention to metal gear in this book?

>> No.10959496

can someone post that maximalist_books.jpg

>> No.10959523

>thread ruined by the third post
good stuff

>> No.10959562

Define it then

>> No.10959813


heres your (((you)))

but let us all laugh at how wrong you are


No, but really read CoC...
Then The gulag archipelago
then 200 years together...

>> No.10960100

Unironically, good post.

>> No.10961526
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>> No.10961537

autistic reductionism

>> No.10961565

>here read propaganda books funded by the right wing deepstate and CIA, read books made to bait white supremacists

>> No.10961575

>half of an entire community
that's fucking laughable

>> No.10961601

So is the FBI left wing and the CIA right wing? Are they in an internal battle for pure control over the mass collective?

>> No.10961618

DoD+Old CIA+large portions of the DHS, FBI and DEA are hard right. Everything else is up for grabs or is Lib Left Prog like the State Dept, think tanks, most cultural institutes.

>> No.10961873


>Every one who thinks the jews have something to do with the state of affairs in the world is autistic.

this is you, that is how you think, must be nice to live in such a world of absolutes.

>> No.10961880

>must be nice to live in such a world of absolute

lol but that's you
you delegate an entire people based on the actions of those at the top, in a society calibrated by capital, where power corrupts.

you'll find the same corruption at the top of most power structures in humanity.

>> No.10961886


>you'll find (((the same corruption))) at the top of most power structures in humanity.

Annon, see here for a moment I thought you were arguing with me. Phew.

>> No.10961894

Corruption predates Judaism, anon.

It could be a whole lot worse.

>> No.10961910


You said humanity not history, the current corruption is mostly Jewish.

>> No.10961920

"you'll sees"

>> No.10961931

Theres a lot of jews in hollywood which easily sways public opinion. Heck even that recent israel immigrant thing shows how much sway that shithole has. To truly deny jews dont have some major public influence or uncriticized nepotism is pretty silly.

>> No.10961943

Is GR proto-Nick Land?

>> No.10961950

that's not what people are denying, they're rebutting the idea that its significantly more than other interest groups or eclipses the power and agency of the dominant ethnic groups: Anglo-French, Germanics and Han Chinese+Arabs

>> No.10962005

>do the audio books
>tried to do Bleeding edge
>was working in a giant data center at the time
>thought the set and setting would be a nice match to my own life
>old jewess does the narrating
>straight into the trash
>even the reviews section on the site complain about it
>Try GR instead
>Quality sounding narrator
>guys gotta be top 5
>Still put it down at chapter 7
>the farthest so far, but still the third time I've tried to read it.

Should I go on Annons, should I push through? Truly digging Slothrope and all the grimy details, but fuck all mighty does the introduction of new characters stop at some point? Or is that part of pinecones bag of tricks this go round?

>> No.10962021

Perhaps not. They are defintely the least criticized or called out on it unlike most white collectives.

>> No.10962046

This is not true at all. Right means pro white and white nationalist, and no part of the US government has been this since the 60s jewish cultural revolution.

>> No.10962055
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Mason & Dixon is better. Fite me fgts

>> No.10962061

I'm curious... how did she pronounce "hwgaahwgh.com"?

>> No.10962068

Stop shit posting and baiting you autistic faggot.

>> No.10962088

I can imagine /pol/tards really identifying with Pynchon's paranoia and being really repelled by his empathy with minorities, Jews, and (since 1990) women.

I wonder which force is stronger? Any /pol/tard here care to respond?

>> No.10962114


/pol/ is my primary board whats your question though?

Can some one with that ideology identify with pynchons paranoia or does his empathy upset us?

short answer yes, and no

But care to be a bit more specific? I mean I am also aware that any story or media that presents a negative view of the jews simply isn't shown the light of day. So the fact that pynchon plays to that game doesn't surprise me, though I haven't read bleeding edge I have seen threads that discuss it as being pretty blatant in its accusations of (((them))) so I dunno annon. I also try to read things that I disagree with as not to fall into too much of a confirmation biases trap.

>> No.10962124

Your post is largely incoherent. Pynchon has hinted at some interesting stuff about jews, but none of those things are unique to him. Nearly everyone around his age fell for the feminist, minority worship, jews-are-just-like-whites propaganda. TV, which is central to Pynchon's world, brainwashed an entire generation into those self-loathing, utopian ideas and whites are only now with the help of the internet waking up to reality that that was only ever a mediated fantasy created mostly by jews.

>> No.10962136

Please don't encourage them

>> No.10962138

So basically you take what you like and write off the rest as being "a product of its time"?

I can respect that.

>> No.10962146


I'll attest to this, trying to discuss the jews with my boomer parents just ends up in with my mother screaming "we didn't raise you with hate in your heart!"....

They did a number on the children of those who fought in the big war.

>> No.10962156


>you take what you like and write off the rest

I mean, doesn't everyone?

>> No.10962158

Sorry... I was really wondering. And since it's past Three PM, I knew there would be /pol/tards here.

>> No.10962159

most people can sense that you’re a murderous nascent psychopath, you don’t get that its not just “propaganda” you radiate violent, evil intent. The Nazis were rejected precisely because they reeked of bloodlust. There’s no way around this and Jews benefit from the evil of the far right. If any righteous group opposed them they’d have the consent of the majority, but this will never happen because the world is in a deformed age. Jews will continue to be toxic while the right wing only deepens its schizo hatefulness and isolates more people. Eugenics will be subsumed into milquetoast neolib ideology, HBD will be coopted and declawed

>> No.10962175

no Pynch is too warm and talented

>> No.10962176

Not always. A lot of people will try to twist the author's ideas around until they reflect one's own. For example, I read a blog post recently about Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros that claimed it was about white supremacy, which was definitely not Eddison's point.

>> No.10962178

Why do you think it's better?

>> No.10962182


>projecting the post.

Listen annon you don't know shit about shit and thinking I'm violent because I am upset about the jews is just pure brainwashing on your part.

Read Culture of Critic, then read the gulag archipelago, then read 200 years together and some Demons by Dosto, oh wait you wont read anything because your too busy being mad some one could possible be upset about the jews on the internet.

stay salty schlomo, ;)

>> No.10962187

fuck off, nick

>> No.10962192

Are you Jewish?

>> No.10962223

> A lot of people will try to twist the author's ideas around

ah I hear ya, I've seen blogs that claim Edith was raped by Stoner.
>But I'd love to pull the thread discussion back around to GR.

Does it ever come back around to the giant adenoid thing?

>> No.10962231

isn't it uselessees

>> No.10962234

Jews basically told the boomers that "racism" was their new original sin and so they essentially disavowed their entire heritage and their own people thinking they were going to build a diverse post-Christian utopia with free love and no borders, etc. Problem is they lived in 90% white nation and their kids are the ones who now have to deal with the results of beaners everywhere, integrated black dysfunction, and anti-white policies pushed by the jews now at the top. They were pawns of a modern secular religion created by the same jews who pushed Christianity on their ancestors centuries ago.

>> No.10962286
File: 870 KB, 500x707, japanesegr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the nip cover the best cover?

>might get it just for the aesthetic.

>> No.10962323

You convince me, now get out

>> No.10962333

Can we set up a word filter for "jew" so that every time someone writes it it word filters to "I'm a virgin and my personality is toxic"?

>> No.10962356
File: 121 KB, 493x288, maxresdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How fucking new must you be?

It is in fact (You) that has to go back.

>> No.10962405


Lord all mighty, we're all posting on a fucking ultra-right-wing-neo-nazi-Mongolian-basket-weaving-appreciation-text-and-picture-forum-website.

>being so new that your upset about the JQ being discussed on 4chan
>being so new that your fucking explaining how wordfilters work
>being so new that you think any one gives any shit about your worthless posts or opinion.

ty for all the bants, but really you should go back to another website more fit for you, such as reddit, or goodreads.

>> No.10962442


>> No.10962490
File: 46 KB, 450x300, complete_truth_about_de-evolution2__medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is in fact (You) that has to go back

Q: Are we not men?

>> No.10962503


(Oh, wait... that's a /m/ meme...)

>> No.10962535


You seem a little riled up friend. Maybe your girlfriend can give you a hug to make you feel better :)

>> No.10962540
File: 2.90 MB, 500x540, when you multi tab like a pro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A: We are robots.

>> No.10962644

but it's literally about ware being used as an end to a means (technological advancement), and none of the characters can stop it

>> No.10962686
File: 708 KB, 408x303, 152260418ggh2841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ was jokingly right wing then the idiots started to visit them and took over

>> No.10962693

are you a psychopath? do you feel empathy for other humans? do you get excited when you see violence?

>> No.10962707

What an incensed way to deflect a question!

>> No.10962732


You are obviously too upset by any discussion of things that go against years of your jewish programming, and this may be a good time for you to consider finding another place to post, as 4chan is just not for you. Thanks and don't come back! :D

>> No.10963192

>Is GR proto-Nick Land?

what does this even mean?

>> No.10963202


this poster knows what's what.

>> No.10963226

Are you the red haired guy who talks about Pound without having read him lmao

>> No.10963230

/pol/tards never read anything except online summaries. We've established this.